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To do: Add description for all of the functions

The HPL3 SOMA Scripting Api provides general - purpose engine functions which are exposed for the user to use. The functions / constants in this article are divided into topics.

Note icon.png You DO NOT need to #include this file in your script files. You can just call the functions as they are and it will work

Note icon.png It is STRONGLY recommended to use the functions via CodeLite as it provides documentation and is much easier to navigate and use.

Constant Summary

Return Type Function and Description
cColor cColor_Blue
The RGBA value of blue.
cColor cColor_Green
The RGBA value of green.
cColor cColor_Red
The RGBA value of red.
cColor cColor_White
The RGBA value of white.
float cMath_Epsilon
The value of correction for small floating point numbers.
float cMath_Pi
Approximate value of pi.
float cMath_PiDiv2
Approximate value of pi divided by 2.
float cMath_PiDiv4
Approximate value of pi divided by 4.
float cMath_PiMul2
Approximate value of pi multiplied by 2.
float cMath_Sqrt2
Approximate value of the square root of 2
cMatrixf cMatrixf_Identity
The identity matrix.
cMatrixf cMatrixf_Zero
A zero-filled matrix.
cQuaternion cQuaternion_Identity
The quaternion identity.
cVector2f cVector2f_Down
The down-facing 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_Left
The left-facing 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_MinusOne
A negative-one-filled 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_One
A one-filled 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_Right
The right-facing 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_Up
The up-facing 2D vector.
cVector2f cVector2f_Zero
A zero-filled 2D vector.
cVector2l cVector2l_MinusOne
A negative-one-filled 2D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Back
The backward-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Down
The down-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Forward
The forward-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Left
The left-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_MinusOne
A negative-one-filled 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_One
A one-filled 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Right
The right-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Up
The up-facing 3D vector.
cVector3f cVector3f_Zero
A zero-filled 3D vector.
cVector4f cVector4f_MinusOne
A negative-one-filled 4D vector.
cVector4f cVector4f_One
A one-filled 4D vector.
cVector4f cVector4f_Zero
A zero-filled 4D vector.
tID tID_Invalid
The static value of an invalid tID.

Constant Detail


const cColor cColor_Blue = cColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)

The RGBA value of blue.


const cColor cColor_Green = cColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The RGBA value of green.


const cColor cColor_Red = cColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The RGBA value of red.


const cColor cColor_White = cColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

The RGBA value of white.


const float cMath_Epsilon = 0.0001

The value of correction for small floating point numbers.

When two floats are subtracted, floating point errors can make the result not exact. (i.e. 3.0 - 2.0 == 1.0 may not strictly be true.) As such, if the difference between two floats is less than the value of cMath_Epsilon, those two floats can be considered equal.


const float cMath_Pi = 3.141593

Approximate value of pi.


const float cMath_PiDiv2

Approximate value of pi divided by 2.


const float cMath_PiDiv4

Approximate value of pi divided by 4.


const float cMath_PiMul2

Approximate value of pi multiplied by 2.


const float cMath_Sqrt2

Approximate value of the square root of 2.


const cMatrixf cMatrixf_Identity = cMatrixf(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                            0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                            0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
                                            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The identity matrix.


const cMatrixf cMatrixf_Zero = cMatrixf(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

A zero-filled matrix.


const cQuaternion cQuaternion_Identity = cQuaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The quaternion identity.


const cVector2f cVector2f_Down = cVector2f(0.0, -1.0)

The down-facing 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_Left = cVector2f(-1.0, 0.0)

The left-facing 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_MinusOne = cVector2f(-1.0, -1.0)

A negative-one-filled 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_One = cVector2f(1.0, 1.0)

A one-filled 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_Right = cVector2f(1.0, 0.0)

The right-facing 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_Up = cVector2f(0.0, 1.0)

The up-facing 2D vector.


const cVector2f cVector2f_Zero = cVector2f(0.0, 0.0)

A zero-filled 2D vector.


const cVector2l cVector2l_MinusOne = cVector2l(-1, -1)

A negative-one-filled 2D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Back = cVector3f(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)

The backward-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Down = cVector3f(0.0, -1.0, 0.0)

The down-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Forward = cVector3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

The forward-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Left = cVector3f(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

The left-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_MinusOne = cVector3f(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)

A negative-one-filled 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_One = cVector3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

A one-filled 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Right = cVector3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

The right-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Up = cVector3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

The up-facing 3D vector.


const cVector3f cVector3f_Zero = cVector3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

A zero-filled 3D vector.


const cVector4f cVector4f_MinusOne = cVector4f(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0)

A negative-one-filled 4D vector.


const cVector4f cVector4f_One = cVector4f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

A one-filled 4D vector.


const cVector4f cVector4f_Zero = cVector4f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

A zero-filled 4D vector.


const tID tID_Invalid

The static value of an invalid tID.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Billboard_SetBrightness const tString &in asBillboardName,
float afBrightness
void Billboard_SetRangeMax const tString &in asBillboardName,
float afRangeStart,
float afRangeEnd
void Billboard_SetRangeMin const tString &in asBillboardName,
float afRangeStart,
float afRangeEnd
void Billboard_SetReflectionVisibility const tString &in asBillboardName,
bool abVisibleInReflection,
bool abVisibleInWorld
void Billboard_SetVisible const tString &in asBillboardName,
bool abVisible
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Body_AddForce const tString &in asBodyName,
const cVector3f &in avForce,
bool abLocalSpace
void Body_AddImpulse const tString &in asBodyName,
const cVector3f &in avImpulse,
bool abLocalSpace
tString Body_GetEntityName const tString &in asBodyName
void Body_SetCollides const tString &in asBodyName,
bool abCollides
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Button_Blink const tString& asName
bool Button_IsDisabled const tString& asName
bool Button_IsLocked const tString& asName
bool Button_IsSwitchedOn const tString& asName
void Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOff const tString& asName,
bool abState
void Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOn const tString& asName,
bool abState
void Button_SetDisabled const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abUseEffects = true
void Button_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abUseEffects = true
void Button_SetSwitchedOn const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abEffects
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
cEventDatabase@ cAI_CreateEventDatabase const tString &in asName
void cAI_DestroyEventDatabase cEventDatabase @apDB
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void cEngine_Exit
float cEngine_GetAvgFrameTimeInMS
float cEngine_GetAvgLogicFrameTimeMS
float cEngine_GetAvgRenderFrameTimeMS
float cEngine_GetAvgVariableFrameTimeMS
float cEngine_GetFPS
void cEngine_GetFPSMinMax float &out afMin,
float &out afMax
float cEngine_GetFPSUpdateRate
float cEngine_GetFrameTime
void cEngine_GetFrameTimeMinMax float &out afMin,
float &out afMax
double cEngine_GetGameTime
bool cEngine_GetLimitFPS
float cEngine_GetMaxMS
float cEngine_GetMinMS
uint cEngine_GetPerFrameUpdateSteps
uint cEngine_GetSceneRenderFlags
float cEngine_GetStepSize
int cEngine_GetUpdatesPerSec
bool cEngine_GetWaitIfAppOutOfFocus
void cEngine_ResetLogicTimer
void cEngine_SetAllGlobalUpdatersPaused bool abPaused
void cEngine_SetAllUpdatersPaused const tString &in asContainer,
bool abPaused
void cEngine_SetFPSUpdateRate float afSec
void cEngine_SetGlobalUpdaterPaused const tString &in asUpdate,
bool abPaused
void cEngine_SetLimitFPS bool abX
void cEngine_SetSceneRenderFlags uint alFlags
void cEngine_SetUpdaterPaused const tString &in asContainer,
const tString &in asUpdate,
bool abPaused
void cEngine_SetUpdatesPerSec int alUpdatesPerSec
void cEngine_SetWaitIfAppOutOfFocus bool abX
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
float cGenerate_FractalNoise1D float afX,
const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams
float cGenerate_FractalNoise2D const cVector2f &in avPos,
const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams
float cGenerate_FractalNoise3D const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine1D float afX
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine2D const cVector2f &in avPos
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic1D float afX
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic2D const cVector2f &in avPos
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin1D float afX
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin2D const cVector2f &in avPos
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin3D const cVector3f &in avPos
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
iDepthStencilBuffer@ cGraphics_CreateDepthStencilBuffer const cVector2l &in avSize,
int alDepthBits,
int alStencilBits,
bool abLookForMatchingFirst
iFrameBuffer@ cGraphics_CreateFrameBuffer const tString &in asName
iGpuProgram@ cGraphics_CreateGpuProgram const tString &in asName
iGpuProgram@ cGraphics_CreateGpuProgramFromShaders const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asVtxShader,
const tString &in asFragShader,
cPrepParserVarContainer @apVarContainer
cHeightMap@ cGraphics_CreateHeightMap
cHeightMap@ cGraphics_CreateHeightMapResizedCopy cHeightMap @apHeightMap,
const cVector2l &in avSize
cPostEffect_ChromaticAberration@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ChromaticAberration
cPostEffect_ImageFadeFX@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ImageFadeFX
cPostEffect_ImageTrail@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ImageTrail
cPostEffect_RadialBlur@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_RadialBlur
cPostEffect_ToneMapping@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ToneMapping
cPostEffect_VideoDistortion@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_VideoDistortion
cPostEffectComposite@ cGraphics_CreatePostEffectComposite
iTexture@ cGraphics_CreateTexture const tString &in asName,
eTextureType aType,
eTextureUsage aUsage
void cGraphics_DestoroyDepthStencilBuffer iDepthStencilBuffer@ apBuffer
void cGraphics_DestroyFrameBuffer iFrameBuffer@ apFrameBuffer
void cGraphics_DestroyGpuProgram iGpuProgram@ apProgram
void cGraphics_DestroyHeightMap cHeightMap@ apHeightMap
void cGraphics_DestroyPostEffect iPostEffect@ apPostEffect
void cGraphics_DestroyPostEffectComposite cPostEffectComposite@ apComposite
void cGraphics_DestroyTexture iTexture@ apTexture
iDepthStencilBuffer@ cGraphics_FindDepthStencilBuffer const cVector2l &in avSize,
int alMinDepthBits,
int alMinStencilBits
iLowLevelGraphics@ cGraphics_GetLowLevel
iMaterialType@ cGraphics_GetMaterialType const tString &in asName
iRenderer@ cGraphics_GetRenderer eRenderer aType
iFrameBuffer@ cGraphics_GetTempFrameBuffer const cVector2l &in avSize,
ePixelFormat aPixelFormat,
int alIndex
cHeightMap@ cGraphics_LoadHeightMapPackedRGB const tString &in asFileName
cHeightMap@ cGraphics_LoadHeightMapRaw const tString &in asFileName,
const cVector2l &in avSize
void cGraphics_ReloadMaterials
void cGraphics_ReloadRendererData
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxFilledRect const cColor &in aColor,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxImage const tString &in asFile,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxImage const tString &in asFile,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial,
const cColor &in aColor
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxImageBuffer const tString &in asFile,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial,
bool abCreateAnimation,
const cColor &in aColor
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxTexture const tString &in asFile,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial,
eTextureType aTextureType
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxTexture const tString &in asFile,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial,
eTextureType aTextureType,
const cColor &in aColor,
bool abMipMaps
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxTexture iTexture @apTexture,
bool abAutoDestroyTexture,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial
cGuiGfxElement@ cGui_CreateGfxTexture iTexture @apTexture,
bool abAutoDestroyTexture,
eGuiMaterial aMaterial,
const cColor &in aColor,
const cVector2f &in avStartUV,
const cVector2f &in avEndUV
cImGui@ cGui_CreateImGui const tString &in asName,
cGuiSet @apSet
cGuiSet@ cGui_CreateSet const tString &in asName,
cGuiSkin @apSkin
cGuiSkin@ cGui_CreateSkin const tString &in asFile
void cGui_DestroyGfx cGuiGfxElement@ apGfx
void cGui_DestroyImGui cImGui@ apImGui
void cGui_DestroySet cGuiSet @apSet
cGuiSet@ cGui_GetFocusedSet
void cGui_GetImGuiIdFromName const tString& asName
void cGui_GetImGuiStateVarString eImGuiStateVar aVar
cGuiSet@ cGui_GetSetFromName const tString &in asName
void cGui_SetFocus cGuiSet@ apSet
void cGui_SetFocusByName const tString &in asSetName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool cInput_BecameTriggered const tString &in asName
bool cInput_BecameTriggered int alId
bool cInput_CheckForInput
cAction@ cInput_CreateAction const tString &in asName,
int alId
void cInput_DestroyAction cAction @apAction
bool cInput_DoubleTriggered const tString &in asName,
float afLimit
bool cInput_DoubleTriggered int alId,
float afLimit
cAction@ cInput_GetAction const tString &in asName
cAction@ cInput_GetAction int alId
iEyeTracker@ cInput_GetEyeTracker
iKeyboard@ cInput_GetKeyboard
iMouse@ cInput_GetMouse
iSubAction@ cInput_InputToSubAction
bool cInput_IsTriggered const tString &in asName
bool cInput_IsTriggered int alId
void cInput_ResetActionsToCurrentState
void cInput_Update float afX
bool cInput_WasTriggered const tString &in asName
bool cInput_WasTriggered int alId
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void cLux_AddAreaType const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asScriptFile,
const tString &in asScriptClass,
bool abForceFullGameSave
void cLux_AddCritterType const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asScriptFile,
const tString &in asScriptClass,
bool abForceFullGameSave
void cLux_AddDebugMessage const tString &in asText,
bool abCheckForDuplicates
void cLux_AddDebugMessage const tString &in asText
void cLux_AddEntityToInteractionWhiteList iLuxEntity@ apEntity
void cLux_AddLiquidAreaType const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asScriptFile,
const tString &in asScriptClass,
bool abForceFullGameSave
void cLux_AddModule const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asScriptFile,
const tString &in asScriptClass,
int alId,
bool abIsGlobal,
const tString &in sContainer,
bool abUseInputCallbacks
void cLux_AddPropType const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asScriptFile,
const tString &in asScriptClass,
bool abForceFullGameSave
void cLux_AddTodoMessage const tString &in asText,
bool abCheckForDuplicates
void cLux_AddTodoMessage const tString &in asText
bool cLux_ApplyUserConfig
bool cLux_CanContinue
void cLux_ChangeMap const tString &in asMapName,
const tString &in asStartPos,
const tString &in asTransferArea,
const tString &in asStartSound,
const tString &in asEndSound
bool cLux_CheckLineOfSight const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avEnd,
bool abCheckOnlyShadowCasters,
bool abCheckOnlyStatic,
iLuxEntity@ apSkipEntity = null
void cLux_CleanupData
void cLux_Continue
cLuxBackboneTail@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_BackboneTail iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxBarkMachine@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_BarkMachine iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxCharMover@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_CharMover iLuxEntity @apEntity,
iCharacterBody @apCharBody
cLuxEdgeGlow@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_EdgeGlow iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxForceEmitter@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_ForceEmitter iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxHeadTracker@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_HeadTracker iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxLightSensor@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_LightSensor iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxPathfinder@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_Pathfinder iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxSoundListener@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_SoundListener iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxStateMachine@ cLux_CreateEntityComponent_StateMachine iLuxEntity @apEntity
tString cLux_CreateHTMLImage const tString &in asSrc,
const tString &in asTitle = "",
const cVector2l &in avSize = cVector2l_MinusOne
tString cLux_CreateHTMLParagraph const tString &in asContent
tString cLux_CreateHTMLTag const tString &in asTag,
const tString &in asContent = "",
const tString &in asParams = ""
cLuxScriptImGui@ cLux_CreateScriptImGui const tString &in asName,
bool abRegisterForDrawing,
bool abSkipResetOnRegistration = true
bool cLux_DebugModeOn
void cLux_DecUnderwaterEffectUserCount
void cLux_DeloadMap const tString &in asTransferArea
float cLux_DrawDebugText const tString &in asText,
float afY,
float afSize = 14,
cColor aColor = cColor,
bool abAddNewLine = true
void cLux_DrawHint cImGui @apImGui,
float afTimeStep,
const cImGuiLabelData &in aLabel,
const cVector3f &in avPosition,
float afLineWidth,
float afLineSpacing
void cLux_DrawScreenText cImGui @apImGui,
float afTimeStep,
const cImGuiLabelData &in aLabel,
const cVector3f &in avPosition,
float afLineWidth,
float afLineSpacing
void cLux_DrawSetToScreen bool abClearScreen,
const cColor &in aCol,
cGuiSet@ apSet
void cLux_DropPageFocus const tString &in asX
void cLux_Exit
iLuxAchievementHandler@ cLux_GetAchievementHandler
iLuxEntity@ cLux_GetBodyEntity iPhysicsBody @apBody
iPhysicsBody@ cLux_GetClosestBody const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength,
float &out afDistance,
cVector3f &out avSurfaceNormal
bool cLux_GetClosestCharCollider const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength,
bool abCheckDynamic,
cLuxClosestCharCollider @apOutput
bool cLux_GetClosestEntity const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength,
int alIteractType,
bool abCheckLineOfSight,
cLuxClosestEntityData @apOutput
cImGui@ cLux_GetCurrentImGui
const tString& cLux_GetCurrentLanguage
cLuxMap@ cLux_GetCurrentMap
tWString cLux_GetCurrentUserProfilePath
iFontData@ cLux_GetDefaultFont
tString cLux_GetDefaultGameLanguage
cLuxDialogHandler@ cLux_GetDialogHandler
cLuxEffectHandler@ cLux_GetEffectHandler
cLuxEventDatabaseHandler@ cLux_GetEventDatabaseHandler
bool cLux_GetExplorationModeActive
cConfigFile@ cLux_GetGameConfig
cImGui@ cLux_GetGameHudImGui
cGuiSet@ cLux_GetGameHudSet
tString cLux_GetGameLanguageFolder
bool cLux_GetGamePaused
double cLux_GetGameTime
bool cLux_GetGodModeActivated
cLuxGuiHandler@ cLux_GetGuiHandler
cGuiSet@ cLux_GetHelpGuiSet
const cVector2f& cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterScreenSize
const cVector3f& cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterScreenStartPos
const cVector2f& cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterSize
const cVector2f& cLux_GetHudVirtualOffset
const cVector2f& cLux_GetHudVirtualSize
const cVector3f& cLux_GetHudVirtualStartPos
cImGui@ cLux_GetInputFocusImGui
cLuxInputHandler@ cLux_GetInputHandler
bool cLux_GetInteractionWhiteListActive
cConfigFile@ cLux_GetKeyConfig
float cLux_GetLightLevelAtPos const cVector3f &in avPos,
iLight @apSkipLight,
float afRadiusAdd
const tString& cLux_GetMainMenuFile
cLuxMusicHandler@ cLux_GetMusicHandler
cLuxPlayer@ cLux_GetPlayer
cLuxMap@ cLux_GetPreloadMap
cImGui@ cLux_GetPrevInputFocusImGui
bool cLux_GetSaveConfigAtExit
cLuxSaveHandler@ cLux_GetSaveHandler
cLuxSoundscapeHandler@ cLux_GetSoundscapeHandler
float cLux_GetStringDuration const tWString &in asStr
tWString cLux_GetStringWFromDate const cDate &in aDate
bool cLux_GetSupportExplorationMode
void cLux_GetTextCatAndEntryFromString const tString &in asData,
tString &out asOutCat,
tString &out asOutEntry
bool cLux_GetUnderwaterEffectsActive
cConfigFile@ cLux_GetUserConfig
iScrUserModule_Interface@ cLux_GetUserModuleFromID int alID
iScrUserModule_Interface@ cLux_GetUserModuleFromName const tString &in asName
cViewport@ cLux_GetViewport
cLuxVoiceHandler@ cLux_GetVoiceHandler
bool cLux_HasConfigLoadError tString &out asError
bool cLux_HasTranslation const tString &in asCat,
const tString &in asEntry
bool cLux_HasUnderwaterEffectUsers
cLuxAgent@ cLux_ID_Agent tID aID
cLuxArea@ cLux_ID_Area tID aID
cBeam@ cLux_ID_Beam tID aID
cBillboard@ cLux_ID_Billboard tID aID
cBillboardGroup@ cLux_ID_BillboardGroup tID aID
iPhysicsBody@ cLux_ID_Body tID aID
iCharacterBody@ cLux_ID_CharacterBody tID aID
cClothEntity@ cLux_ID_ClothEntity tID aID
cLuxCritter@ cLux_ID_Critter tID aID
iLuxEntity@ cLux_ID_Entity tID aID
iEntity3D@ cLux_ID_Entity3D tID aID
cExposureArea@ cLux_ID_ExposureArea tID aID
cFogArea@ cLux_ID_FogArea tID aID
cForceField@ cLux_ID_ForceField tID aID
cGuiSetEntity@ cLux_ID_GuiSetEntity tID aID
iPhysicsJoint@ cLux_ID_Joint tID aID
cLensFlare@ cLux_ID_LensFlare tID aID
iLight@ cLux_ID_Light tID aID
cLightMaskBox@ cLux_ID_LightMaskBox tID aID
cLuxLiquidArea@ cLux_ID_LiquidArea tID aID
cMeshEntity@ cLux_ID_MeshEntity tID aID
cParticleSystem@ cLux_ID_ParticleSystem tID aID
cLuxProp@ cLux_ID_Prop tID aID
cLuxSoundscapeArea@ cLux_ID_ReverbArea tID aID
iRopeEntity@ cLux_ID_RopeEntity tID aID
cSoundEntity@ cLux_ID_SoundEntity tID aID
cSubMeshEntity@ cLux_ID_SubMeshEntity tID aID
void cLux_IncUnderwaterEffectUserCount
bool cLux_IsChangingMap
bool cLux_IsLoadingScreenVisible
bool cLux_IsPlayGoReady int &out alETA
bool cLux_IsReadyToChangeMap
bool cLux_IsStreamingMap
void cLux_LoadScreenSetBarPosAndSize const cVector2f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
void cLux_LoadScreenSetForceBackground bool abX
void cLux_LoadScreenSetUseSmallIcon bool abX
void cLux_LoadScreenShowLoadingIcon float afTime
bool cLux_MapChangeIsTransfer
bool cLux_MapIsLoaded
void cLux_OutputTextToFile const tWString &in asPath,
const tString &in asText
tWString cLux_ParseString const tWString &in asInput
void cLux_ParseStringIntoScreenText const tWString &in asInput,
cImGui @apImGui,
const cLuxScreenTextFormatParameters &aFormatParams,
float &out afMaxLineHeight,
float &out afDisplayTime,
bool abTriggeredByGamepad
bool cLux_PlayGuiSoundData tString &in asName,
eSoundEntryType aDestType,
float afVolMul,
bool abSkipPreviousRandom
bool cLux_PlayGuiSoundDataEx const tString &in asName,
eSoundEntryType aDestType,
float afVolMul,
bool abSkipPreviousRandom,
cLuxSoundExtraData @apExtraData
void cLux_PreloadEntity const tString &in asFile
void cLux_PreloadGuiGfx const tString &in asFile,
eImGuiGfx aType
void cLux_PreloadMap const tString &in asMapName,
eWorldStreamPriority aPrio = eWorldStreamPriority_Normal
void cLux_PreloadMaterial const tString &in asFile
void cLux_PreloadParticleSystem const tString &in asFile
void cLux_PreloadSound const tString &in asFile
void cLux_PreloadWebpage const tString &in asX
void cLux_RegisterCollisionRadius int alX
void cLux_RegisterEventListenerUserModule_AgentSetActive const tString &in asModuleName
void cLux_RenderBackgroundScreen bool abDrawFullHUD
void cLux_ResetShudderEffects int alX
void cLux_SaveScreenshotToFile const tWString &in asPath,
const cVector2l &in avSize = cVector2l_MinusOne,
bool abKeepAspect = true,
float afBrightness = 1.0f
bool cLux_ScriptDebugOn
void cLux_SendInputToGui bool abX
void cLux_SetAreaOffline int alX
void cLux_SetDebugInfoWindowText const tString &in asText
void cLux_SetExplorationModeActive bool abX
void cLux_SetGamePaused bool abX
void cLux_SetImGuiInputFocus cImGui@ apImGui,
bool abShowMouse
void cLux_SetInteractionWhiteListActive bool abX,
bool abClearList
void cLux_SetMapPreloadPriority eWorldStreamPriority aPrio
void cLux_SetUnderwaterEffectsActive bool abX,
bool abUseStartAndEndEffects
void cLux_SetupDefaultGlobalReverb eSoundReverbPreset aType,
float afFadeTime
void cLux_ShapeDamage int aShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
const cVector3f &in avOrigin,
float afMinDamage,
float afMaxDamage,
float afForce,
float afMaxImpulse,
int alStrength,
float afHitSpeed,
int aDamageType,
bool abCheckEnemies,
bool abCheckPlayer,
bool abCheckProps,
bool abLethalForPlayer,
const tString &in asSource
void cLux_ShapeDamage iCollideShape@ aShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
const cVector3f &in avOrigin,
float afMinDamage,
float afMaxDamage,
float afForce,
float afMaxImpulse,
int alStrength,
float afHitSpeed,
int aDamageType,
bool abCheckEnemies,
bool abCheckPlayer,
bool abCheckProps,
bool abLethalForPlayer,
const tString &in asSource
void cLux_StartMap const tString &in asMapName
void cLux_StartNewGame
bool cLux_TestModeOn
cLuxAgent@ cLux_ToAgent iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxArea@ cLux_ToArea iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxCritter@ cLux_ToCritter iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxLiquidArea@ cLux_ToLiquidArea iLuxEntity @apEntity
cLuxProp@ cLux_ToProp iLuxEntity @apEntity
const tWString& cLux_Translate const tString &in asCat,
const tString &in asEntry
void cLux_TruncateTextFile const tWString &in asPath,
const tString &in asPattern,
int alTimes
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
float cMath_Abs float afX
int cMath_Abs int alX
float cMath_ACos float afX
float cMath_ASin float afX
float cMath_ATan float afX
float cMath_ATan2 float afY,
float afX
bool cMath_CheckAABBInside const cVector3f &in avInsideMin,
const cVector3f &in avInsideMax,
const cVector3f &in avOutsideMin,
const cVector3f &in avOutsideMax
bool cMath_CheckAABBIntersection cVector3f &in avMin1,
const cVector3f &in avMax1,
const cVector3f &in avMin2,
const cVector3f &in avMax2
bool cMath_CheckAABBLineIntersection cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
const cVector3f &in avLineStart,
const cVector3f &in avLineEnd,
cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos,
float &out afT
bool cMath_CheckAABBSphereCollision const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
const cVector3f &in avCenter,
float afRadius
bool cMath_CheckBVIntersection cBoundingVolume@+ aBV1,
cBoundingVolume@+ aBV2
bool cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision const cPlanef &in aPlane,
const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
const cVector3f &in avSphereCenter,
float afSphereRadius
bool cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision const cPlanef &in aPlane,
const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax
bool cMath_CheckPlaneBVCollision const cPlanef &in aPlane,
cBoundingVolume@+ aBV
bool cMath_CheckPlaneLineIntersection const cPlanef &in aPlane,
const cVector3f &in avLineStart,
const cVector3f &in avLineEnd,
cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos,
float &out afT
bool cMath_CheckPlaneSphereCollision const cPlanef &in aPlane,
const cVector3f &in avCenter,
float afRadius
bool cMath_CheckPointInAABBIntersection const cVector3f &in avPoint,
const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax
bool cMath_CheckPointInBVIntersection const cVector3f &in avPoint,
cBoundingVolume@+ aBV
bool cMath_CheckPointInRectIntersection const cVector2f &in avPoint,
const cRect2f &in aRect
bool cMath_CheckPointInSphereIntersection const cVector3f &in avPoint,
const cVector3f &in avSpherePos,
float afSphereRadius
bool cMath_CheckRectFit const cRect2l &in aRectSrc,
const cRect2l &in aRectDest
bool cMath_CheckRectFit const cRect2f &in aRectSrc,
const cRect2f &in aRectDest
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection const cRect2l &in aRect1,
const cRect2l &in aRect2
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection const cRect2f &in aRect1,
const cRect2f &in aRect2
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection const cVector2l &in avMin1,
const cVector2l &in avMax1,
const cVector2l &in avMin2,
const cVector2l &in avMax2
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection const cVector2f &in avMin1,
const cVector2f &in avMax1,
const cVector2f &in avMin2,
const cVector2f &in avMax2
bool cMath_CheckSphereIntersection const cVector3f &in avPosA,
float afRadiusA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB,
float afRadiusB
bool cMath_CheckSphereLineIntersection const cVector3f &in avSpherePos,
float afSphereRadius,
const cVector3f &in avLineStart,
const cVector3f &in avLineEnd,
float &out afT1,
cVector3f &out afIntersection1,
float &out afT2,
cVector3f &out avIntersection2
float cMath_Clamp float afX,
float afMin,
float afMax
int cMath_Clamp int alX,
int alMin,
int alMax
float cMath_Cos float afX
float cMath_Easing eEasing aType,
float afT,
float afMin = 0,
float afMax = 1
cVector3f cMath_ExpandAABBMax const cVector3f &in avBaseMax,
const cVector3f &in avAddMax
cVector3f cMath_ExpandAABBMin const cVector3f &in avBaseMin,
const cVector3f &in avAddMin
float cMath_FastRandomFloat int alSeed
float cMath_GetAngleDistance float afAngle1,
float afAngle2,
float afMaxAngle
float cMath_GetAngleDistanceDeg float afAngle1,
float afAngle2
float cMath_GetAngleDistanceRad float afAngle1,
float afAngle2
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2f const cVector2f &in avAngle1,
const cVector2f &in avAngle2,
float afMaxAngle
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fDeg const cVector2f &in avAngle1,
const cVector2f &in avAngle2
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fRad const cVector2f &in avAngle1,
const cVector2f &in avAngle2
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3f const cVector3f &in avAngle1,
const cVector3f &in avAngle2,
float afMaxAngle
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fDeg const cVector3f &in avAngle1,
const cVector3f &in avAngle2
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fRad const cVector3f &in avAngle1,
const cVector3f &in avAngle2
float cMath_GetAngleFromPoints2D const cVector2f &in aStartPos,
const cVector2f &in avGoalPos
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleFromPoints3D const cVector3f &in avStartPos,
const cVector3f &in avGoalPos
void cMath_GetAngleFromVector const cVector2f &in avVec,
float &out afAngle,
float &out afLength
int cMath_GetBit int alBitNum
bool cMath_GetBitFlag int alFlagNum,
int alBit
cRect2f cMath_GetClipRect const cRect2f &in aRectSrc,
const cRect2f &in aRectDest
void cMath_GetClipRectFromBV ,
cBoundingVolume@+ aBV,
cFrustum@+ apFrustum,
const cVector2l &in avScreenSize
cRect2l cMath_GetClipRectFromNormalizedMinMax const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
const cVector2l &in avScreenSize
cRect2l cMath_GetClipRectFromSphere const cVector3f &in avPosition,
float afRadius,
cFrustum@+ apFrustum,
const cVector2l &in avScreenSize,
bool abPositionIsScreenSpace
float cMath_GetCorrectSignOfSpeed float afCurrent,
float afDest,
float afSpeed
float cMath_GetFraction float afVal
bool cMath_GetNormalizedClipRectFromBV ,
cVector3f &out avDestMax,
cBoundingVolume@+ aBV,
cFrustum@+ aFrustum
cVector3f cMath_GetPoint3DFromSphericalCoords const cVector3f &in avSphCenter,
float afSphRadius,
const cVector2f &in avSphCoords
cVector2f cMath_GetSphericalCoordsFromPoint3D const cVector3f &in avSphCenter,
const cVector3f &in avPoint
cVector2f cMath_GetVectorFromAngle2D float afAngle,
float afLength
cColor cMath_HexToRGB const tString &in asHex
cColor cMath_HexWToRGB const tWString &in asHex
cColor cMath_HSBToRGB const cVector3f &in avHSB
float cMath_IncreaseTo float afX,
float afAdd,
float afDest
float cMath_InterpolateCosine float afA,
float afB,
float afT
float cMath_InterpolateCubic float afX0,
float afX1,
float afX2,
float afX3,
float afT
float cMath_InterpolateHermite float afX0,
float afX1,
float afX2,
float afX3,
float afT,
float afTension,
float afBias
float cMath_InterpolateLinear float afA,
float afB,
float afT
float cMath_InterpolateSigmoid float afA,
float afB,
float afT
bool cMath_IsPow2 int alX
float cMath_Log float afX
int cMath_Log2ToInt int alX
cVector3f cMath_MatrixEulerAngleDistance const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixInverse const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixMul const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMul const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cVector3f &in avB
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMul3x3 const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cVector3f &in avB
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMulDivideW const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cVector3f &in avB
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixMulScalar const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
float afB
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixOrthographicProjection float afNearClipPlane,
float afFarClipPlane,
const cVector2f &in avViewSize
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixPerspectiveProjection float afNearClipPlane,
float afFarClipPlane,
float afFOV,
float afAspect,
bool abInfFarPlane
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixPlaneMirror const cPlanef &in aPlane
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixQuaternion const cQuaternion &in aqRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateX float afAngle
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateXYZ const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateXZY const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateY float afAngle
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateYXZ const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateYZX const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZ float afAngle
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZXY const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZYX const cVector3f &in avRot
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixScale const cVector3f &in avScale
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixSlerp float afT,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB,
bool abShortestPath
cVector3f cMath_MatrixToEulerAngles const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA
cVector3f cMath_MatrixToEulerAnglesMultiSolution const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
cVector3f &out avSolution1,
cVector3f &out avSolution2
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixTranslate const cVector3f &in avTrans
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixUnitVectors const cVector3f &in avRight,
const cVector3f &in avUp,
const cVector3f &in avForward,
const cVector3f &in avTranslate
float cMath_Max float afX,
float afY
int cMath_Max int alX,
int alY
float cMath_Min float afX,
float afY
int cMath_Min int alX,
int alY
float cMath_Modulus float afDividend,
float afDivisor
float cMath_PlaneDot const cPlanef &in aPlaneA,
const cPlanef &in aPlaneB
bool cMath_PlaneIntersectionPoint const cPlanef &in aP1,
const cPlanef &in aP2,
const cPlanef &in aP3,
cVector3f &in avPoint
bool cMath_PlaneParallel const cPlanef &in aPlaneA,
const cPlanef &in aPlaneB
float cMath_PlaneToPointDist const cPlanef &in aPlane,
const cVector3f &in avVec
float cMath_Pow float afX,
float afExp
int cMath_Pow2 int alX
cMatrixf cMath_ProjectionMatrixObliqueNearClipPlane const cMatrixf &in a_mtxProjMatrix,
const cPlanef &in aClipPlane
cVector2f cMath_ProjectVector2D const cVector2f &in avSrcVec,
const cVector2f &in avDestVec
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionConjugate const cQuaternion &in aqA
float cMath_QuaternionDot const cQuaternion &in aqA,
const cQuaternion &in aqB
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionEuler const cVector3f &in avEuler,
eEulerRotationOrder aOrder
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionInverse const cQuaternion &in aqA
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionLerp float afT,
const cQuaternion &in aqA,
const cQuaternion &in aqB
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionMul const cQuaternion &in aqA,
const cQuaternion &in aqB
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionNlerp float afT,
const cQuaternion &in aqA,
const cQuaternion &in aqB
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionNormalize const cQuaternion &in aqA
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionSlerp float afT,
const cQuaternion &in aqA,
const cQuaternion &in aqB,
bool abShortestPath
cVector2f cMath_RandomCircleEdgePoint float afRadius
void cMath_Randomize int alSeed
cColor cMath_RandRectColor const cColor &in aMin,
const cColor &in aMax
float cMath_RandRectf float alMin,
float alMax
int cMath_RandRectl int alMin,
int alMax
cVector2f cMath_RandRectVector2f const cVector2f &in avMin,
const cVector2f &in avMax
cVector3f cMath_RandRectVector3f const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax
tString cMath_RGBToHex const cColor &in aRGB
tWString cMath_RGBToHexW const cColor &in aRGB
cVector3f cMath_RGBToHSB const cColor &in aX
float cMath_Round float afVal
float cMath_RoundFloatToDecimals float afVal,
int alPrecision
int cMath_RoundToInt float afVal
cVector2l cMath_RoundToInt const cVector2f &in avX
cVector3l cMath_RoundToInt const cVector3f &in avX
void cMath_SetBitFlag int &out alFlagNum,
int alBit,
bool abSet
float cMath_SigmoidCurve float afX
float cMath_Sign float afX
int cMath_Sign int alX
float cMath_Sin float afX
float cMath_Sqrt float afX
float cMath_Tan float afX
float cMath_ToDeg float afAngle
float cMath_ToRad float afAngle
cPlanef cMath_TransformPlane const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
const cPlanef &in aPlane
float cMath_TurnAngle float afAngle,
float afFinalAngle,
float afSpeed,
float afMaxAngle
float cMath_TurnAngleDeg float afAngle,
float afFinalAngle,
float afSpeed
float cMath_TurnAngleRad float afAngle,
float afFinalAngle,
float afSpeed
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Abs const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2CatmullRom const cVector2f &in avP0,
const cVector2f &in avP1,
const cVector2f &in avP2,
const cVector2f &in avP3,
float afFract
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Ceil const cVector2f &in avVec
float cMath_Vector2Dist const cVector2f &in avPosA,
const cVector2f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistSqr const cVector2f &in avPosA,
const cVector2f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrXY const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrXZ const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrYZ const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistXY const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistXZ const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2DistYZ const cVector3f &in avPosA,
const cVector3f &in avPosB
float cMath_Vector2Dot const cVector2f &in avPosA,
const cVector2f &in avPosB
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Floor const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2IncreaseTo const cVector2f &in avX,
const cVector2f &in avAdd,
const cVector2f &in avDest
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Max const cVector2f &in avVecA,
const cVector2f &in avVecB
float cMath_Vector2MaxElement const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Min const cVector2f &in avVecA,
const cVector2f &in avVecB
float cMath_Vector2MinElement const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Normalize const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Rotate const cVector2f &in avVec,
float afAngle
cVector2f cMath_Vector2ToDeg const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector2f cMath_Vector2ToRad const cVector2f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Abs const cVector3f &in avVec
float cMath_Vector3Angle const cVector3f &in avVecA,
const cVector3f &in avVecB
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistance const cVector3f &in avAngles1,
const cVector3f &in avAngles2,
float afMaxAngle
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceDeg const cVector3f &in avAngles1,
const cVector3f &in avAngles2
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceRad const cVector3f &in avAngles1,
const cVector3f &in avAngles2
cVector3f cMath_Vector3CatmullRom const cVector3f &in avP0,
const cVector3f &in avP1,
const cVector3f &in avP2,
const cVector3f &in avP3,
float afFract
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Ceil const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ClampLength const cVector3f &in avVec,
float afMinLength,
float afMaxLength
void cMath_Vector3ClampToLength cVector3f &in avVec,
float afMaxLength
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Cross const cVector3f &in avVecA,
const cVector3f &in avVecB
float cMath_Vector3Dist const cVector3f &in avStartPos,
const cVector3f &in avEndPos
float cMath_Vector3DistSqr const cVector3f &in avStartPos,
const cVector3f &in avEndPos
float cMath_Vector3Dot const cVector3f &in avVecA,
const cVector3f &in avVecB
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Floor const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3IncreaseTo const cVector3f &in avX,
const cVector3f &in avAdd,
const cVector3f &in avDest
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Max const cVector3f &in avVecA,
const cVector3f &in avVecB
float cMath_Vector3MaxElement const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3MaxLength const cVector3f &in avVec,
float afMaxLength
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Min const cVector3f &in avVecA,
const cVector3f &in avVecB
float cMath_Vector3MinElement const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3MinLength const cVector3f &in avVec,
float afMinLength
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Normalize const cVector3f &in avVec
void cMath_Vector3OrthonormalizeBasis const cVector3f &in avSrcRight,
const cVector3f &in avSrcUp,
const cVector3f &in avSrcForward,
cVector3f &out avDstRight,
cVector3f &out avDstUp,
cVector3f &out avDstForward
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Project const cVector3f &in avSrcVec,
const cVector3f &in avDestVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ProjectOnPlane const cVector3f &in avSrcVec,
const cVector3f &in avPlaneNormal
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Reflect const cVector3f &in avVec,
const cVector3f &in avNormal
cVector3f cMath_Vector3SphereSurfacePoint const cVector2f &in avSeed,
float afRadius
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ToDeg const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ToRad const cVector3f &in avVec
cVector3f cMath_Vector3UnProject const cVector3f &in avVec,
const cRect2f &in aScreenRect,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxViewProj
float cMath_Wrap float afX,
float afMin,
float afMax
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
iPhysicsWorld@ cPhysics_CreateWorld bool abAddSurfaceData
void cPhysics_DestroyWorld iPhysicsWorld@ apWorld
float cPhysics_GetImpactDuration
int cPhysics_GetMaxImpacts
void cPhysics_SetImpactDuration float afX
void cPhysics_SetMaxImpacts int alX
iPhysicsBody@ cPhysics_ToBody iEntity3D@ apEntity
iPhysicsJointBall@ cPhysics_ToJointBall iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint
iPhysicsJointHinge@ cPhysics_ToJointHinge iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint
iPhysicsJointSlider@ cPhysics_ToJointSlider iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool cResources_AddLanguageFile const tString &in asFilePath,
bool abAddResourceDirs
bool cResources_AddResourceDir const tWString &in asDir,
bool abAddSubDirectories,
const tString &in asMask
void cResources_ClearResourceDirs
void cResources_ClearTranslations
iFontData@ cResources_CreateFontData const tString &in asName
iGpuShader@ cResources_CreateGpuShader const tString &in asName,
int alType,
cPrepParserVarContainer @apVarCont
iGpuShader@ cResources_CreateGpuShader const tString &in asName,
int alType
cFrameSubImage@ cResources_CreateImage const tString &in asName
cMaterial@ cResources_CreateMaterial const tString &in asName
cMesh@ cResources_CreateMesh const tString &in asName
iSoundData@ cResources_CreateSoundData const tString &in asName,
bool abStream,
bool abLooping,
bool ab3,
bool abNonBlockingLoad
cSoundEntityData@ cResources_CreateSoundEntityData const tString &in asName
iTexture@ cResources_CreateTexture1D const tString &in asName,
bool abUseMipMaps
iTexture@ cResources_CreateTexture2D const tString &in asName,
bool abUseMipMaps
iTexture@ cResources_CreateTexture3D const tString &in asName,
bool abUseMipMaps
iTexture@ cResources_CreateTextureCubeMap const tString &in asName,
bool abUseMipMaps
iVideoStream@ cResources_CreateVideo const tString &in asName
void cResources_DestroyFontData iFontData @apData
void cResources_DestroyGpuShader iGpuShader @apShader
void cResources_DestroyImage cFrameSubImage @apData
void cResources_DestroyMaterial cMaterial @apMaterial
void cResources_DestroyMesh cMesh@ apMesh
void cResources_DestroySoundData iSoundData@ apData
void cResources_DestroySoundEntityData cSoundEntityData @apData
void cResources_DestroyTexture iTexture @apTexture
void cResources_DestroyUnusedParticleSystems int alMaxToKeep
void cResources_DestroyUnusedSoundData int alMaxToKeep
void cResources_DestroyVideo iVideoStream @apVideo
void cResources_DestroyXmlDocument iXmlDocument@ apDoc
tString cResources_GetMaterialPhysicsName const tString &in asName
float cResources_GetMaterialTextureAnisotropy
int cResources_GetMaterialTextureFilter
int cResources_GetMaterialTextureSizeDownScaleLevel
bool cResources_LoadResourceDirsFile const tString &in asFile
iXmlDocument@ cResources_LoadXmlDocument const tString &in asFile
void cResources_PreloadParticleSystem const tString &in asDataName
void cResources_PreloadSoundEntityData const tString &in asName,
bool abNonBlockingLoad
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureAnisotropy float afX
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureFilter int alFilter
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureSizeDownScaleLevel int alLevel
const tWString& cResources_Translate const tString &in asCat,
const tString &in asName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
cCamera@ cScene_CreateCamera eCameraMoveMode aMoveMode
cViewport@ cScene_CreateViewport cCamera @apCamera,
cWorld @apWorld,
bool abAddLast
cWorld@ cScene_CreateWorld const tString &in asName
void cScene_DestroyCamera cCamera@ apCam
void cScene_DestroyViewport cViewport@ apViewPort
void cScene_DestroyWorld cWorld@ apWorld
void cScene_FadeGradingTexture cWorld@ apWorld,
iTexture@ apGrading,
float afTime
cWorld@ cScene_LoadWorld const tString &in asFile,
int aFlags
void cScene_Reset
void cScene_SetCurrentListener cViewport@ apViewPort
cBeam@ cScene_ToBeam iEntity3D@ apEntity
cBillboard@ cScene_ToBillboard iEntity3D@ apEntity
cForceField@ cScene_ToForceField iEntity3D@ apEntity
cLensFlare@ cScene_ToLensFlare iEntity3D@ apEntity
cLightBox@ cScene_ToLightBox iLight@ apLight
cLightDirectional@ cScene_ToLightDirectional iLight@ apLight
cLightPoint@ cScene_ToLightPoint iLight@ apLight
cLightSpot@ cScene_ToLightSpot iLight@ apLight
cMeshEntity@ cScene_ToMeshEntity iEntity3D@ apEntity
iRopeEntity@ cScene_ToRopeEntity iEntity3D@ apEntity
cRopeEntity3D@ cScene_ToRopeEntity3D iEntity3D@ apEntity
cRopeEntityBillboard@ cScene_ToRopeEntityBillboard iEntity3D@ apEntity
cSoundEntity@ cScene_ToSoundEntity iEntity3D@ apEntity
cSubMeshEntity@ cScene_ToSubMeshEntity iEntity3D@ apEntity
bool cScene_ViewportExists cViewport@ apViewPort
void cScene_WorldExists cWorld@ apWorld
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool cScript_GetGlobalArgBool int alIdx
cColor cScript_GetGlobalArgColor int alIdx
float cScript_GetGlobalArgFloat int alIdx
tID cScript_GetGlobalArgID int alIdx
int cScript_GetGlobalArgInt int alIdx
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalArgMatrix int alIdx
tString cScript_GetGlobalArgString int alIdx
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector2f int alIdx
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector3f int alIdx
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector4f int alIdx
bool cScript_GetGlobalReturnBool
cColor cScript_GetGlobalReturnColor
float cScript_GetGlobalReturnFloat
tID cScript_GetGlobalReturnID
int cScript_GetGlobalReturnInt
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalReturnMatrix
const tString& cScript_GetGlobalReturnString
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector2f
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector3f
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector4f
bool cScript_GetGlobalVarBool const tString &in asName
cColor cScript_GetGlobalVarColor const tString &in asName
float cScript_GetGlobalVarFloat const tString &in asName
tID cScript_GetGlobalVarID const tString &in asName
int cScript_GetGlobalVarInt const tString &in asName
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalVarMatrix const tString &in asName
tString cScript_GetGlobalVarString const tString &in asName
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector2f const tString &in asName
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector3f const tString &in asName
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector4f const tString &in asName
bool cScript_RunGlobalFunc const tString &in asObjName,
const tString &in asClassName,
const tString &in asFuncName
void cScript_SetGlobalArgBool int alIdx,
bool abX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgColor int alIdx,
const cColor &in aX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgFloat int alIdx,
float afX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgID int alIdx,
tID alX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgInt int alIdx,
int alX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgMatrix int alIdx,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgString int alIdx,
const tString &in asVar
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector2f int alIdx,
const cVector2f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector3f int alIdx,
const cVector3f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector4f int alIdx,
const cVector4f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnBool bool abX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnColor const cColor &in aX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnFloat float afX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnID tID alX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnInt int alX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnString const tString &in asVar
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector2f const cVector2f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector3f const cVector3f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector4f const cVector4f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarBool const tString &in asName,
bool abX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarColor const tString &in asName,
const cColor &in aX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarFloat const tString &in asName,
float afX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarID const tString &in asName,
tID alX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarInt const tString &in asName,
int alX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarMatrix const tString &in asName,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarString const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asVar
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector2f const tString &in asName,
const cVector2f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector3f const tString &in asName,
const cVector3f &in avX
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector4f const tString &in asName,
const cVector4f &in avX
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool cSound_CheckSoundIsBlocked const cVector3f &in avSoundPosition
iSoundEvent@ cSound_CreateEvent iSoundEventData@ apData,
bool abNonBlockingLoad
void cSound_DestroyEvent iSoundEvent@ apEvent
void cSound_DestroyUnusedData int alMaxAmount,
int alMaxAge,
bool abRemoveUnusedProjects,
bool abRemovePreloaded
int cSound_FadeGlobalSpeed float afDestSpeed,
float afSpeed,
uint mAffectedTypes,
int alId,
bool abDestroyIdAtDest
int cSound_FadeGlobalVolume float afDestVolume,
float afSpeed,
uint mAffectedTypes,
int alId,
bool abDestroyIdAtDest
void cSound_FadeHighPassFilter float afDestCutOff,
float afDestResonance,
float afTime,
uint mAffectedTypes
void cSound_FadeLowPassFilter float afDestCutOff,
float afDestResonance,
float afTime,
uint mAffectedTypes
void cSound_FadeMusicVolumeMul float afDest,
float afSpeed
void cSound_FadeOutAll uint mTypes,
float afFadeSpeed,
bool abDisableStop
cSoundEntry@ cSound_GetEntry const tString &in asName
const tString& cSound_GetEventCategory_Gui
const tString& cSound_GetEventCategory_World
const tString& cSound_GetEventCategory_WorldClean
iSoundEventData@ cSound_GetEventData const tString &in asInternalPath,
bool abLoadData,
bool abNonBlockingLoad
iSoundEventProject@ cSound_GetEventProject const tString &in asName
uint cSound_GetEventSystemMemoryUsed
float cSound_GetGlobalSpeed eSoundEntryType aType
float cSound_GetGlobalSpeedFromId int alId
float cSound_GetGlobalVolume eSoundEntryType aType
float cSound_GetGlobalVolumeFromId int alId
float cSound_GetMusicVolumeMul
bool cSound_GetSilent
bool cSound_IsPlaying const tString &in asName
bool cSound_IsValid cSoundEntry @apEntry,
int alID
void cSound_PauseAll uint mTypes
void cSound_PauseMusic
cSoundEntry@ cSound_Play tString &in asName,
bool abLoop,
float afVolume,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
float afMinDist,
float afMaxDist,
eSoundEntryType aEntryType,
bool abRelative,
bool ab3D,
int alPriorityModifier,
bool abStream,
bool abNonBlockedLoad
cSoundEntry@ cSound_Play3D const tString &in asName,
bool abLoop,
float afVolume,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
float afMinDist,
float afMaxDist,
eSoundEntryType aEntryType,
bool abRelative,
int alPriorityModifier,
bool abStream,
bool abNonBlockedLoad
cSoundEntry@ cSound_PlayGui const tString &in asName,
bool abLoop,
float afVolume,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
eSoundEntryType aEntryType
cSoundEntry@ cSound_PlayGuiStream tString &in asFileName,
bool abLoop,
float afVolume,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
eSoundEntryType aEntryType
bool cSound_PlayMusic const tString &in asFileName,
float afVolume,
float afVolumeFadeStepSize,
float afFreq,
float afFreqFadeStepSize,
bool abLoop,
bool abResume
cSoundEntry@ cSound_PlaySoundEntityGui const tString &in asName,
bool abLoop,
float afVolume,
eSoundEntryType aEntryType,
const cVector3f &in avPos
cSoundEntry@ cSound_PlaySoundEvent const tString &in asInternalPath,
float afVolume,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector3f &in avOrientation,
bool abNonBlockLoad
void cSound_PreloadGroup const tString &in asInternalPath,
bool abNonBlockingLoad,
bool abSubGroups
void cSound_PreloadProject const tString &in asName,
bool abNonBlockingLoad
void cSound_ResumeAll uint mTypes
void cSound_ResumeMusic
void cSound_SetEventCategory_Gui const tString &in asCat
void cSound_SetEventCategory_World const tString &in asCat
void cSound_SetEventCategory_WorldClean const tString &in asCat
int cSound_SetGlobalSpeed float afSpeed,
uint mAffectedTypes,
int alId
int cSound_SetGlobalVolume float afVolume,
uint mAffectedTypes,
int alId
void cSound_SetMusicVolumeMul float afMul
void cSound_SetSilent bool abX
bool cSound_Stop const tString &in asName,
bool abPlayEnd
void cSound_StopAll uint mTypes,
bool abPlayEnd
void cSound_StopMusic float afFadeStepSize
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
tString cString_AddSlashAtEnd const tString &in asPath
tWString cString_AddSlashAtEndW const tWString &in asPath
bool cString_CheckWildcardStrings const tString &in asStr,
const tString &in asWildcardStr
int cString_CountCharsInString const tString &in aString,
const tString &in aChar
int cString_CountCharsInStringW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in aChar
tWString cString_Get16BitFromArray const tString &in asArray
tString cString_GetFileExt const tString &in aString
tWString cString_GetFileExtW const tWString &in aString
tString cString_GetFileName const tString &in aString
tWString cString_GetFileNameW const tWString &in aString
tString cString_GetFilePath const tString &in aString
tString cString_GetFilePathTopFolder const tString &in aString
tWString cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW const tWString &in aString
tWString cString_GetFilePathW const tWString &in aString
int cString_GetFirstCharPos const tString &in aString
int cString_GetFirstStringPos const tString &in aString,
const tString &in aChar
int cString_GetFirstStringPosW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in aChar
void cString_GetFloatVec const tString &in asData,
const tString &in asSepp
uint cString_GetHash const tString &in asStr
uint64 cString_GetHash64 const tString &in asStr
uint64 cString_GetHash64W const tWString &in asStr
uint cString_GetHashW const tWString &in asStr
void cString_GetIntVec const tString &in asData,
const tString &in asSepp
tString cString_GetLastChar const tString &in aString
int cString_GetLastCharPos const tString &in aString
tWString cString_GetLastCharW const tWString &in aString
int cString_GetLastStringPos const tString &in aString,
const tString &in aChar
int cString_GetLastStringPosW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in aChar
tString cString_GetNumericSuffix const tString &in asStr
float cString_GetNumericSuffixFloat const tString &in aString,
float afDefault = 0
float cString_GetNumericSuffixFloatW const tWString &in aString,
float afDefault = 0
int cString_GetNumericSuffixInt const tString &in aString,
int alDefault = 0
int cString_GetNumericSuffixIntW const tWString &in aString,
int alDefault = 0
tWString cString_GetNumericSuffixW const tWString &in asStr
void cString_GetStringVec const tString &in asData,
const tString &in asSepp
tString cString_RemoveSlashAtEnd const tString &in asPath
tWString cString_RemoveSlashAtEndW const tWString &in asPath
tString cString_ReplaceCharTo const tString &in aString,
const tString &in asOldChar,
const tString &in asNewChar
tWString cString_ReplaceCharToW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in asOldChar,
const tWString &in asNewChar
tString cString_ReplaceStringTo const tString &in aString,
const tString &in asOldString,
const tString &in asNewString
tWString cString_ReplaceStringToW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in asOldString,
const tWString &in asNewString
tString cString_S16BitToUTF8 const tWString &in awsString
tString cString_SetFileExt const tString &in aString,
const tString &in aExt
tWString cString_SetFileExtW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in aExt
tString cString_SetFilePath const tString &in aString,
const tString &in aPath
tWString cString_SetFilePathW const tWString &in aString,
const tWString &in aPath
tString cString_Sub const tString &in asString,
int alStart,
int alCount = -1
tWString cString_SubW const tWString &in asString,
int alStart,
int alCount = -1
tWString cString_To16Char const tString &in asString
tString cString_To8Char const tWString &in awsString
bool cString_ToBool const tString &in asStr,
bool abDefault
cColor cString_ToColor const tString &in asStr,
const cColor &in aDefault
float cString_ToFloat const tString &in asStr,
float afDefault
int cString_ToInt const tString &in asStr,
int alDefault
tString cString_ToLowerCase const tString &in aString
tWString cString_ToLowerCaseW const tWString &in aString
cMatrixf cString_ToMatrixf const tString &in asStr,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxDefault
tString cString_ToString float afX,
int alNumOfDecimals = -1,
bool abRemoveZeros = false
tString cString_ToString int alX,
int alPaddingZeros
tWString cString_ToStringW float afX,
int alNumOfDecimals = -1,
bool abRemoveZeros = false
tWString cString_ToStringW int alX,
int alPaddingZeros
tString cString_ToUpperCase const tString &in aString
tWString cString_ToUpperCaseW const tWString &in aString
cVector2f cString_ToVector2f const tString &in asStr,
const cVector2f &in avDefault
cVector2l cString_ToVector2l const tString &in asStr,
const cVector2l &in avDefault
cVector3f cString_ToVector3f const tString &in asStr,
const cVector3f &in avDefault
cVector3l cString_ToVector3l const tString &in asStr,
const cVector3l &in avDefault
cVector4f cString_ToVector4f const tString &in asStr,
const cVector4f &in avDefault
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool cSystem_CloneFile const tWString &in asSrcFileName,
const tWString &in asDestFileName
void cSystem_CopyTextToClipboard const tWString &in asText
bool cSystem_CreateFolder const tWString &in asPath
cDate cSystem_FileCreationDate const tWString &in asFilePath
bool cSystem_FileExists const tWString &in asFileName
cDate cSystem_FileModifiedDate const tWString &in asFilePath
void cSystem_FindFilesInDir ,
const tWString &in asDir,
const tWString &in asMask,
bool abAddHidden
void cSystem_FindFoldersInDir ,
const tWString &in asDir,
bool abAddHidden,
bool abAddUpFolder
bool cSystem_FolderExists const tWString &in asPath
uint cSystem_GetApplicationTime
void cSystem_GetAvailableVideoDrivers
void cSystem_GetAvailableVideoModes ,
int alMinBpp,
int alMinRefreshRate,
bool abRemoveDuplicates
cDate cSystem_GetDate
uint cSystem_GetFileSize const tWString &in asFileName
tWString cSystem_GetFullFilePath const tWString &in asFilePath
const tString& cSystem_GetPlatformName
uint cSystem_GetSystemAvailableDrives
tWString cSystem_GetSystemSpecialPath eSystemPath aPathType
tWString cSystem_GetWorkingDir
bool cSystem_HasWindowFocus const tWString &in asWindowCaption
tWString cSystem_LoadTextFromClipboard
void cSystem_ProfileEnd const tString &in asName
void cSystem_ProfileStart const tString &in asName
void cSystem_RemoveFile const tWString &in asFileName
bool cSystem_RemoveFolder const tWString &in asPath,
bool abDeleteAllFiles,
bool abDeleteAllSubFolders
void cSystem_Sleep uint alMilliSecs
void cSystem_Wrapper_CreateMessageBox eMsgBoxType aType,
const tWString &in asCaption,
const tWString &in asMessage
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void EnergySource_SetEnergy const tString &in asName,
float afX
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool Entity_AddCollideCallback const tString &in asParentName,
const tString &in asChildName,
const tString &in asFunction
void Entity_AddForce const tString &in asEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avForce,
bool abLocalSpace,
bool abOnlyMainBody
void Entity_AddForceFromEntity const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asForceEntityName,
float afForce,
bool abOnlyMainBody
void Entity_AddImpulse const tString &in asEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avImpulse,
bool abLocalSpace,
bool abOnlyMainBody
void Entity_AddImpulseFromEntity const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asImpulseEntityName,
float afImpulse,
bool abOnlyMainBody
void Entity_AddTorque const tString &in asEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avTorque,
bool abLocalSpace,
bool abOnlyMainBody
bool Entity_AttachToEntity const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asParentName,
const tString &in asParentBodyName,
bool abUseRotation,
bool abSnapToParent = false,
bool abLocked = false
bool Entity_AttachToSocket const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asParentName,
const tString &in asParentSocketName,
bool abUseRotation,
bool abSnapToParent = true
void Entity_CallEntityInteract const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asBodyName = "",
const cVector3f &in avFocusBodyOffset = cVector3f_Zero,
const tString &in asData = ""
void Entity_Connect const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asMainEntity,
const tString &in asConnectEntity,
bool abInvertStateSent,
int alStatesUsed
iLuxEntity@ Entity_CreateAtEntity const tString &in asNewEntityName,
const tString &in asEntityFile,
const tString &in asTargetEntityName,
bool abFullGameSave
iLuxEntity@ Entity_CreateAtEntityExt const tString &in asNewEntityName,
const tString &in asEntityFile,
const tString &in asTargetEntityName,
bool abFullGameSave,
const cVector3f &in avScale,
const cVector3f &in avOffsetPosition,
const cVector3f &in avOffsetRotation,
bool abLocalOffset
void Entity_Destroy const tString &in asName
bool Entity_EntityIsInFront const tString &in asTargetEntity,
const tString &in asForwardEntity
bool Entity_Exists const tString &in asName
bool Entity_Exists tID aID
void Entity_FadeEffectBaseColor const tString &in asEntityName,
const cColor &in aColor,
float afTime
void Entity_FadeProcAnimationSpeed const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimationName,
float afSpeed,
float afTime
bool Entity_GetAutoSleep const tString &in asName
cVector3f Entity_GetBodyOffset const tString &in asEntityName
bool Entity_GetCollide const tString &in asEntityA,
const tString &in asEntityB
cVector3f Entity_GetDeltaToEntity const tString &in asEntityA,
const tString &in asEntityB
bool Entity_GetVarBool const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
cColor Entity_GetVarColor const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
float Entity_GetVarFloat const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
int Entity_GetVarInt const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
tString Entity_GetVarString const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
cVector2f Entity_GetVarVector2f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
cVector3f Entity_GetVarVector3f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName
void Entity_IncVarFloat const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afX
void Entity_IncVarInt const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
int alX
void Entity_IncVarVector2f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector2f &in avX
void Entity_IncVarVector3f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avX
bool Entity_IsActive const tString &in asName
bool Entity_IsInPlayerFOV const tString &in asEntity
bool Entity_IsInteractedWith const tString &in asName
bool Entity_IsOccluder const tString &in asName
bool Entity_IsSleeping const tString &in asName
void Entity_PlaceAtEntity const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asTargetEntity,
const cVector3f &in avOffset = cVector3f_Zero,
bool abAlignRotation = false,
bool abUseEntFileCenter = false
void Entity_PlayAnimation const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimation,
float afFadeTime = 0.1f,
bool abLoop = false,
bool abPlayTransition = true,
const tString &in asCallback = ""
bool Entity_PlayerIsInFront const tString &in asName
void Entity_PlayProcAnimation const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimation,
float afLength,
bool abLoop = false,
float afAmountFadeTime = 0.1,
float afSpeedFadeTime = -1.0f
void Entity_Preload const tString &in asEntityFile
void Entity_RemoveAllConnections const tString &in asMainEntity
bool Entity_RemoveCollideCallback const tString &in asParentName,
const tString &in asChildName
void Entity_RemoveConnection const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asMainEntity
bool Entity_RemoveEntityAttachment const tString &in asName
void Entity_SetActive const tString &in asName,
bool abActive
void Entity_SetAnimationMessageEventCallback const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
bool abAutoRemove
void Entity_SetAnimationPaused const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimationName,
bool abPaused = true
void Entity_SetAnimationRelativeTimePosition const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimationName,
float afTimePos
void Entity_SetAutoSleep const tString &in asName,
bool abX
void Entity_SetCollide const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abActive
void Entity_SetCollideCharacter const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abActive
void Entity_SetColorMul const tString &in asEntityName,
const cColor &in aColor
void Entity_SetConnectionStateChangeCallback const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallback
void Entity_SetEffectBaseColor const tString &in asEntityName,
const cColor &in aColor
void Entity_SetEffectsActive const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abActive,
bool abFadeAndPlaySounds
void Entity_SetInteractionDisabled const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abX
void Entity_SetIsOccluder const tString &in asName,
bool abOccluder
void Entity_SetMaxInteractionDistance const tString &in asEntityName,
float afDistance
void Entity_SetPlayerInteractCallback const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallback,
bool abRemoveWhenInteracted
void Entity_SetPlayerLookAtCallback const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallback,
bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt = true,
bool abCheckRayIntersection = true,
float afMaxDistance = -1,
float afCallbackDelay = 0
void Entity_SetProcAnimationPaused const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimationName,
bool abPaused = true
void Entity_SetProcAnimationSpeed const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimationName,
float afSpeed
void Entity_SetReflectionVisibility const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abVisibleInReflection,
bool abVisibleInWorld
void Entity_SetVarBool const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
bool abX
void Entity_SetVarColor const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aX
void Entity_SetVarFloat const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afX
void Entity_SetVarInt const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
int alX
void Entity_SetVarString const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const tString &in asX
void Entity_SetVarVector2f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector2f &in avX
void Entity_SetVarVector3f const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avX
void Entity_Sleep const tString &in asName
void Entity_StopAnimation const tString &in asEntityName
void Entity_StopProcAnimation const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimation,
float afFadeTime = 0.1f
void Entity_WakeUp const tString &in asName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Error const tString &in asString
void Error uint aLabel,
const tString &in asString
void Error const tString &in asString,
uint aLabel
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void FatalError const tString &in asString
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void FogArea_SetVisible const tString &in asFogAreaName,
bool abActive
void FogArea_SetVisibleInReflection const tString &in asFogAreaName,
bool abActive
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Grab_SetForceMul const tString& asName,
float afForceMul
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
uint H32 const tString &in asStr
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
uint64 H64 const tString &in asStr
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void IrradianceSet_FadeIn const tString &in asSet,
float afTime
void IrradianceSet_FadeInSingleProbe const tString &in asProbe,
const tString &in asSet,
float afTime
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Joint_Break const tString &in asJointName
float Joint_GetForceSize const tString &in asJointName
bool Joint_IsBroken const tString &in asJointName
void Joint_SetBreakable const tString &in asJointName,
bool abBreakable
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool Lamp_GetLit const tString& asName
void Lamp_SetFlickerActive const tString& asName,
bool abActive
void Lamp_SetLit const tString& asName,
bool abLit,
bool abEffects
void Lamp_SetupFlicker const tString& asName,
float afMinOnTime,
float afMaxOnTime,
float afMinOffTime,
float afMaxOffTime,
bool abFade = false,
const tString &in asOnSound = "",
const tString &in asOffSound = "",
const tString &in asOnPS = "",
const tString &in asOffPS = ""
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void LensFlare_SetVisible const tString &in asLensFlareName,
bool abVisible
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool LevelDoor_GetLocked const tString& asName
void LevelDoor_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abState
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
int Lever_GetState const tString& asName
void Lever_SetAutoMoveEnabled const tString& asName,
bool abAutoMove
void Lever_SetAutoMoveTarget const tString& asName,
int alTarget
void Lever_SetInteractionDisablesStuck const tString& asName,
bool abX
void Lever_SetStuckState const tString& asName,
int alState,
bool abEffects
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Light_FadeTo const tString &in asLightName,
const cColor &in acColor,
float afRadius,
float afTime
float Light_GetBrightness const tString &in asLightName
void Light_SetBrightness const tString &in asLightName,
float afBrightness
void Light_SetCastShadows const tString &in asLightName,
bool abX
void Light_SetCheapGobo const tString &in asLightName,
bool abX
void Light_SetFlickerActive const tString &in asLightName,
bool abX
void Light_SetShadowBiasMul const tString &in asLightName,
float afBias,
float afSlopeBias
void Light_SetVisible const tString &in asLightName,
bool abVisible
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Log const tString &in asString
void Log uint aLabel,
const tString &in asString
void Log const tString &in asString,
uint aLabel
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void LogNewLine const tString &in asString
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool Map_GetBillboardArray const tString &in asName
bool Map_GetFogAreaArray const tString &in asName
bool Map_GetLensFlareArray const tString &in asName
bool Map_GetLightArray const tString &in asName
bool Map_GetParticleSystemArray const tString &in asName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Material_Preload const tString &in asFile
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Math_CatmullRom cVector3f &out avResult,
const cVector3f &in avP0,
const cVector3f &in avP1,
cVector3f &in avP2,
const cVector3f &in avP3,
float afFract
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Meter_SetShakeMul const tString& asName,
float afShakeMul
void Meter_SetSpeedMul const tString& asName,
float afSpeedMul
void Meter_SetState const tString& asName,
float afState,
bool abFadeToState = true
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void MoveObject_SetState const tString& asName,
float afState
void MoveObject_SetStateExt const tString& asName,
float afState,
float afAcc,
float afMaxSpeed,
float afSlowdownDist,
bool abResetSpeed
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void MovingButton_Blink const tString& asName
float MovingButton_GetStateAmount const tString& asName
bool MovingButton_IsDisabled const tString& asName
bool MovingButton_IsLocked const tString& asName
bool MovingButton_IsSwitchedOn const tString& asName
void MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOff const tString& asName,
bool abState
void MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOn const tString& asName,
bool abState
void MovingButton_SetDisabled const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abUseEffects = true
void MovingButton_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abUseEffects = true
void MovingButton_SetReturnToOffTime const tString& asName,
float afTime
void MovingButton_SetSwitchedOn const tString& asName,
bool abState,
bool abEffects
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void ParticleSystem_AttachToEntity const tString &in asPSName,
const tString &in asEntityName
cParticleSystem@ ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity const tString &in asPSName,
const tString &in asPSFile,
const tString &in asEntity,
bool abAttach
cParticleSystem@ ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntityExt const tString &in asPSName,
const tString &in asPSFile,
const tString &in asEntity,
bool abAttach,
const cColor &in acColor,
float afBrightness = 1.0f,
bool abFadeAtDistance = false,
float afFadeMinEnd = 1.0f,
float afFadeMinStart = 2.0f,
float afFadeMaxStart = 100.0f,
float afFadeMaxEnd = 110.0f
void ParticleSystem_Destroy const tString &in asPSName
bool ParticleSystem_Exists const tString &in asPSName
void ParticleSystem_Preload const tString &in asFile
void ParticleSystem_SetActive const tString &in asPSName,
bool abActive
void ParticleSystem_SetBrightness const tString &in asPSName,
float afBrightness
void ParticleSystem_SetColor const tString &in asPSName,
const cColor &in acColor
void ParticleSystem_SetVisible const tString &in asPSName,
bool abVisible
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void PhysicsSlideDoor_AutoMoveToState const tString& asName,
int alState
bool PhysicsSlideDoor_GetClosed const tString& asName
float PhysicsSlideDoor_GetOpenAmount const tString& asName
void PhysicsSlideDoor_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abLocked,
bool abEffects
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Prop_AddAttachedProp tString &in asPropName,
tString &in asAttachName,
tString &in asAttachFile,
cVector3f &in avPosOffset,
cVector3f &in avRotOffset
void Prop_AddHealth const tString &in asPropName,
float afHealth
void Prop_AlignRotation const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asTargetEntity,
float afAcceleration,
float afMaxSpeed,
float afSlowDownDist,
bool abResetSpeed,
const tString &in asCallback = ""
void Prop_ClearVelocity const tString &in asPropName
void Prop_DisableCollisionUntilOutsidePlayer const tString &in asPropName
float Prop_GetHealth const tString &in asPropName
void Prop_MoveLinearTo const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asTargetEntity,
float afAcceleration,
float afMaxSpeed,
float afSlowDownDist,
bool abResetSpeed,
const tString &in asCallback = ""
void Prop_RemoveAttachedProp tString &in asPropName,
tString &in asAttachName
void Prop_RotateToSpeed const tString &in asPropName,
float afAcc,
float afGoalSpeed,
const cVector3f &in avAxis,
const tString &in asOffsetEntity
void Prop_RotateToSpeed const tString &in asPropName,
float afAcc,
float afGoalSpeed,
bool abResetSpeed,
const tString &in asOffsetEntity
void Prop_SetActiveAndFade const tString &in asPropName,
bool abActive,
float afFadeTime
void Prop_SetAllowMapTransfer const tString &in asPropName,
bool abX
void Prop_SetHealth const tString &in asPropName,
float afHealth
void Prop_SetStaticPhysics const tString &in asPropName,
bool abX
void Prop_StopMovement const tString &in asPropName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Readable_SetCloseCallback const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asCallback
void Readable_SetOpenEntityFile const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asEntityFile
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Slide_AutoMoveTo const tString& asName,
float afAmount
bool Slide_GetLocked const tString& asName
float Slide_GetSlideAmount const tString& asName
cVector3f Slide_GetSlideVel const tString& asName
void Slide_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abLocked,
bool abEffects
void Slide_SetSlideAmount const tString& asName,
float afAmount
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
float SlideDoor_GetOpenAmount const tString& asName
void SlideDoor_SetClosed const tString& asName,
bool abClosed,
bool abInstant = false
void SlideDoor_SetOpenableByAgent const tString& asName,
bool abX
void SlideDoor_SetOpenAmount const tString& asName,
float afOpenAmount,
bool abInstant = false
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
tString String_SecondsToClockDisplay float afSeconds,
bool abShowHours,
bool abShowMinutes,
bool abShowSeconds,
bool abShowHundredths
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void SwingDoor_AddDoorBodyImpulse const tString& asName,
float afImpulseAmount
bool SwingDoor_GetBlocked const tString& asName
bool SwingDoor_GetClosed const tString& asName
bool SwingDoor_GetLocked const tString& asName
float SwingDoor_GetOpenAmount const tString& asName
int SwingDoor_GetState const tString& asName
void SwingDoor_SetBlocked const tString& asName,
bool abBlocked,
bool abEffects
void SwingDoor_SetClosed const tString& asName,
bool abClosed,
bool abEffects
void SwingDoor_SetDisableAutoClose const tString& asName,
bool abDisableAutoClose
void SwingDoor_SetLocked const tString& asName,
bool abLocked,
bool abEffects
void SwingDoor_SetOpenAmount const tString& asName,
float afOpenAmount
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateColor const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
cColor aGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateFloat const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateVector3f const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
cVector3f avGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
void Terminal_ForceCacheUpdate const tString& asName
bool Terminal_GetImGuiStateBool const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
bool alDefault = false
cColor Terminal_GetImGuiStateColor const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aDefault
float Terminal_GetImGuiStateFloat const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afDefault = 0.0f
int Terminal_GetImGuiStateInt const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
int alDefault = 0
cVector3f Terminal_GetImGuiStateVector3f const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avDefault
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateColor const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aVal
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateFloat const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afVal
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateInt const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
int alVal
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateVector3f const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avVal
bool Terminal_IsGuiActive const tString& asName
void Terminal_SetAllowInteraction const tString& asName,
bool abX
void Terminal_SetEnterCallback const tString& asName,
const tString& asCallback
void Terminal_SetFPSWhenIdle const tString& asName,
float afFPS
void Terminal_SetGuiActive const tString& asName,
bool abX,
float afFadeTime = 0.0f
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateBool const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
bool abVal
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateColor const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aVal
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateFloat const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
float afVal
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateInt const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
int alVal
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateVector3f const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avVal
void Terminal_SetLeaveCallback const tString& asName,
const tString& asCallback
void Terminal_SetOnGuiFunction const tString& asName,
const tString& asCallback
void Terminal_SetShowMouse const tString& asPropName,
bool abShow
void Terminal_SetUpdateWhenOutOfView const tString& asName,
bool abX
void Terminal_StopImGuiFade const tString &in asPropName,
const tString &in asVarName
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
tString Tool_GetHandAnimationSuffix const tString &in asName
void Tool_PickUp const tString &in asName,
bool abEquipTool,
bool abCallback
void Tool_SetAutoHideAfterPickup const tString &in asName,
bool abX
void Tool_SetHighlightActive const tString &in asName,
bool abX
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void Warning const tString &in asString
void Warning uint aLabel,
int alWarningLevel,
const tString &in asString
void Warning const tString &in asString,
uint aLabel,
int alWarningLevel
Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
float Wheel_GetCurrentAngle const tString& asName
int Wheel_GetState const tString& asName
void Wheel_SetAngle const tString& asName,
float afAngle,
bool abAutoMove
void Wheel_SetInteractionDisablesStuck const tString& asName,
bool abX
void Wheel_SetStuckState const tString& asName,
int alState,
bool abEffects