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cImGui has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
bool ActionIsDown eImGuiAction aAction,
bool abCheckIfUsed = false
bool ActionTriggered eImGuiAction aAction,
bool abCheckIfUsed = false
void AddItemGfx const cImGuiGfx &in aGfx
void AddItemString const tWString &in asStr
void AddItemStringList const tWString &in asStrList
void AddLayoutHorizontalSpace float afWidth,
float afHeight = 0
void AddLayoutVerticalSpace float afHeight
void AddLineStripVertex const cVector2f& avVertex
void AddTimer const tString &in asName,
float afTime
void Begin float afTimeStep
cVector2f CalcWidgetSize const cVector2f &in avArgSize,
const cVector2f &in avDefaultSize
bool CheckBecamePressedAction bool abCheckConfirm,
bool abCheckMouseLeft
bool CheckCurrentWidgetBecamePressed const tString &in asName,
bool abCheckConfirm,
bool abCheckMouseLeft
bool CheckCurrentWidgetIsPressed const tString &in asName,
bool abCheckConfirm,
bool abCheckMouseLeft
bool CheckIsPressedAction bool abCheckConfirm,
bool abCheckMouseLeft
bool CheckMouseHasMoved
bool CheckMouseOver const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f& avSize
void ClearItems
void ClearPrevData
void ClearStates
void ClipAreaBegin const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
void ClipAreaEnd
void DestroyAssets
bool DoButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
const cImGuiButtonData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
bool DoButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
bool DoCheckBox const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
bool abDefaultChecked,
const cImGuiCheckBoxData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
bool DoCheckBox const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
bool abDefaultChecked,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
void DoFrame const cImGuiFrameData& aData,
const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1
void DoFrame const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1
void DoGauge const cImGuiGaugeData& aData,
float afFillAmount,
const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1
void DoGauge float afFillAmount,
const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1
void DoImage const cImGuiGfx &in aGfxImage,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
void DoLabel const tWString &in asText,
const cImGuiLabelData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
float afFontSizeMul = 1
void DoLabel const tWString &in asText,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
float afFontSizeMul = 1
void DoMouse const cImGuiGfx& aGfx,
const cVector3f &in avOffset = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
int DoMultiSelect const tString &in asName,
int alDefaultSelectedItem,
const cImGuiMultiSelectData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
int DoMultiSelect const tString &in asName,
int alDefaultSelectedItem,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
int DoMultiToggle const tString &in asName,
int alDefaultSelectedItem,
uint alColumnNum,
const cVector2f &in avSpacing,
const cImGuiButtonData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
int DoMultiToggle const tString &in asName,
int alDefaultSelectedItem,
uint alColumnNum,
const cVector2f &in avSpacing,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
bool DoRepeatButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
const cImGuiButtonData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
bool DoRepeatButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
float DoSliderHorizontal const tString &in asName,
float afDefaultValue,
float afMin,
float afMax,
float afStepSize,
const cImGuiSliderData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
float DoSliderHorizontal const tString &in asName,
float afDefaultValue,
float afMin,
float afMax,
float afStepSize = -1,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
float DoSliderVertical const tString &in asName,
float afDefaultValue,
float afMin,
float afMax,
float afStepSize,
const cImGuiSliderData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
float DoSliderVertical const tString &in asName,
float afDefaultValue,
float afMin,
float afMax,
float afStepSize = -1,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
float DoTextFrame const tWString &in asText,
const cVector2f &in avEdgeSpacing,
float afRowSpace,
float afStartRowOffset,
const cImGuiTextFrameData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
float DoTextFrame const tWString &in asText,
const cVector2f &in avEdgeSpacing,
float afRowSpace,
float afStartRowOffset,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize
bool DoToggleButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
bool abDefaultChecked,
const cImGuiButtonData& aData,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
bool DoToggleButton const tString &in asName,
const tWString &in asText,
bool abDefaultChecked,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1
void DoWindowEnd
void DoWindowStart const tWString& asCaption,
const cImGuiWindowData& aData,
const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1,
bool abClip = true
void DoWindowStart const tWString& asCaption,
const cVector3f& avPos = 0,
const cVector2f& avSize = -1,
bool abClip = true
void DrawAlignedGfx const cImGuiGfx& aGfx,
const cVector3f& avPos,
eImGuiAlign aAlignment,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
const cColor& aCol = cColor,
const cColor &in aColTopLeft = cColor,
const cColor &in aColTopRight = cColor,
const cColor &in aColBotRight = cColor,
const cColor &in aColBotLeft = cColor
void DrawAll
void DrawAndClearLineStrip float afZ,
float afThickness,
const cColor& aCol = cColor_White,
const cImGuiGfx& aGfx = cImGuiGfx
void DrawFont const tWString &in asText,
const cImGuiFont& aFont,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
eFontAlign aAlign,
const cVector2f &in avSizeMul = 1,
const cColor &in aColMul = cColor
void DrawFrame const cImGuiFrameGfx& aGfx,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
const cColor &in aCol = cColor
void DrawGfx const cImGuiGfx& aGfx,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
const cColor &in aCol = cColor,
const cColor &in aColTopLeft = cColor,
const cColor &in aColTopRight = cColor,
const cColor &in aColBotRight = cColor,
const cColor &in aColBotLeft = cColor
void DrawLine const cVector2f &in avStart,
const cVector2f &in avEnd,
float afZ,
float afThickness = 1.0f,
const cColor &in aCol = cColor,
const cImGuiGfx& aGfx = cImGuiGfx
void End
cColor FadeOscillateColor const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aStart,
const cColor &in aGoal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut
float FadeOscillateFloat const tString &in asVarName,
float afStart,
float afGoal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut
cVector3f FadeOscillateVector3f const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avGoal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut
bool FadeOver const tString &in asVarName
void FadeStateColor const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
void FadeStateFloat const tString &in asVarName,
float afGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
void FadeStateVector3f const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avGoalVal,
float afTime,
eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut,
bool abReplaceIfExist = true
const cVector3f& GetCurrentGroupPos
const cVector2f& GetCurrentGroupSize
const cImGuiButtonData& GetDefaultButton
const cImGuiCheckBoxData& GetDefaultCheckBox
const cImGuiFrameData& GetDefaultFrame
const cImGuiGaugeData& GetDefaultGauge
const cImGuiLabelData& GetDefaultLabel
const cImGuiMultiSelectData& GetDefaultMultiSelect
float GetDefaultOrCurrentFloat uint64 alDefaultVarId,
uint64 alCurrentVarId,
float afDefaultValue
int GetDefaultOrCurrentInt uint64 alDefaultVarId,
uint64 alCurrentVarId,
int alDefaultValue
const cImGuiSliderData& GetDefaultSliderHorizontal
const cImGuiSliderData& GetDefaultSliderVertical
const cImGuiTextFrameData& GetDefaultTextFrame
const cImGuiWindowData& GetDefaultWindow
float GetFontLength const cImGuiFont &in aFont,
float afSizeMul,
const tWString &in asText
void GetFontWordWrapRows const cImGuiFont &in aFont,
float afSizeMul,
const tWString &in asText,
float afLineWidth
cVector2f GetGfxSize const cImGuiGfx &in aGfx
uint64 GetIdFromNameAndCheckCollision const tString &in asName,
int alTableIdx
const cVector2f& GetMousePosition
cVector3f GetMousePosition3D
const cVector2f& GetMouseRel
cVector3f GetMouseRel3D
const tString& GetName
cGuiSet@ GetSet
bool GetShowMouse
bool GetShowMouseAutomatically
cColor GetStateColor uint64 alId,
const cColor &in aDefault = cColor
cColor GetStateColor const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aDefault = cColor
float GetStateFloat uint64 alId,
float afDefault = 0.0f
float GetStateFloat const tString &in asVarName,
float afDefault = 0.0f
int GetStateInt uint64 alId,
int alDefault = 0
int GetStateInt const tString &in asVarName,
int alDefault = 0
cVector3f GetStateVector3f uint64 alId,
const cVector3f &in avDefault = 0.0f
cVector3f GetStateVector3f const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avDefault = cVector3f
float GetTimeCount
float GetTimeStep
const cVector2f& GetUsedFontSize const cImGuiFont &in aFont
cVector2f GetUsedGfxSize const cImGuiGfx &in aGfx,
const cVector2f &in avCustomSize
void GroupBegin const cVector3f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avSize = 0,
bool abClip = false
void GroupEnd
void IncStateColor uint64 alId,
const cColor &in aVal
void IncStateColor const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aVal
void IncStateFloat uint64 alId,
float afVal
void IncStateFloat const tString &in asVarName,
float afVal
void IncStateInt uint64 alId,
int alVal
void IncStateInt const tString &in asVarName,
int alVal
void IncStateVector3f uint64 alId,
const cVector3f &in avVal
void IncStateVector3f const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avVal
bool IsFading const tString &in asVarName
bool IsFirstRun
void LayoutBegin eImGuiLayout aType,
const cVector3f &in avPos = 0,
const cVector2f &in avSize = -1,
const cVector2f &in avSpacing = 0
void LayoutEnd
void LockMouseFocus
bool MouseFocusIsLocked
void PopModifiers
bool PrevBecameInFocus
bool PrevBecamePressed
bool PrevInFocus
bool PrevMouseOver
const cVector3f& PrevPosition
bool PrevPressed
const cVector2f& PrevSize
bool PrevUpdated
bool PrevWasInFocus
void PushModifiers
bool RepeatTimer const tString &in asName,
float afTime
void ResetModifiers
void SendAction eImGuiAction aAction,
bool abDown,
bool abTriggered
void SendMousePosition const cVector2l &in avPos,
const cVector2l &in avRel
void SendMouseVirtualPosition const cVector2f &in avPos,
const cVector2f &in avRel
void SetAlignment eImGuiAlign aAlign
void SetDefaultButton const cImGuiButtonData& aData
void SetDefaultCheckBox const cImGuiCheckBoxData& aData
void SetDefaultFont const cImGuiFont &in aFont
void SetDefaultFrame const cImGuiFrameData& aData
void SetDefaultGauge const cImGuiGaugeData& aData
void SetDefaultLabel const cImGuiLabelData& aData
void SetDefaultMouse const cImGuiGfx &in aGfx
void SetDefaultMultiSelect const cImGuiMultiSelectData& aData
void SetDefaultSliderHorizontal const cImGuiSliderData& aData
void SetDefaultSliderVertical const cImGuiSliderData& aData
void SetDefaultTextFrame const cImGuiTextFrameData& aData
void SetDefaultWindow const cImGuiWindowData& aData
void SetDrawUIDebugBoxes bool abX
void SetFocus const tString &in asWidgetName
void SetModColorMul const cColor &in aCol
void SetModGfx const cImGuiGfx &in aGfx
void SetModRotateAngle float afX
void SetModRotateCustomPivot bool abX
void SetModRotatePivot const cVector2f &in avPivot
void SetModTextColorMul const cColor &in aCol
void SetModUISizeHoriExpansion float afNeg,
float afPos
void SetModUISizeVertExpansion float afNeg,
float afPos
void SetModUseInput bool abX
void SetModUseUIPos bool abX
void SetShowMouse bool abX
void SetShowMouseAutomatically bool abX
void SetStateColor uint64 alId,
const cColor &in aVal
void SetStateColor const tString &in asVarName,
const cColor &in aVal
void SetStateFloat uint64 alId,
float afVal
void SetStateFloat const tString &in asVarName,
float afVal
void SetStateInt uint64 alId,
int alVal
void SetStateInt const tString &in asVarName,
int alVal
void SetStateVector3f uint64 alId,
const cVector3f &in avVal
void SetStateVector3f const tString &in asVarName,
const cVector3f &in avVal
void SetUIMoveGroupFlags int alGroupFlags
void SetUIMoveWrapMode eImGuiWrap aWrap
void SetUpAlignment const cVector3f& avPos,
const cVector2f& avSize,
cVector3f& avAlignedPos,
eImGuiAlign aAlignment
void SetupWidgetRect const cVector3f &in avInPos,
const cVector2f &in avInSize,
cVector3f &out avOutPos,
cVector2f &out avOutSize,
const cVector2f &in avDefaultSize,
const cImGuiGfx& aGfx
void StopFade const tString &in asVarName
void StopTimer const tString &in asName
bool TimerExists const tString &in asName
bool TimerOver const tString &in asName


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