HPL3/Amnesia: Rebirth/Scripting/Scripting Api
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Welcome to the main Amnesia: Rebirth Scripting Function Reference Api.
This page lists important and useful functions on variety of topics.
You can find more useful functions in the helper files section of the main scripting page. No additional script files are needed to be included in order to call these functions. They can be used as-is.
This page is split into main scripting topics, each includes its own sub-topics as seen in the table below.

PhysicsMiscellaneous |

Return Type | Function and Description |
cColor | cColor_Blue The RGBA value of blue. |
cColor | cColor_Green The RGBA value of green. |
cColor | cColor_Red The RGBA value of red. |
cColor | cColor_White The RGBA value of white. |
float | cMath_Epsilon The value of correction for small floating point numbers. |
float | cMath_Pi Approximate value of pi. |
float | cMath_PiDiv2 Approximate value of pi divided by 2. |
float | cMath_PiDiv4 Approximate value of pi divided by 4. |
float | cMath_PiMul2 Approximate value of pi multiplied by 2. |
float | cMath_Sqrt2 Approximate value of the square root of 2 |
cMatrixf | cMatrixf_Identity The identity matrix. |
cMatrixf | cMatrixf_Zero A zero-filled matrix. |
cQuaternion | cQuaternion_Identity The quaternion identity. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_Down The down-facing 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_Left The left-facing 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_MinusOne A negative-one-filled 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_One A one-filled 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_Right The right-facing 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_Up The up-facing 2D vector. |
cVector2f | cVector2f_Zero A zero-filled 2D vector. |
cVector2l | cVector2l_MinusOne A negative-one-filled 2D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Back The backward-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Down The down-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Forward The forward-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Left The left-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_MinusOne A negative-one-filled 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_One A one-filled 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Right The right-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Up The up-facing 3D vector. |
cVector3f | cVector3f_Zero A zero-filled 3D vector. |
cVector4f | cVector4f_MinusOne A negative-one-filled 4D vector. |
cVector4f | cVector4f_One A one-filled 4D vector. |
cVector4f | cVector4f_Zero A zero-filled 4D vector. |
tID | tID_Invalid The static value of an invalid tID. |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Billboard_SetBrightness(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afBrightness) Sets the brightness of a billboard |
void | Billboard_SetRangeMax(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd) Sets the max range of a billboard, getting far away will cause the billboard to fade out |
void | Billboard_SetRangeMin(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd) Sets the minimum range of a billboard, getting closer will cause the billboard to fade out |
void | Billboard_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisibleInReflection, bool abVisibleInWorld) Sets whether the billboard is drawn in reflections or not, and the real world or not |
void | Billboard_SetRenderLayer(const tString &in asBillboardName, int alLayer) Sets the layer to render the billboard on |
void | Billboard_SetVisible(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisible) Sets if a billboard should be rendered or not |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Body_AddForce(const tString &in asBodyName, const cVector3f &in avForce, bool abLocalSpace) Adds force to the specified body |
void | Body_AddImpulse(const tString &in asBodyName, const cVector3f &in avImpulse, bool abLocalSpace) Adds an impulse to the specified body |
tString | Body_GetEntityName(const tString &in asBodyName) Gets the name of the entity the body belongs to |
void | Body_SetCollides(const tString &in asBodyName, bool abCollides) Sets whether a body collides with other bodies or not |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Button_Blink(const tString &in asName) Makes the button blink in accordance to how it is set up in the ent file |
bool | Button_IsDisabled(const tString &in asName) Checks if the button is disabled (will not light up or respond to presses) |
bool | Button_IsLocked(const tString &in asName) Checks if the button is locked |
bool | Button_IsSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName) Returns true if button is currently switched on |
void | Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOff(const tString &in asName, bool abState) Sets if the button can be switched off by the player or not |
void | Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState) Sets if the button can be switched on by the player or not |
void | Button_SetDisabled(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true) Sets the buttons disabled state |
void | Button_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true) Sets the button's locked state |
void | Button_SetSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abEffects) Switches a button on/off |

Return Type | Function and Description |
cEventDatabase | cAI_CreateEventDatabase(const tString &in asName) |
void | cAI_DestroyEventDatabase(cEventDatabase @apDB) |


Return Type | Function and Description |
float | cGenerate_FractalNoise1D(float afX, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams) |
float | cGenerate_FractalNoise2D(const cVector2f &in avPos, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams) |
float | cGenerate_FractalNoise3D(const cVector3f &in avPos, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine1D(float afX) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine2D(const cVector2f &in avPos) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic1D(float afX) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic2D(const cVector2f &in avPos) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin1D(float afX) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin2D(const cVector2f &in avPos) |
float | cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin3D(const cVector3f &in avPos) |



Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | cInput_BecameTriggered(const tString &in asName) |
bool | cInput_BecameTriggered(int alId) |
bool | cInput_CheckForInput() |
cAction | cInput_CreateAction(const tString &in asName, int alId) |
void | cInput_DestroyAction(cAction @apAction) |
bool | cInput_DoubleTriggered(const tString &in asName, float afLimit) |
bool | cInput_DoubleTriggered(int alId, float afLimit) |
cAction | cInput_GetAction(const tString &in asName) |
cAction | cInput_GetAction(int alId) |
iEyeTracker | cInput_GetEyeTracker() |
iKeyboard | cInput_GetKeyboard() |
iMouse | cInput_GetMouse() |
iSubAction | cInput_InputToSubAction() |
bool | cInput_IsTriggered(const tString &in asName) |
bool | cInput_IsTriggered(int alId) |
void | cInput_ResetActionsToCurrentState() |
void | cInput_Update(float afX) |
bool | cInput_WasTriggered(const tString &in asName) |
bool | cInput_WasTriggered(int alId) |


Return Type | Function and Description |
float | cMath_Abs(float afX) |
int | cMath_Abs(int alX) |
float | cMath_ACos(float afX) |
float | cMath_ASin(float afX) |
float | cMath_ATan(float afX) |
float | cMath_ATan2(float afY, float afX) |
float | cMath_Ceil(float afVal) |
int | cMath_CeilToInt(float afVal) |
bool | cMath_CheckAABBInside(const cVector3f &in avInsideMin, const cVector3f &in avInsideMax, const cVector3f &in avOutsideMin, const cVector3f &in avOutsideMax) |
bool | cMath_CheckAABBIntersection(const cVector3f &in avMin1, const cVector3f &in avMax1, const cVector3f &in avMin2, const cVector3f &in avMax2) |
bool | cMath_CheckAABBLineIntersection(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos, float &out afT) |
bool | cMath_CheckAABBSphereCollision(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avCenter, float afRadius) |
bool | cMath_CheckBVIntersection(cBoundingVolume@+ aBV1, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV2) |
bool | cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avSphereCenter, float afSphereRadius) |
bool | cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax) |
bool | cMath_CheckPlaneBVCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV) |
bool | cMath_CheckPlaneLineIntersection(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos, float &out afT) |
bool | cMath_CheckPlaneSphereCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avCenter, float afRadius) |
bool | cMath_CheckPointInAABBIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax) |
bool | cMath_CheckPointInBVIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV) |
bool | cMath_CheckPointInRectIntersection(const cVector2f &in avPoint, const cRect2f &in aRect) |
bool | cMath_CheckPointInSphereIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, const cVector3f &in avSpherePos, float afSphereRadius) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectFit(const cRect2l &in aRectSrc, const cRect2l &in aRectDest) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectFit(const cRect2f &in aRectSrc, const cRect2f &in aRectDest) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cRect2l &in aRect1, const cRect2l &in aRect2) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cRect2f &in aRect1, const cRect2f &in aRect2) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cVector2l &in avMin1, const cVector2l &in avMax1, const cVector2l &in avMin2, const cVector2l &in avMax2) |
bool | cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cVector2f &in avMin1, const cVector2f &in avMax1, const cVector2f &in avMin2, const cVector2f &in avMax2) |
bool | cMath_CheckSphereIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPosA, float afRadiusA, const cVector3f &in avPosB, float afRadiusB) |
bool | cMath_CheckSphereLineIntersection(const cVector3f &in avSpherePos, float afSphereRadius, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, float &out afT1, cVector3f &out afIntersection1, float &out afT2, cVector3f &out avIntersection2) |
float | cMath_Clamp(float afX, float afMin, float afMax) |
int | cMath_Clamp(int alX, int alMin, int alMax) |
float | cMath_Cos(float afX) |
float | cMath_Easing(eEasing aType, float afT, float afMin = 0, float afMax = 1) |
cVector3f | cMath_ExpandAABBMax(const cVector3f &in avBaseMax, const cVector3f &in avAddMax) |
cVector3f | cMath_ExpandAABBMin(const cVector3f &in avBaseMin, const cVector3f &in avAddMin) |
float | cMath_FastRandomFloat(int alSeed) |
float | cMath_Floor(float afVal) |
int | cMath_FloorToInt(float afVal) |
float | cMath_GetAngleDistance(float afAngle1, float afAngle2, float afMaxAngle) |
float | cMath_GetAngleDistanceDeg(float afAngle1, float afAngle2) |
float | cMath_GetAngleDistanceRad(float afAngle1, float afAngle2) |
cVector2f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2f(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2, float afMaxAngle) |
cVector2f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fDeg(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2) |
cVector2f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fRad(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2) |
cVector3f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3f(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2, float afMaxAngle) |
cVector3f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fDeg(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2) |
cVector3f | cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fRad(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2) |
float | cMath_GetAngleFromPoints2D(const cVector2f &in aStartPos, const cVector2f &in avGoalPos) |
cVector3f | cMath_GetAngleFromPoints3D(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avGoalPos) |
void | cMath_GetAngleFromVector(const cVector2f &in avVec, float &out afAngle, float &out afLength) |
int | cMath_GetBit(int alBitNum) |
bool | cMath_GetBitFlag(int alFlagNum, int alBit) |
cRect2f | cMath_GetClipRect(const cRect2f &in aRectSrc, const cRect2f &in aRectDest) |
void | cMath_GetClipRectFromBV(cRect2l &out aDestRect, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV, cFrustum@+ apFrustum, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize) |
cRect2l | cMath_GetClipRectFromNormalizedMinMax(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize) |
cRect2l | cMath_GetClipRectFromSphere(const cVector3f &in avPosition, float afRadius, cFrustum@+ apFrustum, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize, bool abPositionIsScreenSpace) |
float | cMath_GetCorrectSignOfSpeed(float afCurrent, float afDest, float afSpeed) |
float | cMath_GetFraction(float afVal) |
bool | cMath_GetNormalizedClipRectFromBV(cVector3f &out avDestMin, cVector3f &out avDestMax, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV, cFrustum@+ aFrustum) |
cVector3f | cMath_GetPoint3DFromSphericalCoords(const cVector3f &in avSphCenter, float afSphRadius, const cVector2f &in avSphCoords) |
cVector2f | cMath_GetSphericalCoordsFromPoint3D(const cVector3f &in avSphCenter, const cVector3f &in avPoint) |
cVector2f | cMath_GetVectorFromAngle2D(float afAngle, float afLength) |
cColor | cMath_HexToRGB(const tString &in asHex) |
cColor | cMath_HexWToRGB(const tWString &in asHex) |
cColor | cMath_HSBToRGB(const cVector3f &in avHSB) |
float | cMath_IncreaseTo(float afX, float afAdd, float afDest) |
float | cMath_InterpolateCosine(float afA, float afB, float afT) |
float | cMath_InterpolateCubic(float afX0, float afX1, float afX2, float afX3, float afT) |
float | cMath_InterpolateHermite(float afX0, float afX1, float afX2, float afX3, float afT, float afTension, float afBias) |
float | cMath_InterpolateLinear(float afA, float afB, float afT) |
float | cMath_InterpolateSigmoid(float afA, float afB, float afT) |
bool | cMath_IsPow2(int alX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(float afX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(const cVector2f &in avX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(const cVector3f &in avX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(const cVector4f &in avX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(const cColor &in avX) |
bool | cMath_IsValid(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX) |
float | cMath_Log(float afX) |
int | cMath_Log2ToInt(int alX) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixEulerAngleDistance(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixGetScale(const cMatrixf &in a_mtx) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixInverse(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixMul(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixMul(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixMul3x3(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixMulDivideW(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixMulScalar(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, float afB) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixNormal(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, bool abTranspose) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixOrthographicProjection(float afNearClipPlane, float afFarClipPlane, const cVector2f &in avViewSize) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixPerspectiveProjection(float afNearClipPlane, float afFarClipPlane, float afFOV, float afAspect, bool abInfFarPlane) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixPlaneMirror(const cPlanef &in aPlane) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixQuaternion(const cQuaternion &in aqRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateX(float afAngle) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateXYZ(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateXZY(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateY(float afAngle) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateYXZ(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateYZX(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateZ(float afAngle) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateZXY(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixRotateZYX(const cVector3f &in avRot) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixScale(const cVector3f &in avScale) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixSetScale(const cMatrixf &in a_mtx, const cVector3f &in avScale) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixSlerp(float afT, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB, bool abShortestPath) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixToEulerAngles(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA) |
cVector3f | cMath_MatrixToEulerAnglesMultiSolution(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, cVector3f &out avSolution1, cVector3f &out avSolution2) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixTranslate(const cVector3f &in avTrans) |
cMatrixf | cMath_MatrixUnitVectors(const cVector3f &in avRight, const cVector3f &in avUp, const cVector3f &in avForward, const cVector3f &in avTranslate) |
float | cMath_Max(float afX, float afY) |
int | cMath_Max(int alX, int alY) |
float | cMath_Min(float afX, float afY) |
int | cMath_Min(int alX, int alY) |
float | cMath_Modulus(float afDividend, float afDivisor) |
float | cMath_PlaneDot(const cPlanef &in aPlaneA, const cPlanef &in aPlaneB) |
bool | cMath_PlaneIntersectionPoint(const cPlanef &in aP1, const cPlanef &in aP2, const cPlanef &in aP3, cVector3f &in avPoint) |
bool | cMath_PlaneParallel(const cPlanef &in aPlaneA, const cPlanef &in aPlaneB) |
float | cMath_PlaneToPointDist(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avVec) |
float | cMath_Pow(float afX, float afExp) |
int | cMath_Pow2(int alX) |
cMatrixf | cMath_ProjectionMatrixObliqueNearClipPlane(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxProjMatrix, const cPlanef &in aClipPlane) |
cVector2f | cMath_ProjectVector2D(const cVector2f &in avSrcVec, const cVector2f &in avDestVec) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionConjugate(const cQuaternion &in aqA) |
float | cMath_QuaternionDot(const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionEuler(const cVector3f &in avEuler, eEulerRotationOrder aOrder) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionInverse(const cQuaternion &in aqA) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionLerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionMatrix(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionMul(const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionNlerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionNormalize(const cQuaternion &in aqA) |
cVector3f | cMath_QuaternionRotate(const cQuaternion &in aqRot, const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cQuaternion | cMath_QuaternionSlerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB, bool abShortestPath) |
cVector2f | cMath_RandomCircleEdgePoint(float afRadius) |
void | cMath_Randomize(int alSeed) |
cVector3f | cMath_RandomSphereSurfacePoint(float afRadius) |
cColor | cMath_RandRectColor(const cColor &in aMin, const cColor &in aMax) |
float | cMath_RandRectf(float alMin, float alMax) |
int | cMath_RandRectl(int alMin, int alMax) |
cVector2f | cMath_RandRectVector2f(const cVector2f &in avMin, const cVector2f &in avMax) |
cVector3f | cMath_RandRectVector3f(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax) |
tString | cMath_RGBToHex(const cColor &in aRGB) |
tWString | cMath_RGBToHexW(const cColor &in aRGB) |
cVector3f | cMath_RGBToHSB(const cColor &in aX) |
float | cMath_Round(float afVal) |
float | cMath_RoundFloatToDecimals(float afVal, int alPrecision) |
int | cMath_RoundToInt(float afVal) |
cVector2l | cMath_RoundToInt(const cVector2f &in avX) |
cVector3l | cMath_RoundToInt(const cVector3f &in avX) |
void | cMath_SetBitFlag(int &out alFlagNum, int alBit, bool abSet) |
float | cMath_SigmoidCurve(float afX) |
float | cMath_Sign(float afX) |
int | cMath_Sign(int alX) |
float | cMath_Sin(float afX) |
float | cMath_Sqrt(float afX) |
float | cMath_Tan(float afX) |
float | cMath_ToDeg(float afAngle) |
float | cMath_ToRad(float afAngle) |
cPlanef | cMath_TransformPlane(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, const cPlanef &in aPlane) |
float | cMath_TurnAngle(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed, float afMaxAngle) |
float | cMath_TurnAngleDeg(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed) |
float | cMath_TurnAngleRad(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Abs(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2CatmullRom(const cVector2f &in avP0, const cVector2f &in avP1, const cVector2f &in avP2, const cVector2f &in avP3, float afFract) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Ceil(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
float | cMath_Vector2Dist(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistSqr(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistSqrXY(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistSqrXZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistSqrYZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistXY(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistXZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2DistYZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB) |
float | cMath_Vector2Dot(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Floor(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2IncreaseTo(const cVector2f &in avX, const cVector2f &in avAdd, const cVector2f &in avDest) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Max(const cVector2f &in avVecA, const cVector2f &in avVecB) |
float | cMath_Vector2MaxElement(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Min(const cVector2f &in avVecA, const cVector2f &in avVecB) |
float | cMath_Vector2MinElement(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Normalize(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2Rotate(const cVector2f &in avVec, float afAngle) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2ToDeg(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector2f | cMath_Vector2ToRad(const cVector2f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Abs(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
float | cMath_Vector3Angle(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3AngleDistance(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2, float afMaxAngle) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceDeg(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceRad(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3CatmullRom(const cVector3f &in avP0, const cVector3f &in avP1, const cVector3f &in avP2, const cVector3f &in avP3, float afFract) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Ceil(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3ClampLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMinLength, float afMaxLength) |
void | cMath_Vector3ClampToLength(cVector3f &in avVec, float afMaxLength) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Cross(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB) |
float | cMath_Vector3Dist(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avEndPos) |
float | cMath_Vector3DistSqr(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avEndPos) |
float | cMath_Vector3Dot(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Floor(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3IncreaseTo(const cVector3f &in avX, const cVector3f &in avAdd, const cVector3f &in avDest) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Max(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB) |
float | cMath_Vector3MaxElement(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3MaxLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMaxLength) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Min(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB) |
float | cMath_Vector3MinElement(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3MinLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMinLength) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Normalize(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
void | cMath_Vector3OrthonormalizeBasis(const cVector3f &in avSrcRight, const cVector3f &in avSrcUp, const cVector3f &in avSrcForward, cVector3f &out avDstRight, cVector3f &out avDstUp, cVector3f &out avDstForward) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Project(const cVector3f &in avSrcVec, const cVector3f &in avDestVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3ProjectOnPlane(const cVector3f &in avSrcVec, const cVector3f &in avPlaneNormal) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3Reflect(const cVector3f &in avVec, const cVector3f &in avNormal) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3SphereSurfacePoint(const cVector2f &in avSeed, float afRadius) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3ToDeg(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3ToRad(const cVector3f &in avVec) |
cVector3f | cMath_Vector3UnProject(const cVector3f &in avVec, const cRect2f &in aScreenRect, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxViewProj) |
float | cMath_Wrap(float afX, float afMin, float afMax) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
iPhysicsWorld | cPhysics_CreateWorld(bool abAddSurfaceData) |
void | cPhysics_DestroyWorld(iPhysicsWorld@ apWorld) |
float | cPhysics_GetImpactDuration() |
int | cPhysics_GetMaxImpacts() |
void | cPhysics_SetImpactDuration(float afX) |
void | cPhysics_SetMaxImpacts(int alX) |
iPhysicsBody | cPhysics_ToBody(iEntity3D@ apEntity) |
iPhysicsJointBall | cPhysics_ToJointBall(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint) |
iPhysicsJointHinge | cPhysics_ToJointHinge(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint) |
iPhysicsJointSlider | cPhysics_ToJointSlider(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint) |




Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | cSound_CheckSoundIsBlocked(const cVector3f &in avSoundPosition) |
iSoundEvent | cSound_CreateEvent(iSoundEventData@ apData, bool abNonBlockingLoad) |
void | cSound_DestroyEvent(iSoundEvent@ apEvent) |
void | cSound_DestroyUnusedData(int alMaxAmount, int alMaxAge, bool abRemoveUnusedProjects, bool abRemovePreloaded) |
int | cSound_FadeGlobalSpeed(float afDestSpeed, float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId, bool abDestroyIdAtDest) |
int | cSound_FadeGlobalVolume(float afDestVolume, float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId, bool abDestroyIdAtDest) |
void | cSound_FadeHighPassFilter(float afDestCutOff, float afDestResonance, float afTime, uint mAffectedTypes) |
void | cSound_FadeLowPassFilter(float afDestCutOff, float afDestResonance, float afTime, uint mAffectedTypes) |
void | cSound_FadeMusicVolumeMul(float afDest, float afSpeed) |
void | cSound_FadeOutAll(uint mTypes, float afFadeSpeed, bool abDisableStop) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_GetEntry(const tString &in asName) |
tString | cSound_GetEventCategory_Gui() |
tString | cSound_GetEventCategory_World() |
tString | cSound_GetEventCategory_WorldClean() |
iSoundEventData | cSound_GetEventData(const tString &in asInternalPath, bool abLoadData, bool abNonBlockingLoad) |
iSoundEventProject | cSound_GetEventProject(const tString &in asName) |
uint | cSound_GetEventSystemMemoryUsed() |
float | cSound_GetGlobalSpeed(eSoundEntryType aType) |
float | cSound_GetGlobalSpeedFromId(int alId) |
float | cSound_GetGlobalVolume(eSoundEntryType aType) |
float | cSound_GetGlobalVolumeFromId(int alId) |
float | cSound_GetMusicVolumeMul() |
bool | cSound_GetSilent() |
bool | cSound_IsPlaying(const tString &in asName) |
bool | cSound_IsValid(cSoundEntry @apEntry, int alID) |
void | cSound_PauseAll(uint mTypes) |
void | cSound_PauseMusic() |
cSoundEntry | cSound_Play(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, float afMinDist, float afMaxDist, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, bool abRelative, bool ab3D, int alPriorityModifier, bool abStream, bool abNonBlockedLoad) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_Play3D(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, float afMinDist, float afMaxDist, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, bool abRelative, int alPriorityModifier, bool abStream, bool abNonBlockedLoad) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_PlayGui(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, eSoundEntryType aEntryType) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_PlayGuiStream(const tString &in asFileName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, eSoundEntryType aEntryType) |
bool | cSound_PlayMusic(const tString &in asFileName, float afVolume, float afVolumeFadeStepSize, float afFreq, float afFreqFadeStepSize, bool abLoop, bool abResume) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_PlaySoundEntityGui(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, const cVector3f &in avPos) |
cSoundEntry | cSound_PlaySoundEvent(const tString &in asInternalPath, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, const cVector3f &in avOrientation, bool abNonBlockLoad) |
void | cSound_PreloadGroup(const tString &in asInternalPath, bool abNonBlockingLoad, bool abSubGroups) |
void | cSound_PreloadProject(const tString &in asName, bool abNonBlockingLoad) |
void | cSound_PreloadSoundEvent(const tString &in asInternalPath) |
void | cSound_ResumeAll(uint mTypes) |
void | cSound_ResumeMusic() |
void | cSound_SetEventCategory_Gui(const tString &in asCat) |
void | cSound_SetEventCategory_World(const tString &in asCat) |
void | cSound_SetEventCategory_WorldClean(const tString &in asCat) |
int | cSound_SetGlobalSpeed(float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId) |
int | cSound_SetGlobalVolume(float afVolume, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId) |
void | cSound_SetMusicVolumeMul(float afMul) |
void | cSound_SetSilent(bool abX) |
bool | cSound_Stop(const tString &in asName, bool abPlayEnd) |
void | cSound_StopAll(uint mTypes, bool abPlayEnd) |
void | cSound_StopMusic(float afFadeStepSize) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
tString | cString_AddSlashAtEnd(const tString &in asPath) |
tWString | cString_AddSlashAtEndW(const tWString &in asPath) |
bool | cString_CheckWildcardStrings(const tString &in asStr, const tString &in asWildcardStr, array<tString> &in avSubStringArray) |
int | cString_CountCharsInString(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar) |
int | cString_CountCharsInStringW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar) |
tWString | cString_Get16BitFromArray(const tString &in asArray) |
tWString | cString_GetDecodedString(const tString &in asStr) |
tString | cString_GetFileExt(const tString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_GetFileExtW(const tWString &in aString) |
tString | cString_GetFileName(const tString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_GetFileNameW(const tWString &in aString) |
tString | cString_GetFilePath(const tString &in aString) |
tString | cString_GetFilePathTopFolder(const tString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW(const tWString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_GetFilePathW(const tWString &in aString) |
int | cString_GetFirstCharPos(const tString &in aString, int8 alChar) |
int | cString_GetFirstStringPos(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar) |
int | cString_GetFirstStringPosW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar) |
void | cString_GetFloatVec(const tString &in asData, array<float> &inout avOutFloats, const tString &in asSepp) |
uint | cString_GetHash(const tString &in asStr) |
uint64 | cString_GetHash64(const tString &in asStr) |
uint64 | cString_GetHash64W(const tWString &in asStr) |
uint | cString_GetHashW(const tWString &in asStr) |
void | cString_GetIntVec(const tString &in asData, array<int> &inout avOutInts, const tString &in asSepp) |
tString | cString_GetLastChar(const tString &in aString) |
int | cString_GetLastCharPos(const tString &in aString, int8 alChar) |
tWString | cString_GetLastCharW(const tWString &in aString) |
int | cString_GetLastStringPos(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar) |
int | cString_GetLastStringPosW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar) |
tString | cString_GetNumericSuffix(const tString &in asStr) |
float | cString_GetNumericSuffixFloat(const tString &in aString, float afDefault = 0) |
float | cString_GetNumericSuffixFloatW(const tWString &in aString, float afDefault = 0) |
int | cString_GetNumericSuffixInt(const tString &in aString, int alDefault = 0) |
int | cString_GetNumericSuffixIntW(const tWString &in aString, int alDefault = 0) |
tWString | cString_GetNumericSuffixW(const tWString &in asStr) |
void | cString_GetStringVec(const tString &in asData, array<tString> &inout avOutStrings, const tString &in asSepp) |
tString | cString_RemoveSlashAtEnd(const tString &in asPath) |
tWString | cString_RemoveSlashAtEndW(const tWString &in asPath) |
tString | cString_ReplaceCharTo(const tString &in aString, const tString &in asOldChar, const tString &in asNewChar) |
tWString | cString_ReplaceCharToW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in asOldChar, const tWString &in asNewChar) |
tString | cString_ReplaceStringTo(const tString &in aString, const tString &in asOldString, const tString &in asNewString) |
tWString | cString_ReplaceStringToW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in asOldString, const tWString &in asNewString) |
tString | cString_S16BitToUTF8(const tWString &in awsString) |
tString | cString_SetFileExt(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aExt) |
tWString | cString_SetFileExtW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aExt) |
tString | cString_SetFilePath(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aPath) |
tWString | cString_SetFilePathW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aPath) |
tString | cString_Sub(const tString &in asString, int alStart, int alCount = -1) |
tWString | cString_SubW(const tWString &in asString, int alStart, int alCount = -1) |
tWString | cString_To16Char(const tString &in asString) |
tString | cString_To8Char(const tWString &in awsString) |
bool | cString_ToBool(const tString &in asStr, bool abDefault) |
cColor | cString_ToColor(const tString &in asStr, const cColor &in aDefault) |
float | cString_ToFloat(const tString &in asStr, float afDefault) |
int | cString_ToInt(const tString &in asStr, int alDefault) |
tString | cString_ToLowerCase(const tString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_ToLowerCaseW(const tWString &in aString) |
cMatrixf | cString_ToMatrixf(const tString &in asStr, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxDefault) |
tString | cString_ToString(float afX, int alNumOfDecimals = -1, bool abRemoveZeros = false) |
tString | cString_ToString(int alX, int alPaddingZeros) |
tWString | cString_ToStringW(float afX, int alNumOfDecimals = -1, bool abRemoveZeros = false) |
tWString | cString_ToStringW(int alX, int alPaddingZeros) |
tString | cString_ToUpperCase(const tString &in aString) |
tWString | cString_ToUpperCaseW(const tWString &in aString) |
cVector2f | cString_ToVector2f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector2f &in avDefault) |
cVector2l | cString_ToVector2l(const tString &in asStr, const cVector2l &in avDefault) |
cVector3f | cString_ToVector3f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector3f &in avDefault) |
cVector3l | cString_ToVector3l(const tString &in asStr, const cVector3l &in avDefault) |
cVector4f | cString_ToVector4f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector4f &in avDefault) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | cSystem_CloneFile(const tWString &in asSrcFileName, const tWString &in asDestFileName, bool abFailIfExists) |
void | cSystem_CopyTextToClipboard(const tWString &in asText) |
bool | cSystem_CreateFolder(const tWString &in asPath) |
cDate | cSystem_FileCreationDate(const tWString &in asFilePath) |
bool | cSystem_FileExists(const tWString &in asFileName) |
cDate | cSystem_FileModifiedDate(const tWString &in asFilePath) |
void | cSystem_FindFilesInDir(array<tWString> &inout avStrings, const tWString &in asDir, const tWString &in asMask, bool abAddHidden) |
void | cSystem_FindFoldersInDir(array<tWString> &inout avtStrings, const tWString &in asDir, bool abAddHidden, bool abAddUpFolder) |
bool | cSystem_FolderExists(const tWString &in asPath) |
uint | cSystem_GetApplicationTime() |
void | cSystem_GetAvailableVideoDrivers(array<tString> &inout avDrivers) |
void | cSystem_GetAvailableVideoModes(array<cVector2l> &inout avScreenSizes, array<int> &inout avBpps, array<int> &inout avMinRefreshRates, int alMinBpp, int alMinRefreshRate, bool abRemoveDuplicates) |
cDate | cSystem_GetDate() |
uint | cSystem_GetFileSize(const tWString &in asFileName) |
tWString | cSystem_GetFullFilePath(const tWString &in asFilePath) |
ePlatform | cSystem_GetPlatform() |
tString | cSystem_GetPlatformName() |
uint | cSystem_GetSystemAvailableDrives() |
tWString | cSystem_GetSystemSpecialPath(eSystemPath aPathType) |
tWString | cSystem_GetWorkingDir() |
bool | cSystem_HasWindowFocus(const tWString &in asWindowCaption) |
tWString | cSystem_LoadTextFromClipboard() |
void | cSystem_ProfileEnd(const tString &in asName) |
void | cSystem_ProfileStart(const tString &in asName) |
void | cSystem_RemoveFile(const tWString &in asFileName) |
bool | cSystem_RemoveFolder(const tWString &in asPath, bool abDeleteAllFiles, bool abDeleteAllSubFolders) |
void | cSystem_Sleep(uint alMilliSecs) |
void | cSystem_Wrapper_CreateMessageBox(eMsgBoxType aType, const tWString &in asCaption, const tWString &in asMessage) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | EnergySource_SetEnergy(const tString &in asName, float afX) Sets the energy level of an energy source |

Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | Entity_AddCollideCallback(const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asChildName, const tString &in asFunction) Add a callback for when entities (objects, areas etc) collide and/or collides with the player |
void | Entity_AddForce(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avForce, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody) Adds force to the entity |
void | Entity_AddForceFromEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asForceEntityName, float afForce, bool abOnlyMainBody) Adds force to the entity away from another entity |
void | Entity_AddImpulse(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avImpulse, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody) Adds an impulse to the entity |
void | Entity_AddImpulseFromEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asImpulseEntityName, float afImpulse, bool abOnlyMainBody) Adds an impulse to the entity away from another entity |
void | Entity_AddTorque(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avTorque, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody) Adds torque to an entity to provide some angular velocity |
bool | Entity_AttachToEntity(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asParentBodyName, bool abUseRotation, bool abSnapToParent = false, bool abLocked = false) Attaches the entity to another entity |
bool | Entity_AttachToSocket(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asParentSocketName, bool abUseRotation, bool abSnapToParent = true) Attaches the entity to another entity |
void | Entity_CallEntityInteract(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asBodyName = "", const cVector3f &in avFocusBodyOffset = cVector3f_Zero, const tString &in asData = "") Calls OnInteract on the specified entity |
void | Entity_Connect(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asMainEntity, const tString &in asConnectEntity, bool abInvertStateSent, int alStatesUsed) Creates a connection between two entities |
iLuxEntity | Entity_CreateAtEntity(const tString &in asNewEntityName, const tString &in asEntityFile, const tString &in asTargetEntityName, bool abFullGameSave) Creates an entity at another entity |
iLuxEntity | Entity_CreateAtEntityExt(const tString &in asNewEntityName, const tString &in asEntityFile, const tString &in asTargetEntityName, bool abFullGameSave, const cVector3f &in avScale, const cVector3f &in avOffsetPosition, const cVector3f &in avOffsetRotation, bool abLocalOffset) Creates an entity at another entity with extra options |
void | Entity_Destroy(const tString &in asName) Destroys an entity of a given name |
bool | Entity_EntityIsInFront(const tString &in asTargetEntity, const tString &in asForwardEntity) Returns true if the specified entity is in front of the other entity |
bool | Entity_Exists(const tString &in asName) Check if an entity exists in the level |
bool | Entity_Exists(tID aID) Check if an entity exists in the level |
void | Entity_FadeEffectBaseColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor, float afTime) Fades the base color of the effects |
void | Entity_FadeProcAnimationSpeed(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afSpeed, float afTime) Fade the speed of a proc animation |
bool | Entity_GetAutoSleep(const tString &in asName) Get if an entity automatically falls asleep when it isnt active |
cVector3f | Entity_GetBodyOffset(const tString &in asEntityName) Returns the offset from centre specified in the |
bool | Entity_GetCollide(const tString &in asEntityA, const tString &in asEntityB) Checks for collision between two specific entities |
cVector3f | Entity_GetDeltaToEntity(const tString &in asEntityA, const tString &in asEntityB) Gets the direction and distance between two entities |
cColor | Entity_GetEffectBaseColor(const tString &in asEntityName) Returns the base color of the effects |
bool | Entity_GetVarBool(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
cColor | Entity_GetVarColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
float | Entity_GetVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
int | Entity_GetVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
tString | Entity_GetVarString(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
cVector2f | Entity_GetVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
cVector3f | Entity_GetVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName) Get value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_IncVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, float afX) Add a value to the current value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_IncVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, int alX) Add a value to the current value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_IncVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector2f &in avX) Add a value to the current value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_IncVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avX) Add a value to the current value of an entity variable |
bool | Entity_IsActive(const tString &in asName) Get if an entity is active (visible and functioning) or not |
bool | Entity_IsInPlayerFOV(const tString &in asEntity) Returns true if the object is within the player's field of view |
bool | Entity_IsInteractedWith(const tString &in asName) Checks if the entity is being interacted with |
bool | Entity_IsOccluder(const tString &in asName) Get if an entity is an occluder |
bool | Entity_IsSleeping(const tString &in asName) Check if an entity is asleep |
void | Entity_PlaceAtEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, const cVector3f &in avOffset = cVector3f_Zero, bool abAlignRotation = false, bool abUseEntFileCenter = false) Places the specified entity at another entity |
void | Entity_PlayAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afFadeTime = 0.1f, bool abLoop = false, bool abPlayTransition = true, const tString &in asCallback = "", bool abGlobal = false, bool abApplyBoneRootMotion = false) Plays an animation on the entity |
bool | Entity_PlayerIsInFront(const tString &in asName) Returns true if the player is in front of the specified entity |
void | Entity_PlayProcAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afLength, bool abLoop = false, float afAmountFadeTime = 0.1, float afSpeedFadeTime = -1.0f) Plays a procedural animation on the entity |
void | Entity_Preload(const tString &in asEntityFile) Preloads an entity |
void | Entity_RemoveAllConnections(const tString &in asMainEntity) Removes all connections on an entity |
bool | Entity_RemoveCollideCallback(const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asChildName) Remove a callback for when entities (objects, areas etc) collide and/or collide with the player |
void | Entity_RemoveConnection(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asMainEntity) Removes a specific connection on an entity |
bool | Entity_RemoveEntityAttachment(const tString &in asName) Removes an attachment to another entity if the entity(ies) has one |
void | Entity_SetActive(const tString &in asName, bool abActive) Set if entity is active (visible and functioning) or not |
void | Entity_SetAnimationMessageEventCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallbackFunc, bool abAutoRemove) Sets a callback for the message events in the currently playing animation |
void | Entity_SetAnimationPaused(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, bool abPaused = true) Pause or unpause an animation on the specified entity |
void | Entity_SetAnimationRelativeTimePosition(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afTimePos) Sets the relative time position of a specific animation |
void | Entity_SetAutoSleep(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if the entity should sleep automatically when it need no updating |
void | Entity_SetCastShadows(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abCast) Sets whether the entity casts shadows |
void | Entity_SetCollide(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive) Turn off or on collision for all the bodies in the given entity |
void | Entity_SetCollideCharacter(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive) Turn off or on character collision for all the bodies in the given entity |
void | Entity_SetColorMul(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor) Set the color mul of the entity |
void | Entity_SetConnectionStateChangeCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback) Sets the callback for when the connection state changes on an entity |
void | Entity_SetEffectBaseColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor) Sets the base color of the effects |
void | Entity_SetEffectsActive(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive, bool abFadeAndPlaySounds) Activates or deactivates the effects on a entity |
void | Entity_SetEffectsActiveExt(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive, bool abFadeAndPlaySounds, float afEffectsOnTime, float afEffectsOffTime) Activates or deactivates the effects on a entity |
void | Entity_SetInteractionDisabled(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abX) Sets if the player can interact with an entity or not |
void | Entity_SetIsOccluder(const tString &in asName, bool abOccluder) Set if entity is an occluder |
void | Entity_SetMaxInteractionDistance(const tString &in asEntityName, float afDistance) Change the max interaction distance of an entity from the default/entity configured distance |
void | Entity_SetPlayerInteractCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenInteracted) Sets the callback for when the player interacts with a specific entity |
void | Entity_SetPlayerLookAtCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt = true, bool abCheckCenterOfScreen = true, bool abCheckRayIntersection = true, float afMaxDistance = -1, float afCallbackDelay = 0) Sets the callback for when the player looks at or turns away from a specific entity |
void | Entity_SetProcAnimationPaused(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, bool abPaused = true) Pause or unpause a procedural animation on the specified entity |
void | Entity_SetProcAnimationSpeed(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afSpeed) Sets the speed of a proc animation |
void | Entity_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abVisibleInReflection, bool abVisibleInWorld) Sets whether the entity is drawn in reflections or not, and the real world or not |
void | Entity_SetVarBool(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, bool abX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, float afX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, int alX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarString(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const tString &in asX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector2f &in avX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_SetVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avX) Sets the value of an entity variable |
void | Entity_Sleep(const tString &in asName) Forces the entity to sleep (disabling Update/PostUpdate) |
void | Entity_StopAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName) Stops any currently playing animation on the specified entity |
void | Entity_StopProcAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afFadeTime = 0.1f) Stops a procedural animation on the specified entity |
void | Entity_StopSpecificAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName) Stop a specific animation currently playing on the specified entity |
void | Entity_WakeUp(const tString &in asName) Forces the entity to wake up (enabling Update/PostUpdate) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | FogArea_SetVisible(const tString &in asFogAreaName, bool abActive) |
void | FogArea_SetVisibleInReflection(const tString &in asFogAreaName, bool abActive) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Grab_SetForceMul(const tString &in asName, float afForceMul) Sets the forcemul of a grab prop |

Return Type | Function and Description |
uint | H32(const tString &in asStr) |
uint64 | H64(const tString &in asStr) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | IrradianceSet_FadeIn(const tString &in asSet, float afTime) Fades in the specified set on all probes belonging to it |
void | IrradianceSet_FadeInSingleProbe(const tString &in asProbe, const tString &in asSet, float afTime) Fades in the specified set on a specific probe |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Joint_Break(const tString &in asJointName) Breaks the specified joint |
float | Joint_GetForceSize(const tString &in asJointName) Gets the force magnitude applied to the specified joint |
bool | Joint_IsBroken(const tString &in asJointName) Checks if the specified joint is broken |
void | Joint_SetBreakable(const tString &in asJointName, bool abBreakable) Sets if the joint should be breakable by force or not |

Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | Lamp_GetLit(const tString &in asName) Gets the lit state of a lamp |
void | Lamp_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asName, bool abActive) Activates or deactivates flicker on the specified lamp(s) |
void | Lamp_SetLit(const tString &in asName, bool abLit, bool abEffects) Sets the lit state of a lamp |
void | Lamp_SetupFlicker(const tString &in asName, float afMinOnTime, float afMaxOnTime, float afMinOffTime, float afMaxOffTime, bool abFade = false, const tString &in asOnSound = "", const tString &in asOffSound = "", const tString &in asOnPS = "", const tString &in asOffPS = "") Sets the properties of the flicker of a lamp |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | LensFlare_SetVisible(const tString &in asLensFlareName, bool abVisible) Sets if a lens flare should be rendered or not |

Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | LevelDoor_GetLocked(const tString &in asName) Gets the lock state of a level door |
void | LevelDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState) Sets the lock state of a level door |

Return Type | Function and Description |
int | Lever_GetState(const tString &in asName) Gets the state of the lever |
void | Lever_SetAutoMoveEnabled(const tString &in asName, bool abAutoMove) Enables or disables the auto move property of the lever |
void | Lever_SetAutoMoveTarget(const tString &in asName, int alTarget) Sets the auto move target of the lever |
void | Lever_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if player interaction will disable the stuck state of a lever |
void | Lever_SetStuckState(const tString &in asName, int alState, bool abEffects) Sets the stuck state of a lever |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Light_FadeBrightnessTo(const tString &in asLightName, float afBrightness, float afTime, eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear) Fades the brightness of one or more lights to a specified value |
void | Light_FadeBrightnessToDefault(const tString &in asLightName, float afTime, eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear) Fades the brightness of one or more lights to a the default value |
void | Light_FadeTo(const tString &in asLightName, const cColor &in acColor, float afRadius, float afTime) Fades one or more lights to a specified color and radius |
float | Light_GetBrightness(const tString &in asLightName) Gets the brightness of a light |
float | Light_GetDefaultBrightness(const tString &in asLightName) Returns the default brightness of a light |
void | Light_SetBrightness(const tString &in asLightName, float afBrightness) Sets the brightness of one or more lights |
void | Light_SetCastShadows(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX) Sets the casts shadow |
void | Light_SetCheapGobo(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX) Sets if a cheaper version of gobo rendering should be used |
void | Light_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX) Activates or deactivates the flicker of one or more lights |
void | Light_SetShadowBiasMul(const tString &in asLightName, float afBias, float afSlopeBias) Sets the shadow bias for one or more lights |
void | Light_SetupFlicker(const tString &in asLightName, const cColor &in aOffCol, float afOffRadius, float afOnMinLength, float afOnMaxLength, const tString &in asOnSound, const tString &in asOnPS, float afOffMinLength, float afOffMaxLength, const tString &in asOffSound, const tString &in asOffPS, bool abFade, float afOnFadeMinLength, float afOnFadeMaxLength, float afOffFadeMinLength, float afOffFadeMaxLength) Set up the flicker of one or more lights |
void | Light_SetVisible(const tString &in asLightName, bool abVisible) Sets the visibility of one or more lights |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Error(const tString &in asString) |
void | Error(uint aLabel, const tString &in asString) |
void | Error(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel) |
void | FatalError(const tString &in asString) |
void | Log(const tString &in asString) |
void | Log(uint aLabel, const tString &in asString) |
void | Log(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel) |
void | LogNewLine(const tString &in asString) |
void | Warning(const tString &in asString) |
void | Warning(uint aLabel, int alWarningLevel, const tString &in asString) |
void | Warning(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel, int alWarningLevel) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
bool | Map_GetBillboardArray(const tString &in asName, array<cBillboard@> &inout avOutBillboards) Creates an array of billboards with a given name |
bool | Map_GetDecalArray(const tString &in asName, array<cMeshEntity@> &inout avOutDecals) Fills an array with dynamic decals with a given name |
bool | Map_GetFogAreaArray(const tString &in asName, array<cFogArea@> &inout avOutFogAreas) Creates an array of fog areas with a given name |
bool | Map_GetLensFlareArray(const tString &in asName, array<cLensFlare@> &inout avOutLensFlares) Creates an array of lens flares with a given name |
bool | Map_GetLightArray(const tString &in asName, array<iLight@> &inout avOutLights) Creates an array of lights with a given name |
bool | Map_GetParticleSystemArray(const tString &in asName, array<cParticleSystem@> &inout avOutParticles) Creates an array of particle systems with a given name |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Material_Preload(const tString &in asFile) Preloads a material |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Math_CatmullRom(cVector3f &out avResult, const cVector3f &in avP0, const cVector3f &in avP1, const cVector3f &in avP2, const cVector3f &in avP3, float afFract) A function that gives you a point along a spline made up of four points |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Meter_SetShakeMul(const tString &in asName, float afShakeMul) Sets the shake multiplier of the needle object in meter |
void | Meter_SetSpeedMul(const tString &in asName, float afSpeedMul) Sets the speed multiplier of the needle object in meter |
void | Meter_SetState(const tString &in asName, float afState, bool abFadeToState = true) Sets the state of the needle object in meter |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | MoveObject_SetState(const tString &in asName, float afState) Sets the state of the move object |
void | MoveObject_SetStateExt(const tString &in asName, float afState, float afAcc, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowdownDist, bool abResetSpeed) Sets the state of the move object |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | MovingButton_Blink(const tString &in asName) Makes the MovingButton blink in accordance to how it is set up in the ent file |
float | MovingButton_GetStateAmount(const tString &in asName) Returns the current state of the MovingButton |
bool | MovingButton_IsDisabled(const tString &in asName) Checks if the MovingButton is disabled (will not light up or respond to presses) |
bool | MovingButton_IsLocked(const tString &in asName) Checks if the MovingButton is locked |
bool | MovingButton_IsSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName) Returns the state of the button, on/off |
void | MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOff(const tString &in asName, bool abState) Sets if the moving button can be switched off by the player or not |
void | MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState) Sets if the moving button can be switched on by the player or not |
void | MovingButton_SetDisabled(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true) Sets the MovingButtons disabled state |
void | MovingButton_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true) Sets the MovingButtons locked state |
void | MovingButton_SetReturnToOffTime(const tString &in asName, float afTime) Sets the time it should take for the button to return to its off state |
void | MovingButton_SetSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abEffects) Switches a button on/off |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | ParticleSystem_AttachToEntity(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asEntityName) Attaches a particle system to an entity |
cParticleSystem | ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asPSFile, const tString &in asEntity, bool abAttach) Creates a particle system at entity |
cParticleSystem | ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntityExt(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asPSFile, const tString &in asEntity, bool abAttach, const cColor &in acColor, float afBrightness = 1.0f, bool abFadeAtDistance = false, float afFadeMinEnd = 1.0f, float afFadeMinStart = 2.0f, float afFadeMaxStart = 100.0f, float afFadeMaxEnd = 110.0f) Creates a particle system at entity with extra options |
void | ParticleSystem_Destroy(const tString &in asPSName) Destroy a particle system |
bool | ParticleSystem_Exists(const tString &in asPSName) Returns true or false if a given particle system exists |
void | ParticleSystem_Preload(const tString &in asFile) Preload particle system data |
void | ParticleSystem_SetActive(const tString &in asPSName, bool abActive) Activates or deactivates a particle system |
void | ParticleSystem_SetBrightness(const tString &in asPSName, float afBrightness) Sets the brightness of a particle system |
void | ParticleSystem_SetColor(const tString &in asPSName, const cColor &in acColor) Sets the color of a particle system |
void | ParticleSystem_SetVisible(const tString &in asPSName, bool abVisible) Sets the visibility of a particle system |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | PhysicsSlideDoor_AutoMoveToState(const tString &in asName, int alState) Automove physics slide door to a state |
bool | PhysicsSlideDoor_GetClosed(const tString &in asName) Returns true if door is closed |
float | PhysicsSlideDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName) Returns the open amount of the door |
void | PhysicsSlideDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects) Sets the physics slide door as locked or unlocked |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Prop_AddAttachedProp(tString &in asPropName, tString &in asAttachName, tString &in asAttachFile, cVector3f &in avPosOffset, cVector3f &in avRotOffset) Attaches a prop mesh (any other data is skipped) to a Prop |
void | Prop_AddHealth(const tString &in asPropName, float afHealth) Adds health to a prop |
void | Prop_AlignRotation(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, float afAcceleration, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowDownDist, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asCallback = "", const tString &in asOffsetEntity = "") Aligns the rotation of the specified prop to the current rotation of the target entity |
void | Prop_ClearVelocity(const tString &in asPropName) Clear out all velocity on a prop |
bool | Prop_Clone(const tString &in asSourceProp, const tString &in asDestName, float afScale = 1.0f) Returns a new copy of asSourceProp as a new prop called asDestName, with asSourceProp's properties |
bool | Prop_CopyScriptProperties(const tString &in asSourceProp, const tString &in asDestProp) Copies all script properties (but not position, bodies and so on) from one prop to another existing prop of the same type |
bool | Prop_CopyState(const tString &in asSourceProp, const tString &in asDestProp) Copies all properties etc |
void | Prop_DisableCollisionUntilOutsidePlayer(const tString &in asPropName) |
float | Prop_GetHealth(const tString &in asPropName) Gets the health of a prop |
void | Prop_MoveLinearTo(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, float afAcceleration, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowDownDist, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asCallback = "") Moves the specified prop to the current position of the target entity |
void | Prop_RemoveAttachedProp(tString &in asPropName, tString &in asAttachName) Removes an attached prop from a prop |
void | Prop_RotateToSpeed(const tString &in asPropName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, const cVector3f &in avAxis, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asOffsetEntity) Rotates a prop to a target speed |
void | Prop_RotateToSpeed(const tString &in asPropName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asOffsetEntity) Rotates a prop to a target speed |
void | Prop_SetActiveAndFade(const tString &in asPropName, bool abActive, float afFadeTime) Activates or deactivates a entity and fades the mesh in or out |
void | Prop_SetAllowMapTransfer(const tString &in asPropName, bool abX) Sets if a prop should be transfered |
void | Prop_SetHealth(const tString &in asPropName, float afHealth) Sets the health of a prop |
void | Prop_SetStaticPhysics(const tString &in asPropName, bool abX) Sets the physics of the object to static or dynamic |
void | Prop_StopMovement(const tString &in asPropName) Stops the static movement of a prop |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Readable_SetCloseCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback) Sets the close callback of a readable prop |
void | Readable_SetOpenEntityFile(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asEntityFile) Sets the open entity file of the readable prop |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Slide_AutoMoveTo(const tString &in asName, float afAmount) Auto moves the slide prop to a specific amount? |
bool | Slide_GetLocked(const tString &in asName) Get if the slide prop is locked |
float | Slide_GetSlideAmount(const tString &in asName) Gets the slide amount of a Slide prop, 0 being at it' min position and 1 being at its max |
cVector3f | Slide_GetSlideVel(const tString &in asName) Gets the velocity of the slide joint |
void | Slide_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects) Locks/Unlocks a slide prop |
void | Slide_SetSlideAmount(const tString &in asName, float afAmount) Sets the slide amount of a Slide prop, 0 being at it' min position and 1 being at its max |

Return Type | Function and Description |
float | SlideDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName) Gets the open amount of a SlideDoor, 0 being completely closed and 1 being completely open |
void | SlideDoor_SetClosed(const tString &in asName, bool abClosed, bool abInstant = false) Sets the close state of a SlideDoor |
void | SlideDoor_SetOpenableByAgent(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if the agents should be able to open the slide door |
void | SlideDoor_SetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName, float afOpenAmount, bool abInstant = false) Moves a SlideDoor to a specific open amount |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | SlideLock_SetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName, float afAmount) Sets the slide lock to a specific open state instantly |

Return Type | Function and Description |
tString | String_SecondsToClockDisplay(float afSeconds, bool abShowHours, bool abShowMinutes, bool abShowSeconds, bool abShowHundredths) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | SwingDoor_AddDoorBodyImpulse(const tString &in asName, float afImpulseAmount) |
bool | SwingDoor_GetBlocked(const tString &in asName) Checks if door is blocked |
bool | SwingDoor_GetClosed(const tString &in asName) Checks if door is closed |
bool | SwingDoor_GetLocked(const tString &in asName) Checks if door is locked |
float | SwingDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName) Get open amount of a door |
int | SwingDoor_GetState(const tString &in asName) Checks the state of the door |
void | SwingDoor_SetBlocked(const tString &in asName, bool abBlocked, bool abEffects) Blocks or unblocks a SwingDoor |
void | SwingDoor_SetClosed(const tString &in asName, bool abClosed, bool abEffects) Sets the close state of a SwingDoor |
void | SwingDoor_SetDisableSnapClose(const tString &in asName, bool abDisableAutoClose) Disables or enables the automatic close functionality of a door |
void | SwingDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects) Locks or unlocks a SwingDoor |
void | SwingDoor_SetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName, float afOpenAmount) Sets the door to a specific open state instantly |

Return Type | Function and Description |
void | Terminal_FadeImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, cColor aGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true) |
void | Terminal_FadeImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true) |
void | Terminal_FadeImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, cVector3f avGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true) |
void | Terminal_ForceCacheUpdate(const tString &in asName) Forces the terminal to update its cache |
bool | Terminal_GetImGuiStateBool(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, bool alDefault = false) |
cColor | Terminal_GetImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aDefault) |
float | Terminal_GetImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afDefault = 0.0f) |
int | Terminal_GetImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alDefault = 0) |
cVector3f | Terminal_GetImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avDefault) |
void | Terminal_IncImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aVal) |
void | Terminal_IncImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afVal) |
void | Terminal_IncImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alVal) |
void | Terminal_IncImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avVal) |
bool | Terminal_IsGuiActive(const tString &in asName) Get if the terminal GUI is active |
void | Terminal_SetAllowInteraction(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Set if the terminal should allow interaction from player |
void | Terminal_SetEnterCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback) Set the terminal's Enter callback |
void | Terminal_SetFPSWhenIdle(const tString &in asName, float afFPS) Sets the FPS of the terminal when not in focus |
void | Terminal_SetGuiActive(const tString &in asName, bool abX, float afFadeTime = 0.0f) Set if the terminal should visible |
void | Terminal_SetImGuiStateBool(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, bool abVal) |
void | Terminal_SetImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aVal) |
void | Terminal_SetImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afVal) |
void | Terminal_SetImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alVal) |
void | Terminal_SetImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avVal) |
void | Terminal_SetLeaveCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback) Set the terminal's Leave callback |
void | Terminal_SetOnGuiFunction(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback) Set the terminal's GUI method |
void | Terminal_SetShowMouse(const tString &in asPropName, bool abShow) |
void | Terminal_SetUnlockFPS(const tString &in asName, bool abX) |
void | Terminal_SetUpdateWhenOutOfView(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Set if the terminal should update when not visible |
void | Terminal_StopImGuiFade(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName) |

Return Type | Function and Description |
tString | Tool_GetHandAnimationSuffix(const tString &in asName) Returns the hand animation prefix specified for the tool |
void | Tool_PickUp(const tString &in asName, bool abEquipTool, bool abCallback) Adds the specified tool to the player's inventory |
void | Tool_SetAutoHideAfterPickup(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if a tool should be hidden automatically after getting picked up and being displayed for a brief moment |
void | Tool_SetHighlightActive(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if a tool should have the highlight effect when looked at |

Return Type | Function and Description |
float | Wheel_GetCurrentAngle(const tString &in asName) Gets the angle of a wheel |
int | Wheel_GetState(const tString &in asName) Gets the state of the wheel |
void | Wheel_SetAngle(const tString &in asName, float afAngle, bool abAutoMove) Sets the angle of a wheel |
void | Wheel_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(const tString &in asName, bool abX) Sets if player interaction will disable the stuck state of a wheel |
void | Wheel_SetStuckState(const tString &in asName, int alState, bool abEffects) Sets the stuck state of a wheel |