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cLuxVisibilityPortal has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void AddCollideCallback iLuxEntity@ apEntity,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc
void AddConnection const tString &in asName,
iLuxEntity@ apEntity,
bool abInvertStateSent,
int alStatesUsed
void AppendAnimation const tString &in asName,
bool abLoop
void AttachToEntity iLuxEntity@ apEntity,
iPhysicsBody@ apTargetBody,
bool abUseRotation,
bool abSnapToParent,
bool abLocked = false
void AttachToSocket iLuxEntity@ apEntity,
const tString &in asSocket,
bool abUseRotation,
bool abSnapToParent,
bool abLocked = false
void BroadcastMessage int alMessageId,
iLuxEntityComponent@ apSource,
const cVector3f& avData,
int alData
bool CanInteract int alType,
iPhysicsBody@ apBody
void ChangeConnectionState int alState
bool CheckBodyCollision iPhysicsBody@ apBody,
cLuxMap@ apMap
bool CheckCharacterCollision iCharacterBody@ apBody,
cLuxMap@ apMap
bool CheckEntityCollision iLuxEntity@ apEntity
bool CheckIsOnScreen bool abUseRayCast
bool CheckShapeCollision iCollideShape@ apShape,
const cMatrixf& a_mtxTransform,
cLuxMap@ apMap
bool CollidesWithPlayer
cParticleSystem@ CreateParticleSystem const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asFile,
bool abRemoveWhenDone,
bool abAttach
cParticleSystem@ CreateParticleSystemOnBone const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asFile,
const tString &in asBoneName,
bool abRemoveWhenDone,
bool abAttach
void DrawProjDebugText const tString &in asText,
float afFontSize = 16.0f,
bool abProjectSize = false,
eFontAlign aAlignment = eFontAlign_Left,
const cColor &in aColor = cColor,
const cVector3f &in avOffset = cVector3f,
float afMaxDistance = 20
void FadeEffectBaseColor const cColor& aDestColor,
float afTime
void FadeMeshScaleMul const cVector3f &in avDestScale,
float afTime
void Fader_ClearAll
void Fader_FadeTo uint alID,
float afGoal,
float afTime,
bool abReverseAtEnd = false,
bool abSkipIfExists = false
void Fader_FadeTo const tString &in asName,
float afGoal,
float afTime,
bool abReverseAtEnd = false,
bool abSkipIfExists = false
float Fader_GetValue uint alID,
float afMin = 0,
float afMax = 1,
eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear,
bool abAbsValue = false
float Fader_GetValue const tString &in asName,
float afMin = 0,
float afMax = 1,
eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear,
bool abAbsValue = false
void Fader_Set uint alID,
float afX,
bool abSkipIfExists = false
void Fader_Set const tString &in asName,
float afX,
bool abSkipIfExists = false
void Fader_SetPaused uint alID,
bool abPaused
void Fader_SetPaused const tString &in asName,
bool abPaused
bool GetAnimationIsPlaying
iPhysicsBody@ GetAreaBody
iEntity3D@ GetAttachEntity
bool GetAutoSleep
cMaterial@ GetBaseMaterial
cBillboard@ GetBillboardFromName const tString &in asName
iPhysicsBody@ GetBody int alIdx
iPhysicsBody@ GetBodyFromID int alID
iPhysicsBody@ GetBodyFromName const tString &in asName
int GetBodyIndexFromName const tString &in asName
int GetBodyNum
const tString& GetClassName
void GetClosestBody const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength
void GetClosestCharCollider const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength,
bool abCheckDynamic
void GetClosestEntity const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
const cVector3f &in avStart,
const cVector3f &in avDir,
float afRayLength,
int alInteractType,
bool abCheckLineOfSight
int GetCurrentAnimationIndex
cAnimationState@ GetCurrentAnimationState
const cColor& GetEffectBaseColor
bool GetEffectsActive
float GetEffectsAlpha
const tString& GetEffectsOffSound
float GetEffectsOffTime
const tString& GetEffectsOnSound
float GetEffectsOnTime
eLuxEntityType GetEntityType
const tString& GetEventInstanceTag
const tString& GetEventTag
const tString& GetFileName
bool GetForceLookAtCheck
const tID& GetID
int GetInteractIconId int alType,
iPhysicsBody@ apBody
bool GetInteractionDisabled
bool GetIsClosedDoor
bool GetIsDoor
bool GetLastCreatedSoundIsPlaying
cLensFlare@ GetLensFlareFromName const tString &in asName
iLight@ GetLightFromName const tString &in asName
void GetLightLevelAtPos const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
iLight@ apSkipLight,
float afRadiusAdd
iPhysicsBody@ GetMainBody
cLuxMap@ GetMap
cMatrixf GetMatrix
float GetMaxInteractDistance
cMeshEntity@ GetMeshEntity
cVector3f GetMeshScaleMul
const tString& GetName
const cVector3f& GetOnLoadScale
const cMatrixf& GetOnLoadTransform
tID GetParentId
const tString& GetParentName
int GetParentType
cParticleSystem@ GetParticleSystemFromName const tString &in asName
cVector3f GetPosition
bool GetReturnBool
float GetReturnFloat
int GetReturnInt
tString GetReturnString
bool GetSaveDataIsUpdated
bool GetScriptableIsSaved
cSoundEntity@ GetSoundEntityFromName const tString &in asName
bool GetVarBool const tString &in asName
cColor GetVarColor const tString &in asName
float GetVarFloat const tString &in asName
float GetVariableUpdateRate
int GetVarInt const tString &in asName
const tString& GetVarString const tString &in asName
cVector2f GetVarVector2f const tString &in asName
cVector3f GetVarVector3f const tString &in asName
cNode3D@ GetVoiceAttachNode
void GiveDamage float afAmount,
int alStrength,
const tString &in asType,
const tString &in asSource
bool HasCollideCallbacks
bool HasPlayerInteractCallback
bool HasPlayerLookAtCallback
void IncVarFloat const tString &in asName,
float afX
void IncVarInt const tString &in asName,
int alX
void IncVarVector2f const tString &in asName,
const cVector2f &in avX
void IncVarVector3f const tString &in asName,
const cVector3f &in avX
bool IsActive
bool IsInteractedWith
bool IsLookedAtByPlayer
bool IsOccluder
bool IsSleeping
void MoveLinearTo const cVector3f &in avGoal,
float afAcc,
float afMaxSpeed,
float afSlowdownDist,
bool abResetSpeed,
const tString &in asCallback = ""
bool OnInteract int alType,
iPhysicsBody@ apBody,
const cVector3f& avFocusPos,
const tString &in asData
int PlayAnimation const tString &in asName,
float afFadeTime = 0.3f,
bool abLoop = false,
bool abPlayTransition = true,
const tString &in asCallback = "",
bool abGlobalSpace = false
cSoundEntity@ PlaySound const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asFile,
bool abRemoveWhenDone,
bool abAttach
void PostUpdate float afTimeStep
void PreloadEntityModel const tString& asFile
void RemoveAllConnections
void RemoveCollideCallback const tString &in asEntityName
void RemoveConnection const tString &in asName
void RemoveEntityAttachment
bool ScriptExecute
bool ScriptMethodExists const tString &in asMethod
bool ScriptMethodExistsFast const tString &in asMethod,
int alId
bool ScriptPrepare const tString &in asMethod
bool ScriptPrepareFast const tString &in asMethod,
int alId
void SetActive bool abX
void SetAnimationMessageEventCallback const tString &in asFunc,
bool abAutoRemove
void SetArgBool int alArgNum,
bool abVal
void SetArgFloat int alArg,
float afX
void SetArgInt int alArg,
int alX
void SetArgString int alArg,
const tString& asStr
void SetAutoSleep bool abX
void SetConnectionStateChangeCallback const tString& asCallbackFunc
void SetCurrentAnimationPaused bool abX
void SetEffectBaseColor const cColor &in aColor
void SetEffectsActive bool abActive,
bool abFadeAndPlaySounds
void SetEventInstanceTag const tString &in asTag
void SetForceLookAtCheck bool abX
void SetFullGameSave bool abX
void SetInteractionDisabled bool abX
void SetIsClosedDoor bool abX
void SetIsDoor bool abX
void SetIsInteractedWith bool abX
void SetIsOccluder bool abX
void SetMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform
void SetMaxInteractDistance float afX
void SetMeshScaleMul const cVector3f &in avScale
void SetNormalizeAnimationWeights bool abX
void SetPlayerInteractCallback const tString& asCallbackFunc,
bool abRemoveWhenInteracted
void SetPlayerLookAtCallback const tString& asCallbackFunc,
bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt,
bool abCheckCenterOfScreen,
bool abCheckRayIntersection,
float afMaxDistance,
float afCallbackDelay
void SetPosition const cVector3f &in avPos
void SetRecieveMessageCallback const tString &in asCallbackFunc
void SetSaveDataIsUpdated bool abX
void SetScriptableIsSaved bool abX
void SetupParent int alTypeId,
tID alId,
const tString& asName
void SetVarBool const tString &in asName,
bool abX
void SetVarColor const tString &in asName,
const cColor &in aX
void SetVarFloat const tString &in asName,
float afX
void SetVariableUpdateRate float afX
void SetVarInt const tString &in asName,
int alX
void SetVarString const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asX
void SetVarVector2f const tString &in asName,
const cVector2f &in avX
void SetVarVector3f const tString &in asName,
const cVector3f &in avX
void Sleep
void StopAllAnimations float afFadeTime
void StopAnimation const tString &in asName,
float afFadeTime
void StopAnimation int alIdx,
float afFadeTime
void StopMove
void Timer_Add uint64 alID,
float afTime,
const tString &in asFunc = "",
bool abCreateIfExist = true,
bool abRepeat = false
void Timer_Add const tString &in asID,
float afTime,
const tString &in asFunc = "",
bool abCreateIfExist = true,
bool abRepeat = false
void Timer_ClearAll
bool Timer_Exists uint64 alID
bool Timer_Exists const tString &in asID
float Timer_GetTimeLeft uint64 alID
float Timer_GetTimeLeft const tString &in asID
float Timer_GetValue uint64 alID,
float afMin = 0,
float afMax = 1,
eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear,
bool abAbsValue = false
float Timer_GetValue const tString &in asID,
float afMin = 0,
float afMax = 1,
eEasing aEasing = eEasing_Linear,
bool abAbsValue = false
void Timer_Remove uint64 alID
void Timer_Remove const tString &in asID
void Timer_SetPaused uint64 alID,
bool abX
void Timer_SetPaused const tString &in asID,
bool abX
bool Timer_TimeHasPassed uint64 alID,
float afLength
bool Timer_TimeHasPassed const tString &in asID,
float afLength
void Update float afTimeStep
void UpdateEntityAttachment
void VariableUpdate float afDeltaTime
void WakeUp


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