HPL2/Tools/Level Editor/Level Settings

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Level Settings window

This window holds settings for the level, such as global fog and skybox.

Skybox settings


  • Active: will enable or disable the skybox.
  • Color: if no texture is set, the skybox will use a flat color defined here.
  • Texture: loads a cubemap texture to be used as skybox.

Global Fog settings


  • Active: enables or disables the global fog.
  • Culling: sets if the fog should cull objects that are behind the 'End' distance.
  • Start: sets the distance to the camera where the color fading should start.
  • End: sets the distance to the camera where the color fading should be fully done.
  • Falloff Exp: sets the attenuation factor that will be used for the fading.
  • Color: color for the fog.

Decal tools


  • Global Max Triangles Per Decal: this here will set how many triangles decal meshes will have unless individually tweaked.
  • Reset Created Decals: this will reset all created decals to use the above value.