HPL2/Tools/Level Editor/Combine Editmode

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Revision as of 16:23, 24 July 2020 by Darkfire (talk | contribs) (Documented the use cases)
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Combine EditMode

This mode is used to create combinations of static geometry (combos).

It is useful for optimising[Confirm], as it creates groups of static geometry that will be loaded by the engine as a whole.

  • Show all combos: when enabled, all created combos will be displayed.
  • Combinations: this ComboBox is used to pick the currently edited combo.
  • Add/Rem buttons: used to add a new combo / remove the currently edited combo.
  • Add/Remove|Toggle checkboxes: this selects the way the current combo will be edited. Moving the mouse on the viewport will highlight geometry objects.
    • Add: will add geometry objects to the combo when clicking on them.
    • Remove: will remove geometry objects from the combo when clicking on them (and they were part of the combo).
    • Toggle: will switch clicked objects between added or not added.
  • Color: this determines the tint that the objects in a combo will display.
  • Geometry objects list: will display a list of all the object names added to the currently edited combo.


Use cases

Combos were used only in the following maps:

  • 02_entrance_hall.map
  • 20_sewer.map (the combo contains only a single object)
  • 22_torture_chancel.map
  • 27_torture_chancel_redux.map

Except for the sewer, all cases are the only combos in the entire map. They were used to combine big rooms.