Hpl3:Game:scripting:function reference:helper ai
- 1 helper_ai.hps
- 1.1 Agent_SetStaticCollider
- 1.2 Agent_SetSensesActive
- 1.3 Agent_RevealPlayerPosition
- 1.4 Agent_SetViewRangeMul
- 1.5 Agent_FaceEntity
- 1.6 Agent_TeleportFeetToEntity
- 1.7 Agent_SetAutoDisableWhenOutOfSightActive
- 1.8 Agent_SetAutoDisableCallback
- 1.9 Agent_PlayerDetected
- 1.10 CharMover_SetDirection
- 1.11 CharMover_TurnToEntity
- 1.12 CharMover_TurnInstantlyToEntity
- 1.13 CharMover_MoveToEntity
- 1.14 CharMover_MoveToPos
- 1.15 CharMover_SetSpeedState
- 1.16 CharMover_SetUseMoveStateAnimations
- 1.17 CharMover_PlayAnimation
- 1.18 CharMover_StopTurning
- 1.19 CharMover_SetTurnRate
- 1.20 CharMover_SetMaxForwardSpeed
- 1.21 CharMover_SetWallAvoidanceActive
- 1.22 Pathfinder_MoveTo
- 1.23 Pathfinder_MoveToNode
- 1.24 Pathfinder_MoveToEntity
- 1.25 Pathfinder_Stop
- 1.26 Pathfinder_SetEndCallback
- 1.27 Pathfinder_IsMoving
- 1.28 Pathfinder_Track_Clear
- 1.29 Pathfinder_Track_Add
- 1.30 Pathfinder_Track_Start
- 1.31 Pathfinder_Track_Stop
- 1.32 BarkMachine_SetActive
- 1.33 BarkMachine_PlayVoice
- 1.34 HeadTracker_SetActive
- 1.35 HeadTracker_IsActive
- 1.36 HeadTracker_SetAngleOffset
- 1.37 HeadTracker_SetTargetEntity
- 1.38 NPC_SetVoiceName
- 1.39 NPC_IsTalking
- 1.40 NPC_SetCanBeTalkedTo
- 1.41 NPC_SetMainAnimation
- 1.42 NPC_PlayExtraAnimation
- 1.43 NPC_StopAllAnimations
- 1.44 NPC_StopExtraAnimation
- 1.45 NPC_PlayEmotion
- 1.46 NPC_MoveToNode
- 1.47 Critter_SetGroupEntity
- 1.48 Critter_AddExtraEscapeEntity
Helper functions for AI
void Agent_SetStaticCollider(const tString &in asAgentName,
bool abX)
Set if the agent will collide with the environment (objects and stuff will still collide with it!)
- asAgentName: name of the agent. Wildcard supported.
- abX: If the character should be static and NOT move about.
void Agent_SetSensesActive(const tString &in asAgentName,
bool abX)
Set if the agent should have its senses (hearing/vision/etc) enabled. Usually implemented on a specific basis.
- asAgentName: name of the agent. Wildcard supported.
- abX: If the senses should be active.
void Agent_RevealPlayerPosition(const tString &in asAgentName,
bool bForceRedetect=false)
Reveals the player's current position to the agent.
- asAgentName: name of the agent. Wildcard supported.
- bForceRedetect: true = forces the agent to detect the player again.
void Agent_SetViewRangeMul(const tString &in asAgentName,
float afRangeMul)
Sets the view range multiplier of the specified agent
- asAgentName: name of the agent. Wildcard supported.
- afRangeMul: the range multiplier to set.
void Agent_FaceEntity(const tString &in asAgentName,
const tString &in asLookAtTarget)
Instantly sets the yaw of the agent to make it look at the specified entity.
- asAgentName: name of the agent. Wildcard supported.
- asLookAtTarget: name of entity to look at.
void Agent_TeleportFeetToEntity(const tString &in asAgentName,
const tString &in asTargetName)
Teleport the agent's foot position to a specific other entity.
- asAgentName: name of the entity to teleport.
- asTargetName: name of the entity to teleport to.
void Agent_SetAutoDisableWhenOutOfSightActive(const tString &in asAgentName,
bool abActive,
float afMinDistance)
When active, the agent will be a disabled (SetActive(false)) when a certain distance away from the player and no longer seen.
- asAgentName: name of the agent.Wildcard supported.
- abActive: if the disabling is active
- afMinDistance: The minimum distance from the player for this to happen.
void Agent_SetAutoDisableCallback(const tString &in asAgentName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc)
Sets the function that is called when the disabling made by Agent_SetAutoDisableWhenOutOfSightActive happens
- asAgentName: name of the agent.Wildcard supported.
- asCallbackFunc: Function called when the disabling happens. syntax: void f(const tString&in asEntityName)
bool Agent_PlayerDetected(const tString &in asAgentName)
Checks if the agent has dected the player
- asAgentName: name of the agent.
void CharMover_SetDirection(const tString &in asEntityName,
eLuxCharMoveDirection aDir)
Sets the direction used by a character
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- aDir: direction that the character will face when walking
void CharMover_TurnToEntity(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asTurnToEntityName,
const tString &in asTurnedToGoalCallbackFunc="")
Turns the character to a specifc entity. Broadcasts the entity message eLuxEntityMessage_TurningDone when done.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- asTurnToEntityName: the entity which center will be turn towards
- asTurnedToGoalCallbackFunc: function called when it has turned to the goal. Syntax: void Func(const tString& in asEntityName)
void CharMover_TurnInstantlyToEntity(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asTurnToEntityName)
Turns the character directly to a specifc entity. Broadcasts the entity message eLuxEntityMessage_TurningDone when done.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- asTurnToEntityName: the entity which center will be turn towards
void CharMover_MoveToEntity(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asMoveToEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avOffset=cVector3f(0))
Moves the character to a entity. Note that for non-flying characters, goal position should be the feet postion.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- asMoveToEntityName: the entity which center will be turn towards
- avOffset: an offset for the move postion.
void CharMover_MoveToPos(const tString &in asEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avPosition)
Moves the character to a position. Note that for non-flying characters, goal position should be the feet postion.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- avPosition: position to move to
void CharMover_SetSpeedState(const tString &in asEntityName,
int alIndex)
Sets the speed state of the character.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- alIndex: speed state index
void CharMover_SetUseMoveStateAnimations(const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abX)
If the charmover should change animations depending based on movement.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- abX: if charmover shouuld take care of animations
void CharMover_PlayAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asAnimName,
float afFadeTime=0.3f,
bool abLoop=false,
bool abPlayTransition=true,
const tString &in asCallback="")
void CharMover_StopTurning(const tString &in asEntityName)
Stops any turning in the charmover
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
void CharMover_SetTurnRate(const tString &in asEntityName,
float afMinBreakAngle,
float afBreakAngleMul,
float afTurnSpeedMul,
float afTurnSpeedMax)
Sets the turning behavior of the charmover.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- afMinBreakAngle: the minimum angle at which the charmover should slow down when turning.
- afBreakAngleMul: value multiplied by the angle to calculate how much the charmover should slow down when turning.
- afTurnSpeedMul: value multiplied by the angle to calculate how fast the charmover should turn.
- afTurnSpeedMax: the max turn speed.
void CharMover_SetMaxForwardSpeed(const tString &in asEntityName,
float afMaxSpeed)
Sets the max forward speed of the CharMover.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- afMaxSpeed: max forward speed to set.
void CharMover_SetWallAvoidanceActive(const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abX)
Enables or disables wall avoidance on the specified CharMover.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the CharMover.
- abX: the state to set.
void Pathfinder_MoveTo(const tString &in asEntityName,
const cVector3f &in avPos,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
float afUpdateFreq=0,
bool abExactStopAtEnd=true,
const tString &in asResultCallbackFunc="")
Moves an entity containing a Pathfinder component to a position. The entity message eLuxEntityMessage_EndOfPath is broadcasted when complete.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- avPos: position to move to.
- asCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when end is reach. Syntax: void Func(const tString& in asEntityName, bool abReachedEnd)
- afUpdateFreq: The number of times per second that the path will be updated. O or below means never update.
- abExactStopAtEnd: If the goal position should be hit exactly.
- asResultCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when the pathfinding has been performed. Syntax: void Func(bool abSuccesful)
void Pathfinder_MoveToNode(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asNodeName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc="",
float afUpdateFreq=0,
bool abExactStopAtEnd=true,
const tString &in asResultCallbackFunc="")
Moves an entity containing a Pathfinder component to a node. The entity message eLuxEntityMessage_EndOfPath is broadcasted when complete.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- asNodeName: name of the node to move to.
- asCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when end is reach. Syntax: void Func(const tString& in asEntityName, bool abReachedEnd)
- afUpdateFreq: The number of times per second that the path will be updated. O or below means never update.
- abExactStopAtEnd: If the goal node should be hit exactly.
- asResultCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when the pathfinding has been performed. Syntax: void Func(bool abSuccesful)
void Pathfinder_MoveToEntity(const tString &in asPathfinderName,
const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc,
float afUpdateFreq=0,
bool abExactStopAtEnd=true,
const cVector3f &in avGoalPosOffset=cVector3f(0),
const tString &in asResultCallbackFunc="")
Moves an entity containing a Pathfinder component to a entity. The entity message eLuxEntityMessage_EndOfPath is broadcasted when complete.
- asPathfinderName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- asEntityName: name of the entity to move to.
- asCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when end is reach. Syntax: void Funcconst
- afUpdateFreq: The number of times per second that the path will be updated. O or below means never update.
- abExactStopAtEnd: If the goal entity should be hit exactly.
- avGoalPosOffset: if the goal pos should be offset
- asResultCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when the pathfinding has been performed. Syntax: void Func(bool abSuccesful)
void Pathfinder_Stop(const tString &in asEntityName)
Stops any movement.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
void Pathfinder_SetEndCallback(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc)
Sets the callback for when the pathfinder has reached its goal.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- asCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when end is reach. Syntax: void Funcconst
bool Pathfinder_IsMoving(const tString &in asEntityName)
Checks if the pathfinder is currently moving.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
void Pathfinder_Track_Clear(const tString &in asEntityName)
Clears all track nodes and stops track.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
void Pathfinder_Track_Add(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asNodeName,
float afMinWaitTime=0,
float afMaxWaitTime=-1,
const tString &in asAnimName="",
bool abLoopAnim=false)
Adds a track node to be followed.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- asNodeName: Name of the path node to be added.
- afMinWaitTime: minimum time before the entity moves to the next node.
- afMaxWaitTime: maximum time before the entity moves to the next node. If <0, then the value will be same as afMinWaitTime
- asAnimName: animation played when at node, per entity.
- abLoopAnim: if the animtion should be looped, per entity.
void Pathfinder_Track_Start(const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abLoop=false,
float afUpdateFreq=1.0f,
const tString &in asEndOfTrackCallback="")
Starts a track
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
- abLoop: if the path should loop
- afUpdateFreq: the frequency at which the path is recculated
- asEndOfTrackCallback: Callback called when path is over. Syntax: void MyFunc(const tString& in asEntityName)
void Pathfinder_Track_Stop(const tString &in asEntityName)
Stops the current track.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the pathfinder.
void BarkMachine_SetActive(const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abActive)
Sets if the barkmachine is active (this will only affect random sounds)
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the barkmachine.
- abActive: if active or not.
void BarkMachine_PlayVoice(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asSubject,
int alPrio,
float afMinDistance=-1,
float afMaxDistance=-1,
float afMaxPlayerListeningRange=-1)
Plays a voice subject as a bark
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the barkmachine.
- asSubject: the name of the voice subject
- alPrio: the prio of the voice, if there is already one playing in the same scene prio must be higher for this to play.
- afMinDistance: The distance where volume starts getting quiet. If below 0, default is used.
- afMaxDistance: The maximum hearing range. If below 0, default is used.
- afMaxPlayerListeningRange: The maximum that subtitles are displayed. If below 0, default is used.
void HeadTracker_SetActive(const tString &in asEntityName,
bool abX)
Turns on and off head tracking.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the HeadTracker.
- abX: if headtracking is enabled or not
bool HeadTracker_IsActive(const tString &in asEntityName)
If head tracking is active or not
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the HeadTracker.
void HeadTracker_SetAngleOffset(const tString &in asEntityName,
float afX)
Sets the offset of the headtracker angle useful if the character is not facing in the direction of the meshentity forward vector.
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the HeadTracker.
- afX: The angle offset, in degrees
void HeadTracker_SetTargetEntity(const tString &in asEntityName,
const tString &in asTargetEntityName)
Sets the target of the head tracking
- asEntityName: name of the entity with the HeadTracker.
- asTargetEntityName: The target of the tracking
void NPC_SetVoiceName(const tString &in asNpcName,
const tString &in asVoiceName)
Sets the voice name for an NPC. This also automatically sets the source of the voice as the npc.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC.
- asVoiceName: name of the voice as defined in the voicehandler file..
bool NPC_IsTalking(const tString &in asNpcName)
Checks if the NPC is being talked to.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC.
void NPC_SetCanBeTalkedTo(const tString &in asNpcName,
bool abX)
Sets if the NPC can be talked to (interacted with)
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- abX: if can be talked to.
void NPC_SetMainAnimation(const tString &in asNpcName,
const tString &in asAnim,
bool abPlayTransition=true,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc="",
float afFadeTime=0.5,
bool abGlobalSpace=false)
Sets and plays the main animation of the NPC. This will also turn off any movement animations.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- asAnim: The name of the animation
- abPlayTransition: If a transition animation should be played.
- asCallbackFunc: name of callback function. Only used if there is a transition animation. Syntax void Func(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimName)
- afFadeTime: time it takes to fade to the animation.
- abGlobalSpace: if the animation takes place in global space
void NPC_PlayExtraAnimation(const tString &in asNpcName,
const tString &in asAnim,
float afFadeTime=0.3,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc="",
bool abGlobalSpace=false)
Plays an extra animation for the NPC. Will return to main animation (see NPC_SetMainAnimation) when done.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- asAnim: The name of the animation
- afFadeTime: The time it takes to fade in the animation.
- asCallbackFunc: name of callback function. Syntax void Func(tString &in asEntityName, tString &in asAnimName)
- abGlobalSpace: the animation will be played in global space coordinates (?)
void NPC_StopAllAnimations(const tString &in asNpcName,
float afFadeTime=0.0f)
Stops all animations for the NPC.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- afFadeTime: The time it takes to fade out.
void NPC_StopExtraAnimation(const tString &in asNpcName,
float afFadeTime=0.0f)
Stops currently playing extra animation for the NPC.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- afFadeTime: The time it takes to fade out.
void NPC_PlayEmotion(const tString &in asNpcName,
const tString &in asEmotion,
float afDuration,
float afWeight=1.0f,
float afFadeTime=0.25f)
Plays a face emotion for the duration
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- asEmotion: name of the emotion, "Smile/Sad/Happy/Surprised/Wink/Wondering/Angry/Worried/Scared"
- afDuration: how long the emotion should be active
- afWeight: how strong the emotion should be
- afFadeTime: fade in and out time for the emotion
void NPC_MoveToNode(const tString &in asNpcName,
const tString &in asNodeName,
const tString &in asCallbackFunc)
Moves the NPC to a path node.
- asNpcName: name of the NPC. Wildcard supported.
- asNodeName: The name of the path node.
- asCallbackFunc: The name of callback called when end is reach. Syntax: void Func(const tString& in asEntityName, bool abReachedEnd)
void Critter_SetGroupEntity(const tString &in asCritter,
const tString &in asGroupEntity)
Sets the entity the critter should flock around
- asCritter: name of the Critter. Wildcard supported.
- asGroupEntity: The name of the group entity.
void Critter_AddExtraEscapeEntity(const tString &in asCritter,
const tString &in asEscapeEntity)
Adds an entity that the critter should try to avoid the same way it does with the player. (Only implemented in FishSmall right now)
- asCritter: name of the Critter. Wildcard supported.
- asEscapeEntity: The name of the entity to escape from