Hpl3:Game:input recording

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Input Recording

Input recording lets you record all input while playing. The data get saved to a ".input" file that can then be loaded and played back to reproduce the input. Input recording can be combined with a save file to reproduce a playthrough of a section of the game.

The data is streamed out each frame so if the game crashes the file will still be usable.

It is possible to pause (F2), fast forward (F3) and slow down (F4) the playback

Steps to record input

Open the Debug Menu Press "Save and Record Input" button Play the part of the game you want to record Press F1 to stop recording

Steps to playback input

Open the Debug Menu Press "Load and Playback Recorded Input" button and select the .input file Press F1 to stop recording or wait for the section to complete

Potential Uses

Send input recording to someone else to show of a section of a map Reproduce a crash Record a monster chase and then play it back while debugging the internal states


In order to reproduce the input correctly the recording and playback have to use the same screen resolution.

If the input recording was done with a gamepad then the computer requires a gamepad to be connected for the playback to work.

If the map file is different between recording and playback then recording can start to flip out and break more and more the longer it plays.

Both the ".sav" and ".input" files are needed to reproduce the playback

Gamepad Only Recording

When the "Gamepad Input Only" checkbox is checked the recording will be limited to gamepad input. This means that the player can be controlled with the gamepad while the mouse and keyboard is free. The main use for this is to control the Spec Camera with the mouse and keyboard while watching a input playback.