HPL3/SOMA/Scripting/Scripting Api/Lamp

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Return Type Function and Description
bool Lamp_GetLit(const tString &in asName)
Gets the lit state of a lamp
void Lamp_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asName, bool abActive)
Activates or deactivates flicker on the specified lamp(s)
void Lamp_SetLit(const tString &in asName, bool abLit, bool abEffects)
Sets the lit state of a lamp
void Lamp_SetupFlicker(const tString &in asName, float afMinOnTime, float afMaxOnTime, float afMinOffTime, float afMaxOffTime, bool abFade = false, const tString &in asOnSound = "", const tString &in asOffSound = "", const tString &in asOnPS = "", const tString &in asOffPS = "")
Sets the properties of the flicker of a lamp

Function Detail


bool Lamp_GetLit(const tString &in asName)

Gets the lit state of a lamp.


  • asName (tString) — name of the lamp.


  • bool—if the lamp is lit.


void Lamp_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asName,
                           bool abActive)

Activates or deactivates flicker on the specified lamp(s)


  • asName (tString) — name of the lamp, wildcards (*) supported.
  • abActive (bool) — flicker state to set.


  • void


void Lamp_SetLit(const tString &in asName,
                 bool abLit,
                 bool abEffects)

Sets the lit state of a lamp.
If false, the change will not be apparent to the player.


  • asName (tString) — name of the lamp.
  • abLit (bool) — lit state to set.
  • abEffects (bool) — if the change should activate effects associated with it.


  • void


void Lamp_SetupFlicker(const tString &in asName,
                       float afMinOnTime,
                       float afMaxOnTime,
                       float afMinOffTime,
                       float afMaxOffTime,
                       bool abFade = false,
                       const tString &in asOnSound = "",
                       const tString &in asOffSound = "",
                       const tString &in asOnPS = "",
                       const tString &in asOffPS = "")

Sets the properties of the flicker of a lamp.
with setting the lit state of the lamp. Default = false.


  • asName (tString) — name of the lamp, wildcards (*) supported.
  • afMinOnTime (float) — The minimum time the lamp will be turned on when flickering.
  • afMaxOnTime (float) — The maximum time the lamp will be turned on when flickering.
  • afMinOffTime (float) — The minimum time the lamp will be turned off when flickering.
  • afMaxOffTime (float) — The maximum time the lamp will be turned off when flickering.
  • abFade (bool) — if the lamp should fade on or off, and use any effects associated
  • asOnSound (tString) — sound to play when turned on. Default = .
  • asOffSound (tString) — sound to play when turned off. Default = .
  • asOnPS (tString) — particle system to create when turned on. Default = .
  • asOffPS (tString) — sparticle system to create when turned off. Default = .


  • void