HPL3/SOMA/Areas/Distortion Area

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This area will apply a Distortion Effect to the player while they are in it.



  • BlockLineOfSight: Blocks line of sight.
  • EventInstanceTag: A tag used by the event system to group objects.
  • UserVar: Arbitrary user variable. Acessable by calling the script function Entity_GetVar<type>()

Collide Callbacks

  • CC_Entities: A list separated by commas or spaces of all entities that can trigger the callback. player is the player character.
  • CC_Funcs: A list of functions that will run when the area is triggered. Press copy to generate a callback function and copy to the clipboard


  • ParentAttachEntity: The name of an entity that this soundscape is parented to.
  • ParentAttachUseRotation: If the rotation of the parent should affect the soundscape.
  • ParentAttachBody: The name of the body in the parent entity to attach to.
  • ParentAttachLocked: Locks the area to the parent and disables local movement.


  • EffectAmount: The strength of the distortion. Values between 0 - 1
  • FadeInTime: Time in seconds to fade in the distortion effect
  • FadeOutTime: Time in seconds to fade out the distortion effect
  • Volume: The volume of the distorted audio that plays
  • SourceEntity: The name of an optional entity that will increase the effect as the player gets closer to it
  • SourceEntityMinDist: The distance to the SourceEntity at which the effect is at its maximum
  • SourceEntityMaxDist:The distance to the SourceEntity at which the effect ends. If a value of -1 is set, the size of the area will be used instead