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iPhysicsWorld has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void PostUpdate float afTimeStep
void SetMaxTimeStep float afTimeStep
float GetMaxTimeStep
void SetWorldSize const cVector3f& avMin,
const cVector3f& avMax
cVector3f GetWorldSizeMin
cVector3f GetWorldSizeMax
void SetGravity const cVector3f &in avGravity
cVector3f GetGravity
void SetAccuracyLevel ePhysicsAccuracy aAccuracy
ePhysicsAccuracy GetAccuracyLevel
iPhysicsBody@ GetPhysicsBodyFromID tID aID
iPhysicsJoint@ GetPhysicsJointFromID tID aID
iCharacterBody@ GetCharacterBodyFromID tID aID
void SetNumberOfThreads int alThreads
int GetNumberOfThreads
iCollideShape@ CreateBoxShape const cVector3f& avSize,
cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx
iCollideShape@ CreateSphereShape const cVector3f& avRadii,
cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx
iCollideShape@ CreateCylinderShape float afRadius,
float afHeight,
cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx
iCollideShape@ CreateCapsuleShape float afRadius,
float afHeight,
cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx
iCollideShape@ CreateMeshShape iVertexBuffer@ apVtxBuffer
iCollideShape@ LoadMeshShapeFromBuffer cBinaryBuffer@ apBuffer
void SaveMeshShapeToBuffer iCollideShape@ apMeshShape,
cBinaryBuffer@ apBuffer
iCollideShape@ CreateCompundShape avShapes
void DestroyShape iCollideShape@ apShape
iPhysicsJointBall@ CreateJointBall const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
iPhysicsJointHinge@ CreateJointHinge const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
iPhysicsJointSlider@ CreateJointSlider const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
tID CreateJointBallID const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
tID CreateJointHingeID const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
tID CreateJointSliderID const tString& asName,
const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint,
const cVector3f &in avPinDir,
iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody,
iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody
void DestroyJoint iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint
iPhysicsJoint@ GetJoint const tString& asName
bool JointExists iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint
iPhysicsMaterial@ CreateMaterial const tString& asName
iPhysicsMaterial@ GetMaterialFromName const tString& asName
iPhysicsMaterial@ GetMaterialFromId int alId
iPhysicsBody@ CreateBody const tString& asName,
iCollideShape@ apShape,
float afMass
tID CreateBodyID const tString& asName,
iCollideShape@ apShape,
float afMass
void DestroyBody iPhysicsBody@ apBody
iPhysicsBody@ GetBody const tString& asName
iCharacterBody@ CreateCharacterBody const tString& asName,
const cVector3f& avSize
tID CreateCharacterBodyID const tString& asName,
const cVector3f& avSize
void DestroyCharacterBody iCharacterBody@ apBody
iPhysicsBody@ GetCharacterBody const tString& asName
void GetBodiesInAABB const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
void EnableBodiesInAABB const cVector3f &in avMin,
const cVector3f &in avMax,
bool abEnabled
iPhysicsRope@ CreateRope const tString& asName,
const cVector3f& avStartPos,
const cVector3f& avEndPos
iPhysicsRope@ GetRope const tString& asName
iPhysicsRope@ GetRopeFromUniqueID int alID
void DestroyRope iPhysicsRope@ apRope
iPhysicsCloth@ CreateCloth const tString& asName,
const cVector3f& avStartPos,
const cVector2f& avClothSize,
int alDimension
iPhysicsCloth@ GetCloth const tString& asName
iPhysicsCloth@ GetClothFromUniqueID int alID
void DestroyCloth iPhysicsCloth@ apCloth
iPhysicsController@ CreateController const tString& asName
void DestroyController iPhysicsController@ apController
void FadeoutAllLoopSounds float afFadeSpeed
bool CheckShapeCollision iCollideShape@ apShapeA,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA,
iCollideShape@ apShapeB,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB,
cCollideData& aCollideData,
int alMaxPoints,
bool abCorrectNormalDirection,
int alThreadID = 0
float CastRayOnShape iCollideShape@ apShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
const cVector3f& avOrigin,
const cVector3f &in avEnd,
cVector3f &out avOutNormal,
bool abLocalRayPositions
bool CheckShapeWorldCollision cVector3f &out avPushVector,
iCollideShape@ apShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
iPhysicsBody@ apSkipBody,
bool abSkipStatic,
bool abIsCharacter,
bool abCollideCharacter
bool CheckShapeWorldCollision cVector3f &out avPushVector,
iCollideShape@ apShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
iPhysicsBody@ apSkipBody,
bool abSkipStatic
void RenderShapeDebugGeometry iCollideShape@ apShape,
const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform,
iLowLevelGraphics@ apLowLevel,
const cColor &in aColor
void RenderDebugGeometry iLowLevelGraphics@ apLowLevel


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