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iPhysicsWorld has no public fields.
Return Type | Function Name | Parameters | Description |
void | PostUpdate | float afTimeStep | |
void | SetMaxTimeStep | float afTimeStep | |
float | GetMaxTimeStep | ||
void | SetWorldSize | const cVector3f& avMin, const cVector3f& avMax |
cVector3f | GetWorldSizeMin | ||
cVector3f | GetWorldSizeMax | ||
void | SetGravity | const cVector3f &in avGravity | |
cVector3f | GetGravity | ||
void | SetAccuracyLevel | ePhysicsAccuracy aAccuracy | |
ePhysicsAccuracy | GetAccuracyLevel | ||
iPhysicsBody@ | GetPhysicsBodyFromID | tID aID | |
iPhysicsJoint@ | GetPhysicsJointFromID | tID aID | |
iCharacterBody@ | GetCharacterBodyFromID | tID aID | |
void | SetNumberOfThreads | int alThreads | |
int | GetNumberOfThreads | ||
iCollideShape@ | CreateBoxShape | const cVector3f& avSize, cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx |
iCollideShape@ | CreateSphereShape | const cVector3f& avRadii, cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx |
iCollideShape@ | CreateCylinderShape | float afRadius, float afHeight, cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx |
iCollideShape@ | CreateCapsuleShape | float afRadius, float afHeight, cMatrixf &in a_mtxOffsetMtx |
iCollideShape@ | CreateMeshShape | iVertexBuffer@ apVtxBuffer | |
iCollideShape@ | LoadMeshShapeFromBuffer | cBinaryBuffer@ apBuffer | |
void | SaveMeshShapeToBuffer | iCollideShape@ apMeshShape, cBinaryBuffer@ apBuffer |
iCollideShape@ | CreateCompundShape | avShapes | |
void | DestroyShape | iCollideShape@ apShape | |
iPhysicsJointBall@ | CreateJointBall | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
iPhysicsJointHinge@ | CreateJointHinge | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
iPhysicsJointSlider@ | CreateJointSlider | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
tID | CreateJointBallID | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
tID | CreateJointHingeID | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
tID | CreateJointSliderID | const tString& asName, const cVector3f &in avPivotPoint, const cVector3f &in avPinDir, iPhysicsBody@ apParentBody, iPhysicsBody@ apChildBody |
void | DestroyJoint | iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint | |
iPhysicsJoint@ | GetJoint | const tString& asName | |
bool | JointExists | iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint | |
iPhysicsMaterial@ | CreateMaterial | const tString& asName | |
iPhysicsMaterial@ | GetMaterialFromName | const tString& asName | |
iPhysicsMaterial@ | GetMaterialFromId | int alId | |
iPhysicsBody@ | CreateBody | const tString& asName, iCollideShape@ apShape, float afMass |
tID | CreateBodyID | const tString& asName, iCollideShape@ apShape, float afMass |
void | DestroyBody | iPhysicsBody@ apBody | |
iPhysicsBody@ | GetBody | const tString& asName | |
iCharacterBody@ | CreateCharacterBody | const tString& asName, const cVector3f& avSize |
tID | CreateCharacterBodyID | const tString& asName, const cVector3f& avSize |
void | DestroyCharacterBody | iCharacterBody@ apBody | |
iPhysicsBody@ | GetCharacterBody | const tString& asName | |
void | GetBodiesInAABB | const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, apBodyVec |
void | EnableBodiesInAABB | const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, bool abEnabled |
iPhysicsRope@ | CreateRope | const tString& asName, const cVector3f& avStartPos, const cVector3f& avEndPos |
iPhysicsRope@ | GetRope | const tString& asName | |
iPhysicsRope@ | GetRopeFromUniqueID | int alID | |
void | DestroyRope | iPhysicsRope@ apRope | |
iPhysicsCloth@ | CreateCloth | const tString& asName, const cVector3f& avStartPos, const cVector2f& avClothSize, int alDimension |
iPhysicsCloth@ | GetCloth | const tString& asName | |
iPhysicsCloth@ | GetClothFromUniqueID | int alID | |
void | DestroyCloth | iPhysicsCloth@ apCloth | |
iPhysicsController@ | CreateController | const tString& asName | |
void | DestroyController | iPhysicsController@ apController | |
void | FadeoutAllLoopSounds | float afFadeSpeed | |
bool | CheckShapeCollision | iCollideShape@ apShapeA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, iCollideShape@ apShapeB, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB, cCollideData& aCollideData, int alMaxPoints, bool abCorrectNormalDirection, int alThreadID = 0 |
float | CastRayOnShape | iCollideShape@ apShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, const cVector3f& avOrigin, const cVector3f &in avEnd, cVector3f &out avOutNormal, bool abLocalRayPositions |
bool | CheckShapeWorldCollision | cVector3f &out avPushVector, iCollideShape@ apShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, iPhysicsBody@ apSkipBody, bool abSkipStatic, bool abIsCharacter, bool abCollideCharacter |
bool | CheckShapeWorldCollision | cVector3f &out avPushVector, iCollideShape@ apShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, iPhysicsBody@ apSkipBody, bool abSkipStatic |
void | RenderShapeDebugGeometry | iCollideShape@ apShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, iLowLevelGraphics@ apLowLevel, const cColor &in aColor |
void | RenderDebugGeometry | iLowLevelGraphics@ apLowLevel |
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