HPL1/Script Reference

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Script Reference document

In this document you will find all the various scripting functions used in the Penumbra trilogy, it's good to have a basic understanding of how Angelscript works before attempting to do anything. Unlike HPL2, the HPL1 engine will crash if too many errors are present. In some cases instead of crashing the game just won't run the accompanying map's script file until the errors have been cleared up. It's also a good idea to locate a Howard Phillip Script (*.hps) file to see how it is used in the Penumbra games to get a better understanding of its functions if you get stuck here.

Engine scripts


void Print(string asText)

Prints a string to the log.

string FloatToString(float afX)

Converts a float to string

string IntToString(int alX)

Converts an integer to string,

float RandFloat(float afMin, float afMax)

Generates a random float.

int RandInt(int alMin, int alMax)

Generates a random int.

StringContains(string asString, string asSubString)

Checks what a string contains.
asString what string to check
asSubString what to check the string against


string Translate(string asCat, string asName)

Gets a string in the current language.
asCat The translation category
asName The name of the category entry.

void PreloadSound(string asFile)

Preloads the data for a sound.
asFile This can be a wav, ogg, mp3 or snt file.

void ResetLogicTimer()

Resync screen frames to logic timer.

Particle Systems

void SetParticleSystemActive(string asName, bool abActive)

Set if a particle system should be active or not.
asName The name of the particle system.
abActive If it should be active or not.

void CreateParticleSystem(string asName, string asType, string asArea, float afX, float afY, float afZ)

Create a particle system at the position of an area
asName The name of the particle system.
asType The type of aprticle system
asArea The name of the area
X Y and Z the variables of the particle system.

CreateParticleSystemOnCamera(string asName ,string asFile)

Create an particle on the position of the camera(player).
asName the name of the particle system ingame.
asFile the name of the file for the particle system.

void KillParticleSystem(string asName)

Kill a particle system
asName The name of the particle system.


void CreateBeam(string asName, string asFile, string asStartArea, string asEndArea)

Creates a beam between 2 areas
asName the name of the beam
asFile the name of the .beam file
asStartArea name of the area to start the beam
asEndArea name of the area to end the beam

void DestroyBeam(string asName)

Destroy a beam
asName name of the beam to destory


void FadeLight3D(string asName, float afR,float afG, float afB, float afA, float afRadius, float afTime)

Fades a sound to a color and a radius
asName The name of the light
afR The red channel to fade to.
afG The green channel to fade to.
afB The blue channel to fade to.
afA The alpha channel to fade to.
afRadius The radius to fade to.
afTime The amount of seconds the fade should last.

void AttachBillboardToLight3D(string asBillboardName, string asLightName,bool abX)

Attaches a billboard to a light
asBillboardName The billbaord name
asLightName The light name
abX True if it should be attached, false if you want to remove.

void SetLight3DVisible(string asName, bool abX)

Sets on/off a light
asName The light name
abX if the light should be on or off.

void SetLight3DFlickerActive(string asName, bool abX)

Sets flickering on/off a light
asName The light name
abX if the light flicker should be on or off.

void SetLight3DFlicker(string asName,
                          float afR,float afG, float afB, float afA,
                          float afRadius,
                          float afOnMinLength, float afOnMaxLength,
                          string asOnSound,string asOnPS,
                          float afOffMinLength, float afOffMaxLength,
                          string asOffSound,string asOffPS,
                          bool abFade,
                          float afOnFadeLength, float afOffFadeLength)

Sets flickering parameters
asName The light name
abR, afG, afB, afA The color of the light when off
afRadius The radius of the light when off.
afOnMinLength Minimum time before going from off to on.
afOnMaxLength Maximum time before going from off to on.
asOnSound Name of the sound played when going from off to on. “” means no sound.
asOnPS Name of the particle system played when going from off to on. “” means none.
afOffMinLength Minimum time before going from on to off.
afOffMaxLength Maximum time before going from on to off.
asOffSound Name of the sound played when going from on to off. “” means no sound.
asOffPS Name of the particle system played when going from on to off. “” means none.
abFade If there should be a fade between off and on.
afOnFadeLength Fade length from off to on.
afOffFadeLength Fade length from on to off.

void CreateLightFlashAtArea(string asArea, float afRadius,
                    float afR,float afG, float afB, float afA,
                    float afAddTime, float afNegTime);

Creates a flash of light at an area.
asArea Name of the area to create the flash in
afRadius Radius of the flash
afR, afG, afB, afA Red, Green, Blue and alpha of the flash..
afAddTime Time it will take to reach full strenght.
afNegTime Time it will take to end flash, turning black.

void SetLight3DOnlyAffectInSector(string asName, bool abX);

If a light should cast its light and shadow, affecting the surroundings in its sector(_room grouping) or in all sectors it reaches. By default static lights added in the editor to a level is true, the same goes for lights that are part of an Lamp entity.
asName The light name
abX if it should only affect the sector or not.


void CreateSoundEntity(string asName, string asFile, string asArea)

Creates a sound entity at the postion of an area.
asName Name of the created sound entity.
asFile The snt file to load.
asArea The area to create at.

void CreateSoundEntityAt(string asType,string asDestName,string asSoundName,string asSoundFile);

Creates a sound entity at the position of an entity.
asType The type of entity. This can be: “Joint”,“Body” or “Entity”.
asDestName The entity/body/joint name
asSoundName The name of created sound entity.
asSoundFile The name of the snt file.

void PlaySoundEntity(string asName, bool abPlayStart)

Play a sound entity
asName The entity name
abPlayStart If the start sound should be played.

void StopSoundEntity(string asName, bool abPlayEnd)

Stop a sound entity
asName The entity name
abPlayEnd If the end sound should be played.

void FadeInSoundEntity(string asName, float afSpeed)

Play a sound entity fading it
asName The entity name
afSpeed Volume increase per second.

void FadeOutSoundEntity(string asName, float afSpeed)

Stop a sound entity fading it
asName The entity name
afSpeed Volume decrease per second.

void PlayMusic(string asName, float afVol, float afStepSize, bool abLoop)

Play music track.
asName Name of the music file.
afVol Volume of the music
afStepSize The increase in volume per second when fading in.

void StopMusic(float afStepSize)

Stop music track.
afStepSize The decrease in volume per second when fading out.

PlayGameMusic(string asFile, float afVolume,float afFadeStep,bool abLoop, int alPrio);

Play music track with prio, added to episode 1 to be able to play different tracks that mix in and out depending on prio.
asFile The name of the music file.
afVolume The volume to play the music at 0 to 1.
afFadeStep The decrease in volume per second when fading out.
abLoop If the music should loop.
alPrio The priority of the track, 0 to 10. A higher numbers fades a lower number out, if you have an ambient music track using prio 0 it will fade out if you add a music track to an enemy entity with prio 1 and the enemy attacks the player. When the attack is over the ambient track will fade back in.

StopGameMusic(float afFadeStep, int alPrio);

Stop game music track with prio.
afFadeStepThe decrease in volume per second when fading out.
alPrio priority of the music track.

void PlayGuiSound(string asName, float afVol)

Play a sound gui sound, with out any position.
asName The sound name
afVol Volume of the sound


void SetJointCallback(string asJointName, string asType,string asFunc)

Sets a callback for a joint.
The syntax for the function is: void MyFunction(string asJointName)
asJointName The joint name
asType The type, can be: “OnMax” or “OnMin”.
asFunc The script function to be called. Must be in the current script file. “” = disabled.

void BreakJoint(string asJointName)

Breaks a joint.
asJointName The joint name

void SetJointControllerActive(string asJointName,string asCtrlName, bool abActive)

Sets if a joint controller is active or not.
asJointName The joint name
asCtrlName The controller name
abActive If the controller is to be active or not.

SetJointControllerPropertyFloat(string asJointName,string asCtrlName, string asProperty, float afValue)

Sets if a joint controller is active or not.
asJointName The joint name
asCtrlName The controller name
asProperty The property to change.
afValue The value of the property to change.

void ChangeJointController(string asJointName,string asCtrlName)

Change the active controller. All other controllers are set to false.
asJointName The joint name
asCtrlName The controller name

float GetJointProperty(string asJointName, string asProp)

Gets a property from the joint.
Valid properties are:
“Angle” The angle between the bodies (in degrees) (Not working for ball joint)
“Distance” The distance between the bodies (in meter)
“LinearSpeed” The relative linear speed between the bodies (in m/s)
“AngularSpeed” The relative angular speed between the bodies (in m/s)
“Force” The size of the force (in newton, kg*m/s^2).
“MinLimit” The minimum limit of the joint.
“MaxLimit” The maximum limit of the joint.
asJointName The joint name
asProp The property to get

SetJointProperty(string asJoint, string asProp, float afVal)

Sets a property to the joint.
asJoint the joint to change property for
asProp what property to change:
“MinLimit” the min limit on joint, does not work on ball joint.
“MaxLimit” the max limit on joint, does not work on ball joint.
afVal the value in float to set.

float GetBodyProperty(string asBodyName, string asProp)

Gets a property from the body.
Valid properties are:
“Mass” The mass of the body (in kg)
“LinearSpeed” The linear speed the body has (in m/s)
“AngularSpeed” The angular speed the body has (in m/s)
asBodyName The body name
asProp The property to get

void SetBodyProperty(string asBodyName, string asProp, float afVal)

Sets a property to the body.
Valid properties are:
“Mass” The mass of the body (in kg)
“CollideCharacter” If the body should collide with the character or not, 0=false 1=true.
“HasGravity” If a body is affected by gravity. 0=false 1=true.
asBodyName The body name
asProp The property to get
afVal The new value of the property

void AddBodyForce(string asBodyName, string asCoordType, float afX, float afY, float afZ)

Adds a force to the body. This can either be in the bodies local coord system or the world's.
asBodyName The body name
asCoordType The coordinate system type. “World” or “Local”.
afX force in the x direction. (in newton, kg*m/s^2)
afY force in the y direction. (in newton, kg*m/s^2)
afZ force in the z direction. (in newton, kg*m/s^2)

void AddBodyImpulse(string asBodyName, string asCoordType, float afX, float afY, float afZ)

Adds an impule (a change in velocity) to the body. This can either be in the bodies local coord system or the world's.
asBodyName The body name
asCoordType The coordinate system type. “World” or “Local”.
afX velocity in the x direction. (in m/s)
afY velocity in the y direction. (in m/s)
afZ velocity in the z direction. (in m/s)

Local Variables

void CreateLocalVar(string asName, int alVal)
void SetLocalVar(string asName, int alVal)
void AddLocalVar(string asName, int alVal)
int GetLocalVar(string asName)

Global Variables

void  CreateGlobalVar(string asName, int alVal)
void SetGlobalVar(string asName, int alVal)
void AddGlobalVar(string asName, int alVal)
int GetGlobalVar(string asName)

Game scripts


void ResetGame();

Resets the game and returns to main menu

void StartCredits();

Starts the end credits screen, uses .lang Category “MainMenu” and .lang Entry “CreditsText” as well as music file “penumbra_music_E1_E.ogg”

void StartDemoEndText();

Starts the end images that are used in the demo of episode 1, images are named “demo_end01.jpg” increase the number for each image you want to use.

string GetActionKeyString(string asAction);

Gets the key for a certain action, for example can be used in tutorials to create text that uses the user configured key for “Interact”.
asAction The name of the action

void AddMessageTrans(string asTransCat, string asTransName);

Adds on on screen game message.
TransCat The translation category
TransName The translation name

void AddMessage(string asMessage);

Adds on on screen game message.
asMessage The text to be shown.

void SetMessagesOverCallback(string asFunction);

Sets a callback that is called (and removed) when the last message as been shown.
asFunction The function to be called, syntax “MyFunc()“

void AddSubTitleTrans(string asTransCat,string asTransName, float afTime);

Adds a onscreen message at the bottom, that does not interrupt the gameplay.
asTransCat The translation files category.
asTransName The translation files name of the entry to be displayed.
afTime the length of time it should be displayed.

void AddSubTitle(string asMessage, float afTime);

Adds a onscreen message at the bottom, that does not interrupt the gameplay.
asMessage the text you want to appear on screen.
afTime the length of time it should be displayed.

SetMessageBlackText(bool abX)

Makes the onscreen text invert colours to be easier to read on bright backgrounds.
abX enable or disabled the function.

void AddRadioMessage(string asTransCat,string asTransName,string asSound);

Plays an audio file and displays subtitles for it.
asTransCat the Category in the translations file
asTransName the name of the entry in the translations file
asSound the sound file to play for the text.

void SetRadioOnEndCallback(string asFunc);

Callback that activates when a Radio message is over
asFunc The name of the callback to activate

void AddToTempString(string asString); //A piece of text to add to a string
void AddToTempStringTrans(string asCat,string asEntry); //A text from the translations file in Category from Entry
void AddToTempStringAction(string); //Get user configured key for a certain action
void AddMessageTempString(); //Add the strings to one temporary string to print as a Message on screen
void AddSubTitleTempString(float); //Add the strings to one temporary string to print as a Subtitle on screen

Used to create a flow of text that uses various sources, as an example from episode 1:

AddToTempStringTrans("00_01_boat_cabin", "PadLock01");
AddToTempStringTrans("Misc", "ParentDot");

Wrote the message “Always travel with a padlock. And a key, preferably. Mine's in the inventory (TAB).” as a message.

void ChangeMap(string asMapFile, string asMapPos,
                    string asStartSound, string asStopSound,
                    float afFadeOutTime, float afFadeInTime,
                    string asLoadTextCat, string asLoadTextEntry);

Changes the map.
asMapFile The file to be loaded
asMapPos The position on the map to be spawned on.
asStartSound The sound that is played when the change starts.
asStopsSound The sound that is played when the new map is loaded
afFadeOutTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade out.
afFadeInTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade in.
asLoadTextCat Category in .lang file to use
asLoadTextEntry Entry in .lang file to use

void AddNotebookTask(string asName, string asTransCat,
                                       string asTransEntry);

Adds a new task note in the notebook
asName Name of the task
asTransCat Translation category of text.
asTransEntry Translation entry of text.

void AddNotebookTaskText(string asName,string asText);

Adds a new task note in the notebook without using the lang file.
asName Name of the task
asText The text for the task

void AddNotebookNote(string asNameCat, string asNameEntry,
                     string asTextCat, string asTextEntry);

Adds a note to the note book
asNameEntry Name of the note
asTextEntry The note text.

void RemoveNotebookTask(string asName);

Removes a task note in the notebook.
asName Name of the task

void StartNumericalPanel(string asName,int alCode1,int alCode2,int alCode3,
                       int  alCode4, float afDifficulty, string asCallback);

Starts the numerical panel
asName Name of the panel
alCode1 1st code digit.
alCode2 2nd code digit.
alCode3 3rd code digit.
alCode4 4th code digit.
afDifficulty How difficult it is to hack.
asCallback Called when the code as been entered. Syntax: MyCallback(string asName, bool abCodeWasCorrect)

void SetInventoryActive(bool abX);

Set if the inventory should be active.
abX If it is active or not.

void FadeIn(float afTime);

Fades the screen to full color.
afTime Time the fade will take in seconds.

void FadeOut(float afTime);

Fades the screen to black.
afTime Time the fade will take in seconds.

bool IsFading();

Check if a fade is going on.

void SetWideScreenActive(bool abActive);

Sets wide screen mode on or off.

void AutoSave();

Save the game to the auto save.

void ClearSavedMaps();

Clears the “history” of the save, useful to do when you know the player will not be able to go back anymore. Makes the next save much smaller in size. It's a must to clear the save history a couple of times during the length of a game, in Penumbra: Overture we do it 5-7 times during the whole game.

SetDepthOfFieldActive(bool abX, float afFadeTime);

Sets depth of field on/off
abX if true/false
afFadeTime how long for it to focus.

SetupDepthOfField(float afNearPlane, float afFocalPlane, float afFarPlane);

How the depth of field should appear
afNearPlane where the focus should begin
afFocalPlane how large area that is in focus
afFarPlane where the focus should end

FocusOnEntity(string asEntity);

Set focus on a particular entity.
asEntity name of the entity

SetConstantFocusOnEntity(string asEntity);

Set focus on a particular entity and keep focus on it if it moves or the player moves.
asEntity name of the entity

void StartFlash(float afFadeIn, float afWhite, float afFadeOut);

Creates a white flash on screen.
afFadeIn The time the fade in takes.
afWhite The time it stays white.
afFadeOut The time the fade out takes.

StartScreenShake(float afAmount, float afTime,float afFadeInTime,float afFadeOutTime);

Makes the screen shake.
afAmount The ammount of shaking.
afTime How long the shake should be.
afFadeInTime How fast the shake should fade in.
afFadeOutTime How fast the shake should fade out.

SetupSaveArea(string asName,string asMessageCat,string asMessageEntry, string asSound);

Properties for an area to type “save”, eg “_area_save_gamename”. asName the name of the area
asMessageCat The message category in lang file
asMessageEntry The message entry in lang file
asSound The sound to play during the save


void CreateSplashDamage(string asAreaName, float afRadius, float afMinDamage, float afMaxDamge,
                                             float afMinForce, float afMaxForce, float afMaxImpulse, int alStrength);

Creates a ball shaped splash damage at the center of an area.
asAreaName Name of the area.
afRadius Radius of the slash damage in meters.
afMinDamage The minimum damage if in side radius
afMaxDamge The maximum damage, this is when you are at center.
afMinForce The minimum force if you are inside the radius.
afMaxForce The maximum force, this is when you are at center.
afMaxImpulse Impulse is ForceSize / Mass and this is the max value for that. This is useful to insure that samll objects to no gain very high speed.
alStrength The strength of the the damage.

void SetupDamageArea( string asName, float afDamage,
             float afUpdatesPerSec, int alStrength,
             bool abDisableObjects, bool abDisableEnemies,
             string asDamageType, string asDamageSound);

Properties for an area of type “damage”, eg “_area_damage_gamename”. Will inflict damage on player and entites while in it.
asName The name of the area
afDamage Damage to do for each update
afUpdatesPerSec How many updates per second
alStrength The strength of each update
abDisableObjects If objects should be disabled on destruction
abDisableEnemies If enemies should be disabled on destruction
asDamageType What sort of damage graphics to use. “BloodSplash”, “Ice”, “Poison”.
asDamageSound What sound to play at each damage.

void DamageEntity(string asName, float afDamage, int alStrength);

Gives damage to an entity
asName the name of the entity
afDamage the amount of damage to do
alStrength the strength of the damage

Game Timer

void CreateTimer(string asName, float afTime, string asCallback, bool abGlobal);

Creates a new timer which calls a callback function when the time is out.
Syntax: MyCallback(string asTimerName), the prefix ”@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script
asName Name of the timer
afTime The time til time out in seconds.
asCallback The callback fucntion
abGlobal If the timer is global. Global timers are not deleted at map change.

void DestroyTimer(string asName);
void SetTimerPaused(string asName, bool abPaused);
void SetTimerTime(string asName, float afTime);
void AddTimerTime(string asName, float afTime);
float GetTimerTime(string asName);


void GivePlayerDamage(float afAmount,  string asType);

Gives the player a hit + damage
afAmount The amount of health taken.
asType what sort of damage effect

void SetPlayerHealth(float afHealth);

Sets the health of the player.
afHealth The amount the health should be set to.

float GetPlayerHealth();

Gets the current health of the player.

void SetPlayerPose(string asPose,bool abChangeDirectly);

Sets the pose of the player.
asPose The pose, can be “Stand” or “Crouch”
abChangeDirectly, if the pose should change instantly or in a movement

void SetPlayerActive(bool abActive);

Sets if player can be moved or not.
abActive If the player is active or not.

void StartPlayerLookAt(string asEntityName, float afSpeedMul, float afMaxSpeed);

This turns the players head towards a specific entity.
asEntityName The entity name
afSpeedMul The speed of the head movement is determined by the angle length multiplied by this.
afMaxSpeed The maximum speed the head will turn.

void StopPlayerLookAt();

Stops the look at motion.

void StartPlayerFearFilter(float afStrength);

Starts a fear effect filter.
afStrength strength of the filter.

SetFlashlightDisabled(bool abDisabled);

Disabled the flashlight.
abDisabled true/false for flashlight on/off.

void StopPlayerFearFilter();

Stops the fear filter.

void TeleportPlayerToArea(string asArea);

Teleports the player to an area, players feet is aligned to the center of the area.
asArea the name of the area to teleport to.

bool GetPlayerHasGasMask();

Get if the player has gasmask or not.


void AddPickupCallback(string asItem, string asFunction);

Add a callback that is called when the player picks up an item.
The syntax for the callback function is:
void MyFunction(string asItem), the prefix “@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script
asItem The name of the item.
asFuntion The name of the function called.

void AddUseCallback(string asItem, string asEntity, string asFunction);

Add a callback that is called when the player uses the item on en entity
The syntax for the callback function is:
void MyFunction(string asItem, string asEntity), the prefix “@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script.
asItem The name of the item.
asEntity The name of the entity.
asFuntion The name of the function called.

void AddCombineCallback(string asItem1,string asItem2, string asFunction);

Add a callback that is called when the player combines two items
The syntax for the callback function is (alSlotIndex = slot at which combination occurd):
void MyFunction(string asItem1, string asItem2, int alSlotIndex), the prefix “@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script.
asItem1 The name of the first item.
asItem2 The name of the second item.
asFuntion The name of the function called.

void RemovePickupCallback(string asFunction);
void RemoveUseCallback(string asFunction);
void RemoveCombineCallback(string asFunction);

Removes the callback.
asFuntion The name of the function used by the callback.

bool HasItem(string asName);

Checks if the player has a certain item.
asName The name of the item.

void RemoveItem(string asName);

Removes an item from the inventory.
asName The name of the item.

void GiveItem(string asName,string asEntityFile, int alSlotIndex);

Give an item to the player.
asName The name of the entity
asEntityFile The file to load it from.
lSlotIndex The index of the slot to put the item in. -1 = first empty slot

SetInventoryMessage(string asMessage);

Displays a message in the inventory.
asMessage The message to write in the inventory.

SetInventoryMessageTrans(string asTransCat, string asTransName);

Displays a message from the lang file in the inventory.
asTransCat The name of the category in the lang file.
asTransName The name of the entry in the lang file.

Map / Level Properties

SetAmbientColor(float r, float g, float b);

Sets the ambient color of the level, this should always be part of a level as it gives it a bit of light otherwise shadows will be pitch black.

SetSectorProperties(string asSector, float afAmbR,float afAmbG, float afAmbB);

Sets the ambient color of a sector(individual groups of _room.
asSector the name of the sector.
afAmbR red 0-1
afAmbG green 0-1
afAmbB blue 0-1
The values are multiplied with the SetAmbientColor(f,f,f); values. This script function will most likely be expanded to include specific ambient sounds etc for each sector.

SetSkybox(string asTexture);

Sets a texture as a sky box.


Set the skybox active with true/False

SetSkyboxColor(float R, float G, float B, float A);

What color should the Skybox have
R, G, B and Alpha

SetFogActive(bool abX);

If a level should have fog or not.
bool abX, false/true

SetFogProperties(float afStart, float afEnd, float r,float g, float b);

The properties of the fog.
afStart how many meters from the camera should the fog begin.
afEnd how many meters from the camera should the fog reach full thickness.
float r,float g, float b the color of the fog in RGB.


Should the game stop rendering the level when the fog is full thickness

SetWaveGravityActive(bool abX);

Enable a dynamic gravity that mimics waves, ture/false

SetupWaveGravity(float afMaxAngle, float afSwingLength, float afGravitySize, string asAxis);

Set the properties for the dynamic wave gravity
afMaxAngle The maximum angel of the wave
afSwingLength The length for going from top to bottom
afGravitySize The strength of the gravity
asAxis Along which axis should the wave “move”

SetMapGameName(string asName);

Set the name of the current map, is used for naming the saved games.
asName the name of the map

SetMapGameNameTrans(string asTransCat,string asTransEntry);

Set the name of the current map using the lang file, is used for naming the saved games.
asTransCat the category in the lang file
asTransEntry the entry in the lang file with the name of the map

Game Entity Properties

void SetGameEntityActive(string asName, bool abX);

Set if a game entity is active.
asName The name of the game entity
abX If active or not.

bool GetGameEntityActive(string asName);

Get if a game entity is active.
asName The name of the game entity
return if active or not.

void ReplaceEntity(string asName, string asBodyName, string asNewName, string asNewFile);

Replaces an ingame entity with another entity, the new entity will appear at the center of the old entities location
asName Name of the ingame entity
asBodyName The name of the body in the old entity that will be used as a center for the new entity, leave as “” if entity only has 1 body
asNewName The ingame name given to the new entity
asNewFile The .ent file to be used for the new entity

void CreateGameEntityVar(string asEntName, string asVarName, int alVal);

Create a variable for a game entity. Nothing happens if it is already created.
asEntName The name of the game entity
asVarName The name of variable
alVal value to set the variable to.

void SetGameEntityVar(string asEntName, string asVarName, int alVal);

Change the value of a entity variable to a new value
asEntName The name of the game entity
asVarName The name of variable
alVal value to set the variable to.

void AddGameEntityVar(string asEntName, string asVarName, int alVal);

Change the value of an entity variable by adding to the previous value
asEntName The name of the game entity
asVarName The name of variable
alVal value to add to the existing variable.

int GetGameEntityVar(string asEntName, string asVarName);

Get the value of a variable for a game entity.
asEntName The name of the game entity
asVarName The name of variable
alVal value to set the variable to.

void SetGameEntityMaxExamineDist(string asName,float afDist);

Set the maximum distance at which a game entity can be examined.
asName The name of the game entity
afDist The distance in meters

void SetGameEntityMaxInteractDist(string asName,float afDist);

Set the maximum distance at which a game entity can be interacted with.
asName The name of the game entity
afDist The distance in meters

void SetGameEntityDescriptionTrans(string asName,string asTransCat, string asTransName);

Set a description on a game entity.
asName The name of the game entity
asTransCat The translation category
asTransName The translation name

SetGameEntityDescriptionOnceTrans(string asName,string asTransCat,string asTransName);

Set a description on a game entity BUT display the eye only 1 time, after that the you can still examine but the eye wont show unless in Interact mode.
asName The name of the game entity
asTransCat The translation category
asTransName The translation name

void SetGameEntityDescription(string asName, string asMessage);

Set a description on a game entity.
asName The name of the game entity
asMessage The message

void SetGameEntityGameNameTrans(string asName, string asTransCat,string asTransName);

Set a game name on a game entity.
asName The name of the game entity
asTransCat The translation category
asTransName The translation name

void SetDoorState(string asName,string asState);

Sets the state of a door with animation. This entity was only used in early test builds of HPL.
asName The name of the game entity
asState The state to set, thís can be “Open”,“Closed”, “Opening” or “Closing”.

SetDoorLocked(string asDoor, bool abLocked);

Sets a door locked or unlocked, only works with SwingDoor entities(set in the .ent file)
asDoor the name of the entity.
abLocked true or false if locked or not.

SetDoorLockedProperties(string asDoor,
                string asMessCat,string asMessEntry,
                string asSound,
                bool RepeatLockedMessage);

Gives properties to a locked door, how it should sound what message to show etc. Only works with SwingDoor entities(set in the .ent file)
asDoor the name of the entity.
asMessCat the name of the category in the translations file.
asMessEntry the name of the entry in the translations file to use.
asSound sound to play for the locked door when player interacts.
RepeatLockedMessage true or false if the event should be every time or only the first time.

void SetObjectInteractMode(string asName,string asMode);

Sets the interact mode of an game object.
asName The name of the game object
asState The mode to set, valid modes are “Static”, “Grab”, “Move” and “Push”.

void SetupLink(string asName, string asMapFile, string asMapPos,
               string asStartSound, string asStopSound,
               float afFadeOutTime, float afFadeInTime);

Sets up the properties for a link.
asName The name of the link
asMapFile The file to be loaded
asMapPos The position on the map to be spawned on.
asStartSound The sound that is played when the change starts.
asStopsSound The sound that is played when the new map is loaded
afFadeOutTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade out.
afFadeInTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade in.

void SetupLinkLoadText(string asName,
            string asMapFile, string asMapPos,
            string asStartSound, string asStopSound,
            float afFadeOutTime, float afFadeInTime,
            string asTextCat, string asTextEntry);

Sets up the properties for a link and displays a screen with text/picture while loading.
asName The name of the link
asMapFile The file to be loaded
asMapPos The position on the map to be spawned on.
asStartSound The sound that is played when the change starts.
asStopsSound The sound that is played when the new map is loaded
afFadeOutTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade out.
afFadeInTime Time in seconds it takes for the fade in.
asTextCat The text category in translations file .lang
asTextEntry The text entry in translations file .lang

void SetupLinkLockedProp(string asName,string asLockedSound,
             string asLockedDescCat,string asLockedDescEntry);

Properties for an area of type “link”, eg “_area_link_gamename”, to be used if the link is “locked”.
asName The name of the link
asLockedSound The “locked sound” to play
asLockedDescCat In what category the text to use is in the .lang file.
asLockedDescEntry In what entry the text is found in the .lang file.

void SetLinkLocked(string asName, bool abLocked);

Set an area of type “link” as locked or unlocked.
asName The name of the link
abLocked True/false for locked or not.

void SetAreaCustomIcon(string asName, string asIcon);

Makes the area show a custom icon on player focus.
asName The name of the area
asIcon The icon, can be: “Inactive”, “Active”, “Invalid”, “Grab”, “Examine”,, “PickUp”, “Pointer”, “Item”, “DoorLink” or “None”.

void AddEnemyPatrolNode(string asEnemy,string asNode,float afTime,string asAnimation);

Adds node that the enemy will have on his patrol path.
asEnemy Name of the enemy
asNode The Node to walk to.
afTime The time to stay at the node when reached.
asAnimation The animation to be played when at the node. “” = idle.

void ClearEnemyPatrolNodes(string asEnemy);

Clears all the patrol nodes for the enemy
asEnemy The Name of the enemy.

void SetEntityHealth(string asName, float afHealth);

Sets the health of an entity
asName Name of the entity
afHealth the amount to set the health to.

float GetEnemyHealth(string asEnemy);

Gets the health of an enemy
asEnemyName Name of the enemy
return the health.

void ShowEnemyPlayer(string asEnemy);

Show the enemy the position of the player and sets the enemy into hunt mode.
asEnemy The name of the Enemy.

void SetEnemyUseTriggers(string asEnemy, bool abUseTriggers);

If an enemy should use triggers, for example if an enemy should react to sounds.
asEnemy The name of the Enemy.
abUseTriggers use triggers or not.

void SetEnemyAttackCallback(string asEnemy,string asFunction);

Activates a callback when an enemy attacks the player.
asEnemy The name of the Enemy.
asFunction The name of the callback to activate.

SetLampLit(string asName,bool abLit, bool abFade);

Sets a Lamp entity light on/off, requires the entity file to be a Type=“Lamp”.
asName The name of the lamp entity.
abLit if it should be lit or not.
abFade if it should fade on/off, properties are set in the entity file.

void SetLampFlicker(string asName,bool abFlicker);

Sets a Lamp entity lights flicker, requires the entity file to be a Type=“Lamp”.
asName The name of the lamp entity.
abFlicker starts/stops the flicker.
Flicker properties are set in the entity file.

SetupStickArea(string asArea, bool abCanDeatch,
            bool abMoveBody, bool abRotateBody,
            bool abCheckCenterInArea, float afPoseTime,
            string asAttachSound, string asDetachSound,
            string asAttachPS, string asDetachPS,
            string asAttachFunc, string asDetachFunc);

Give properties to an area of type “stick”. Used to make an object attach itself to another etc.
asArea The name of the stick area
abCanDeatch if the area will allow to detach and attached object
abMoveBody Should the attached object be moved into the center
abRotateBody should the attached object be rotated to attach in a certain direction(rotating the stick area in the level will decide this)
abCheckCenterInArea only attach if the object to be attached is in the center of the stick area
afPoseTime how long will the attach movement(move/rotate) take
asAttachSound what attach sound to play
asDetachSound what detach sound to play
asAttachPS what particle effect to use on attach
asDetachPS what particle effect to use on detach
asAttachFunc name of attach callback
asDetachFunc name of detach callback

void AllowAttachment();

Executes the attachment settings in SetupStickArea.

Example of an attach callback

void MyAttach(string asArea, string asBody)
    if(StringContains(asBody, "entityname"))
DetachBodyFromStickArea(string asArea);

Detach a body from a stick area.
asArea Name of the area.

SetupLadder(string asName,string asAttachSound, string asClimbUpSound, string asClimbDownSound);

Sets properties for an area of type “ladder”. eg “_area_ladder_gamename”
asName Name of the area.
asAttachSound Sound to be played as player grabs onto ladder
asClimbUpSound Sound to be played as player climbs up.
asClimbDownSound Sound to be played as player climbs down.

void ChangeEntityAnimation(string asName,string asAnimation,bool abLoop);

Change the animation of an entity.
asName Name of the entity.
asAnimation the animation that should be used
abLoop if it should loop or not.

void SetupForceArea(    string asName,
            float afMaxForce, float afConstant,
            float afDestSpeed, float afMaxMass,
            bool abMulWithMass, bool abForceAtPoint,
            bool abAffectBodies, bool abAffectCharacters);

Properties for an area of type “force”, eg “_area_force_gamename”.
asName Name of the entity.
afMaxForce the value for the maximum force to apply
afConstant Used in the formula. Force = Constant * DistanceToDestSpeed, meaning it determines the force based on how far from the dest speed the object is.
afDestSpeed the value of the speed an object will travel at when reached maximum
afMaxMass the maximum mass that will be affected by the force
abMulWithMass if the force should apply the same amount to all objects of different mass
abForceAtPoint if force is to be applied to the collison point with the area. False = just use center of object.
abAffectBodies affect dynamic objects/bodies
abAffectCharacters affect charaters(player/enemies/etc)

SetupLiquidArea(string asName,float afDensity, float afLinearViscosity,float afAngularViscosity,string asPhysicsMaterial.
            float fR, float fG, float fB, abHasWaves);

Properties for an area of type “liquid”, eg “_area_liquid_gamename”.
asName Name of the entity.
afDensity The density of the liquid
afLinearViscosity How much “friction” the liquid should have in linear direction.
afAngularViscosity How much “friction” the liquid should have in angular direction
asPhysicsMaterial What physics material to use
fR, fG, fB The color of the liquid in Red, Green, Blue
abHasWaves if objects should bob in the water.

 void SetupGameButton(string asName,string asCallback,string asAffectedEntities);

Creates a callback for entity of type “button”, eg .ent says Type=“Button”.
asName Name of the entity.
asCallback the name of the callback to activate.
asAffectedEntities The names of the entities that should be activated, example “light01” or “light01, light02, light03”.

Callback syntax: void OnStateChange(string asButton,bool asInOn);

void SetGameButtonOn(string asName, bool abOn, bool abUseEffects);

Sets a button entity on/off.
asName Name of the entity.
abOn On or off, true/false
abUseEffects if various effects set in the entity files of the entities affected by the button switch should be used or not.

int GetLeverState(string asName);

Gets the current state of a Lever entity.
asName Name of the entity.
returns int as -1 = min, 0=middle, 1=max

void SetLeverStuck(string asName,int alState);

Sets a Lever entity stuck at a certain position.
asName Name of the entity.
alState What position to stick it in, state: -1 = min, 0=middle, 1=max

int GetWheelState(string asName);

Gets the current state of a Wheel entity.
asName Name of the entity.
returns int as -1 = min, 0=middle, 1=max

void SetWheelStuck(string asName,int alState );

Sets a Wheel entity stuck at a certain position.
asName Name of the entity.
alState What position to stick it in, state: -1 = min, 0=turn off stuck, 1=max

float GetWheelAngle(string asName);

Gets the current angle of a Wheel entity.
asName Name of the entity.
returns the value as float.

float GetWheelSpeed(string asName);

Gets the current speed of a Wheel entity.
asName Name of the entity.
returns the value as float.

ConnectWheelToController(string asWheelName,string asEntName,string asCtrlName,
                 float afMinDest, float afMaxDest);

Connects a controller in the .ent file to the wheel.
asWheelName Name of the wheel entity in level.
asEntName Name of the entity file to use.
asCtrlName Name of the controller.
afMinDest Value of the minimum destination.
afMaxDest Value of the maximum destination.

MoveEntityToArea(string asEntityName, string asAreaName,
            float afSpeed, float afAcceleration,
              float afSlowDownRange, string asCallback);

Moves an entity to an area. This can be used to create moving platforms, elevators etc.
asEntityName Name of the entity.
asAreaName Name of the area to move the entity to.
afSpeed At what speed to move the entity.
afAcceleration Acceleration of the entity.
afSlowDownRange How far away from the area to begind deceleration.
asCallback name of the callback to trigger when entity reaches area.
Callback syntax: MyFunc(string asEntityName)

Game Entity Callbacks

void AddEntityCollideCallback(string asType, string asDestName,
                        string asEntityName, string asFuncName);

Add a collide callback to an entity.
The syntax for the callback function is:
void MyFunction(string asParent, string asChild), the prefix “@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script.
asParent is the entity the function is attached to and asChild is the other entity in the collision.
asType The type of callback, this can be “Enter”, “During” or “Leave”
asDestName The entity that should have the callback. “Player” will add it to the player.
asEntityName The entity to check for collision with.
asFuncName The name of the script function to add. This must be in the level's script file and not the global.

void RemoveEntityCollideCallback(string asType, string asDestName, string asEntityName);

Removes a collide callback on an entity.
asType The type of callback, this can be “Enter”, “During” or “Leave”
asDestName The entity that has the callback
asEntityName The entity to check for collision with.

void AddEntityCallback(string asType, string asDestName, string asFuncName);

Add a callback to an entity.
The syntax for the callback function is:
void MyFunction(string asEntity), the prefix “@” (ie “@Func()”) shows that the function is in the global script.
The different types are the following
“PlayerInteract” The player interacts with the entity.
“PlayerExamine” The player examines the entity.
“PlayerLook” The player is looking at the entity (it is in “focus”).
“OnUpdate” When the entity is updated.
“OnBreak” When the entity breaks.
asType The type of callback
asDestName The entity that should have the callback
asFuncName The name of the script function to add. This must be in the level's script file and not the global.

void RemoveEntityCallback(string asType, string asDestName);

Removes a callback on an entity.
asType The type of callback. The same types as for AddEntityCallback applies.
asDestName The entity that has the callback

void SetEnemyDeathCallback(string asEnemy,string asFunction);

Sets the function that is called when the enemy dies.
asEnemyName Name of the enemy
asFunction The function, syntax: MyFunc(string asEnemyName)

SetLampLitChangeCallback(string asName,string asCallback);

Adds a callback for a Lamp entity, Type=“Lamp” in .ent, as it changes from on to off or vice versa.
asName The name of the lamp entity.
asCallback The name of the callback, syntax: MyFunc(bool abActive)

SetLeverCallback(string asName,string asType, string asCallback);

Adds a callback for a Lever entity, Type=“Lever” in .ent, as it changes states.
asName The name of the lever entity.
asType What type: “Enter”, “Leave” or “During”.
asCallback The name of the callback, syntax: void MyFunc(string asName, int alType, int alState)
type: 0=enter, 1=leave, 2=during
state: -1 = min, 0=middle, 1=max

SetWheelCallback(string asName,string asType,string asCallback);

Adds a callback for a Wheel entity, Type=“Wheel” in .ent.
asName The name of the wheel entity.
asType What type: “Enter”, “Leave” or “During”.
asCallback The name of the callback, syntax: void MyFunc(string asName, int alType, int alState)
type: 0=enter, 1=leave, 2=during
state: -1 = min, 0=middle, 1=max