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{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW|cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW|cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetFilePathW|cString_GetFilePathW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetFilePathW|cString_GetFilePathW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstCharPos|cString_GetFirstCharPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, [[../|../]] alChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstCharPos|cString_GetFirstCharPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, int8 alChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstStringPos|cString_GetFirstStringPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, const [[../tString|tString]] &in aChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstStringPos|cString_GetFirstStringPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, const [[../tString|tString]] &in aChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstStringPosW|cString_GetFirstStringPosW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString, const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetFirstStringPosW|cString_GetFirstStringPosW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString, const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aChar)|}}
Line 756: Line 756:
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|void|[[#cString_GetIntVec|cString_GetIntVec]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in asData, [[../|../]] &inout avOutInts, const [[../tString|tString]] &in asSepp)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|void|[[#cString_GetIntVec|cString_GetIntVec]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in asData, [[../|../]] &inout avOutInts, const [[../tString|tString]] &in asSepp)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tString|tString]]|[[#cString_GetLastChar|cString_GetLastChar]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tString|tString]]|[[#cString_GetLastChar|cString_GetLastChar]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetLastCharPos|cString_GetLastCharPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, [[../|../]] alChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetLastCharPos|cString_GetLastCharPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, int8 alChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetLastCharW|cString_GetLastCharW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|[[../tWString|tWString]]|[[#cString_GetLastCharW|cString_GetLastCharW]](const [[../tWString|tWString]] &in aString)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetLastStringPos|cString_GetLastStringPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, const [[../tString|tString]] &in aChar)|}}
{{CodeDocSummaryItem|int|[[#cString_GetLastStringPos|cString_GetLastStringPos]](const [[../tString|tString]] &in aString, const [[../tString|tString]] &in aChar)|}}

Revision as of 06:54, 12 August 2020

Have some helpful descriptions to add to this class? Edit this page and add your insight to the Wiki!


Return Type Function and Description
cColor cColor_Blue
cColor cColor_Green
cColor cColor_Red
cColor cColor_White
float cMath_Epsilon
float cMath_Pi
float cMath_PiDiv2
float cMath_PiDiv4
float cMath_PiMul2
float cMath_Sqrt2
cMatrixf cMatrixf_Identity
cMatrixf cMatrixf_Zero
cQuaternion cQuaternion_Identity
cVector2f cVector2f_Down
cVector2f cVector2f_Left
cVector2f cVector2f_MinusOne
cVector2f cVector2f_One
cVector2f cVector2f_Right
cVector2f cVector2f_Up
cVector2f cVector2f_Zero
cVector2l cVector2l_MinusOne
cVector3f cVector3f_Back
cVector3f cVector3f_Down
cVector3f cVector3f_Forward
cVector3f cVector3f_Left
cVector3f cVector3f_MinusOne
cVector3f cVector3f_One
cVector3f cVector3f_Right
cVector3f cVector3f_Up
cVector3f cVector3f_Zero
cVector4f cVector4f_MinusOne
cVector4f cVector4f_One
cVector4f cVector4f_Zero
tID tID_Invalid
Return Type Function and Description
void Billboard_SetBrightness(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afBrightness)
void Billboard_SetRangeMax(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd)
void Billboard_SetRangeMin(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd)
void Billboard_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisibleInReflection, bool abVisibleInWorld)
void Billboard_SetVisible(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisible)
void Body_AddForce(const tString &in asBodyName, const cVector3f &in avForce, bool abLocalSpace)
void Body_AddImpulse(const tString &in asBodyName, const cVector3f &in avImpulse, bool abLocalSpace)
tString Body_GetEntityName(const tString &in asBodyName)
void Body_SetCollides(const tString &in asBodyName, bool abCollides)
void Button_Blink(const tString &in asName)
bool Button_IsDisabled(const tString &in asName)
bool Button_IsLocked(const tString &in asName)
bool Button_IsSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName)
void Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOff(const tString &in asName, bool abState)
void Button_SetCanBeSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState)
void Button_SetDisabled(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true)
void Button_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true)
void Button_SetSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abEffects)
cEventDatabase cAI_CreateEventDatabase(const tString &in asName)
void cAI_DestroyEventDatabase(cEventDatabase @apDB)
void cEngine_Exit()
float cEngine_GetAvgFrameTimeInMS()
float cEngine_GetAvgLogicFrameTimeMS()
float cEngine_GetAvgRenderFrameTimeMS()
float cEngine_GetAvgVariableFrameTimeMS()
float cEngine_GetFPS()
void cEngine_GetFPSMinMax(float &out afMin, float &out afMax)
float cEngine_GetFPSUpdateRate()
float cEngine_GetFrameTime()
void cEngine_GetFrameTimeMinMax(float &out afMin, float &out afMax)
double cEngine_GetGameTime()
bool cEngine_GetLimitFPS()
float cEngine_GetMaxMS()
float cEngine_GetMinMS()
uint cEngine_GetPerFrameUpdateSteps()
uint cEngine_GetSceneRenderFlags()
float cEngine_GetStepSize()
int cEngine_GetUpdatesPerSec()
bool cEngine_GetWaitIfAppOutOfFocus()
void cEngine_ResetLogicTimer()
void cEngine_SetAllGlobalUpdatersPaused(bool abPaused)
void cEngine_SetAllUpdatersPaused(const tString &in asContainer, bool abPaused)
void cEngine_SetFPSUpdateRate(float afSec)
void cEngine_SetGlobalUpdaterPaused(const tString &in asUpdate, bool abPaused)
void cEngine_SetLimitFPS(bool abX)
void cEngine_SetSceneRenderFlags(uint alFlags)
void cEngine_SetUpdaterPaused(const tString &in asContainer, const tString &in asUpdate, bool abPaused)
void cEngine_SetUpdatesPerSec(int alUpdatesPerSec)
void cEngine_SetWaitIfAppOutOfFocus(bool abX)
float cGenerate_FractalNoise1D(float afX, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams)
float cGenerate_FractalNoise2D(const cVector2f &in avPos, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams)
float cGenerate_FractalNoise3D(const cVector3f &in avPos, const cFractalNoiseParams &in aParams)
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine1D(float afX)
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCosine2D(const cVector2f &in avPos)
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic1D(float afX)
float cGenerate_GetNoiseCubic2D(const cVector2f &in avPos)
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin1D(float afX)
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin2D(const cVector2f &in avPos)
float cGenerate_GetNoisePerlin3D(const cVector3f &in avPos)
iDepthStencilBuffer cGraphics_CreateDepthStencilBuffer(const cVector2l &in avSize, int alDepthBits, int alStencilBits, bool abLookForMatchingFirst)
iFrameBuffer cGraphics_CreateFrameBuffer(const tString &in asName)
iGpuProgram cGraphics_CreateGpuProgram(const tString &in asName)
iGpuProgram cGraphics_CreateGpuProgramFromShaders(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asVtxShader, const tString &in asFragShader, cPrepParserVarContainer @apVarContainer)
cHeightMap cGraphics_CreateHeightMap()
cHeightMap cGraphics_CreateHeightMapResizedCopy(cHeightMap @apHeightMap, const cVector2l &in avSize)
cPostEffect_ChromaticAberration cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ChromaticAberration()
cPostEffect_ImageFadeFX cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ImageFadeFX()
cPostEffect_ImageTrail cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ImageTrail()
cPostEffect_RadialBlur cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_RadialBlur()
cPostEffect_ToneMapping cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_ToneMapping()
cPostEffect_VideoDistortion cGraphics_CreatePostEffect_VideoDistortion()
cPostEffectComposite cGraphics_CreatePostEffectComposite()
iTexture cGraphics_CreateTexture(const tString &in asName, eTextureType aType, eTextureUsage aUsage)
void cGraphics_DestoroyDepthStencilBuffer(iDepthStencilBuffer@ apBuffer)
void cGraphics_DestroyFrameBuffer(iFrameBuffer@ apFrameBuffer)
void cGraphics_DestroyGpuProgram(iGpuProgram@ apProgram)
void cGraphics_DestroyHeightMap(cHeightMap@ apHeightMap)
void cGraphics_DestroyPostEffect(iPostEffect@ apPostEffect)
void cGraphics_DestroyPostEffectComposite(cPostEffectComposite@ apComposite)
void cGraphics_DestroyTexture(iTexture@ apTexture)
iDepthStencilBuffer cGraphics_FindDepthStencilBuffer(const cVector2l &in avSize, int alMinDepthBits, int alMinStencilBits)
iLowLevelGraphics cGraphics_GetLowLevel()
iMaterialType cGraphics_GetMaterialType(const tString &in asName)
iRenderer cGraphics_GetRenderer(eRenderer aType)
iFrameBuffer cGraphics_GetTempFrameBuffer(const cVector2l &in avSize, ePixelFormat aPixelFormat, int alIndex)
cHeightMap cGraphics_LoadHeightMapPackedRGB(const tString &in asFileName)
cHeightMap cGraphics_LoadHeightMapRaw(const tString &in asFileName, const cVector2l &in avSize)
void cGraphics_ReloadMaterials()
void cGraphics_ReloadRendererData()
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxFilledRect(const cColor &in aColor, eGuiMaterial aMaterial)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxImage(const tString &in asFile, eGuiMaterial aMaterial)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxImage(const tString &in asFile, eGuiMaterial aMaterial, const cColor &in aColor)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxImageBuffer(const tString &in asFile, eGuiMaterial aMaterial, bool abCreateAnimation, const cColor &in aColor)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxTexture(const tString &in asFile, eGuiMaterial aMaterial, eTextureType aTextureType)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxTexture(const tString &in asFile, eGuiMaterial aMaterial, eTextureType aTextureType, const cColor &in aColor, bool abMipMaps)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxTexture(iTexture @apTexture, bool abAutoDestroyTexture, eGuiMaterial aMaterial)
cGuiGfxElement cGui_CreateGfxTexture(iTexture @apTexture, bool abAutoDestroyTexture, eGuiMaterial aMaterial, const cColor &in aColor, const cVector2f &in avStartUV, const cVector2f &in avEndUV)
cImGui cGui_CreateImGui(const tString &in asName, cGuiSet @apSet)
cGuiSet cGui_CreateSet(const tString &in asName, cGuiSkin @apSkin)
cGuiSkin cGui_CreateSkin(const tString &in asFile)
void cGui_DestroyGfx(cGuiGfxElement@ apGfx)
void cGui_DestroyImGui(cImGui@ apImGui)
void cGui_DestroySet(cGuiSet @apSet)
cGuiSet cGui_GetFocusedSet()
void cGui_GetImGuiIdFromName(const tString &in asName)
void cGui_GetImGuiStateVarString(eImGuiStateVar aVar)
cGuiSet cGui_GetSetFromName(const tString &in asName)
void cGui_SetFocus(cGuiSet@ apSet)
void cGui_SetFocusByName(const tString &in asSetName)
bool cInput_BecameTriggered(const tString &in asName)
bool cInput_BecameTriggered(int alId)
bool cInput_CheckForInput()
cAction cInput_CreateAction(const tString &in asName, int alId)
void cInput_DestroyAction(cAction @apAction)
bool cInput_DoubleTriggered(const tString &in asName, float afLimit)
bool cInput_DoubleTriggered(int alId, float afLimit)
cAction cInput_GetAction(const tString &in asName)
cAction cInput_GetAction(int alId)
iEyeTracker cInput_GetEyeTracker()
iKeyboard cInput_GetKeyboard()
iMouse cInput_GetMouse()
iSubAction cInput_InputToSubAction()
bool cInput_IsTriggered(const tString &in asName)
bool cInput_IsTriggered(int alId)
void cInput_ResetActionsToCurrentState()
void cInput_Update(float afX)
bool cInput_WasTriggered(const tString &in asName)
bool cInput_WasTriggered(int alId)
void cLux_AddAreaType(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asScriptFile, const tString &in asScriptClass, bool abForceFullGameSave)
void cLux_AddCritterType(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asScriptFile, const tString &in asScriptClass, bool abForceFullGameSave)
void cLux_AddDebugMessage(const tString &in asText, bool abCheckForDuplicates)
void cLux_AddDebugMessage(const tString &in asText)
void cLux_AddEntityToInteractionWhiteList(iLuxEntity@ apEntity)
void cLux_AddLiquidAreaType(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asScriptFile, const tString &in asScriptClass, bool abForceFullGameSave)
void cLux_AddModule(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asScriptFile, const tString &in asScriptClass, int alId, bool abIsGlobal, const tString &in sContainer, bool abUseInputCallbacks)
void cLux_AddPropType(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asScriptFile, const tString &in asScriptClass, bool abForceFullGameSave)
void cLux_AddTodoMessage(const tString &in asText, bool abCheckForDuplicates)
void cLux_AddTodoMessage(const tString &in asText)
bool cLux_ApplyUserConfig()
bool cLux_CanContinue()
void cLux_ChangeMap(const tString &in asMapName, const tString &in asStartPos, const tString &in asTransferArea, const tString &in asStartSound, const tString &in asEndSound)
bool cLux_CheckLineOfSight(const cVector3f &in avStart, const cVector3f &in avEnd, bool abCheckOnlyShadowCasters, bool abCheckOnlyStatic, iLuxEntity@ apSkipEntity = null)
void cLux_CleanupData()
void cLux_Continue()
cLuxBackboneTail cLux_CreateEntityComponent_BackboneTail(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxBarkMachine cLux_CreateEntityComponent_BarkMachine(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxCharMover cLux_CreateEntityComponent_CharMover(iLuxEntity @apEntity, iCharacterBody @apCharBody)
cLuxEdgeGlow cLux_CreateEntityComponent_EdgeGlow(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxForceEmitter cLux_CreateEntityComponent_ForceEmitter(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxHeadTracker cLux_CreateEntityComponent_HeadTracker(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxLightSensor cLux_CreateEntityComponent_LightSensor(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxPathfinder cLux_CreateEntityComponent_Pathfinder(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxSoundListener cLux_CreateEntityComponent_SoundListener(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxStateMachine cLux_CreateEntityComponent_StateMachine(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
tString cLux_CreateHTMLImage(const tString &in asSrc, const tString &in asTitle = """", const cVector2l &in avSize = cVector2l_MinusOne)
tString cLux_CreateHTMLParagraph(const tString &in asContent)
tString cLux_CreateHTMLTag(const tString &in asTag, const tString &in asContent = """", const tString &in asParams = """")
cLuxScriptImGui cLux_CreateScriptImGui(const tString &in asName, bool abRegisterForDrawing, bool abSkipResetOnRegistration = true)
bool cLux_DebugModeOn()
void cLux_DecUnderwaterEffectUserCount()
void cLux_DeloadMap(const tString &in asTransferArea)
float cLux_DrawDebugText(const tString &in asText, float afY, float afSize = 14, cColor aColor = cColor, ../ 1, ../ 1, bool abAddNewLine = true)
void cLux_DrawHint(cImGui @apImGui, float afTimeStep, const cImGuiLabelData &in aLabel, const cVector3f &in avPosition, float afLineWidth, float afLineSpacing, const ../ &in avTextLines, const ../ &in avIcons, const ../ &in avIconsPerLine)
void cLux_DrawScreenText(cImGui @apImGui, float afTimeStep, const cImGuiLabelData &in aLabel, const cVector3f &in avPosition, float afLineWidth, float afLineSpacing, const ../ &in avTextLines, const ../ &in avIcons, const ../ &in avIconsPerLine)
void cLux_DrawSetToScreen(bool abClearScreen, const cColor &in aCol, cGuiSet@ apSet)
void cLux_DropPageFocus(const tString &in asX)
void cLux_Exit()
iLuxAchievementHandler cLux_GetAchievementHandler()
iLuxEntity cLux_GetBodyEntity(iPhysicsBody @apBody)
iPhysicsBody cLux_GetClosestBody(const cVector3f &in avStart, const cVector3f &in avDir, float afRayLength, float &out afDistance, cVector3f &out avSurfaceNormal)
bool cLux_GetClosestCharCollider(const cVector3f &in avStart, const cVector3f &in avDir, float afRayLength, bool abCheckDynamic, cLuxClosestCharCollider @apOutput)
bool cLux_GetClosestEntity(const cVector3f &in avStart, const cVector3f &in avDir, float afRayLength, int alIteractType, bool abCheckLineOfSight, cLuxClosestEntityData @apOutput)
cImGui cLux_GetCurrentImGui()
tString cLux_GetCurrentLanguage()
cLuxMap cLux_GetCurrentMap()
tWString cLux_GetCurrentUserProfilePath()
iFontData cLux_GetDefaultFont()
tString cLux_GetDefaultGameLanguage()
cLuxDialogHandler cLux_GetDialogHandler()
cLuxEffectHandler cLux_GetEffectHandler()
cLuxEventDatabaseHandler cLux_GetEventDatabaseHandler()
bool cLux_GetExplorationModeActive()
cConfigFile cLux_GetGameConfig()
cImGui cLux_GetGameHudImGui()
cGuiSet cLux_GetGameHudSet()
tString cLux_GetGameLanguageFolder()
bool cLux_GetGamePaused()
double cLux_GetGameTime()
bool cLux_GetGodModeActivated()
cLuxGuiHandler cLux_GetGuiHandler()
cGuiSet cLux_GetHelpGuiSet()
cVector2f cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterScreenSize()
cVector3f cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterScreenStartPos()
cVector2f cLux_GetHudVirtualCenterSize()
cVector2f cLux_GetHudVirtualOffset()
cVector2f cLux_GetHudVirtualSize()
cVector3f cLux_GetHudVirtualStartPos()
cImGui cLux_GetInputFocusImGui()
cLuxInputHandler cLux_GetInputHandler()
bool cLux_GetInteractionWhiteListActive()
cConfigFile cLux_GetKeyConfig()
float cLux_GetLightLevelAtPos(const cVector3f &in avPos, iLight @apSkipLight, float afRadiusAdd)
tString cLux_GetMainMenuFile()
cLuxMusicHandler cLux_GetMusicHandler()
cLuxPlayer cLux_GetPlayer()
cLuxMap cLux_GetPreloadMap()
cImGui cLux_GetPrevInputFocusImGui()
bool cLux_GetSaveConfigAtExit()
cLuxSaveHandler cLux_GetSaveHandler()
cLuxSoundscapeHandler cLux_GetSoundscapeHandler()
float cLux_GetStringDuration(const tWString &in asStr)
tWString cLux_GetStringWFromDate(const cDate &in aDate)
bool cLux_GetSupportExplorationMode()
void cLux_GetTextCatAndEntryFromString(const tString &in asData, tString &out asOutCat, tString &out asOutEntry)
bool cLux_GetUnderwaterEffectsActive()
cConfigFile cLux_GetUserConfig()
iScrUserModule_Interface cLux_GetUserModuleFromID(int alID)
iScrUserModule_Interface cLux_GetUserModuleFromName(const tString &in asName)
cViewport cLux_GetViewport()
cLuxVoiceHandler cLux_GetVoiceHandler()
bool cLux_HasConfigLoadError(tString &out asError)
bool cLux_HasTranslation(const tString &in asCat, const tString &in asEntry)
bool cLux_HasUnderwaterEffectUsers()
cLuxAgent cLux_ID_Agent(tID aID)
cLuxArea cLux_ID_Area(tID aID)
cBeam cLux_ID_Beam(tID aID)
cBillboard cLux_ID_Billboard(tID aID)
cBillboardGroup cLux_ID_BillboardGroup(tID aID)
iPhysicsBody cLux_ID_Body(tID aID)
iCharacterBody cLux_ID_CharacterBody(tID aID)
cClothEntity cLux_ID_ClothEntity(tID aID)
cLuxCritter cLux_ID_Critter(tID aID)
iLuxEntity cLux_ID_Entity(tID aID)
iEntity3D cLux_ID_Entity3D(tID aID)
cExposureArea cLux_ID_ExposureArea(tID aID)
cFogArea cLux_ID_FogArea(tID aID)
cForceField cLux_ID_ForceField(tID aID)
cGuiSetEntity cLux_ID_GuiSetEntity(tID aID)
iPhysicsJoint cLux_ID_Joint(tID aID)
cLensFlare cLux_ID_LensFlare(tID aID)
iLight cLux_ID_Light(tID aID)
cLightMaskBox cLux_ID_LightMaskBox(tID aID)
cLuxLiquidArea cLux_ID_LiquidArea(tID aID)
cMeshEntity cLux_ID_MeshEntity(tID aID)
cParticleSystem cLux_ID_ParticleSystem(tID aID)
cLuxProp cLux_ID_Prop(tID aID)
cLuxSoundscapeArea cLux_ID_ReverbArea(tID aID)
iRopeEntity cLux_ID_RopeEntity(tID aID)
cSoundEntity cLux_ID_SoundEntity(tID aID)
cSubMeshEntity cLux_ID_SubMeshEntity(tID aID)
void cLux_IncUnderwaterEffectUserCount()
bool cLux_IsChangingMap()
bool cLux_IsLoadingScreenVisible()
bool cLux_IsPlayGoReady(int &out alETA)
bool cLux_IsReadyToChangeMap()
bool cLux_IsStreamingMap()
void cLux_LoadScreenSetBarPosAndSize(const cVector2f &in avPos, const cVector2f &in avSize)
void cLux_LoadScreenSetForceBackground(bool abX)
void cLux_LoadScreenSetUseSmallIcon(bool abX)
void cLux_LoadScreenShowLoadingIcon(float afTime)
bool cLux_MapChangeIsTransfer()
bool cLux_MapIsLoaded()
void cLux_OutputTextToFile(const tWString &in asPath, const tString &in asText)
tWString cLux_ParseString(const tWString &in asInput)
void cLux_ParseStringIntoScreenText(const tWString &in asInput, cImGui @apImGui, const cLuxScreenTextFormatParameters & aFormatParams, ../ &out aOutLines, ../ &out aIconArray, ../ &out aOutIconsPerLine, float &out afMaxLineHeight, float &out afDisplayTime, bool abTriggeredByGamepad)
bool cLux_PlayGuiSoundData(const tString &in asName, eSoundEntryType aDestType, float afVolMul, bool abSkipPreviousRandom)
bool cLux_PlayGuiSoundDataEx(const tString &in asName, eSoundEntryType aDestType, float afVolMul, bool abSkipPreviousRandom, cLuxSoundExtraData @apExtraData)
void cLux_PreloadEntity(const tString &in asFile)
void cLux_PreloadGuiGfx(const tString &in asFile, eImGuiGfx aType)
void cLux_PreloadMap(const tString &in asMapName, eWorldStreamPriority aPrio = eWorldStreamPriority_Normal)
void cLux_PreloadMaterial(const tString &in asFile)
void cLux_PreloadParticleSystem(const tString &in asFile)
void cLux_PreloadSound(const tString &in asFile)
void cLux_PreloadWebpage(const tString &in asX)
void cLux_RegisterCollisionRadius(int alX)
void cLux_RegisterEventListenerUserModule_AgentSetActive(const tString &in asModuleName)
void cLux_RenderBackgroundScreen(bool abDrawFullHUD)
void cLux_ResetShudderEffects(int alX)
void cLux_SaveScreenshotToFile(const tWString &in asPath, const cVector2l &in avSize = cVector2l_MinusOne, bool abKeepAspect = true, float afBrightness = 1.0f)
bool cLux_ScriptDebugOn()
void cLux_SendInputToGui(bool abX)
void cLux_SetAreaOffline(int alX)
void cLux_SetDebugInfoWindowText(const tString &in asText)
void cLux_SetExplorationModeActive(bool abX)
void cLux_SetGamePaused(bool abX)
void cLux_SetImGuiInputFocus(cImGui@ apImGui, bool abShowMouse)
void cLux_SetInteractionWhiteListActive(bool abX, bool abClearList)
void cLux_SetMapPreloadPriority(eWorldStreamPriority aPrio)
void cLux_SetUnderwaterEffectsActive(bool abX, bool abUseStartAndEndEffects)
void cLux_SetupDefaultGlobalReverb(eSoundReverbPreset aType, float afFadeTime)
void cLux_ShapeDamage(int aShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, const cVector3f &in avOrigin, float afMinDamage, float afMaxDamage, float afForce, float afMaxImpulse, int alStrength, float afHitSpeed, int aDamageType, bool abCheckEnemies, bool abCheckPlayer, bool abCheckProps, bool abLethalForPlayer, const tString &in asSource)
void cLux_ShapeDamage(iCollideShape@ aShape, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, const cVector3f &in avOrigin, float afMinDamage, float afMaxDamage, float afForce, float afMaxImpulse, int alStrength, float afHitSpeed, int aDamageType, bool abCheckEnemies, bool abCheckPlayer, bool abCheckProps, bool abLethalForPlayer, const tString &in asSource)
void cLux_StartMap(const tString &in asMapName)
void cLux_StartNewGame()
bool cLux_TestModeOn()
cLuxAgent cLux_ToAgent(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxArea cLux_ToArea(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxCritter cLux_ToCritter(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxLiquidArea cLux_ToLiquidArea(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
cLuxProp cLux_ToProp(iLuxEntity @apEntity)
tWString cLux_Translate(const tString &in asCat, const tString &in asEntry)
void cLux_TruncateTextFile(const tWString &in asPath, const tString &in asPattern, int alTimes)
float cMath_Abs(float afX)
int cMath_Abs(int alX)
float cMath_ACos(float afX)
float cMath_ASin(float afX)
float cMath_ATan(float afX)
float cMath_ATan2(float afY, float afX)
bool cMath_CheckAABBInside(const cVector3f &in avInsideMin, const cVector3f &in avInsideMax, const cVector3f &in avOutsideMin, const cVector3f &in avOutsideMax)
bool cMath_CheckAABBIntersection(const cVector3f &in avMin1, const cVector3f &in avMax1, const cVector3f &in avMin2, const cVector3f &in avMax2)
bool cMath_CheckAABBLineIntersection(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos, float &out afT)
bool cMath_CheckAABBSphereCollision(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avCenter, float afRadius)
bool cMath_CheckBVIntersection(cBoundingVolume@+ aBV1, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV2)
bool cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector3f &in avSphereCenter, float afSphereRadius)
bool cMath_CheckPlaneAABBCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax)
bool cMath_CheckPlaneBVCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV)
bool cMath_CheckPlaneLineIntersection(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, cVector3f &out avIntersectionPos, float &out afT)
bool cMath_CheckPlaneSphereCollision(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avCenter, float afRadius)
bool cMath_CheckPointInAABBIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax)
bool cMath_CheckPointInBVIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV)
bool cMath_CheckPointInRectIntersection(const cVector2f &in avPoint, const cRect2f &in aRect)
bool cMath_CheckPointInSphereIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPoint, const cVector3f &in avSpherePos, float afSphereRadius)
bool cMath_CheckRectFit(const cRect2l &in aRectSrc, const cRect2l &in aRectDest)
bool cMath_CheckRectFit(const cRect2f &in aRectSrc, const cRect2f &in aRectDest)
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cRect2l &in aRect1, const cRect2l &in aRect2)
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cRect2f &in aRect1, const cRect2f &in aRect2)
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cVector2l &in avMin1, const cVector2l &in avMax1, const cVector2l &in avMin2, const cVector2l &in avMax2)
bool cMath_CheckRectIntersection(const cVector2f &in avMin1, const cVector2f &in avMax1, const cVector2f &in avMin2, const cVector2f &in avMax2)
bool cMath_CheckSphereIntersection(const cVector3f &in avPosA, float afRadiusA, const cVector3f &in avPosB, float afRadiusB)
bool cMath_CheckSphereLineIntersection(const cVector3f &in avSpherePos, float afSphereRadius, const cVector3f &in avLineStart, const cVector3f &in avLineEnd, float &out afT1, cVector3f &out afIntersection1, float &out afT2, cVector3f &out avIntersection2)
float cMath_Clamp(float afX, float afMin, float afMax)
int cMath_Clamp(int alX, int alMin, int alMax)
float cMath_Cos(float afX)
float cMath_Easing(eEasing aType, float afT, float afMin = 0, float afMax = 1)
cVector3f cMath_ExpandAABBMax(const cVector3f &in avBaseMax, const cVector3f &in avAddMax)
cVector3f cMath_ExpandAABBMin(const cVector3f &in avBaseMin, const cVector3f &in avAddMin)
float cMath_FastRandomFloat(int alSeed)
float cMath_GetAngleDistance(float afAngle1, float afAngle2, float afMaxAngle)
float cMath_GetAngleDistanceDeg(float afAngle1, float afAngle2)
float cMath_GetAngleDistanceRad(float afAngle1, float afAngle2)
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2f(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2, float afMaxAngle)
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fDeg(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2)
cVector2f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector2fRad(const cVector2f &in avAngle1, const cVector2f &in avAngle2)
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3f(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2, float afMaxAngle)
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fDeg(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2)
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleDistanceVector3fRad(const cVector3f &in avAngle1, const cVector3f &in avAngle2)
float cMath_GetAngleFromPoints2D(const cVector2f &in aStartPos, const cVector2f &in avGoalPos)
cVector3f cMath_GetAngleFromPoints3D(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avGoalPos)
void cMath_GetAngleFromVector(const cVector2f &in avVec, float &out afAngle, float &out afLength)
int cMath_GetBit(int alBitNum)
bool cMath_GetBitFlag(int alFlagNum, int alBit)
cRect2f cMath_GetClipRect(const cRect2f &in aRectSrc, const cRect2f &in aRectDest)
void cMath_GetClipRectFromBV(cRect2l &out aDestRect, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV, cFrustum@+ apFrustum, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize)
cRect2l cMath_GetClipRectFromNormalizedMinMax(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize)
cRect2l cMath_GetClipRectFromSphere(const cVector3f &in avPosition, float afRadius, cFrustum@+ apFrustum, const cVector2l &in avScreenSize, bool abPositionIsScreenSpace)
float cMath_GetCorrectSignOfSpeed(float afCurrent, float afDest, float afSpeed)
float cMath_GetFraction(float afVal)
bool cMath_GetNormalizedClipRectFromBV(cVector3f &out avDestMin, cVector3f &out avDestMax, cBoundingVolume@+ aBV, cFrustum@+ aFrustum)
cVector3f cMath_GetPoint3DFromSphericalCoords(const cVector3f &in avSphCenter, float afSphRadius, const cVector2f &in avSphCoords)
cVector2f cMath_GetSphericalCoordsFromPoint3D(const cVector3f &in avSphCenter, const cVector3f &in avPoint)
cVector2f cMath_GetVectorFromAngle2D(float afAngle, float afLength)
cColor cMath_HexToRGB(const tString &in asHex)
cColor cMath_HexWToRGB(const tWString &in asHex)
cColor cMath_HSBToRGB(const cVector3f &in avHSB)
float cMath_IncreaseTo(float afX, float afAdd, float afDest)
float cMath_InterpolateCosine(float afA, float afB, float afT)
float cMath_InterpolateCubic(float afX0, float afX1, float afX2, float afX3, float afT)
float cMath_InterpolateHermite(float afX0, float afX1, float afX2, float afX3, float afT, float afTension, float afBias)
float cMath_InterpolateLinear(float afA, float afB, float afT)
float cMath_InterpolateSigmoid(float afA, float afB, float afT)
bool cMath_IsPow2(int alX)
float cMath_Log(float afX)
int cMath_Log2ToInt(int alX)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixEulerAngleDistance(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixInverse(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixMul(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMul(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMul3x3(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixMulDivideW(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cVector3f &in avB)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixMulScalar(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, float afB)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixOrthographicProjection(float afNearClipPlane, float afFarClipPlane, const cVector2f &in avViewSize)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixPerspectiveProjection(float afNearClipPlane, float afFarClipPlane, float afFOV, float afAspect, bool abInfFarPlane)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixPlaneMirror(const cPlanef &in aPlane)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixQuaternion(const cQuaternion &in aqRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateX(float afAngle)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateXYZ(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateXZY(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateY(float afAngle)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateYXZ(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateYZX(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZ(float afAngle)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZXY(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixRotateZYX(const cVector3f &in avRot)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixScale(const cVector3f &in avScale)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixSlerp(float afT, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxB, bool abShortestPath)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixToEulerAngles(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA)
cVector3f cMath_MatrixToEulerAnglesMultiSolution(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA, cVector3f &out avSolution1, cVector3f &out avSolution2)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixTranslate(const cVector3f &in avTrans)
cMatrixf cMath_MatrixUnitVectors(const cVector3f &in avRight, const cVector3f &in avUp, const cVector3f &in avForward, const cVector3f &in avTranslate)
float cMath_Max(float afX, float afY)
int cMath_Max(int alX, int alY)
float cMath_Min(float afX, float afY)
int cMath_Min(int alX, int alY)
float cMath_Modulus(float afDividend, float afDivisor)
float cMath_PlaneDot(const cPlanef &in aPlaneA, const cPlanef &in aPlaneB)
bool cMath_PlaneIntersectionPoint(const cPlanef &in aP1, const cPlanef &in aP2, const cPlanef &in aP3, cVector3f &in avPoint)
bool cMath_PlaneParallel(const cPlanef &in aPlaneA, const cPlanef &in aPlaneB)
float cMath_PlaneToPointDist(const cPlanef &in aPlane, const cVector3f &in avVec)
float cMath_Pow(float afX, float afExp)
int cMath_Pow2(int alX)
cMatrixf cMath_ProjectionMatrixObliqueNearClipPlane(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxProjMatrix, const cPlanef &in aClipPlane)
cVector2f cMath_ProjectVector2D(const cVector2f &in avSrcVec, const cVector2f &in avDestVec)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionConjugate(const cQuaternion &in aqA)
float cMath_QuaternionDot(const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionEuler(const cVector3f &in avEuler, eEulerRotationOrder aOrder)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionInverse(const cQuaternion &in aqA)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionLerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionMatrix(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxA)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionMul(const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionNlerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionNormalize(const cQuaternion &in aqA)
cQuaternion cMath_QuaternionSlerp(float afT, const cQuaternion &in aqA, const cQuaternion &in aqB, bool abShortestPath)
cVector2f cMath_RandomCircleEdgePoint(float afRadius)
void cMath_Randomize(int alSeed)
cColor cMath_RandRectColor(const cColor &in aMin, const cColor &in aMax)
float cMath_RandRectf(float alMin, float alMax)
int cMath_RandRectl(int alMin, int alMax)
cVector2f cMath_RandRectVector2f(const cVector2f &in avMin, const cVector2f &in avMax)
cVector3f cMath_RandRectVector3f(const cVector3f &in avMin, const cVector3f &in avMax)
tString cMath_RGBToHex(const cColor &in aRGB)
tWString cMath_RGBToHexW(const cColor &in aRGB)
cVector3f cMath_RGBToHSB(const cColor &in aX)
float cMath_Round(float afVal)
float cMath_RoundFloatToDecimals(float afVal, int alPrecision)
int cMath_RoundToInt(float afVal)
cVector2l cMath_RoundToInt(const cVector2f &in avX)
cVector3l cMath_RoundToInt(const cVector3f &in avX)
void cMath_SetBitFlag(int &out alFlagNum, int alBit, bool abSet)
float cMath_SigmoidCurve(float afX)
float cMath_Sign(float afX)
int cMath_Sign(int alX)
float cMath_Sin(float afX)
float cMath_Sqrt(float afX)
float cMath_Tan(float afX)
float cMath_ToDeg(float afAngle)
float cMath_ToRad(float afAngle)
cPlanef cMath_TransformPlane(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform, const cPlanef &in aPlane)
float cMath_TurnAngle(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed, float afMaxAngle)
float cMath_TurnAngleDeg(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed)
float cMath_TurnAngleRad(float afAngle, float afFinalAngle, float afSpeed)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Abs(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2CatmullRom(const cVector2f &in avP0, const cVector2f &in avP1, const cVector2f &in avP2, const cVector2f &in avP3, float afFract)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Ceil(const cVector2f &in avVec)
float cMath_Vector2Dist(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistSqr(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrXY(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrXZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistSqrYZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistXY(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistXZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2DistYZ(const cVector3f &in avPosA, const cVector3f &in avPosB)
float cMath_Vector2Dot(const cVector2f &in avPosA, const cVector2f &in avPosB)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Floor(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2IncreaseTo(const cVector2f &in avX, const cVector2f &in avAdd, const cVector2f &in avDest)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Max(const cVector2f &in avVecA, const cVector2f &in avVecB)
float cMath_Vector2MaxElement(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Min(const cVector2f &in avVecA, const cVector2f &in avVecB)
float cMath_Vector2MinElement(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Normalize(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2Rotate(const cVector2f &in avVec, float afAngle)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2ToDeg(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector2f cMath_Vector2ToRad(const cVector2f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Abs(const cVector3f &in avVec)
float cMath_Vector3Angle(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistance(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2, float afMaxAngle)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceDeg(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3AngleDistanceRad(const cVector3f &in avAngles1, const cVector3f &in avAngles2)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3CatmullRom(const cVector3f &in avP0, const cVector3f &in avP1, const cVector3f &in avP2, const cVector3f &in avP3, float afFract)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Ceil(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ClampLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMinLength, float afMaxLength)
void cMath_Vector3ClampToLength(cVector3f &in avVec, float afMaxLength)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Cross(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB)
float cMath_Vector3Dist(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avEndPos)
float cMath_Vector3DistSqr(const cVector3f &in avStartPos, const cVector3f &in avEndPos)
float cMath_Vector3Dot(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Floor(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3IncreaseTo(const cVector3f &in avX, const cVector3f &in avAdd, const cVector3f &in avDest)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Max(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB)
float cMath_Vector3MaxElement(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3MaxLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMaxLength)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Min(const cVector3f &in avVecA, const cVector3f &in avVecB)
float cMath_Vector3MinElement(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3MinLength(const cVector3f &in avVec, float afMinLength)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Normalize(const cVector3f &in avVec)
void cMath_Vector3OrthonormalizeBasis(const cVector3f &in avSrcRight, const cVector3f &in avSrcUp, const cVector3f &in avSrcForward, cVector3f &out avDstRight, cVector3f &out avDstUp, cVector3f &out avDstForward)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Project(const cVector3f &in avSrcVec, const cVector3f &in avDestVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ProjectOnPlane(const cVector3f &in avSrcVec, const cVector3f &in avPlaneNormal)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3Reflect(const cVector3f &in avVec, const cVector3f &in avNormal)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3SphereSurfacePoint(const cVector2f &in avSeed, float afRadius)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ToDeg(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3ToRad(const cVector3f &in avVec)
cVector3f cMath_Vector3UnProject(const cVector3f &in avVec, const cRect2f &in aScreenRect, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxViewProj)
float cMath_Wrap(float afX, float afMin, float afMax)
iPhysicsWorld cPhysics_CreateWorld(bool abAddSurfaceData)
void cPhysics_DestroyWorld(iPhysicsWorld@ apWorld)
float cPhysics_GetImpactDuration()
int cPhysics_GetMaxImpacts()
void cPhysics_SetImpactDuration(float afX)
void cPhysics_SetMaxImpacts(int alX)
iPhysicsBody cPhysics_ToBody(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
iPhysicsJointBall cPhysics_ToJointBall(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint)
iPhysicsJointHinge cPhysics_ToJointHinge(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint)
iPhysicsJointSlider cPhysics_ToJointSlider(iPhysicsJoint@ apJoint)
bool cResources_AddLanguageFile(const tString &in asFilePath, bool abAddResourceDirs)
bool cResources_AddResourceDir(const tWString &in asDir, bool abAddSubDirectories, const tString &in asMask)
void cResources_ClearResourceDirs()
void cResources_ClearTranslations()
iFontData cResources_CreateFontData(const tString &in asName)
iGpuShader cResources_CreateGpuShader(const tString &in asName, int alType, cPrepParserVarContainer @apVarCont)
iGpuShader cResources_CreateGpuShader(const tString &in asName, int alType)
cFrameSubImage cResources_CreateImage(const tString &in asName)
cMaterial cResources_CreateMaterial(const tString &in asName)
cMesh cResources_CreateMesh(const tString &in asName)
iSoundData cResources_CreateSoundData(const tString &in asName, bool abStream, bool abLooping, bool ab3, bool abNonBlockingLoad)
cSoundEntityData cResources_CreateSoundEntityData(const tString &in asName)
iTexture cResources_CreateTexture1D(const tString &in asName, bool abUseMipMaps)
iTexture cResources_CreateTexture2D(const tString &in asName, bool abUseMipMaps)
iTexture cResources_CreateTexture3D(const tString &in asName, bool abUseMipMaps)
iTexture cResources_CreateTextureCubeMap(const tString &in asName, bool abUseMipMaps)
iVideoStream cResources_CreateVideo(const tString &in asName)
void cResources_DestroyFontData(iFontData @apData)
void cResources_DestroyGpuShader(iGpuShader @apShader)
void cResources_DestroyImage(cFrameSubImage @apData)
void cResources_DestroyMaterial(cMaterial @apMaterial)
void cResources_DestroyMesh(cMesh@ apMesh)
void cResources_DestroySoundData(iSoundData@ apData)
void cResources_DestroySoundEntityData(cSoundEntityData @apData)
void cResources_DestroyTexture(iTexture @apTexture)
void cResources_DestroyUnusedParticleSystems(int alMaxToKeep)
void cResources_DestroyUnusedSoundData(int alMaxToKeep)
void cResources_DestroyVideo(iVideoStream @apVideo)
void cResources_DestroyXmlDocument(iXmlDocument@ apDoc)
tString cResources_GetMaterialPhysicsName(const tString &in asName)
float cResources_GetMaterialTextureAnisotropy()
int cResources_GetMaterialTextureFilter()
int cResources_GetMaterialTextureSizeDownScaleLevel()
bool cResources_LoadResourceDirsFile(const tString &in asFile)
iXmlDocument cResources_LoadXmlDocument(const tString &in asFile)
void cResources_PreloadParticleSystem(const tString &in asDataName)
void cResources_PreloadSoundEntityData(const tString &in asName, bool abNonBlockingLoad)
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureAnisotropy(float afX)
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureFilter(int alFilter)
void cResources_SetMaterialTextureSizeDownScaleLevel(int alLevel)
tWString cResources_Translate(const tString &in asCat, const tString &in asName)
cCamera cScene_CreateCamera(eCameraMoveMode aMoveMode)
cViewport cScene_CreateViewport(cCamera @apCamera, cWorld @apWorld, bool abAddLast)
cWorld cScene_CreateWorld(const tString &in asName)
void cScene_DestroyCamera(cCamera@ apCam)
void cScene_DestroyViewport(cViewport@ apViewPort)
void cScene_DestroyWorld(cWorld@ apWorld)
void cScene_FadeGradingTexture(cWorld@ apWorld, iTexture@ apGrading, float afTime)
cWorld cScene_LoadWorld(const tString &in asFile, int aFlags)
void cScene_Reset()
void cScene_SetCurrentListener(cViewport@ apViewPort)
cBeam cScene_ToBeam(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cBillboard cScene_ToBillboard(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cForceField cScene_ToForceField(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cLensFlare cScene_ToLensFlare(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cLightBox cScene_ToLightBox(iLight@ apLight)
cLightDirectional cScene_ToLightDirectional(iLight@ apLight)
cLightPoint cScene_ToLightPoint(iLight@ apLight)
cLightSpot cScene_ToLightSpot(iLight@ apLight)
cMeshEntity cScene_ToMeshEntity(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
iRopeEntity cScene_ToRopeEntity(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cRopeEntity3D cScene_ToRopeEntity3D(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cRopeEntityBillboard cScene_ToRopeEntityBillboard(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cSoundEntity cScene_ToSoundEntity(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
cSubMeshEntity cScene_ToSubMeshEntity(iEntity3D@ apEntity)
bool cScene_ViewportExists(cViewport@ apViewPort)
void cScene_WorldExists(cWorld@ apWorld)
bool cScript_GetGlobalArgBool(int alIdx)
cColor cScript_GetGlobalArgColor(int alIdx)
float cScript_GetGlobalArgFloat(int alIdx)
tID cScript_GetGlobalArgID(int alIdx)
int cScript_GetGlobalArgInt(int alIdx)
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalArgMatrix(int alIdx)
tString cScript_GetGlobalArgString(int alIdx)
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector2f(int alIdx)
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector3f(int alIdx)
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalArgVector4f(int alIdx)
bool cScript_GetGlobalReturnBool()
cColor cScript_GetGlobalReturnColor()
float cScript_GetGlobalReturnFloat()
tID cScript_GetGlobalReturnID()
int cScript_GetGlobalReturnInt()
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalReturnMatrix()
tString cScript_GetGlobalReturnString()
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector2f()
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector3f()
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalReturnVector4f()
bool cScript_GetGlobalVarBool(const tString &in asName)
cColor cScript_GetGlobalVarColor(const tString &in asName)
float cScript_GetGlobalVarFloat(const tString &in asName)
tID cScript_GetGlobalVarID(const tString &in asName)
int cScript_GetGlobalVarInt(const tString &in asName)
cMatrixf cScript_GetGlobalVarMatrix(const tString &in asName)
tString cScript_GetGlobalVarString(const tString &in asName)
cVector2f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector2f(const tString &in asName)
cVector3f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector3f(const tString &in asName)
cVector4f cScript_GetGlobalVarVector4f(const tString &in asName)
bool cScript_RunGlobalFunc(const tString &in asObjName, const tString &in asClassName, const tString &in asFuncName)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgBool(int alIdx, bool abX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgColor(int alIdx, const cColor &in aX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgFloat(int alIdx, float afX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgID(int alIdx, tID alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgInt(int alIdx, int alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgMatrix(int alIdx, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgString(int alIdx, const tString &in asVar)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector2f(int alIdx, const cVector2f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector3f(int alIdx, const cVector3f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalArgVector4f(int alIdx, const cVector4f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnBool(bool abX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnColor(const cColor &in aX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnFloat(float afX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnID(tID alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnInt(int alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnMatrix(const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnString(const tString &in asVar)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector2f(const cVector2f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector3f(const cVector3f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalReturnVector4f(const cVector4f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarBool(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarColor(const tString &in asName, const cColor &in aX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarFloat(const tString &in asName, float afX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarID(const tString &in asName, tID alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarInt(const tString &in asName, int alX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarMatrix(const tString &in asName, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarString(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asVar)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector2f(const tString &in asName, const cVector2f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector3f(const tString &in asName, const cVector3f &in avX)
void cScript_SetGlobalVarVector4f(const tString &in asName, const cVector4f &in avX)
bool cSound_CheckSoundIsBlocked(const cVector3f &in avSoundPosition)
iSoundEvent cSound_CreateEvent(iSoundEventData@ apData, bool abNonBlockingLoad)
void cSound_DestroyEvent(iSoundEvent@ apEvent)
void cSound_DestroyUnusedData(int alMaxAmount, int alMaxAge, bool abRemoveUnusedProjects, bool abRemovePreloaded)
int cSound_FadeGlobalSpeed(float afDestSpeed, float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId, bool abDestroyIdAtDest)
int cSound_FadeGlobalVolume(float afDestVolume, float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId, bool abDestroyIdAtDest)
void cSound_FadeHighPassFilter(float afDestCutOff, float afDestResonance, float afTime, uint mAffectedTypes)
void cSound_FadeLowPassFilter(float afDestCutOff, float afDestResonance, float afTime, uint mAffectedTypes)
void cSound_FadeMusicVolumeMul(float afDest, float afSpeed)
void cSound_FadeOutAll(uint mTypes, float afFadeSpeed, bool abDisableStop)
cSoundEntry cSound_GetEntry(const tString &in asName)
tString cSound_GetEventCategory_Gui()
tString cSound_GetEventCategory_World()
tString cSound_GetEventCategory_WorldClean()
iSoundEventData cSound_GetEventData(const tString &in asInternalPath, bool abLoadData, bool abNonBlockingLoad)
iSoundEventProject cSound_GetEventProject(const tString &in asName)
uint cSound_GetEventSystemMemoryUsed()
float cSound_GetGlobalSpeed(eSoundEntryType aType)
float cSound_GetGlobalSpeedFromId(int alId)
float cSound_GetGlobalVolume(eSoundEntryType aType)
float cSound_GetGlobalVolumeFromId(int alId)
float cSound_GetMusicVolumeMul()
bool cSound_GetSilent()
bool cSound_IsPlaying(const tString &in asName)
bool cSound_IsValid(cSoundEntry @apEntry, int alID)
void cSound_PauseAll(uint mTypes)
void cSound_PauseMusic()
cSoundEntry cSound_Play(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, float afMinDist, float afMaxDist, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, bool abRelative, bool ab3D, int alPriorityModifier, bool abStream, bool abNonBlockedLoad)
cSoundEntry cSound_Play3D(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, float afMinDist, float afMaxDist, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, bool abRelative, int alPriorityModifier, bool abStream, bool abNonBlockedLoad)
cSoundEntry cSound_PlayGui(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, eSoundEntryType aEntryType)
cSoundEntry cSound_PlayGuiStream(const tString &in asFileName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, eSoundEntryType aEntryType)
bool cSound_PlayMusic(const tString &in asFileName, float afVolume, float afVolumeFadeStepSize, float afFreq, float afFreqFadeStepSize, bool abLoop, bool abResume)
cSoundEntry cSound_PlaySoundEntityGui(const tString &in asName, bool abLoop, float afVolume, eSoundEntryType aEntryType, const cVector3f &in avPos)
cSoundEntry cSound_PlaySoundEvent(const tString &in asInternalPath, float afVolume, const cVector3f &in avPos, const cVector3f &in avOrientation, bool abNonBlockLoad)
void cSound_PreloadGroup(const tString &in asInternalPath, bool abNonBlockingLoad, bool abSubGroups)
void cSound_PreloadProject(const tString &in asName, bool abNonBlockingLoad)
void cSound_ResumeAll(uint mTypes)
void cSound_ResumeMusic()
void cSound_SetEventCategory_Gui(const tString &in asCat)
void cSound_SetEventCategory_World(const tString &in asCat)
void cSound_SetEventCategory_WorldClean(const tString &in asCat)
int cSound_SetGlobalSpeed(float afSpeed, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId)
int cSound_SetGlobalVolume(float afVolume, uint mAffectedTypes, int alId)
void cSound_SetMusicVolumeMul(float afMul)
void cSound_SetSilent(bool abX)
bool cSound_Stop(const tString &in asName, bool abPlayEnd)
void cSound_StopAll(uint mTypes, bool abPlayEnd)
void cSound_StopMusic(float afFadeStepSize)
tString cString_AddSlashAtEnd(const tString &in asPath)
tWString cString_AddSlashAtEndW(const tWString &in asPath)
bool cString_CheckWildcardStrings(const tString &in asStr, const tString &in asWildcardStr, ../ &in avSubStringArray)
int cString_CountCharsInString(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar)
int cString_CountCharsInStringW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar)
tWString cString_Get16BitFromArray(const tString &in asArray)
tString cString_GetFileExt(const tString &in aString)
tWString cString_GetFileExtW(const tWString &in aString)
tString cString_GetFileName(const tString &in aString)
tWString cString_GetFileNameW(const tWString &in aString)
tString cString_GetFilePath(const tString &in aString)
tString cString_GetFilePathTopFolder(const tString &in aString)
tWString cString_GetFilePathTopFolderW(const tWString &in aString)
tWString cString_GetFilePathW(const tWString &in aString)
int cString_GetFirstCharPos(const tString &in aString, int8 alChar)
int cString_GetFirstStringPos(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar)
int cString_GetFirstStringPosW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar)
void cString_GetFloatVec(const tString &in asData, ../ &inout avOutFloats, const tString &in asSepp)
uint cString_GetHash(const tString &in asStr)
uint64 cString_GetHash64(const tString &in asStr)
uint64 cString_GetHash64W(const tWString &in asStr)
uint cString_GetHashW(const tWString &in asStr)
void cString_GetIntVec(const tString &in asData, ../ &inout avOutInts, const tString &in asSepp)
tString cString_GetLastChar(const tString &in aString)
int cString_GetLastCharPos(const tString &in aString, int8 alChar)
tWString cString_GetLastCharW(const tWString &in aString)
int cString_GetLastStringPos(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aChar)
int cString_GetLastStringPosW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aChar)
tString cString_GetNumericSuffix(const tString &in asStr)
float cString_GetNumericSuffixFloat(const tString &in aString, float afDefault = 0)
float cString_GetNumericSuffixFloatW(const tWString &in aString, float afDefault = 0)
int cString_GetNumericSuffixInt(const tString &in aString, int alDefault = 0)
int cString_GetNumericSuffixIntW(const tWString &in aString, int alDefault = 0)
tWString cString_GetNumericSuffixW(const tWString &in asStr)
void cString_GetStringVec(const tString &in asData, ../ &inout avOutStrings, const tString &in asSepp)
tString cString_RemoveSlashAtEnd(const tString &in asPath)
tWString cString_RemoveSlashAtEndW(const tWString &in asPath)
tString cString_ReplaceCharTo(const tString &in aString, const tString &in asOldChar, const tString &in asNewChar)
tWString cString_ReplaceCharToW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in asOldChar, const tWString &in asNewChar)
tString cString_ReplaceStringTo(const tString &in aString, const tString &in asOldString, const tString &in asNewString)
tWString cString_ReplaceStringToW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in asOldString, const tWString &in asNewString)
tString cString_S16BitToUTF8(const tWString &in awsString)
tString cString_SetFileExt(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aExt)
tWString cString_SetFileExtW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aExt)
tString cString_SetFilePath(const tString &in aString, const tString &in aPath)
tWString cString_SetFilePathW(const tWString &in aString, const tWString &in aPath)
tString cString_Sub(const tString &in asString, int alStart, int alCount = -1)
tWString cString_SubW(const tWString &in asString, int alStart, int alCount = -1)
tWString cString_To16Char(const tString &in asString)
tString cString_To8Char(const tWString &in awsString)
bool cString_ToBool(const tString &in asStr, bool abDefault)
cColor cString_ToColor(const tString &in asStr, const cColor &in aDefault)
float cString_ToFloat(const tString &in asStr, float afDefault)
int cString_ToInt(const tString &in asStr, int alDefault)
tString cString_ToLowerCase(const tString &in aString)
tWString cString_ToLowerCaseW(const tWString &in aString)
cMatrixf cString_ToMatrixf(const tString &in asStr, const cMatrixf &in a_mtxDefault)
tString cString_ToString(float afX, int alNumOfDecimals = -1, bool abRemoveZeros = false)
tString cString_ToString(int alX, int alPaddingZeros)
tWString cString_ToStringW(float afX, int alNumOfDecimals = -1, bool abRemoveZeros = false)
tWString cString_ToStringW(int alX, int alPaddingZeros)
tString cString_ToUpperCase(const tString &in aString)
tWString cString_ToUpperCaseW(const tWString &in aString)
cVector2f cString_ToVector2f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector2f &in avDefault)
cVector2l cString_ToVector2l(const tString &in asStr, const cVector2l &in avDefault)
cVector3f cString_ToVector3f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector3f &in avDefault)
cVector3l cString_ToVector3l(const tString &in asStr, const cVector3l &in avDefault)
cVector4f cString_ToVector4f(const tString &in asStr, const cVector4f &in avDefault)
bool cSystem_CloneFile(const tWString &in asSrcFileName, const tWString &in asDestFileName, bool abFailIfExists)
void cSystem_CopyTextToClipboard(const tWString &in asText)
bool cSystem_CreateFolder(const tWString &in asPath)
cDate cSystem_FileCreationDate(const tWString &in asFilePath)
bool cSystem_FileExists(const tWString &in asFileName)
cDate cSystem_FileModifiedDate(const tWString &in asFilePath)
void cSystem_FindFilesInDir(../ &inout avStrings, const tWString &in asDir, const tWString &in asMask, bool abAddHidden)
void cSystem_FindFoldersInDir(../ &inout avtStrings, const tWString &in asDir, bool abAddHidden, bool abAddUpFolder)
bool cSystem_FolderExists(const tWString &in asPath)
uint cSystem_GetApplicationTime()
void cSystem_GetAvailableVideoDrivers(../ &inout avDrivers)
void cSystem_GetAvailableVideoModes(../ &inout avScreenSizes, ../ &inout avBpps, ../ &inout avMinRefreshRates, int alMinBpp, int alMinRefreshRate, bool abRemoveDuplicates)
cDate cSystem_GetDate()
uint cSystem_GetFileSize(const tWString &in asFileName)
tWString cSystem_GetFullFilePath(const tWString &in asFilePath)
tString cSystem_GetPlatformName()
uint cSystem_GetSystemAvailableDrives()
tWString cSystem_GetSystemSpecialPath(eSystemPath aPathType)
tWString cSystem_GetWorkingDir()
bool cSystem_HasWindowFocus(const tWString &in asWindowCaption)
tWString cSystem_LoadTextFromClipboard()
void cSystem_ProfileEnd(const tString &in asName)
void cSystem_ProfileStart(const tString &in asName)
void cSystem_RemoveFile(const tWString &in asFileName)
bool cSystem_RemoveFolder(const tWString &in asPath, bool abDeleteAllFiles, bool abDeleteAllSubFolders)
void cSystem_Sleep(uint alMilliSecs)
void cSystem_Wrapper_CreateMessageBox(eMsgBoxType aType, const tWString &in asCaption, const tWString &in asMessage)
void EnergySource_SetEnergy(const tString &in asName, float afX)
bool Entity_AddCollideCallback(const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asChildName, const tString &in asFunction)
void Entity_AddForce(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avForce, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody)
void Entity_AddForceFromEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asForceEntityName, float afForce, bool abOnlyMainBody)
void Entity_AddImpulse(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avImpulse, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody)
void Entity_AddImpulseFromEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asImpulseEntityName, float afImpulse, bool abOnlyMainBody)
void Entity_AddTorque(const tString &in asEntityName, const cVector3f &in avTorque, bool abLocalSpace, bool abOnlyMainBody)
bool Entity_AttachToEntity(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asParentBodyName, bool abUseRotation, bool abSnapToParent = false, bool abLocked = false)
bool Entity_AttachToSocket(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asParentSocketName, bool abUseRotation, bool abSnapToParent = true)
void Entity_CallEntityInteract(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asBodyName = """", const cVector3f &in avFocusBodyOffset = cVector3f_Zero, const tString &in asData = """")
void Entity_Connect(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asMainEntity, const tString &in asConnectEntity, bool abInvertStateSent, int alStatesUsed)
iLuxEntity Entity_CreateAtEntity(const tString &in asNewEntityName, const tString &in asEntityFile, const tString &in asTargetEntityName, bool abFullGameSave)
iLuxEntity Entity_CreateAtEntityExt(const tString &in asNewEntityName, const tString &in asEntityFile, const tString &in asTargetEntityName, bool abFullGameSave, const cVector3f &in avScale, const cVector3f &in avOffsetPosition, const cVector3f &in avOffsetRotation, bool abLocalOffset)
void Entity_Destroy(const tString &in asName)
bool Entity_EntityIsInFront(const tString &in asTargetEntity, const tString &in asForwardEntity)
bool Entity_Exists(const tString &in asName)
bool Entity_Exists(tID aID)
void Entity_FadeEffectBaseColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor, float afTime)
void Entity_FadeProcAnimationSpeed(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afSpeed, float afTime)
bool Entity_GetAutoSleep(const tString &in asName)
cVector3f Entity_GetBodyOffset(const tString &in asEntityName)
bool Entity_GetCollide(const tString &in asEntityA, const tString &in asEntityB)
cVector3f Entity_GetDeltaToEntity(const tString &in asEntityA, const tString &in asEntityB)
bool Entity_GetVarBool(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
cColor Entity_GetVarColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
float Entity_GetVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
int Entity_GetVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
tString Entity_GetVarString(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
cVector2f Entity_GetVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
cVector3f Entity_GetVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName)
void Entity_IncVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, float afX)
void Entity_IncVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, int alX)
void Entity_IncVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector2f &in avX)
void Entity_IncVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avX)
bool Entity_IsActive(const tString &in asName)
bool Entity_IsInPlayerFOV(const tString &in asEntity)
bool Entity_IsInteractedWith(const tString &in asName)
bool Entity_IsOccluder(const tString &in asName)
bool Entity_IsSleeping(const tString &in asName)
void Entity_PlaceAtEntity(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, const cVector3f &in avOffset = cVector3f_Zero, bool abAlignRotation = false, bool abUseEntFileCenter = false)
void Entity_PlayAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afFadeTime = 0.1f, bool abLoop = false, bool abPlayTransition = true, const tString &in asCallback = """")
bool Entity_PlayerIsInFront(const tString &in asName)
void Entity_PlayProcAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afLength, bool abLoop = false, float afAmountFadeTime = 0.1, float afSpeedFadeTime = -1.0f)
void Entity_Preload(const tString &in asEntityFile)
void Entity_RemoveAllConnections(const tString &in asMainEntity)
bool Entity_RemoveCollideCallback(const tString &in asParentName, const tString &in asChildName)
void Entity_RemoveConnection(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asMainEntity)
bool Entity_RemoveEntityAttachment(const tString &in asName)
void Entity_SetActive(const tString &in asName, bool abActive)
void Entity_SetAnimationMessageEventCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallbackFunc, bool abAutoRemove)
void Entity_SetAnimationPaused(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, bool abPaused = true)
void Entity_SetAnimationRelativeTimePosition(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afTimePos)
void Entity_SetAutoSleep(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Entity_SetCollide(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive)
void Entity_SetCollideCharacter(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive)
void Entity_SetColorMul(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor)
void Entity_SetConnectionStateChangeCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback)
void Entity_SetEffectBaseColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const cColor &in aColor)
void Entity_SetEffectsActive(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abActive, bool abFadeAndPlaySounds)
void Entity_SetInteractionDisabled(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abX)
void Entity_SetIsOccluder(const tString &in asName, bool abOccluder)
void Entity_SetMaxInteractionDistance(const tString &in asEntityName, float afDistance)
void Entity_SetPlayerInteractCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenInteracted)
void Entity_SetPlayerLookAtCallback(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asCallback, bool abRemoveWhenLookedAt = true, bool abCheckCenterOfScreen = true, bool abCheckRayIntersection = true, float afMaxDistance = -1, float afCallbackDelay = 0)
void Entity_SetProcAnimationPaused(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, bool abPaused = true)
void Entity_SetProcAnimationSpeed(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimationName, float afSpeed)
void Entity_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asEntityName, bool abVisibleInReflection, bool abVisibleInWorld)
void Entity_SetVarBool(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, bool abX)
void Entity_SetVarColor(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aX)
void Entity_SetVarFloat(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, float afX)
void Entity_SetVarInt(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, int alX)
void Entity_SetVarString(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const tString &in asX)
void Entity_SetVarVector2f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector2f &in avX)
void Entity_SetVarVector3f(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avX)
void Entity_Sleep(const tString &in asName)
void Entity_StopAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName)
void Entity_StopProcAnimation(const tString &in asEntityName, const tString &in asAnimation, float afFadeTime = 0.1f)
void Entity_WakeUp(const tString &in asName)
void Error(const tString &in asString)
void Error(uint aLabel, const tString &in asString)
void Error(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel)
void FatalError(const tString &in asString)
void FogArea_SetVisible(const tString &in asFogAreaName, bool abActive)
void FogArea_SetVisibleInReflection(const tString &in asFogAreaName, bool abActive)
void Grab_SetForceMul(const tString &in asName, float afForceMul)
uint H32(const tString &in asStr)
uint64 H64(const tString &in asStr)
void IrradianceSet_FadeIn(const tString &in asSet, float afTime)
void IrradianceSet_FadeInSingleProbe(const tString &in asProbe, const tString &in asSet, float afTime)
void Joint_Break(const tString &in asJointName)
float Joint_GetForceSize(const tString &in asJointName)
bool Joint_IsBroken(const tString &in asJointName)
void Joint_SetBreakable(const tString &in asJointName, bool abBreakable)
bool Lamp_GetLit(const tString &in asName)
void Lamp_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asName, bool abActive)
void Lamp_SetLit(const tString &in asName, bool abLit, bool abEffects)
void Lamp_SetupFlicker(const tString &in asName, float afMinOnTime, float afMaxOnTime, float afMinOffTime, float afMaxOffTime, bool abFade = false, const tString &in asOnSound = """", const tString &in asOffSound = """", const tString &in asOnPS = """", const tString &in asOffPS = """")
void LensFlare_SetVisible(const tString &in asLensFlareName, bool abVisible)
bool LevelDoor_GetLocked(const tString &in asName)
void LevelDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState)
int Lever_GetState(const tString &in asName)
void Lever_SetAutoMoveEnabled(const tString &in asName, bool abAutoMove)
void Lever_SetAutoMoveTarget(const tString &in asName, int alTarget)
void Lever_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Lever_SetStuckState(const tString &in asName, int alState, bool abEffects)
void Light_FadeTo(const tString &in asLightName, const cColor &in acColor, float afRadius, float afTime)
float Light_GetBrightness(const tString &in asLightName)
void Light_SetBrightness(const tString &in asLightName, float afBrightness)
void Light_SetCastShadows(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX)
void Light_SetCheapGobo(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX)
void Light_SetFlickerActive(const tString &in asLightName, bool abX)
void Light_SetShadowBiasMul(const tString &in asLightName, float afBias, float afSlopeBias)
void Light_SetVisible(const tString &in asLightName, bool abVisible)
void Log(const tString &in asString)
void Log(uint aLabel, const tString &in asString)
void Log(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel)
void LogNewLine(const tString &in asString)
bool Map_GetBillboardArray(const tString &in asName, ../ &inout avOutBillboards)
bool Map_GetFogAreaArray(const tString &in asName, ../ &inout avOutFogAreas)
bool Map_GetLensFlareArray(const tString &in asName, ../ &inout avOutLensFlares)
bool Map_GetLightArray(const tString &in asName, ../ &inout avOutLights)
bool Map_GetParticleSystemArray(const tString &in asName, ../ &inout avOutParticles)
void Material_Preload(const tString &in asFile)
void Math_CatmullRom(cVector3f &out avResult, const cVector3f &in avP0, const cVector3f &in avP1, const cVector3f &in avP2, const cVector3f &in avP3, float afFract)
void Meter_SetShakeMul(const tString &in asName, float afShakeMul)
void Meter_SetSpeedMul(const tString &in asName, float afSpeedMul)
void Meter_SetState(const tString &in asName, float afState, bool abFadeToState = true)
void MoveObject_SetState(const tString &in asName, float afState)
void MoveObject_SetStateExt(const tString &in asName, float afState, float afAcc, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowdownDist, bool abResetSpeed)
void MovingButton_Blink(const tString &in asName)
float MovingButton_GetStateAmount(const tString &in asName)
bool MovingButton_IsDisabled(const tString &in asName)
bool MovingButton_IsLocked(const tString &in asName)
bool MovingButton_IsSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName)
void MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOff(const tString &in asName, bool abState)
void MovingButton_SetCanBeSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState)
void MovingButton_SetDisabled(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true)
void MovingButton_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abUseEffects = true)
void MovingButton_SetReturnToOffTime(const tString &in asName, float afTime)
void MovingButton_SetSwitchedOn(const tString &in asName, bool abState, bool abEffects)
void ParticleSystem_AttachToEntity(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asEntityName)
cParticleSystem ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asPSFile, const tString &in asEntity, bool abAttach)
cParticleSystem ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntityExt(const tString &in asPSName, const tString &in asPSFile, const tString &in asEntity, bool abAttach, const cColor &in acColor, float afBrightness = 1.0f, bool abFadeAtDistance = false, float afFadeMinEnd = 1.0f, float afFadeMinStart = 2.0f, float afFadeMaxStart = 100.0f, float afFadeMaxEnd = 110.0f)
void ParticleSystem_Destroy(const tString &in asPSName)
bool ParticleSystem_Exists(const tString &in asPSName)
void ParticleSystem_Preload(const tString &in asFile)
void ParticleSystem_SetActive(const tString &in asPSName, bool abActive)
void ParticleSystem_SetBrightness(const tString &in asPSName, float afBrightness)
void ParticleSystem_SetColor(const tString &in asPSName, const cColor &in acColor)
void ParticleSystem_SetVisible(const tString &in asPSName, bool abVisible)
void PhysicsSlideDoor_AutoMoveToState(const tString &in asName, int alState)
bool PhysicsSlideDoor_GetClosed(const tString &in asName)
float PhysicsSlideDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName)
void PhysicsSlideDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects)
void Prop_AddAttachedProp(tString &in asPropName, tString &in asAttachName, tString &in asAttachFile, cVector3f &in avPosOffset, cVector3f &in avRotOffset)
void Prop_AddHealth(const tString &in asPropName, float afHealth)
void Prop_AlignRotation(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, float afAcceleration, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowDownDist, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asCallback = """")
void Prop_ClearVelocity(const tString &in asPropName)
void Prop_DisableCollisionUntilOutsidePlayer(const tString &in asPropName)
float Prop_GetHealth(const tString &in asPropName)
void Prop_MoveLinearTo(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asTargetEntity, float afAcceleration, float afMaxSpeed, float afSlowDownDist, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asCallback = """")
void Prop_RemoveAttachedProp(tString &in asPropName, tString &in asAttachName)
void Prop_RotateToSpeed(const tString &in asPropName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, const cVector3f &in avAxis, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asOffsetEntity)
void Prop_RotateToSpeed(const tString &in asPropName, float afAcc, float afGoalSpeed, bool abResetSpeed, const tString &in asOffsetEntity)
void Prop_SetActiveAndFade(const tString &in asPropName, bool abActive, float afFadeTime)
void Prop_SetAllowMapTransfer(const tString &in asPropName, bool abX)
void Prop_SetHealth(const tString &in asPropName, float afHealth)
void Prop_SetStaticPhysics(const tString &in asPropName, bool abX)
void Prop_StopMovement(const tString &in asPropName)
void Readable_SetCloseCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback)
void Readable_SetOpenEntityFile(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asEntityFile)
void Slide_AutoMoveTo(const tString &in asName, float afAmount)
bool Slide_GetLocked(const tString &in asName)
float Slide_GetSlideAmount(const tString &in asName)
cVector3f Slide_GetSlideVel(const tString &in asName)
void Slide_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects)
void Slide_SetSlideAmount(const tString &in asName, float afAmount)
float SlideDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName)
void SlideDoor_SetClosed(const tString &in asName, bool abClosed, bool abInstant = false)
void SlideDoor_SetOpenableByAgent(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void SlideDoor_SetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName, float afOpenAmount, bool abInstant = false)
tString String_SecondsToClockDisplay(float afSeconds, bool abShowHours, bool abShowMinutes, bool abShowSeconds, bool abShowHundredths)
void SwingDoor_AddDoorBodyImpulse(const tString &in asName, float afImpulseAmount)
bool SwingDoor_GetBlocked(const tString &in asName)
bool SwingDoor_GetClosed(const tString &in asName)
bool SwingDoor_GetLocked(const tString &in asName)
float SwingDoor_GetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName)
int SwingDoor_GetState(const tString &in asName)
void SwingDoor_SetBlocked(const tString &in asName, bool abBlocked, bool abEffects)
void SwingDoor_SetClosed(const tString &in asName, bool abClosed, bool abEffects)
void SwingDoor_SetDisableAutoClose(const tString &in asName, bool abDisableAutoClose)
void SwingDoor_SetLocked(const tString &in asName, bool abLocked, bool abEffects)
void SwingDoor_SetOpenAmount(const tString &in asName, float afOpenAmount)
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, cColor aGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true)
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true)
void Terminal_FadeImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, cVector3f avGoalVal, float afTime, eEasing aType = eEasing_QuadInOut, bool abReplaceIfExist = true)
void Terminal_ForceCacheUpdate(const tString &in asName)
bool Terminal_GetImGuiStateBool(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, bool alDefault = false)
cColor Terminal_GetImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aDefault)
float Terminal_GetImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afDefault = 0.0f)
int Terminal_GetImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alDefault = 0)
cVector3f Terminal_GetImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avDefault)
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aVal)
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afVal)
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alVal)
void Terminal_IncImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avVal)
bool Terminal_IsGuiActive(const tString &in asName)
void Terminal_SetAllowInteraction(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Terminal_SetEnterCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback)
void Terminal_SetFPSWhenIdle(const tString &in asName, float afFPS)
void Terminal_SetGuiActive(const tString &in asName, bool abX, float afFadeTime = 0.0f)
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateBool(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, bool abVal)
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateColor(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cColor &in aVal)
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateFloat(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, float afVal)
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateInt(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, int alVal)
void Terminal_SetImGuiStateVector3f(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName, const cVector3f &in avVal)
void Terminal_SetLeaveCallback(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback)
void Terminal_SetOnGuiFunction(const tString &in asName, const tString &in asCallback)
void Terminal_SetShowMouse(const tString &in asPropName, bool abShow)
void Terminal_SetUpdateWhenOutOfView(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Terminal_StopImGuiFade(const tString &in asPropName, const tString &in asVarName)
tString Tool_GetHandAnimationSuffix(const tString &in asName)
void Tool_PickUp(const tString &in asName, bool abEquipTool, bool abCallback)
void Tool_SetAutoHideAfterPickup(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Tool_SetHighlightActive(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Warning(const tString &in asString)
void Warning(uint aLabel, int alWarningLevel, const tString &in asString)
void Warning(const tString &in asString, uint aLabel, int alWarningLevel)
float Wheel_GetCurrentAngle(const tString &in asName)
int Wheel_GetState(const tString &in asName)
void Wheel_SetAngle(const tString &in asName, float afAngle, bool abAutoMove)
void Wheel_SetInteractionDisablesStuck(const tString &in asName, bool abX)
void Wheel_SetStuckState(const tString &in asName, int alState, bool abEffects)

Constant Detail


const cColor cColor_Blue


const cColor cColor_Green


const cColor cColor_Red


const cColor cColor_White


const float cMath_Epsilon


const float cMath_Pi


const float cMath_PiDiv2


const float cMath_PiDiv4


const float cMath_PiMul2


const float cMath_Sqrt2


const cMatrixf cMatrixf_Identity


const cMatrixf cMatrixf_Zero


const cQuaternion cQuaternion_Identity


const cVector2f cVector2f_Down


const cVector2f cVector2f_Left


const cVector2f cVector2f_MinusOne


const cVector2f cVector2f_One


const cVector2f cVector2f_Right


const cVector2f cVector2f_Up


const cVector2f cVector2f_Zero


const cVector2l cVector2l_MinusOne


const cVector3f cVector3f_Back


const cVector3f cVector3f_Down


const cVector3f cVector3f_Forward


const cVector3f cVector3f_Left


const cVector3f cVector3f_MinusOne


const cVector3f cVector3f_One


const cVector3f cVector3f_Right


const cVector3f cVector3f_Up


const cVector3f cVector3f_Zero


const cVector4f cVector4f_MinusOne


const cVector4f cVector4f_One


const cVector4f cVector4f_Zero


const tID tID_Invalid

Function Summary