HPL3/Areas/Fog Area

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The Fog Area is used to create the appearance of fog in a map



  • Color: The color of the fog
  • Brightness: The brightness multiplier of the fog
  • Start: The distance from the camera to begin fading in the fog
  • End: The distance from the camera for the fog to be fully faded in
  • FalloffExp: The falloff exponent to be used to calculate the gradient between the start and end values
  • Show backside when inside: Renders the back face of the fog volume when inside the area. Can make the fog look like it extends farther
  • Show backside when outside: Renders the back face of the fog volume when outside the area. Can make the fog look like it is confined to a container
  • Underwater: If the underwater settings should be applied
  • Noise strength: The appearance of how noisy the fog is
  • Noise size: The size scaling of the noise
  • Noise turbulence: A 3D movment vector that the noise should move along
  • Use Skybox: If the fog should use the skybox color