Template:HPL2 TypeVars Enemy
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Name | Type | Default | Description |
Health | Float | 100 | The amount of damage an entity can take. |
Toughness | Int | 0 | Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity. The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength. Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2. |
AutoRemoveAtPathEnd | Bool | true | If enemy should be removed when it reaches the end of the path. Must not be seen by the player and must be more than 10 meters away from them. |
SightRange | Float | 10 | The distance that the enemy can see. |
DarknessSightRange | Float | 4 | The distance the enemy can see in darkness. Only used if player is also still! |
HearVolume | Float | 10 | The min volume that the enemy can hear (0-1) |
FOV | Float | 180 | The field of view of the enemy, max = 360 |
FOVXMul | Float | 1 | The multiplier for the horiztonal fov. Also known as aspect |
ActivationDistance | Float | 120 | The distance at which the enemy is activated and starts patrolling |
MaxRegenHealth | Float | 100 | The max health that enemy regenerates to |
RegenHealthSpeed | Float | 0 | The amount of health regenerated per second. |
DangerMusic | String | Music played when activated | |
DangerMusicPrio | Int | 0 | When there are several enemies in danger range, the one with highest priority is played. This is NOT music priority |
SearchMusic | String | Music played when searching for player (after having seen them) | |
SearchMusicPrio | Int | 0 | |
AttackMusic | String | Music played when seen player and hunting | |
AttackMusicPrio | Int | 0 | |
PlayerSearchMaxAngle | Float | 45 | When searching for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster |
PlayerSearchMinDistMul | Float | 0.5 | Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be <0 |
PlayerSearchMaxDistMul | Float | 2 | Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be >1 |
PlayerSearchTime | Float | 45 | The time that enemy searches for player before stopping |
PlayerPatrolMaxAngle | Float | 110 | When patrolling for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster |
PlayerPatrolMinDist | Float | 3.5 | Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be <0 |
PlayerPatrolMaxDist | Float | 15 | Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be >1 |
Body_Size | Vector3 | 1 1.75 1 | The size of the enemy body. |
Body_Mass | Float | 50 | Mass of body |
Body_AccurateClimbing | Bool | false | If more rays should be cast when checking for edges to climb. |
Body_MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle | Float | 45 | The maximum angle that the enemy does not slide down a slope at. |
Body_MaxPushMass | Float | 20 | The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can push |
Body_PushForce | Float | 60 | The force that objects are pushed with |
Body_CharacterMaxPushMass | Float | 20 | The maximum character mass that can be pushed. |
Body_MaxStepSize | Float | 0.5 | The maximum size of a step that can be climbed |
Body_StepClimbSpeed | Float | 6.0 | The speed of the step climb |
Body_OffsetRot | Vector3 | 0 0 0 | Rotation offset of model relative to body |
Body_OffsetTrans | Vector3 | 0 0 0 | Translation offset of model relative to body |
Walk_ForwardSpeed | Float | 1 | Forward speed when walking, in meters per second. |
Walk_BackwardSpeed | Float | 1 | Backward speed when walking, in meters per second. |
Walk_ForwardAcc | Float | 2 | |
Walk_ForwardDeacc | Float | 8 | |
Run_ForwardSpeed | Float | 3 | Forward speed when running, in meters per second. |
Run_BackwardSpeed | Float | 2 | Backward speed when running, in meters per second. |
Run_ForwardAcc | Float | 4 | |
Run_ForwardDeacc | Float | 8 | |
TurnSpeedMul | Float | 6 | Determines the angular speed when turning. Is also based on the angle that needs to be turned and the higher the value the faster the speed. |
TurnMaxSpeed | Float | 4 | Maximum angular speed when turning |
TurnMinBreakAngle | Float | 10 | Minimum angle for break mul to be in effect |
TurnBreakMul | Float | 1 | The higher the value, the more the enemy will break (slow down) the forward speed when turning. |
MoveSpeedAnimMul | Float | 4.7 | Multiplier for animation speed based on the speed of the body. |
StoppedToWalkSpeed | Float | 0.05 | Speed at which the walk animation is played |
WalkToStoppedSpeed | Float | 0.02 | Speed at which walk goes to stopped |
WalkToRunSpeed | Float | 1.2 | Speed at which walk turns to run animation |
RunToWalkSpeed | Float | 1 | Speed at which run turns to walk. |
WaterStepSpeedWalk | Float | 3 | Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during walk. |
WaterStepSpeedRun | Float | 5 | Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during run. |
WaterStepSpeedMisc | Float | 3 | Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during NOT walk or run |
HitPS_Sword | File (.ps) | Particles created when hit by sword type weapon. | |
HitSound_Sword | File (.snt) | Sound when hit by sword type weapon. | |
HitPS_Club | File (.ps) | Particles created when hit by club type weapon. | |
HitSound_Club | File (.snt) | Sound when hit by club type weapon. | |
HitPS_Bullet | File (.ps) | Particles created when hit by bullet type weapon. | |
HitSound_Bullet | File (.snt) | Sound when hit by bullet type weapon. | |
HitPS_Dud | File (.ps) | Particles created when hit by a weapon taking no damage. | |
HitSound_Dud | File (.snt) | Sound when hit by a weapon taking no damage. | |
AmbientSound_Idle | File (.snt) | Sound made when in idle mode | |
AmbientMinTime_Idle | Float | 1 | Min time between sounds. |
AmbientMaxTime_Idle | Float | 3 | Max time between sounds. |
AmbientSound_Alert | File (.snt) | Sound made when in alert mode | |
AmbientMinTime_Alert | Float | 1 | Min time between sounds. Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg. |
AmbientMaxTime_Alert | Float | 2 | Max time between sounds. Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg. |
AmbientSound_Hunt | File (.snt) | Sound made when in hunt mode | |
AmbientMinTime_Hunt | Float | 1 | Min time between sounds. |
AmbientMaxTime_Hunt | Float | 2 | Max time between sounds. |
NormalAttackDistance | Float | 2 | Distance at which the normal attack is made |
NormalDamageSize | Vector3 | 1 1 1 | Size of the normal damage |
NormalDamageOffset | Vector3 | 0 0 1 | Offset (in local coords) for the normal damage. |
NormalAttackHitSound | File (.snt) | Sound made by normal damage | |
NormalAttackDamage | Vector2 | 10 20 | Damage made by normal damage x=min, y=max |
NormalAttackForce | Vector2 | 30 5 | Force made by normal damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass) |
NormalAttackStrength | Int | 1 | Strength for normal attack |
NormalDamageType | String | Claws | Visual feedback of attack Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash". |
BreakDoorAttackDamage | Vector2 | 10 20 | Damage made by break door damage x=min, y=max |
BreakDoorAttackForce | Vector2 | 30 5 | Force made by break door damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass) |
BreakDoorAttackStrength | Int | 3 | Strength for break door attack |
BreakDoorAttackHitSound | File (.snt) | Sound made by break door damage | |
BreakDoorDamageType | String | BloodSplat | Visual feedback of attack Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash". |