Hpl2:Tutorials:model editor:static objects jenniferorange
Surprisingly this is quite easy! You can change any entity in the Item category to a static object. This is helpful in puzzles, chemical ones especially. For this tutorial, I'll show you how easy it is to change!
- Open your Model Editor. Hit Open, and search through the entities>item folder to pick the entity you'd like. Once it's loaded in the editor, select the objects Body. This is the green square surrounding it.
- Under the Body tab, we're going to have to change a few things. Set Mass to 0. Looking at the bottom of the tab, you'll see quite a few options checked. Uncheck all of them, except for Continuous Collision, Use Surface Effects, and Has Gravity. Only those three should be checked.
- Now at the top bar, all the way to the right there is an option called Settings. Click that, then User Defined Variables. Only two things need to be changed; Type >Object and Subtype >Static. Once you change the Type to Object it should automatically change the Subtype to Static. Close the User Defined Variables Box.
- Hit File>SAVE AS. I can't stress enough how important it is to make sure you hit SAVE AS. Last thing to do is re-name the object. The easiest way is to add _static to the end. (EX: Say you're making orbpiece_obsidian static. Change the name to orbpiece_obsidian_static and hit Save.) Make sure you keep the new static object in the same folder as its' "brothers".
And that's it! It only takes a few minutes at most, and you can change almost everything! Hope you put this to good use, good luck~
Created by JenniferOrange