<note important>It's difficult to do anything with Penumbra: Overture, as it requires using old software and learning a great deal before anything useful can be made. This documentation is only left here to give insight for those fiddling with the source code for Overture and the HPL1 engine.</note>
HPL1 Documentation
- This wiki contains all the information you need to get started with modding Penumbra: Overture and the HPL engine. Before you begin remember that to work with the engine you will need experience with using a 3D editor, if you have none or little it is recommended you start learning one before trying to use the HPL engine.
- All game specific files that gives objects specific behavior is based on XML files, it's good to have some very basic knowledge of how XML files are structured and function.
- The HPL engine uses a C/C++ like script language called Angel Script, as such it is a good idea to have some basic programing experience, no more than having done an introduction course or similar is required.
- You must have a 3D Accelerator as the engine and editors rely heavily on those, Integrated graphics do not work.
- If you are all set to go, head on to the Getting started document page!
Resources in the wiki
* HPL-Engine© Content Creation * Script Reference document * HPL Particle Editor
* TUTORIAL 1.1 – Introduction * TUTORIAL 2.1 Level Creation * HPL Tutorial 3.1 Materials * TUTORIAL 4.1 – Particles * TUTORIAL 5.1 – Scripting a light