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AMFP features a few new entity types.


The entity which executes phone calls. There's only one such asset in the game, and the entity file doesn't have any unique type vars (User Defined Variables). However, in the Level Editor, it has multiple instance vars.

Type Vars (All Props)
Name Type Default Description
Health Float 100 The amount of damage an entity can take.
Toughness Int 0 Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity.
The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength.
Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2.
MaxFocusDistance Float 0 Max distance the entity can be interacted with.
MainPhysicsBody String This is the name of the most imporant physics body. The body that sounds are played from and objects attached to (attached as results from script!).
ShowMesh Bool true If the mesh should be visible. Having this false might useful for blocker objects.
DissolveOnDestruction Bool false If the dissolve effect should used when entity is destroyed.
DissolveTime Float 1.0 The time it takes for the dissolve effect to be over.
EffectsOnSound File (.snt) Sound made when turned on. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffSound File (.snt) Sound made when turned off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOnTime Float 1 Time it takes for on effect to be done. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffTime Float 1 Time it takes for off effect to be done. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffLightColor Color 0 0 0 0 Color of lights when off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffLightRadius Float -1 Radius of lights when off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
ShowHints Bool true If it is allowed to show hints upon interaction with entity.
StaticMoveCheckCollision Bool false If a static move should check for collision. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveStartSound File (.snt) Sound made at the start of a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveStopSound File (.snt) Sound made at the end of a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveLoopSound File (.snt) Sound made during a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
RandomizeAnimationStart Bool true Should the animation start time be randomized at start. If false all animations of entity are synchronized.
Instance Vars (All Props)
Name Type Default Description
CastShadows Bool true If entity casts shadows.
StaticPhysics Bool false If the mass of all bodies should be 0.
If enabled, the entity cannot be moved by physics or player interactions.
IsOccluder Bool false If objects behind should be culled.
IsAffectedByDecal Bool true If decals can be created on entity.
CallbackFunc String A callback function used for a number of events. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, string &in asType). asType can be OnPickup, Break, OnIgnite
ConnectedProps String Props that are connected to this entity and what will happen will depend upon type of prop and what happens. OnBreak makes the connected props active and gives them an impulse. Enter with space and/or comma between entity names.
ConnectionStateChangeCallback String A callback called when ever the connection state changes (button being switched on). Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, int alState). alState: -1=off, 0=between, 1=on
FullGameSave Bool false If the all things in the entity should be saved when exiting the level. Only use on few entities!
If enabled, additional entity properties are saved, such as the open amount of SwingDoors.
PlayerLookAtCallback String Callback called when player looks at entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity, int alState) alState: 1=looking, -1=stopped looking
PlayerLookAtCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should look at callback be removed when entity is looked at and callback called.
PlayerInteractCallback String Callback called when player interacts with entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity)
PlayerInteractCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should interact callback be removed when entity is interacted with and is callback called.
GlowEnabled Bool true If the object should have a glowing effect. Only works on interactables!
GlowColor Color 0.5 0.5 1.0 0 Color of the objects glow.
GlowOutlineColor Color 0 0 0.5 0 Color of the outline when object is in focus
UpdateAnimationWhenCulled Bool false Should the animation be reset when the player isn't looking.
Instance Vars
Name Type Default Description
VoiceFile1 File (.ogg) Voice file to be played.
The file has to be located in the sounds folder or one of its subfolders.
TextEntry1 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay1 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry2 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay2 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry3 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay3 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry4 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay4 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry5 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay5 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry6 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay6 Float 1 The time between text entries.
TextEntry7 String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice
Delay7 Float 1 The time between text entries.

Not all 7 entries must be used, but there can't be more than that in a single phonecall.

The PhoneBox entity has three dedicated functions for it:

void StartPhoneRinging(string& asName);
void StopPhoneRinging(string& asName);
void HangUpPhone(string& asName);
  1. asName - The phone box entity to use.

The PhoneBox won't ring until the StartPhoneRinging function is called. StopPhoneRinging can be used if the player leaves an area without picking up the phone, or takes too long.

When StartPhoneRinging is used, the PhoneBox will start ringing (the sound is only audible at a quite short distance, and a bell animation will play). A unique crosshair is shown when looking at the PhoneBox. Interacting with it will play a switch animation as well as the voice file, and display all the defined subtitles at specified intervals. After the voice file finishes playing, another switch animation will play and the glow will disappear (if it was used).

HangUpPhone ends the call early, stopping any voice lines currently playing. Plays a unique hang up sound (entities/telephone/telephone_down.snt) that is not used anywhere else.

Keep in mind that the green light which appears on the PhoneBox is not a part of the entity; it's a Lamp entity which needs to be enabled by scripting.


The entity type used for the Wretch, Engineer, and Tesla manpigs. The Failed Experiments reuse Enemy_WaterLurker instead.

Type Vars (All Enemies)
Name Type Default Description
Health Float 100 The amount of damage an entity can take.
Toughness Int 0 Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity.
The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength.
Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2.
SightRange Float 10 The distance that the enemy can see.
DarknessSightRange Float 4 The distance the enemy can see in darkness. Only used if player is also still!
HearVolume Float 10 The min volume that the enemy can hear (0-1)
FOV Float 180 The field of view of the enemy, max = 360
FOVXMul Float 1 The multiplier for the horiztonal fov. Also known as aspect
ActivationDistance Float 120 The distance at which the enemy is activated and starts patrolling
MaxRegenHealth Float 100 The max health that enemy regenerates to
RegenHealthSpeed Float 0 The amount of health regenerated per second.
DangerMusic String Music played when activated
DangerMusicPrio Int 0 When there are several enemies in danger range, the one with highest priority is played. This is NOT music priority
SearchMusic String Music played when searching for player (after having seen them)
SearchMusicPrio Int 0
AttackMusic String Music played when seen player and hunting
AttackMusicPrio Int 0
PlayerSearchMaxAngle Float 45 When searching for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerSearchMinDistMul Float 0.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be <0
PlayerSearchMaxDistMul Float 2 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be >1
PlayerSearchTime Float 45 The time that enemy searches for player before stopping
PlayerPatrolMaxAngle Float 110 When patrolling for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerPatrolMinDist Float 3.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be <0
PlayerPatrolMaxDist Float 15 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be >1
Body_Size Vector3 1 1.75 1 The size of the enemy body.
Body_Mass Float 50 Mass of body
Body_AccurateClimbing Bool false If more rays should be cast when checking for edges to climb.
Body_MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle Float 45 The maximum angle that the enemy does not slide down a slope at.
Body_MaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can push
Body_PushForce Float 60 The force that objects are pushed with
Body_CharacterMaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum character mass that can be pushed.
Body_MaxStepSize Float 0.5 The maximum size of a step that can be climbed
Body_StepClimbSpeed Float 6.0 The speed of the step climb
Body_OffsetRot Vector3 0 0 0 Rotation offset of model relative to body
Body_OffsetTrans Vector3 0 0 0 Translation offset of model relative to body
WalkBiped_ForwardSpeed Float 1 Forward speed when walking, in meters per second.
WalkBiped_BackwardSpeed Float 1 Backward speed when walking, in meters per second.
WalkBiped_ForwardAcc Float 2
WalkBiped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
RunBiped_ForwardSpeed Float 3 Forward speed when running, in meters per second.
RunBiped_BackwardSpeed Float 2 Backward speed when running, in meters per second.
RunBiped_ForwardAcc Float 4
RunBiped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
WalkQuadruped_ForwardSpeed Float 1 Forward speed when walking on all fours, in meters per second.
WalkQuadruped_BackwardSpeed Float 1 Backward speed when walking on all fours, in meters per second.
WalkQuadruped_ForwardAcc Float 2
WalkQuadruped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
RunQuadruped_ForwardSpeed Float 3 Forward speed when running on all fours, in meters per second.
RunQuadruped_BackwardSpeed Float 2 Backward speed when running on all fours, in meters per second.
RunQuadruped_ForwardAcc Float 4
RunQuadruped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
TurnSpeedMul Float 6 Determines the angular speed when turning. Is also based on the angle that needs to be turned and the higher the value the faster the speed.
TurnMaxSpeed Float 4 Maximum angular speed when turning
TurnMinBreakAngle Float 10 Minimum angle for break mul to be in effect
TurnBreakMul Float 1 The higher the value, the more the enemy will break (slow down) the forward speed when turning.
MoveSpeedAnimMul Float 4.7 Multiplier for animation speed based on the speed of the body.
StoppedToWalkSpeed_Biped Float 0.05 Speed at which the walk animation is played
WalkToStoppedSpeed_Biped Float 0.02 Speed at which walk goes to stopped
WalkToRunSpeed_Biped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to run animation
RunToWalkSpeed_Biped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to walk.
WalkToJogSpeed_Biped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to jog animation
RunToJogSpeed_Biped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to jog.
StoppedToWalkSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.05 Speed at which stopped goes to walk when on all fours
WalkToStoppedSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.02 Speed at which walk goes to stopped when on all fours
WalkToRunSpeed_Quadruped Float 2 Speed at which walk turns to run when on all fours
RunToWalkSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.9 Speed at which run turns to walk when on all fours
WalkToJogSpeed_Quadruped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to jog animation
RunToJogSpeed_Quadruped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to jog.
WaterStepSpeedWalk Float 3 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during walk.
WaterStepSpeedRun Float 5 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during run.
WaterStepSpeedMisc Float 3 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during NOT walk or run
PathNodeReachedCheckVolumeScaleFactor Float 1.2 The amount to scale the character body by on X/Z for the purposes of detecting if the enemy reached a PathNode.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
HitPS_Sword File (.ps) Particles created when hit by sword type weapon.
HitSound_Sword File (.snt) Sound when hit by sword type weapon.
HitPS_Club File (.ps) Particles created when hit by club type weapon.
HitSound_Club File (.snt) Sound when hit by club type weapon.
HitPS_Bullet File (.ps) Particles created when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitSound_Bullet File (.snt) Sound when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitPS_Dud File (.ps) Particles created when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
HitSound_Dud File (.snt) Sound when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
AmbientSound_Idle File (.snt) Sound made when in idle mode
AmbientMinTime_Idle Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Idle Float 3 Max time between sounds.
AmbientSound_Alert File (.snt) Sound made when in alert mode
AmbientMinTime_Alert Float 1 Min time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientMaxTime_Alert Float 2 Max time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientSound_Hunt File (.snt) Sound made when in hunt mode
AmbientMinTime_Hunt Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Hunt Float 2 Max time between sounds.
NormalAttackDistance Float 2 Distance at which the normal attack is made
NormalDamageSize Vector3 1 1 1 Size of the normal damage
NormalDamageOffset Vector3 0 0 1 Offset (in local coords) for the normal damage.
NormalAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by normal damage
NormalAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by normal damage x=min, y=max
NormalAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by normal damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
NormalAttackStrength Int 1 Strength for normal attack
NormalDamageType String Claws Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".
BreakDoorAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by break door damage x=min, y=max
BreakDoorAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by break door damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
BreakDoorAttackStrength Int 3 Strength for break door attack
BreakDoorAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by break door damage
BreakDoorDamageType String BloodSplat Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".
Type Vars
Name Type Default Description
NoticeSound File (.snt) Sound played when enemy notices that player is nearby
GiveUpNoticeSound File (.snt) Sound played when enemy gives up investigation (after a notice)
EnabledSound File (.snt) Sound played when enemy is enabled
GroggyDamageCount Float 15 The accumulated amount of damage the enemy can take before getting groggy by the hit.
The enemy will flinch after taking this amount of damage.
AlertToHuntDistance Float 10 If range is above this then enemy can go from alert to hunt
AlertToInstantHuntDistance Float 3.5 If range is below this, enemy geos instantly to hunt.
HuntPauseMinTime Float 2 Min time enemy spends not attacking after an attack.
HuntPauseMaxTime Float 4.5 Max time enemy spends not attacking after an attack.
IncreaseAlertSpeedDistance Float 6 Distance at which the alert move speed increases.
IncreasedAlertSpeedMul Float 1.5 The amount that move speed is multiplied by when alert.
AlertRunTowardsToHuntLimit Float 30 The accumulated limit value when alert goes to hunt because of player running towards enemy.
AlertRunTowardsCheckDistance Float 5 The distance where the move toward enemy check starts
IsTesla Bool false If this is the tesla pig
ChaseSound File (.snt) Played when the pig is chasing.
Incorrectly defined as a string in EntityTypes.cfg.
Instance Vars (All Enemies) Collapse
Name Type Default Description
AutoRemoveAtPathEnd Bool true If enemy should be removed when it reaches the end of the path.
Must not be seen by the player and must be more than 10 meters away from them.
IsOccluder Bool false If objects behind should be culled.
AutoReverseAtPathEnd Bool false No effect. Formerly made the enemy return to its first patrol node if it didn't auto-disable on reaching the end of its path.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
AutoRemoveMinPlayerDistance Float 10 No effect. Formerly the minimum distance from the player that the enemy needs to be in order to be auto-removed at the end of its path.
CallbackFunc String A callback function used for a number of events. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, string &in asType). asType can be OnDeath or OnAutoDisabled
DisableTriggers Bool false If true, the enemy does not react to any trigger such as seeing or hearing the player.
Hallucination Bool false If true, the enemy will disappear when close enough to the player.
Uses enemy_hallucination_disappear.snt, which isn't in the game files but can be added. The hallucination effect now consists of some organic particles instead of the TDD dust particles.
HallucinationEndDist Float 3 The distance at which the hallucination disappears
Blind Bool false If true, the enemy will not react to seeing the player.
Deaf Bool false If true, the enemy will not react to hearing the player.
Invisible Bool false No effect. Formerly made the enemy invisible.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
Pose String Biped The starting pose of the enemy.
Can be "Biped" or "Quadruped".
Instance Vars
Name Type Default Description
ThreatenOnAlert Bool false If the pig should stand still and threaten instead of walking towards player when in alert mode.
FleeFromPlayer Bool false The pig will flee instead of hunting (threaten if ThreatenOnAlert). Disabled if far enough away. Will attack if cornered.
Running to the furthest PathNode seems to be the main behavior.
If the map has no PathNodes, the game will crash when the enemy notices the player!
AutoDisableAfterFlee Bool false If pig should be disabled after having fled (if possible)
Must not be seen by the player and must be more than 15 meters away from them.
LanternSensitivity Float 1 A modifier for how quickly the pig reacts to being shined on by the lantern.
IdleBehavior String The behavior used when there are no patrol nodes left to walk.
Can be "None", "Stalk", or "Track".
PlayActivateSound Bool true If the enemy can play its EnabledSound.
AllowZeroNodeWaitTimes Bool false If set to true, path node wait times with value 0 actually mean no waiting
Normally, specifying a wait time of 0 in AddEnemyPatrolNode results in a wait time of 1-3 seconds.
PatrolMoveSpeed String Walk Whether this pig walks or runs along its patrol
Can be "Walk" or "Run".
DamageMul Float 1 Multiplier for the enemy's attack damage.
RunSpeedMul Float 1 Multiplier for the enemy's run speed.
HuntPauseTimeMul Float 1 Multiplier for the wait time between attacks.


An enemy variation used for acting out scenes. This "enemy" doesn't seem to respond to any player input, aside from proximity. Used mainly for the Mandus twins, but also for the NPCs seen running in the Streets chapter.

Type Vars (All Enemies)
Name Type Default Description
Health Float 100 The amount of damage an entity can take.
Toughness Int 0 Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity.
The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength.
Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2.
SightRange Float 10 The distance that the enemy can see.
DarknessSightRange Float 4 The distance the enemy can see in darkness. Only used if player is also still!
HearVolume Float 10 The min volume that the enemy can hear (0-1)
FOV Float 180 The field of view of the enemy, max = 360
FOVXMul Float 1 The multiplier for the horiztonal fov. Also known as aspect
ActivationDistance Float 120 The distance at which the enemy is activated and starts patrolling
MaxRegenHealth Float 100 The max health that enemy regenerates to
RegenHealthSpeed Float 0 The amount of health regenerated per second.
DangerMusic String Music played when activated
DangerMusicPrio Int 0 When there are several enemies in danger range, the one with highest priority is played. This is NOT music priority
SearchMusic String Music played when searching for player (after having seen them)
SearchMusicPrio Int 0
AttackMusic String Music played when seen player and hunting
AttackMusicPrio Int 0
PlayerSearchMaxAngle Float 45 When searching for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerSearchMinDistMul Float 0.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be <0
PlayerSearchMaxDistMul Float 2 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be >1
PlayerSearchTime Float 45 The time that enemy searches for player before stopping
PlayerPatrolMaxAngle Float 110 When patrolling for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerPatrolMinDist Float 3.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be <0
PlayerPatrolMaxDist Float 15 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be >1
Body_Size Vector3 1 1.75 1 The size of the enemy body.
Body_Mass Float 50 Mass of body
Body_AccurateClimbing Bool false If more rays should be cast when checking for edges to climb.
Body_MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle Float 45 The maximum angle that the enemy does not slide down a slope at.
Body_MaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can push
Body_PushForce Float 60 The force that objects are pushed with
Body_CharacterMaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum character mass that can be pushed.
Body_MaxStepSize Float 0.5 The maximum size of a step that can be climbed
Body_StepClimbSpeed Float 6.0 The speed of the step climb
Body_OffsetRot Vector3 0 0 0 Rotation offset of model relative to body
Body_OffsetTrans Vector3 0 0 0 Translation offset of model relative to body
WalkBiped_ForwardSpeed Float 1 Forward speed when walking, in meters per second.
WalkBiped_BackwardSpeed Float 1 Backward speed when walking, in meters per second.
WalkBiped_ForwardAcc Float 2
WalkBiped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
RunBiped_ForwardSpeed Float 3 Forward speed when running, in meters per second.
RunBiped_BackwardSpeed Float 2 Backward speed when running, in meters per second.
RunBiped_ForwardAcc Float 4
RunBiped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
WalkQuadruped_ForwardSpeed Float 1 Forward speed when walking on all fours, in meters per second.
WalkQuadruped_BackwardSpeed Float 1 Backward speed when walking on all fours, in meters per second.
WalkQuadruped_ForwardAcc Float 2
WalkQuadruped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
RunQuadruped_ForwardSpeed Float 3 Forward speed when running on all fours, in meters per second.
RunQuadruped_BackwardSpeed Float 2 Backward speed when running on all fours, in meters per second.
RunQuadruped_ForwardAcc Float 4
RunQuadruped_ForwardDeacc Float 8
TurnSpeedMul Float 6 Determines the angular speed when turning. Is also based on the angle that needs to be turned and the higher the value the faster the speed.
TurnMaxSpeed Float 4 Maximum angular speed when turning
TurnMinBreakAngle Float 10 Minimum angle for break mul to be in effect
TurnBreakMul Float 1 The higher the value, the more the enemy will break (slow down) the forward speed when turning.
MoveSpeedAnimMul Float 4.7 Multiplier for animation speed based on the speed of the body.
StoppedToWalkSpeed_Biped Float 0.05 Speed at which the walk animation is played
WalkToStoppedSpeed_Biped Float 0.02 Speed at which walk goes to stopped
WalkToRunSpeed_Biped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to run animation
RunToWalkSpeed_Biped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to walk.
WalkToJogSpeed_Biped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to jog animation
RunToJogSpeed_Biped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to jog.
StoppedToWalkSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.05 Speed at which stopped goes to walk when on all fours
WalkToStoppedSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.02 Speed at which walk goes to stopped when on all fours
WalkToRunSpeed_Quadruped Float 2 Speed at which walk turns to run when on all fours
RunToWalkSpeed_Quadruped Float 0.9 Speed at which run turns to walk when on all fours
WalkToJogSpeed_Quadruped Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to jog animation
RunToJogSpeed_Quadruped Float 1 Speed at which run turns to jog.
WaterStepSpeedWalk Float 3 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during walk.
WaterStepSpeedRun Float 5 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during run.
WaterStepSpeedMisc Float 3 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during NOT walk or run
PathNodeReachedCheckVolumeScaleFactor Float 1.2 The amount to scale the character body by on X/Z for the purposes of detecting if the enemy reached a PathNode.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
HitPS_Sword File (.ps) Particles created when hit by sword type weapon.
HitSound_Sword File (.snt) Sound when hit by sword type weapon.
HitPS_Club File (.ps) Particles created when hit by club type weapon.
HitSound_Club File (.snt) Sound when hit by club type weapon.
HitPS_Bullet File (.ps) Particles created when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitSound_Bullet File (.snt) Sound when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitPS_Dud File (.ps) Particles created when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
HitSound_Dud File (.snt) Sound when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
AmbientSound_Idle File (.snt) Sound made when in idle mode
AmbientMinTime_Idle Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Idle Float 3 Max time between sounds.
AmbientSound_Alert File (.snt) Sound made when in alert mode
AmbientMinTime_Alert Float 1 Min time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientMaxTime_Alert Float 2 Max time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientSound_Hunt File (.snt) Sound made when in hunt mode
AmbientMinTime_Hunt Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Hunt Float 2 Max time between sounds.
NormalAttackDistance Float 2 Distance at which the normal attack is made
NormalDamageSize Vector3 1 1 1 Size of the normal damage
NormalDamageOffset Vector3 0 0 1 Offset (in local coords) for the normal damage.
NormalAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by normal damage
NormalAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by normal damage x=min, y=max
NormalAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by normal damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
NormalAttackStrength Int 1 Strength for normal attack
NormalDamageType String Claws Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".
BreakDoorAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by break door damage x=min, y=max
BreakDoorAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by break door damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
BreakDoorAttackStrength Int 3 Strength for break door attack
BreakDoorAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by break door damage
BreakDoorDamageType String BloodSplat Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".
Instance Vars (All Enemies) Collapse
Name Type Default Description
AutoRemoveAtPathEnd Bool true If enemy should be removed when it reaches the end of the path.
Must not be seen by the player and must be more than 10 meters away from them.
IsOccluder Bool false If objects behind should be culled.
AutoReverseAtPathEnd Bool false No effect. Formerly made the enemy return to its first patrol node if it didn't auto-disable on reaching the end of its path.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
AutoRemoveMinPlayerDistance Float 10 No effect. Formerly the minimum distance from the player that the enemy needs to be in order to be auto-removed at the end of its path.
CallbackFunc String A callback function used for a number of events. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, string &in asType). asType can be OnDeath or OnAutoDisabled
DisableTriggers Bool false If true, the enemy does not react to any trigger such as seeing or hearing the player.
Hallucination Bool false If true, the enemy will disappear when close enough to the player.
Uses enemy_hallucination_disappear.snt, which isn't in the game files but can be added. The hallucination effect now consists of some organic particles instead of the TDD dust particles.
HallucinationEndDist Float 3 The distance at which the hallucination disappears
Blind Bool false If true, the enemy will not react to seeing the player.
Deaf Bool false If true, the enemy will not react to hearing the player.
Invisible Bool false No effect. Formerly made the enemy invisible.
Not defined in EntityTypes.cfg.
Pose String Biped The starting pose of the enemy.
Can be "Biped" or "Quadruped".

EntityTypes.cfg has a few instance vars listed in the Enemy base class that in fact only apply to Enemy_ManPig. These are skipped here.

Instance Vars
Name Type Default Description
PatrolMoveSpeed String Walk The movement speed type to use when patrolling.
Can be "Walk" or "Run".


Identical to StaticProp, except it can play an animation. Used for models that have a continuous looping animation but otherwise have no interactivity, such as fans and machines that have moving dials or spin.

Instance Vars
Name Type Default Description
CastShadows Bool true If entity casts shadows.
IsAffectedByDecal Bool true If decals can be created on entity.


A prop that plays a voice flashback with screen effects when interacted with. The type of all entities in entities/voice_triggers. Unused in the official maps, as they seem to have been replaced by Script areas that call PlayEffectVoice when collided with.

Type Vars (All Props)
Name Type Default Description
Health Float 100 The amount of damage an entity can take.
Toughness Int 0 Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity.
The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength.
Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2.
MaxFocusDistance Float 0 Max distance the entity can be interacted with.
MainPhysicsBody String This is the name of the most imporant physics body. The body that sounds are played from and objects attached to (attached as results from script!).
ShowMesh Bool true If the mesh should be visible. Having this false might useful for blocker objects.
DissolveOnDestruction Bool false If the dissolve effect should used when entity is destroyed.
DissolveTime Float 1.0 The time it takes for the dissolve effect to be over.
EffectsOnSound File (.snt) Sound made when turned on. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffSound File (.snt) Sound made when turned off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOnTime Float 1 Time it takes for on effect to be done. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffTime Float 1 Time it takes for off effect to be done. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffLightColor Color 0 0 0 0 Color of lights when off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
EffectsOffLightRadius Float -1 Radius of lights when off. (used for lamps lit/unlit, but also other entity types).
ShowHints Bool true If it is allowed to show hints upon interaction with entity.
StaticMoveCheckCollision Bool false If a static move should check for collision. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveStartSound File (.snt) Sound made at the start of a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveStopSound File (.snt) Sound made at the end of a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
StaticMoveLoopSound File (.snt) Sound made during a static move. (used when static bodies are moved through script of type specific effect.)
RandomizeAnimationStart Bool true Should the animation start time be randomized at start. If false all animations of entity are synchronized.
Instance Vars (All Props)
Name Type Default Description
CastShadows Bool true If entity casts shadows.
StaticPhysics Bool false If the mass of all bodies should be 0.
If enabled, the entity cannot be moved by physics or player interactions.
IsOccluder Bool false If objects behind should be culled.
IsAffectedByDecal Bool true If decals can be created on entity.
CallbackFunc String A callback function used for a number of events. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, string &in asType). asType can be OnPickup, Break, OnIgnite
ConnectedProps String Props that are connected to this entity and what will happen will depend upon type of prop and what happens. OnBreak makes the connected props active and gives them an impulse. Enter with space and/or comma between entity names.
ConnectionStateChangeCallback String A callback called when ever the connection state changes (button being switched on). Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntityName, int alState). alState: -1=off, 0=between, 1=on
FullGameSave Bool false If the all things in the entity should be saved when exiting the level. Only use on few entities!
If enabled, additional entity properties are saved, such as the open amount of SwingDoors.
PlayerLookAtCallback String Callback called when player looks at entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity, int alState) alState: 1=looking, -1=stopped looking
PlayerLookAtCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should look at callback be removed when entity is looked at and callback called.
PlayerInteractCallback String Callback called when player interacts with entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity)
PlayerInteractCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should interact callback be removed when entity is interacted with and is callback called.
GlowEnabled Bool true If the object should have a glowing effect. Only works on interactables!
GlowColor Color 0.5 0.5 1.0 0 Color of the objects glow.
GlowOutlineColor Color 0 0 0.5 0 Color of the outline when object is in focus
UpdateAnimationWhenCulled Bool false Should the animation be reset when the player isn't looking.
Instance Vars
Name Type Default Description
VoiceFile File (.ogg) Voice file to be played.
TextEntry String The text entry to be used. Category is always Voice