Template:HPL2 TypeVars Enemy

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Type Vars (All Enemies)
Name Type Default Description
Health Float 100 The amount of damage an entity can take.
Toughness Int 0 Compared to attack strength to determine damage dealt to the entity.
The attack deals no damage if Toughness > Strength + 1, half damage if Toughness = Strength + 1, and full damage if Toughness <= Strength.
Example: Toughness of 2 provides immunity to Strength 0 attacks, halves the damage of Strength 1 attacks, and full damage at Strength 2.
AutoRemoveAtPathEnd Bool true If enemy should be removed when it reaches the end of the path.
Must not be seen by the player and must be more than 10 units away from them.
SightRange Float 10 The distance that the enemy can see.
DarknessSightRange Float 4 The distance the enemy can see in darkness. Only used if player is also still!
HearVolume Float 10 The min volume that the enemy can hear (0-1)
FOV Float 180 The field of view of the enemy, max = 360
FOVXMul Float 1 The multiplier for the horiztonal fov. Also known as aspect
ActivationDistance Float 120 The distance at which the enemy is activated and starts patrolling
MaxRegenHealth Float 100 The max health that enemy regenerates to
RegenHealthSpeed Float 0 The amount of health regenerated per second.
DangerMusic String Music played when activated
DangerMusicPrio Int 0 When there are several enemies in danger range, the one with highest priority is played. This is NOT music priority
SearchMusic String Music played when searching for player (after having seen them)
SearchMusicPrio Int 0
AttackMusic String Music played when seen player and hunting
AttackMusicPrio Int 0
PlayerSearchMaxAngle Float 45 When searching for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerSearchMinDistMul Float 0.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be <0
PlayerSearchMaxDistMul Float 2 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the search is made. Must be >1
PlayerSearchTime Float 45 The time that enemy searches for player before stopping
PlayerPatrolMaxAngle Float 110 When patrolling for player, the angle used to narrow down search. Smaller angle means it finds player faster
PlayerPatrolMinDist Float 3.5 Minimum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be <0
PlayerPatrolMaxDist Float 15 Maximum amount of actual distance from player that the patrol is made. Must be >1
Body_Size Vector3 1 1.75 1 The size of the enemy body.
Body_Mass Float 50 Mass of body
Body_AccurateClimbing Bool false If more rays should be cast when checking for edges to climb.
Body_MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle Float 45 The maximum angle that the enemy does not slide down a slope at.
Body_MaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can push
Body_PushForce Float 60 The force that objects are pushed with
Body_CharacterMaxPushMass Float 20 The maximum character mass that can be pushed.
Body_MaxStepSize Float 0.5 The maximum size of a step that can be climbed
Body_StepClimbSpeed Float 6.0 The speed of the step climb
Body_OffsetRot Vector3 0 0 0 Rotation offset of model relative to body
Body_OffsetTrans Vector3 0 0 0 Translation offset of model relative to body
Walk_ForwardSpeed Float 1.0 Forward speed when walking, in meters per second.
Walk_BackwardSpeed Float 1.0 Backward speed when walking, in meters per second.
Walk_ForwardAcc Float 2.0
Walk_ForwardDeacc Float 8.0
Run_ForwardSpeed Float 3.0 Forward speed when running, in meters per second.
Run_BackwardSpeed Float 2.0 Backward speed when running, in meters per second.
Run_ForwardAcc Float 4.0
Run_ForwardDeacc Float 8.0
TurnSpeedMul Float 6 Determines the angular speed when turning. Is also based on the angle that needs to be turned and the higher the value the faster the speed.
TurnMaxSpeed Float 4 Maximum angular speed when turning
TurnMinBreakAngle Float 10 Minimum angle for break mul to be in effect
TurnBreakMul Float 1 The higher the value, the more the enemy will break (slow down) the forward speed when turning.
MoveSpeedAnimMul Float 4.7 Multiplier for animation speed based on the speed of the body.
StoppedToWalkSpeed Float 0.05 Speed at which the walk animation is played
WalkToStoppedSpeed Float 0.02 Speed at which walk goes to stopped
WalkToRunSpeed Float 1.2 Speed at which walk turns to run animation
RunToWalkSpeed Float 1.0 Speed at which run turns to walk.
WaterStepSpeedWalk Float 3.0 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during walk.
WaterStepSpeedRun Float 5.0 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during run.
WaterStepSpeedMisc Float 3.0 Speed used when calculating effect when taking step in water during NOT walk or run
HitPS_Sword File (.ps) Particles created when hit by sword type weapon.
HitSound_Sword File (.snt) Sound when hit by sword type weapon.
HitPS_Club File (.ps) Particles created when hit by club type weapon.
HitSound_Club File (.snt) Sound when hit by club type weapon.
HitPS_Bullet File (.ps) Particles created when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitSound_Bullet File (.snt) Sound when hit by bullet type weapon.
HitPS_Dud File (.ps) Particles created when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
HitSound_Dud File (.snt) Sound when hit by a weapon taking no damage.
AmbientSound_Idle File (.snt) Sound made when in idle mode
AmbientMinTime_Idle Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Idle Float 3 Max time between sounds.
AmbientSound_Alert File (.snt) Sound made when in alert mode
AmbientMinTime_Alert Float 1 Min time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientMaxTime_Alert Float 2 Max time between sounds.
Incorrectly defined as a sound file in EntityTypes.cfg.
AmbientSound_Hunt File (.snt) Sound made when in hunt mode
AmbientMinTime_Hunt Float 1 Min time between sounds.
AmbientMaxTime_Hunt Float 2 Max time between sounds.
NormalAttackDistance Float 2 Distance at which the normal attack is made
NormalDamageSize Vector3 1 1 1 Size of the normal damage
NormalDamageOffset Vector3 0 0 1 Offset (in local coords) for the normal damage.
NormalAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by normal damage
NormalAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by normal damage x=min, y=max
NormalAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by normal damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
NormalAttackStrength Int 1 Strength for normal attack
NormalDamageType String Claws Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".
BreakDoorAttackDamage Vector2 10 20 Damage made by break door damage x=min, y=max
BreakDoorAttackForce Vector2 30 5 Force made by break door damage x=force y=max impulse (impulse = force/mass)
BreakDoorAttackStrength Int 3 Strength for break door attack
BreakDoorAttackHitSound File (.snt) Sound made by break door damage
BreakDoorDamageType String BloodSplat Visual feedback of attack
Can be "BloodSplat", "Claws", or "Slash".