HPL3/Areas/Trigger Area
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Helper Function: helper_area.hps
The Trigger area runs a callback function when an entity collides or otherwise interacts with it.
- BlockLineOfSight: Blocks line of sight.
- EventInstanceTag: A tag used by the event system to group objects.
- UserVar: Arbitrary user variable. Acessable by calling the script function
Collide Callbacks
- CC_Entities: A list separated by commas or spaces of all entities that can trigger the callback. player is the player character.
- CC_Funcs: A list of functions that will run when the area is triggered. Press copy to generate a callback function and copy to the clipboard
- ParentAttachEntity: The name of an entity that this soundscape is parented to.
- ParentAttachUseRotation: If the rotation of the parent should affect the soundscape.
- ParentAttachBody: The name of the body in the parent entity to attach to.
- ParentAttachLocked: Locks the area to the parent and disables local movement.
Basic Callbacks
- PlayerLookAtCallback: A function that will run when looking at the entity. Press generate to generate a name for this text field.
- PlayerLookAtCallbackAutoRemove: Removes the callback after it fires once.
- PlayerLookAtCheckCenterOfScreen: Only counts as looked if the entity is in the center of the screen.
- PlayerLookAtCheckRayInIntersection: Only counts as looked at if their is a clear line of sight, i.e. not through a transparent object. Can return false negatives, especially if PlayerLookAtCheckCenterOfScreen is disabled.
- PlayerLookAtMaxDistance: Max distance an entity can be from the area. Values lower than 0 default to max distance.
- PlayerLookAtCallbackDelay: Time in seconds to delay the callback
- PlayerInteractCallback: Callback when the player interacts with the entity, i.e. grabbing or using. Press generate to generate a name for this text field.
- PlayerInteractCallbackAutoRemove: Removes the callback after it fires once.
Settings used when the player interacts with the entity by clicking on it.
- CanInteractWithoutCallback: Allows the area to be interacted with despite having an empty callback.
- MaxFocusDistance: Maximum distance a player can be to interact. Values lower than 0 are set to the default.
- CustomInteraction: The icon shown when interaction is possible.
Callback function syntax
This is the basic syntax for a collision callback function.
bool FunctionName(const tString &in asParent, const tString &in asChild, int alState)
if(alState == 1) // 1 = entering area, -1 = leaving area
// Insert code here
return false;