HPL3/SOMA/Third Party Tools/SOMA Mod Manager

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The SOMA mod manager.

The HPL3 Mod Manager is a simple application which makes it easier to manage and configure SOMA mods. The application removes the need to tamper with configuration files manually. Everything is in one place and can easily be modified.


  • Add or create new mod entries for easy management.
  • Edit mod information: Name, Author, Description, Thumbnail Photo and Mod Type.
  • Manage mod dependencies with ease.
  • Sync your mod to the Level Editor: If your mod has any custom assets, the level editor will automatically load it after it's synced.
  • Create a custom .dev launch file that will load your mod with your custom scripts and assets.


Note icon.png Make sure you have the latest version of the Java Runtime installed.
Application Upload Date SHA VirusTotal
ModManager.exe 1 August, 2020 1cb9685ab84429ed9871a093035afdc9f883bc0e4862217fdac2572f8536aecb Results
Icon tip.png Tip: The application can be run from anywhere on your computer, but it is recommended to place it in the main SOMA game folder.