HPL3/SOMA/Scripting/Scripting Api/Billboard

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Return Type Function and Description
void Billboard_SetBrightness(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afBrightness)
Sets the brightness of a billboard
void Billboard_SetRangeMax(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd)
Sets the max range of a billboard, getting far away will cause the billboard to fade out
void Billboard_SetRangeMin(const tString &in asBillboardName, float afRangeStart, float afRangeEnd)
Sets the minimum range of a billboard, getting closer will cause the billboard to fade out
void Billboard_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisibleInReflection, bool abVisibleInWorld)
Sets whether the billboard is drawn in reflections or not, and the real world or not
void Billboard_SetVisible(const tString &in asBillboardName, bool abVisible)
Sets if a billboard should be rendered or not

Function Detail


void Billboard_SetBrightness(const tString &in asBillboardName,
                             float afBrightness)

Sets the brightness of a billboard


  • asBillboardName (tString) — name of billboard. Can contain wildcards.
  • afBrightness (float) — new brightness


  • void


void Billboard_SetRangeMax(const tString &in asBillboardName,
                           float afRangeStart,
                           float afRangeEnd)

Sets the max range of a billboard, getting far away will cause the billboard to fade out


  • asBillboardName (tString) — name of billboard. Can contain wildcards.
  • afRangeStart (float) — distance the object should start to fade, -1 = no fade
  • afRangeEnd (float) — distance the object fade is complete, -1 = no fade


  • void


void Billboard_SetRangeMin(const tString &in asBillboardName,
                           float afRangeStart,
                           float afRangeEnd)

Sets the minimum range of a billboard, getting closer will cause the billboard to fade out


  • asBillboardName (tString) — name of billboard. Can contain wildcards.
  • afRangeStart (float) — distance the object should start to fade, -1 = no fade
  • afRangeEnd (float) — distance the object fade is complete, -1 = no fade


  • void


void Billboard_SetReflectionVisibility(const tString &in asBillboardName,
                                       bool abVisibleInReflection,
                                       bool abVisibleInWorld)

Sets whether the billboard is drawn in reflections or not, and the real world or not.


  • asBillboardName (tString) — name of billboard. Can contain wildcards.
  • abVisibleInReflection (bool) — whether the entity is drawn in reflections
  • abVisibleInWorld (bool) — whether the entity is drawn in the real world


  • void


void Billboard_SetVisible(const tString &in asBillboardName,
                          bool abVisible)

Sets if a billboard should be rendered or not.


  • asBillboardName (tString) — name of billboard. Can contain wildcards.
  • abVisible (bool) — if the billboard should be visible or not.


  • void