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This page explains words and terms which have a meaning unique to the engine.


Static object An in-game object which is used only for physics collissions. They can't be influenced by scripts nor be interacted with.
Entity An in-game object with configurable parameters and custom physics bodies.
Item A type of entity which can be collected and added to the player's inventory.
Area Invisible in-game cuboid which marks 3D space. Used for a variety of things based on the type.
Script Written code which determines what happens in a map. This includes events, puzzles, music, and more.

File extensions

*.hps Howard Phillip Script, this is where you make the magic happen with the help of AngelScript.
*.ent Entity, objects that can be interacted with, these files can only be created manually.
*.hud Heads-Up Display, defines items that the player can wield and holster, these files can only be created manually.
*.ps Particle System, displays cool little effects like fog and electrical sparking etc.
*.bb Billboard, gives your map a little more life with some lightrays and whatnot, these files can only be created manually.
*.snt Sound Entity, stores information on what audio file to play, how many audio files to play and whether or not they loop and so forth.
*.lang Language, contains in-game messages, item descriptions, etc.
*.beam Beam, defines things such as laser beams, these files can only be created manually.
*.cfg Configuration, used to define various settings.
*.mat Material, contains information on texture as well as the type used for it including transparency information.