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<big>'''These assets are the property of Juras Rodionovas and Redline Games.'''</big>
=='''In Lucy's Eyes asset pack installation and usage.'''==
=='''In Lucy's Eyes asset pack installation and usage.'''==
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  - Total Conversion / Full Conversion mods being able to browse outside resources (no regular custom stories sadly, but check the bottom of the page)
  - Total Conversion / Full Conversion mods being able to browse outside resources (no regular custom stories sadly, but check the bottom of the page)
  - You need to own a Steam version of the game that is automatically updated to 1.5 patch, and you download the assets from the Workshop. This is advised, but not the only one supported!
  - You need to own a Steam version of the game that is automatically updated to 1.5 patch, and you download the assets from the Workshop. This is advised, but not the only one supported!
=='''Releasing a Mod''':==
=='''Releasing a Mod''':==

Revision as of 16:30, 10 January 2024

These assets are the property of Juras Rodionovas and Redline Games.

In Lucy's Eyes asset pack installation and usage.

I will be taking into account that you have modded TDD before, so you know how to work with custom assets and how to put a basic Full Conversion mod together. If that is not the case I suggest you delve into some youtube tutorials first, before attempting to use this pack.

By using this pack, you seemlessly integrate it as an existing outside source/dependency into your own project.

If you are working on a project that would heavily depend upon Lucy assets, feel free to unload all the content from

inside the workshop folder into your main folder, it will overwrite nothing!

Path to the mod files are in:

- Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\57300\3126000385

NOTE: The asset pack dependency setup ONLY works for:

- Total Conversion / Full Conversion mods being able to browse outside resources (no regular custom stories sadly, but check the bottom of the page)
- You need to own a Steam version of the game that is automatically updated to 1.5 patch, and you download the assets from the Workshop. This is advised, but not the only one supported!

Releasing a Mod:

Let's say you got the assets working, and you have a working mod, ready to be released or tested. So how do you release it?

I recommend browsing through this page to understand the update and how to set up a TC mod with 1.5 update beforehand: https://wiki.frictionalgames.com/page/HPL2/1.5_Update

- First, your resources must contain this line on top: 

 <Directory Path="../3126000385" AddSubDirs="true" />
 This is the relative path to the workshop downloads folder, and the online ID of the Amadeus asset pack itself. This is ALWAYS THE SAME.
 - Second, you need to add a dependency to your own mod's assets:
 Before you can do this, you need to upload your mod through the WorkshopUploader exe. This nets you an online ID for your mod itself. It should look something like this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3123452472
 That id part "?id=3123452472" is what you need. The mod's ID in this case is: "3123452472".
 Put this ID with a relative path the same way you did with the asset pack's, on the very top above it.
 So with our example it looks like this:
   <Directory Path="../3123452472" AddSubDirs="true" />
 So if you have both of these relative paths on top of resources, and you upload this small update to your mod, the assets and the mod should now work perfectly, and ready to be set to Public. IMPORTANT, that the Workshop always resets your mod's description on each update, make sure to BACK IT UP before you reupload!
 - Third and final step, on the Workshop release add the Asset pack (easiest from your Subscribed Items) in the "Add/Remove Required Items" section, so the player is aware of its necessity!

If you only want to create a simple custom story, this pack might still help you!

- You should ignore most of the jargon above, and just take what you need from the pack, and include them in your own mod's files like you would do originally. I still recommend using this pack over grabbing the assets yourself from Lucy, as it's more organized here. But be sure TO COPY EVERY NEEDED FILE MANUALLY in this case!

A custom asset usually needs these files to work, so be sure to check if you have all for every singular asset you copy:

- .ent - the entity itself if the asset has any, this includes any in game interaction
- .dae / .fbx - the static model file. Animated models usually have an "animations" folder with more files inside that you might wanna grab for it to work well.
- .msh - is a generated file by the engine, you can grab it but not necessary
- .mat - the material file (you can open with notepad to check for all the texture files needed)
- "example.dds", "example_nrm.dds", "example_spec.dds" are the texture "layers" usually included in a model's material, each have unique filenames, but this is usually the format baseline. You might want to check the .mat if there is more or some are not needed.

Note that some models use multiple materials (and assigned textures). You can try opening the .dae file with notepad/notepad++ and search for a section called
"<init_from>" to see which material/materials to look for. For FBX files, I recommend using a Hex editor (search for "material") or a modelling program such as Blender or Maya to find this reference.

For more detailed information on workshop asset packs

Visit the original AMFP asset pack page by KiraImmortal for the complete explanation and showcase based on the asset pack itself:
