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These trigger flashbacks when the player collides with them. Shows a white flash on the screen when a flashback starts and ends. When a flashback is active, radial blur is applied and the player's movement speed is slowed down (60% by default). These properties are defined in the Player_General section of game.cfg. Additionally, darkness sanity drain is disabled, the lantern does not use oil, and enemies ignore the player when a flashback is active.
These trigger flashbacks when the player collides with them. Shows a white flash on the screen when a flashback starts and ends. When a flashback is active, radial blur is applied and the player's movement speed is slowed down (60% by default). These properties are defined in the [[HPL2/game.cfg#Player_General|Player_General]] section of game.cfg. Additionally, darkness sanity drain is disabled, the lantern does not use oil, and enemies ignore the player when a flashback is active.
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Gives minor damage to the player when they collide with it. Used for the Guardian/Shadow flesh damage. Collision is only checked for at randomized intervals: 2 to 5 seconds by default. This value is re-rolled each time the interval ends, so the player only receives damage if they're colliding with the area on one of those intervals.
Gives minor damage to the player when they collide with it. Used for the Guardian/Shadow flesh damage. Collision is only checked for at randomized intervals: 2 to 5 seconds by default. This value is re-rolled each time the interval ends, so the player only receives damage if they're colliding with the area on one of those intervals.
As of version 1.5, multiple slime types can be used, defined in game.cfg. It specifies the sounds and particles played, range of damage dealt, and amount of screen shake applied.
As of version 1.5, multiple slime types can be used, defined in the [[HPL2/game.cfg#Slime|Slime]] section of game.cfg. It specifies the sounds and particles played, range of damage dealt, and amount of screen shake applied.
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Displays a message on screen when interacted with by the player, similar to the <code>SetMessage</code> script function. Supposed to display a different message if the player's sanity is below a threshold defined in game.cfg (default 50), yet this doesn't work due to the game reading the MaxExamineSanity value from Player_Interaction when it's actually under Insanity. This can be worked around by moving the property to Player_Interaction.
Displays a message on screen when interacted with by the player, similar to the <code>SetMessage</code> script function. Supposed to display a different message if the player's sanity is below a threshold defined in game.cfg (default 50), yet this doesn't work due to the game reading the MaxExamineSanity value from [[HPL2/game.cfg#Player_Interaction|Player_Interaction]] when it's actually under [[HPL2/game.cfg#Insanity|Insanity]]. This can be worked around by moving the property to Player_Interaction.
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Plays a random insanity event when the player collides with it, if their sanity doesn't exceed the value of MaxSanity_LongWait in the Insanity section of game.cfg (default 65). Each individual event has a MaxSanity value, above which the event cannot occur. There is a wait time between events, the exact amount depending on the player's current sanity, configured in the Insanity section of game.cfg. Insanity events do not repeat until all events have been played. See [[HPL2/TDD/main sanity events.cfg|main_sanity_events.cfg]] for more information on insanity events and their properties.
Plays a random insanity event when the player collides with it, if their sanity doesn't exceed the value of MaxSanity_LongWait in the [[HPL2/game.cfg#Insanity|Insanity]] section of game.cfg (default 65). Each individual event has a MaxSanity value, above which the event cannot occur. There is a wait time between events, the exact amount depending on the player's current sanity, configured in the Insanity section of game.cfg. Insanity events do not repeat until all events have been played. See [[HPL2/TDD/main sanity events.cfg|main_sanity_events.cfg]] for more information on insanity events and their properties.
Similar to SlimeDamage areas, Insanity areas check for collision at random intervals. This is determined by the InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin and InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax properties in the Insanity section of game.cfg (default 1 to 15 seconds).
Similar to SlimeDamage areas, Insanity areas check for collision at random intervals. This is determined by the InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin and InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax properties in the Insanity section of game.cfg (default 1 to 15 seconds).
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Used for enemy navigation and patrolling around the map. They can guide the enemies so they can avoid obstacles, climb stairs and over objects, do not get stuck on walls or corners, and can wander around more freely. See [[HPL2/TDD/Entities/Enemies|Enemies]].
Used for enemy navigation and patrolling around the map. They can guide the enemies so they can avoid obstacles, climb stairs and over objects, not get stuck on walls or corners, and can wander around more freely. See [[HPL2/TDD/Entities/Enemies|Enemies]].
Defines a location where the player may spawn, either at the start of the level or at a checkpoint after dying. Note: The player spawns looking in the direction of the blue arrow (positive Z), with their feet level at the area's center.
Defines a location where the player may spawn, either at the start of the level or at a checkpoint after dying. Note: The player spawns looking in the direction of the blue arrow (positive Z), with their feet level at the area's center.
Also used as a teleport destination by the <code>TeleportPlayer</code> script function and as a camera position for menu background maps. When used as a camera position, the camera faces the ''opposite'' direction of the blue arrow (negative Z).
Also used as a teleport destination by the <code>TeleportPlayer</code> script function and as a camera position (when named "CameraPos") for menu background maps. When used as a camera position, the camera faces the ''opposite'' direction of the blue arrow (negative Z).

Latest revision as of 23:44, 13 January 2025

This page lists the different types of areas available in Amnesia – The Dark Descent and what they do. Area types are defined in the file editor/AreaTypes.cfg.


Script areas are used for a variety of purposes in conjunction with scripting, like detecting collisions or spawning particle systems and entities. See Script Areas.

Name Type Default Description
PlayerLookAtCallback String Callback called when player looks at entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity, int alState) alState: 1=looking, -1=stopped looking
PlayerLookAtCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should look at callback be removed when entity is looked at and callback is called.
PlayerInteractCallback String Callback called when player interacts with entity. Syntax: void Func(string &in asEntity)
PlayerInteractCallbackAutoRemove Bool false Should interact callback be removed when entity is interacted with and callback called.
ItemInteraction Bool false Set true if an item is used on this area.
MaxFocusDistance Float -1 The max focus distance. If -1 then default (from game.cfg) is used.


This is used in combination with Rope areas, to show where the rope ends.


These trigger flashbacks when the player collides with them. Shows a white flash on the screen when a flashback starts and ends. When a flashback is active, radial blur is applied and the player's movement speed is slowed down (60% by default). These properties are defined in the Player_General section of game.cfg. Additionally, darkness sanity drain is disabled, the lantern does not use oil, and enemies ignore the player when a flashback is active.

Name Type Default Description
FlashbackFile File (.flash) The flashback file played when player enters area. Flashbacks should be "flashbacks" folder.
Callback String Callback that runs when flashback is over. Syntax: MyFunc()


Displays text when the player looks at it. Note: Interactions cannot pass through.

Name Type Default Description
TextCat String Text lang category.
TextEntry String Text lang entry.


Gives minor damage to the player when they collide with it. Used for the Guardian/Shadow flesh damage. Collision is only checked for at randomized intervals: 2 to 5 seconds by default. This value is re-rolled each time the interval ends, so the player only receives damage if they're colliding with the area on one of those intervals.

As of version 1.5, multiple slime types can be used, defined in the Slime section of game.cfg. It specifies the sounds and particles played, range of damage dealt, and amount of screen shake applied.

Name Type Default Description
mlSlimeType Int 0 Determines attack properties. See game.cfg for the different proper values.
MinCheckAttackTime Float 2 The min time between check to attack.
MaxCheckAttackTime Float 5 The max time between check to attack.
DisableAfterAttack Bool false If area should be disabled after an attack on player.
Callback String Called when attacking player. Syntax: MyFunc(string &in asArea)


Displays a message on screen when interacted with by the player, similar to the SetMessage script function. Supposed to display a different message if the player's sanity is below a threshold defined in game.cfg (default 50), yet this doesn't work due to the game reading the MaxExamineSanity value from Player_Interaction when it's actually under Insanity. This can be worked around by moving the property to Player_Interaction.

Name Type Default Description
DescCat String Normal description lang category. Leave empty for no description
DescEntry String Normal description entry.
DescInsaneCat String Insane description lang category. If empty normal is used.
DescInsaneEntry String Insane description lang entry.
Sound File (.snt) Normal sound played.
InsaneSound File (.snt) Insane sound played. If empty, normal sound is played.


Plays a random insanity event when the player collides with it, if their sanity doesn't exceed the value of MaxSanity_LongWait in the Insanity section of game.cfg (default 65). Each individual event has a MaxSanity value, above which the event cannot occur. There is a wait time between events, the exact amount depending on the player's current sanity, configured in the Insanity section of game.cfg. Insanity events do not repeat until all events have been played. See main_sanity_events.cfg for more information on insanity events and their properties.

Similar to SlimeDamage areas, Insanity areas check for collision at random intervals. This is determined by the InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin and InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax properties in the Insanity section of game.cfg (default 1 to 15 seconds).

Name Type Default Description
AutoDisable Bool false If the area is disabled once effect is triggered.


Defines an area that is considered a climbable ladder. Note: This is not the visible ladder that the player will see, just the area that lets them climb. This area should be placed a bit away from the ladder model.

Name Type Default Description
Material String metal The type of sounds the player will make climbing the ladder
Can be "metal", "wood", or "rope".


Defines an area that is considered water. Produces splash particles and sounds when the player, objects, and enemies are colliding with it. Slows down the player and affects the movement of objects; lighter objects will float and bob. Note: It is not visible in-game, and is usually accompanied by a no-collision plane with a water texture.

Name Type Default Description
Density Float 100 Density of the water. The higher the heavier things float.
LinearViscosity Float 0.1 The higher, the more slowed down things will be in linear transformations (changing position)
AngularViscosity Float 0.1 The higher, the more slowed down things will be in angular transformations (changing rotation)
HasWaves Bool true If object will go up and down in a wavelike manner.
WaveAmp Float 0.04 Height of waves.
WaveFreq Float 3 How fast the waves will go up and down.
PlayerSpeedMul Float 0.8 Player speed is multiplied by this when in water.
MaxWaveDistance Float 25 Max distance from player that objects get waves. This is an optimization thingie.
PhysicsMaterial String Water Material of water.
Can be the name of any material defined in materials.cfg.


Used to make entities "stick" to something. When an entity collides with this area, it will snap to it. The behavior can be configured. Example of Sticky areas in The Dark Descent include the Machine Room cogwheels and the Control Room pipe wall.

Name Type Default Description
MoveBody Bool true If body is moved into position when placed
Moves the object so that the center of its body matches the area's center.
RotateBody Bool true If body is rotated according to area.
Rotates the object so that its rotation matches the area's rotation.
CheckCenterInArea Bool true If body center must be in area for it to be attached.
CanDetach Bool true If the body can be detached.
PoseTime Float 1 The time it takes to get moved and rotated into postion.
AttachableBodyName String If not empty then this determines if a body can be attached or not. If the string exists in a body name, then it is attached.
A body name of an entity is EntityName_BodyName. Because of this, using a partial entity name will allow all entities with that string in their name to be attached.
AttachFunction String Called on attach. Call AllowStickyAreaAttachment with if attachment should work (if AttachableBodyName succeeded then no need to call) ! Syntax: void Func(string &in asStickyArea, string &in asBodyName)
DetachFunction String Called on detach. Syntax: void Func(string &in asStickyArea, string &in asBodyName)
AttachSound File (.snt) Sound played when attaching body.
DetachSound File (.snt) Sound played when detaching body.
AttachPS File (.ps) Particles created when attaching body.
DetachPS File (.ps) Particles created when detaching body.


Defines a rope. See Rope.

Name Type Default Description
EndPosNode String A PosNode area that sets the end of the rope
StartBody String The body at the start of the rope. Game first looks for Body with name, and then for entity. Can be empty
EndBody String The body at the end of the rope. Game first looks for Body with name, and then for entity. Can be empty
MinTotalLength Float 0.5 The minimum length of the rope.
MaxTotalLength Float 10 The maximum length of the rope.
AutoMove Bool false If the rope automoves.
AutoMoveAcc Float 5 Acceleration of automovement.
AutoMoveMaxSpeed Float 3 The maximum speed for automovement.
RopeFile File (.rope) If set, it overrides all of the settings below.
SegmentLength Float 0.3 Length of each segment.
Damping Float 0.1 The amount of air resistance. The higher the faster it slows down
Strength Float 200 How much the rope pulls on the connected bodies
Stiffness Float 3 How much slacking is allowed in the rope. The higher the less slacking.
Material File (.mat) textures/ropes/default.mat The material used
Radius Float 0.025 Radius of each segment
LengthTileAmount Float 1 How many times each material is tiled in a segment
LengthTileSize Float 0.5 Only used if SegmentLength=0. The length (in m) where material repeats.
Sound File (.snt) Sound played when moving
SoundStartSpeed Float 0.49 Speed when sound starts playing.
SoundStopSpeed Float 0.45 Speed when sound stops playing.


Used for enemy navigation and patrolling around the map. They can guide the enemies so they can avoid obstacles, climb stairs and over objects, not get stuck on walls or corners, and can wander around more freely. See Enemies.


Defines a location where the player may spawn, either at the start of the level or at a checkpoint after dying. Note: The player spawns looking in the direction of the blue arrow (positive Z), with their feet level at the area's center.

Also used as a teleport destination by the TeleportPlayer script function and as a camera position (when named "CameraPos") for menu background maps. When used as a camera position, the camera faces the opposite direction of the blue arrow (negative Z).