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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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These settings are usable in all entities, there might be some that only work for a certain type or some that work against each other. Overall should be no problem and nothing to risk by trial and error.
These settings are usable in all entities, there might be some that only work for a certain type or some that work against each other. Overall should be no problem and nothing to risk by trial and error.
{| class="wikitable sortable" border=1
{| class="wikitable" border=1
!Name                !!Type      !!Default !!Description  
!Name                !!Type      !!Default !!Description  
| '''InteractMode'''      || ''String''  || Static  || Different modes for when you interact with the object, [[#additional specific information || see below for details]]. "Static", "Grab", "Move", "Push".
| '''InteractMode'''      || ''String''  || Static  || Different modes for when you interact with the object, additional specific information see below for details. "Static", "Grab", "Move", "Push".
| '''ForwardUpMul'''      || ''Float''  || 1        || MoveMode: Multiplied to the forward/backward force when moving the mouse up/down.
| '''ForwardUpMul'''      || ''Float''  || 1        || MoveMode: Multiplied to the forward/backward force when moving the mouse up/down.
Line 503: Line 503:
| '''GrabMassMul'''      || ''Float''  || 1        || GrabMode: Multiplied to the force applied to the object.
| '''GrabMassMul'''      || ''Float''  || 1        || GrabMode: Multiplied to the force applied to the object.
| '''MaxInteractDist'''  || ''Float''  || [[#additional specific information || Depends]] || The maximum length at which the object can be interacted with.
| '''MaxInteractDist'''  || ''Float''  || additional specific information Depends  || The maximum length at which the object can be interacted with.
| '''PauseControllers'''  || ''Bool''    ||          || MoveMode: Should controllers be paused when interacting.
| '''PauseControllers'''  || ''Bool''    ||          || MoveMode: Should controllers be paused when interacting.
Line 567: Line 567:
===== Additional specific information =====
===== Additional specific information =====
{| class="wikitable sortable" border=1
{| class="wikitable" border=1
!Interact Modes !!Description  
!Interact Modes !!Description  
Line 579: Line 579:
{| class="wikitable sortable" border=1
{| class="wikitable" border=1
Line 591: Line 591:
<br />
<br />
==== 6.3.2 Type Lamp ====
==== 6.3.2 Type Lamp ====
Line 672: Line 671:
Door is an old entity type that was added even before the tech demo. It's a door that uses animations to open and close, and when closed it can block portals making it a good optimization tool in crowded areas.
Door is an old entity type that was added even before the tech demo. It's a door that uses animations to open and close, and when closed it can block portals making it a good optimization tool in crowded areas.
The Door entity needs 4 animations named: Opening, Open, Closing and Closed. It's an opening animation, the static open look, the closing animation and the static closed door. See [[hpl1:documentation:content.creation.document.chap2#animations|Chapter 2.2]] for mor details on animations.
The Door entity needs 4 animations named: Opening, Open, Closing and Closed. It's an opening animation, the static open look, the closing animation and the static closed door. See [[HPL1/Content_Creation_Chapter_2#2.2_Animations|Chapter 2.2]] for more details on animations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="c++">
<syntaxhighlight lang="c++">
Line 712: Line 711:
<br />
<br />
==== 6.3.5 Type DoorPanel ====
==== 6.3.5 Type DoorPanel ====
Line 1,529: Line 1,527:
| '''DescEntry'''        || ''String''  || " "      || Translation Entry for description.
| '''DescEntry'''        || ''String''  || " "      || Translation Entry for description.
| '''ItemType'''          || ''String''  || "Normal" || Type of Item, [[#different types of items || see below for possible values]].
| '''ItemType'''          || ''String''  || "Normal" || Type of Item, different types of items see below for possible values.
| '''HasCount'''          || ''Bool''    || False    || If the item has a count, ie it only takes up one slot.
| '''HasCount'''          || ''Bool''    || False    || If the item has a count, ie it only takes up one slot.

Latest revision as of 09:49, 31 March 2023

6 Entity files

6.1 Intro

Entity files are XML files and before editing them it is suggested to read some quick tutorial on XML files. Only very basic XML understanding is needed to edit these files.

The files are divided into different sections, some sections are in all entity files and some are only present in certain entity types.

Make sure that the language is set to XML in Notepad++ when editing the Entity files.

The following values are used, note that all types have "" around the value:

String A string of letters. "MyName"
Float A decimal number. "1.04"
Integer A number without decimals "-15"
Vector Three numbers in a row separated by space and/or commas: "1, 1, 1".

6.1.1 Entity Types

Several different entity types have been created to simplify the creation of often used objects such as doors, lights and buttons. Much of the special entity functionality can be scripted in the .hps file for a level, but using special entities you can easily make an entity that can be imported to a level and have full functionality from the start. These entity types have extra settings mainly set in the <GAME/> section of the entity files. The specific settings for each entity type is described in Chapter 6.3.

Types are edited as described in Chapter 6.2.1.

The following entity types are available:

Type Subtype
Object Normal Regular objects with no specific function. Examples: Wooden box, rock
Enemy "EnemyName" Enemy entities, these have a very extended <GAME/> section. "EnemyName" = Worm, Dog, Spider. This entity type is somewhat limited as to what sort of enemies have been in Penumbra.
SwingDoor Normal Doors and objects with door like features. Examples: All regular doors that swing open, can also be used with success to create coffins, cupboards etc. A SwingDoor is easy to lock, unlock, make it breakable etc
Item Normal Item is an entity type that will be added to the players inventory. Normal is used for all regular items like keys, puzzle items and such. Basically an item that you want to be added to the inventory and that the player can then combine with another item, use on an item or some other basic item usage.
Item Battery Item is an entity type that will be added to the players inventory. Battery is added to the energy meter.
Item Dynamite Item is an entity type that will be added to the players inventory. Dynamite is is for... an object that will be thrown, explode and inflict damage.
Item Health Item is an entity type that will be added to the players inventory. Health is an item that can be "eaten".
Item Flare Item is an entity type that will be added to the players inventory. Flare is an item that will be active in the players hand for a certain amount as configured in config/game.cfg.
Door Normal A door entity that contains animations, not used in the Tech Demo/Overture but is there and functional. Examples: Star Trek doors that slide open etc...
DoorPanel Normal A panel entity that is easily connectable to Door, enabling interacting with the panel to open/close door.
Lamp Normal Item is an entity type for creating an object with an easy to control light source. Examples: desk lamp, ceiling light, control panel with lights, a machine with lights.
Button Normal An entity that will easily control other entities. Examples: switch to turn on/off ceiling lights.
Lever Normal An entity that is a lever and as such can easily trigger events when pulled, can also be locked and unlocked.
Wheel Normal Not done, an entity that can be rotated several times and easily read out and trigger events based on that.

6.2 General sections

The following sections are present in most entity files used and are part of engine standards. Some extra options will also be mentioned that are not apart of the standard and game specific.

6.2.1 Main

This section exist in all entity files.

Name The name of the entity type. String.
Type The root type that is entity is. String.
Subtype This is a subtype of the root type. For example the enemy type. String.

6.2.2 Physics

This section deals with the physical properties of an entity. For entities that have joints there are several versions of this section. One for each body connected with joints.

SubName When entities with joints are used this is the name of the body. This should be the SHAPE name and not the node name! (i.e. pCube1Shape and not pCube1). String.
CollideCharacter If the body collides with character bodies. Boolean.
Collides If the entity colldies with the world. Boolean.
HasPhysics If the physics are to be simulated. Boolean.
StaticMeshCollider If a submesh should be used as a collider, mass must be 0. Boolean.
ColliderMesh The name of the submesh used for StaticMeshCollider. This should be the SHAPE name and not the node name! (i.e. pCube1Shape and not pCube1). String.
Material The name of the material used. String.
Mass The mass of the body in kg. Float.
InertiaScale Scale the inertia of the object (this is how easy it rotates). Should be “1 1 1” in most cases. Vector.
AngularDamping Damping can be described has air friction. 1 is max friction and 0 is no fricton at all. Anglular means that this is the friction on the spinning motion of the entity, the more friction that faster it will stop spinning. Valid values are 0.0001 – 1.0, normally "0.1" is used. Float.
LinearDamping The same as Angular damping but on the movement instead of spinning motion. The more friction the faster the entity will stop moving. Float.
BlocksSound This body will make sound lower if the camera is behind it. Boolean.
HasGravity If the body has gravity or not. Boolean.
MaxLinearSpeed The maxium linear (up,down, right, left, etc) speed in m/s the body can have. 0 = unlimited speed. Float.
MaxAngularSpeed The maxium angular (rotation) speed in m/s the body can have. 0 = unlimited speed. Float.
ContinuousCollision If the body should use continuous collison detection or not. This is good for small bodies (or larger bodies that has one or many small colliders) that would easily stick or tunnel other bodies. It is also good for high speed bodies. Boolean.
PushedByCharacterGravity If the body will be affected when a characters stands on top. Boolean.
PauseGravity If gravity should be removed during interaction. Boolean.
AutoDisableLinearThreshold Square of the min linear speed before body is disabled. Default 0.1 Float.
AutoDisableAngularThreshold Square of the min angular speed before body is disabled. Default 0.1 Float.
AutoDisableNumSteps Min steps of required speeds before the body is disabled. Default 10 Int.
Volatile If a body might disappear or for some reason leave the way open for AI. Only needed on mass 0. Default false Boolean.
CanAttachCharacter If a character standing on the body will be attached. For example if you have a moving platform and want the character to move with it as it moves. Default false Boolean.

6.2.3 Graphics

This section set the graphical appearance of the entities.

ModelFile The name of the model file. No extension needed. String.
CastShadows Sets if the entity casts shadows or not. Boolean.
AnimationLoop If the start animation should be looped or not. Boolean.
AnimationRandStart If the start animation should start at a random location, false starts always at 0 and true starts randomly between 0 and length of animation. Boolean.

6.2.4 Submesh

A submesh section is created for each submesh in the mesh.

Name Name of the geometry for the submesh. String.
MaterialFile Sets a new material for the submesh. If not the defined the one in the model is used. String.

6.2.5 Attach Billboards

The section contains info on how to attach billboards to lights, the styntax is as follows:

	<Pair Light="rampspot1" Billboard="rampbb1" >
	[more pairs]
Light The name of the light to add the billboard to.
Billboard The name of the billboard to be added.

6.2.6 Animation

The animation is used to give an object more than one animation. The model file defined by ModelFile in Graphics will be the main file (for more information, see 2.2). The syntax is the following for adding animations:

	<Animation [properties]>

The properties for each animation field are the following:

File The model file that contains the animation. String.
Name The name the animation will have ingame. String.
Speed The speed of the animation in percent /100. 1 = normal speed, 0.5 = half speed, 2 = double speed. Float.
SpecialEventTime Generic variable that is game dependant. Should signify some event happening in the animation Float.


ModelFile = “test.dae”

Test.dae will be the main file, it is in this file colliders and such must be.

	<Animation File=”test_run.dae” Name=”Run” Speed=”1”>
	<Animation File=”test_jump.dae” Name=”Jump” Speed=”1”>

This will add the animations “test_run.dae” and “test_jump.dae” and will name them “Run” and “Jump” in game. These files should not have colliders and such.

It's also possible to add events to an animation. Currently it's only used to add in sounds for an animation. See below example.

	<Animation File=”test_run.dae” Name=”Run” Speed=”1” >
          <Event Time="0.1" Type="PlaySound" Value="name_of_snt_file"/>

The properties for each event field are the following:

Time At what time in the animation to do the event. String.
Type What type, currently on PlaySound is available. String.
Value The name of the file to use for the event, for PlaySound that is what sound entity file to use. String.

6.2.7 Joint

Name This is the name of the joint and is the same as the name parameter. If the joint is like this:
Then “MyJoint” is the name to use. String.
MinValue Min limit value for joint, depends on joint type and overrides previous value if defined. Integer.
MaxValue Max limit value for joint, depends on joint type and overrides previous value if define. Integer.
MaxLimit_Sound The sound played when reaching the max limit. String.
MaxLimit_MinSpeed The minimum speed for the sound to be played. Float.
MaxLimit_MaxSpeed At this speed the sounds stops getting louder. Float.
MinLimit_Sound The sound played when reaching the min limit. String.
MinLimit_MinSpeed The minimum speed for the sound to be played. Float.
MinLimit_MaxSpeed At this speed the sounds stops getting louder.Float.
MoveSound The sound played when the joint objects are moving. String.
MoveType The type of movement that the speed will be determined from, this can be “Linear” or “Angular”. This is up/down/left/etc movement and rotation respectively. String.
MinMoveSpeed The minimum speed in m/s at which sound is heard. Valid values are 0 – infinity. Float.
MinMoveFreq The lowest frequency played from the sound. Valid values are 0 – infinity. Float.
MinMoveVolume The lowest volume played. . Valid values are 0 – 1. Float.
MinMoveFreqSpeed The speed (and below) at which MinMoveFreq and MinMoveVolume is played. 0 – infinity. Float.
MaxMoveFreq The highest frequency played from the sound. Valid values are 0 – infinity. Float.
MaxMoveVolume The loudest volume played. . Valid values are 0 – 1. Float.
MaxMoveFreqSpeed The speed (and above) at which MaxMoveFreq and MaxMoveVolume is played. 0 – infinity. Float.
MiddleMoveSpeed The Speed at which frequency is 1 and MiddleMoveVolume. Float.
MiddleMoveVolume The middle volume. Float.
Breakable If the joint should break if enough force is applied to it. Boolean.
BreakForce The minimum force for the joint to break. 0 – inf. Float.
BreakSound The sound played when the joint breaks. String.
LimitAutoSleep If there should be extra autosleep at limits. Boolean.
LimitAutoSleepDist The distance at which the sleep occurs. 0 – inf. Float.
LimitAutoSleepNumSteps The number of steps need for the sleep to start. 0 – inf. Int.
StickyMaxDistance The distance from max limit that the body is stopped. 0 = disabled. (this is in radians for hinge). Float.
StickyMinDistance The distance from min limit that the body is stopped. 0 = disabled. (this is in radians for hinge). Float.

6.2.8 Joint Controller

The Joint may also contain one or more Controllers. Controllers are used for controlling a body in some way. This maybe used to keep the body at a certain orientation or at a certain speed. This can simulate things like spinning fans and levers that go back to a certain position when released.

A demo of a Pid controller can be found in the Pid Demo folder.

Note that only the child body of the joint is affected by the controller, not the parent.

A controller is defined like this:


And resides inside the joint tag, like:

	<Controller />
<Controller />
	[continues for as many controllers are needed]

At its basics a controller is a machine that gets an input and generates an output. The input could be the distance from a goal and the output could be a speed. This would create a controller that lowers the speed of an object as it gets closer to its goal. To control the amount of speed at a certain distance some constants are used. In most cases these the will make the relationship between input and output vary in a linear fashion, i.e. at half the distance the speed is at 50%, at 1/4th the distance 25% and so on.

There are two types of controllers. “Spring” and “Pid” these work in about the same way but can produce very different results.

This is probably the easiest type to understand. It is controlled by the formula:
Output = (DesiredValue – Input) * k – Input * b
The first part of the equation is used to control the output needed to reach the desired value. As you see the higher difference between desired value and input (called error) the higher output. The second part of the equation is used to make the output smaller if input gets too large. For example at a long distance you don’t want have too large speed. (Normally the same input is not used for the first and second part, but this is a simplified spring.)

A Pid is a little harder to describe than a spring. It consists of 3 constants; p, i and d. These are part of an equation but is better to explain what the 3 constants do instead of describing the equation used.

p This is the proportional constant and works exactly like the first part of the spring formula. The higher it is, the higher the output generated will be. This has most influence over the generated output.
i This is the integral term and can be said to be a memory of the previous errors. The greater the previous errors have been the greater affect this will have on the output. This is good to use if the input/output gets in a steady state (the output makes no change on the input) often, this state will make the old errors the same and thus it will increase the output by this term.
d This is the derivative term and it is change in error. The term normally work negative on the output and is used to dampen the output when it is closing in too fast. The result will be that the desired valued is not over shot but instead reached in a smooth matter. The higher the term the more negative impact on the output when the error difference gets lower. This term will also give an extra boost to the output if the error difference gets higher (input gets further away from the desired value).

The properties are as follows:

Name The name of the controller. String.
Active If the controller is active or not. Boolean.
Type The type of the controller. “Pid” or “Spring”.
A p-term for Pid and k term for Spring. Float.
B i-term for Pid and b term for Spring. Float.
C d-term for Pid and not used in springs. Float.
IntegralSize The number of errors saved for the integral term. 1 – inf. Integer.
Input The type of input. "JointAngle", "JointDist","LinearSpeed" or "AngularSpeed".
InputAxis The axis of the input (use “X” joint inputs). “X”,”Y” or “Z”.
DestValue The desired value for input. Float.
Output The output type. “Force” or “Torque”. (Torque is for rotation.)
OutputAxis The axis of the output. “X”,”Y” or “Z”.
MaxOutput The maximum output. 0 – infinity. 0 equals infinity (no upper limit). Float.
MulMassWithOutput If the output should be multiplied with the body’s mass before being used. Boolean.

This defines what is the end of the controller. When this happens the motor will become non active and another controller (if specified) will be active instead. This can be “Null”, “OnMax”, “OnMin” or “OnDest”.
Null: No end.
OnMax: The max limit of the joint is reached.
OnMin: The min limit of the joint is reached.
OnDest: DestValue is reached.

NextController The controller that will be activated when the end (specified in EndType) of this controller is reached.
LogInfo If the controller should write debug info to the log, default is false. Boolean.

6.2.9 Light

The light section can be used to change the properties to lights in a model, if section not present the values from the model will be used.

	Name = "pointLight1"
Name The name of the light to change values for. String.
CastShadows Should the light cast a shadow or not. Boolean.
Attenuation The size of the light in meters. Float.
Color The color of the light, "R G B A". Vector4.
FOV How quickly the radius of the light increases, as degree. Only for spotlights. Float.
Aspect The difference between width and height increase set by the FOV, example: Aspect 1.5 for FOV 90 gives width=135 and height=90. Only for spotlights. Float.

6.3 Game Section

The game section of an entity file is the section that contains the most interesting properties, is in this section where the different types have all their specific settings.

The game section is defined like this:

          InteractMode = Static
          [...] Other settings

In it you add all the specifics for the different entity types as well as the standard features that are present in most entities. All settings are written Setting = "The Value", it uses " " regardless of int, float, string, boolean.

6.3.1 Game Section General

These settings are usable in all entities, there might be some that only work for a certain type or some that work against each other. Overall should be no problem and nothing to risk by trial and error.

Name Type Default Description
InteractMode String Static Different modes for when you interact with the object, additional specific information see below for details. "Static", "Grab", "Move", "Push".
ForwardUpMul Float 1 MoveMode: Multiplied to the forward/backward force when moving the mouse up/down.
UpMul Float 1 MoveMode: Multiplied to the up/down force when moving the mouse up/down.
RightMul Float 1 MoveMode: Multiplied to the right/left force when moving the mouse right/left.
PickAtPoint Bool False GrabMode: Should the object be picked that point the mouse is.
RotateWithPlayer Bool True GrabMode: Should the object rotate along with the player.
UseNormalMass Bool False GrabMode: Should the object's normal mass be used.
GrabMassMul Float 1 GrabMode: Multiplied to the force applied to the object.
MaxInteractDist Float additional specific information Depends The maximum length at which the object can be interacted with.
PauseControllers Bool MoveMode: Should controllers be paused when interacting.
DamageCharacter Bool False Should the characters take damage from the object.
MinLinearDamageSpeed Float 0 Minimum linear speed at which damage is dealt.
MinAngularDamageSpeed Float 0 Minimum angular speed at which damage is dealt.
MaxLinearDamageSpeed Float 0 Maximum linear speed at which damage stops getting higher.
MaxAngularDamageSpeed Float 0 Maximum angular speed at which damage stops getting higher.
MinDamage Float 0 Damage dealt at minium speed.
MaxDamage Float 0 Damage dealt at maximum speed.
DamageStrength ??? ??? ???.
Destroyable Bool false If enemies can destroy all joints conneced to the body.
Toughness Int 0 Thoughness of entity.
DestroyStrength Float 0 Mimimum strength of the enemy to destroy the body.
DestroySound String "" The sounds played when the object is destroyed.
LightFlash Bool "" If a ligth flash should be displayed on destruction.
LightFlash_Color Color "R G B A" Color of flash.
LightFlash_Radius Float 0 Radius of flash.
LightFlash_AddTime Float 0 The time it takes for falsh to expand.
LightFlash_NegTime Float 0 The time it takes for falsh to contract.
LightFlash_Offset Vector3 0 The offset from the object position.
CanBeThrown Bool True Sets if an object can be thrown.
AttractEnemies Bool False If the object will attract enemies to it.
AttractDistance Float 0 The distance at which the attraction works.
AttractSubtypes String Vector " " A string vec of the subtypes of enemies that are attraced. ie: "Dog Spider".
AttractIsEaten Bool False If the object is eaten once reached by the enemy.
AttractEatLength Float 0 The time it takes for the object to be eaten.
CanBePulled Bool True If an object with InteractMode Push can be pulled as well.
ForceLightOffset Bool False If light should have an extra offset in absolute world coords.
LightOffset Vector3 0 0 0 Extra light offest.
DisappearMinCloseDist Float 0 When below this distance to another eneity of the same type, disappera instantly. 0 = off. Additional specific information
Interact Modes Description
Static Nothing happens when you interact, example: ceiling light, large machine run by control panel.
Grab Used to grab and move around objects, exampel: small rocks, bottles.
Move Used to interact and move objects. These should be stuck onto something, example: a furniture door.
Push Used to push around larger objects, example: crates, barrels.
MaxInteractDist Description
Grab Default value: 1.5.
Move Default value: 1.4.
Push Default value: 1.5.

6.3.2 Type Lamp

Name Type Default Description
InteractDist Float ??? Max distance you can interact with the lamp.
TurnOnTime Float 1 Time for fade when turning on.
TurnOffTime Float 1 Time for fade when turning off.
InteractOff Bool ??? If you can interact to turn off.
InteractOn Bool ??? If you can interact to turn on.
TurnOnSound String " " Sound played when turning on.
TurnOffSound String " " Sound played when turning off.
OnItem String " " Item used to turn on, if " " then normal interaction works.
OffItem String " " Item used to turn off, if " " then normal interaction works.
OffMaterial String " " Material used when off.
OffSubMesh Float " " Sub mesh to change material on when off.
OffColor Vector "R G B A" The color of the light when off, 0 0 0 = black.
Flickering Bool False Flickering active or not see the following options.
FlickerOffSound String " " The sound to play when flickering off.
FlickerOnSound String " " The sound to play when flickering on.
FlickerOffPS String " " The particle effect to use when flickering off.
FlickerOnPS String " " The particle effect to use when flickering on.
FlickerOnMinLength Float ??? Minimum time the light will be on.
FlickerOnMaxLength Float ??? Maximum time the light will be on.
FlickerOffMinLength Float ??? Minimum time the light will be off.
FlickerOffMaxLength Float ??? Maximum time the light will be off.
FlickerOffColor Vector "R G B A" The color of the light when off, 0 0 0 = black.
FlickerOffRadius Float ??? The radius of the light when off during a flicker.
FlickerFade Bool False If it should fade between on and off.
FlickerOnFadeLength Float ??? How long the fade should be when going to on.
FlickerOffFadeLength Float ??? How long the fade should be when going to off.

6.3.3 Type SwingDoor

Entities with a door that swings open. There are some rules:
- May only have hinge joints
- Must open towards positive Z-axis.

Name Type Default Description
Health float 0 The health of the door, the door will be breakable this way.
Toughness int 0 The toughness of the door, depending on toughness of the attacking entity the door will or will not take damage.

6.3.4 Type Door

Door is an old entity type that was added even before the tech demo. It's a door that uses animations to open and close, and when closed it can block portals making it a good optimization tool in crowded areas.

The Door entity needs 4 animations named: Opening, Open, Closing and Closed. It's an opening animation, the static open look, the closing animation and the static closed door. See Chapter 2.2 for more details on animations.

		<Animation File="door_model_opening.dae" Name="Opening" Speed="1.0" />
		<Animation File="door_model_closed.dae"  Name="Closed" Speed="1.0" />
		<Animation File="door_model_closing.dae" Name="Closing" Speed="1.0" />
		<Animation File="door_model_open.dae" Name="Open" Speed="1.0" />
Name Type Default Description
OpenStartSound String " " Sound Played when started opening.
OpenLoopSound String " " Sound Looped when opening.
OpenStopSound String " " Sound Played when stopped opening.
OpenLoopStartFadeSpeed Float 1 Fade in speed of loop sound.
OpenLoopStopFadeSpeed Float 1 Fade out speed of loop sound.
CloseStartSound String " " Sound Played when started closing.
CloseLoopSound String " " Sound Looped when closing.
CloseStopSound String " " Sound Played when stopped closing.
CloseLoopStartFadeSpeed Float 1 Fade in speed of loop sound.
CloseLoopStopFadeSpeed Float 1 Fade out speed of loop sound.
OpenWhenBlocked Bool False If the door should openitself if blocked. For example, place a box in the gap to bounce doors open on collide.
BlockPortals Bool True If the door blocks portals when closed.

6.3.5 Type DoorPanel

An Entity that is an object that the player can interact with to trigger the Door entity. They require a certain naming that needs to be looked into, it's a sort of lost knowledge as it has never been used beyond early testing...

Name Type Default Description
ChangeWhileMoving Bool False If the door can have its state changed while it is moving.

6.3.6 Type Button

Name Type Default Description
InteractDist Float ??? Max interaction distance.
InteractOff Bool ??? If you can turn off by interacting.
InteractOn Bool ??? If you can turn on by interacting.
TurnOnSound String " " Sound played when turning on.
TurnOffSound String " " Sound played when turning off.
TurnOnAnimation String " " Animation played when turning on.
TurnOffAnimation String " " Animation played when turning off.
OffMaterialName String " " Material used when turned off.
OffSubMesh String " " Sub mesh that material is switch on (if OffMaterialName != "").

6.3.7 Type Wheel

Name Type Default Description
InteractDist Float 1.8f Max interaction distance.
MinLimit Float 0 Min limit of wheel (should be negative).
MaxLimit Float 0 Max limit of wheel (should be postive).
MinSound String " " Sound played at min.
MaxSound String " " Sound played at max.
StuckAtMin Bool false If it gets stuck at min.
StuckAtMax Bool false If it gets stuck at max.
SpinDir int 0 0=both dirs, 1=to max, -1=to min.
PauseControllers bool true if controllers should be paused during player interaction.

6.3.8 Type Enemy Enemy Dog

An enemy that can take care of itself.

Needs animations for:

  • Standing still, named: Idle
  • Walking forwards, named: Walk
  • Walking backwards, named: Backward
  • Running, named: Run
  • Eating, named: Eating
  • Attacking high, named: Attack
  • Rise right after knocked, named: RiseRight
  • Rise left after knocked,, named: RiseLeft
  • Attacking a door to break it, named: BreakDoor
  • Calling for backup, named: Howl
  • Attacking low, named: AttackLow
  • Seeing player and waiting to attack, named:Angry

Name Type Description
ShowDebug Bool Displays additional informaiton on the screen about the enemy and it's behavior, useful to check path nodes etc.
Name Type Description
Disappear Bool If the enemy should disappear on death.
DisappearMinTime Float The minimum of time before disappearing.
DisappearMaxTime Float The maximum of time before disappearing.
DisappearMinDistance Float The minimum of distance from player to disappear.
DisappearPS String Particle effect to display on disappearing.
DisappearSound String Sound to play on disappearing.
DisappearFreezesRagdoll Bool If the Ragdoll should turn static or remain active on diseappering.
Name Type Description
CloseMusic String The music to play when enemy close to player.
CloseMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
CloseMusicStartDist Float At what distance the music should start playing.
CloseMusicStopDist Float At what distance the music should stop playing.
AttackMusic String The music to play when enemy enters attack mode.
AttackMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
Name Type Description
MaxPushMass Float The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can move.
PushForce Float At what force an emeny pushes an object.
Name Type Description
MaxHealth Float The maximum health on an enemy, regenerates other time. 100 = players health.
MaxSeeDist Float The maximum distance that the enemy can spot the player.
Name Type Description
MaxForwardSpeed Float Maximum forward speed of enemy, default 1.
Acceleration Float Acceleration speed.
Deacceleration Float Deceleration speed.
StoppedToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from halt to walk.
WalkToStoppedSpeed Float How long to go from walk to halt.
WalkToRunSpeed Float How long to go from walk to run.
RunToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from run to walk.
MoveAnimSpeedMul Float Speed multiplier for the animations, to sync the animation to the movement speed.
Name Type Description
BodySize Vector3 The size of the body.
BodyMass Float The mass of the body.
Name Type Description
ModelOffset_Rot Vector3 Rotating offset for the model.
ModelOffset_Pos Vector3 Position offset for the model.
Name Type Description
AlignToGroundNormal Bool If the body should align to the ground as the ground changes angel.
Name Type Description
HitPS String Particle effect to be played at point of impact on enemy.
Name Type Description
MinKnockDamage Float The minimum damage where the enemy might be knocked over.
CertainKnockDamage Float The amount of damage where the enemy will always be knocked over.
Name Type Description
LengthBodyToAss Float Who knows... (Hahaha wtf)
Name Type Description
IdleFOV Float Field of view for enemy when idle.
IdleFoundPlayerSound String Sound for enemy spotting the player.
IdleMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of enemy seeing player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of enemy hearing the player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleSound String Sound to be played at random intervals.
IdleSoundMinInteraval Float Minimum time between each time it plays the idle sound.
IdleSoundMaxInteraval Float Maximum time between each time it plays the idle sound.
IdleCallBackupChance Float Chance of the enemy running away and calling for backup, 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
Name Type Description
InvestigateSound String Sound to be played when enemy hears or sees something worth investigating.
Name Type Description
AttentionSound String Sound to be played when the enemy sees player and goes into attention.
AttentionTime Float For how long the enemy will stay in attention, if player moves out of sight before end enemy will go back.
AttentionMinDist Float Minimum distance for attention to happen, if enemy within this distance it will go to attack directly.
Name Type Description
HuntFOV Float Field of view for enemy when in hunt mode.
HuntSpeed Float At what speed the enemy moves when in hunt mode.
HuntForLostPlayerTime Float For how long will enemy continue to hunt for the player when enemy lost track of player.
HuntMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of seeing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
HuntMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of hearing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
Name Type Description
AttackDistance Float At what distance the enemy will do it's attack.
AttackSpeed Float At what speed the attack will happen.
AttackJumpTime Float How long to delay before jump.
AttackDamageTime Float How long the damage from the attack will be active.
AttackDamageSize Vector3 How large the area will be affected by the attack.
AttackDamageRange Float How far the attack will reach.
AttackMinDamage Float Minimum damage dealt with each attack.
AttackMaxDamage Float Maximum damage dealt with each attack.
AttackStartSound String The sound to play at the beginning of an attack.
AttackHitSound String The sound to play when the attack is successful.
AttackMinMass Float Minimum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMaxMass Float Maximum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMinImpulse Float Minimum impulse given from an attack.
AttackMaxImpulse Float Maximum impulse given from an attack.
AttackStrength Float The strength of an attack.
Name Type Description
BreakDoorAnimation String The animation to use for enemy attacking a door it encounters locked/blocked.
BreakDoorSpeed Float At what speed to play the animation.
BreakDoorDamageTime Float How long the damage will be active for the attack.
BreakDoorDamageSize Vector3 The size of the area affected by the attack.
BreakDoorDamageRange Float The range of the attack.
BreakDoorMinDamage Float Minimum damage dealt with attack.
BreakDoorMaxDamage Float Maximum damage dealt with attack.
BreakDoorStartSound String Sound of start of door attack.
BreakDoorHitSound String Sound when hitting the door during attack.
BreakDoorMinMass Float The minimum mass affected by the attack.
BreakDoorMaxMass Float The maximum mass affected by the attack.
BreakDoorMinImpulse Float The minimum impulse given by the attack.
BreakDoorMaxImpulse Float The maximum impulse given by the attack.
BreakDoorStrength Float The strength of the attack on the door,.
BreakDoorRiseAtEnd Bool Should the rise animation be played at the end of the break door animation.
Name Type Description
KnockDownSound String The sound played as an enemy is knocked over.
Name Type Description
DeathSound String The sound played as an enemy dies.
Name Type Description
FleePositionChance Float The chance of fleeing when knocked. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
FleePositionMaxTime Float How long the flee will last.
FleePositionMinDistance Float Minimum distance to run away.
FleePositionMaxDistance Float Maximum distance to run away.
FleeBackChance Float The chance of running back to the player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
FleeBackTime Float How long it will wait to run back.
FleeBackSpeed Float At what speed to run back.
Name Type Description
CallBackupAnimation String What animation to use when calling for backup.
CallBackupSound String What sound to play during call for backup animation.
CallBackupRange Float How far the backup call will reach, one enemy within the range will come to help the other.
Name Type Description
EatFOV Float The field of view while eating
EatMinSeeChance Float The chance it will see the player while eating. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
EatMinHearVolume Float The chance it will hear the player while eating. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance. Enemy Spider

A erratic enemy that hunts the player when seen, and optionally runs away from the flashlight.

Needs animations for:

  • Standing still, named: Idle
  • Walking forwards, named: Walk
  • Running, named: Run
  • Attacking high, named: Attack
  • Death animation that takes over after landing from ragdoll, named:Death

Name Type Description
ShowDebug Bool Displays additional informaiton on the screen about the enemy and it's behavior, useful to check path nodes etc.
Disappear Bool If the enemy should disappear on death.
DisappearMinTime Float The minimum of time before disappearing.
DisappearMaxTime Float The maximum of time before disappearing.
DisappearMinDistance Float The minimum of distance from player to disappear.
DisappearPS String Particle effect to display on disappearing.
DisappearSound String Sound to play on disappearing.
DisappearFreezesRagdoll Bool If the Ragdoll should turn static or remain active on diseappering.
CloseMusic String The music to play when enemy close to player.
CloseMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
CloseMusicStartDist Float At what distance the music should start playing.
CloseMusicStopDist Float At what distance the music should stop playing.
AttackMusic String The music to play when enemy enters attack mode.
AttackMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
MaxPushMass Float The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can move.
PushForce Float At what force an emeny pushes an object.
MaxHealth Float The maximum health on an enemy, regenerates other time. 100 = players health.
MaxSeeDist Float The maximum distance that the enemy can spot the player.
AlignToGroundNormal Bool If the body should align to the ground as the ground changes angel.
MaxForwardSpeed Float Maximum forward speed of enemy, default 1.
Acceleration Float Acceleration speed.
Deacceleration Float Deceleration speed.
mfMaxTurnSpeed Float Turning speed.
mfAngleDistTurnMul Float Multiplier for turning ???.
mfMinBreakAngle Float Break angle ???
mfBreakAngleMul Float Multiplier for break angel ???
StoppedToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from halt to walk.
WalkToStoppedSpeed Float How long to go from walk to halt.
WalkToRunSpeed Float How long to go from walk to run.
RunToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from run to walk.
MoveAnimSpeedMul Float Speed multiplier for the animations, to sync the animation to the movement speed.
BodySize Vector3 The size of the body.
BodyMass Float The mass of the body.
ModelOffset_Rot Vector3 Rotating offset for the model.
ModelOffset_Pos Vector3 Position offset for the model.
HitPS String Particle effect to be played at point of impact on enemy.
MinKnockDamage Float The minimum damage where the enemy might be knocked over.
CertainKnockDamage Float The amount of damage where the enemy will always be knocked over.
LengthBodyToAss Float Who knows...
IdleFOV Float Field of view for enemy when idle.
IdleFoundPlayerSound String Sound for enemy spotting the player.
IdleMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of enemy seeing player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of enemy hearing the player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleMinWaitLength Float Minimum time it stands still waiting.
IdleMaxWaitLength Float Maximum time it stands still waiting.
HuntFOV Float Field of view for enemy when in hunt mode.
HuntSpeed Float At what speed the enemy moves when in hunt mode.
HuntForLostPlayerTime Float For how long will enemy continue to hunt for the player when enemy lost track of player.
HuntMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of seeing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
HuntMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of hearing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
AttackDistance Float At what distance the enemy will do it's attack.
AttackForce Float At what what force to do the attack.
AttackJumpTime Float How long to delay before jump.
AttackDamageTime Float How long the damage from the attack will be active.
AttackDamageSize Vector3 How large the area will be affected by the attack.
AttackDamageRange Float How far the attack will reach.
AttackMinDamage Float Minimum damage dealt with each attack.
AttackMaxDamage Float Maximum damage dealt with each attack.
AttackStartSound String The sound to play at the beginning of an attack.
AttackHitSound String The sound to play when the attack is successful.
AttackMinMass Float Minimum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMaxMass Float Maximum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMinImpulse Float Minimum impulse given from an attack.
AttackMaxImpulse Float Maximum impulse given from an attack.
AttackStrength Float The strength of an attack.
KnockDownSound String The sound played as an enemy is knocked over.
DeathSound String The sound played as an enemy dies.
FleeMinDistance Float Minimum distance the enemy runs away when fleeing.
FleeMaxDistance Float Maximum distance the enemy runs away when fleeing.
FleeFromFlashlight Float IF the enemy should be scared of the flashlight beam. Enemy Worm

An enemy that follows the player around and deals damage at set intervals.

Needs animations for:

  • Being still, named: Idle
  • Moving, named: Move
  • Attacking, named: Attack

Name Type Description
ShowDebug Bool Displays additional informaiton on the screen about the enemy and it's behavior, useful to check path nodes etc.
Disappear Bool If the enemy should disappear on death.
CloseMusic String The music to play when enemy close to player.
CloseMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
CloseMusicStartDist Float At what distance the music should start playing.
CloseMusicStopDist Float At what distance the music should stop playing.
AttackMusic String The music to play when enemy enters attack mode.
AttackMusicPrio Int The priority of the music, should be higher than ambient music of level or else it wont play.
MaxPushMass Float The maximum mass of an object that the enemy can move.
PushForce Float At what force an emeny pushes an object.
MaxHealth Float The maximum health on an enemy, regenerates other time. 100 = players health.
MaxSeeDist Float The maximum distance that the enemy can spot the player.
AlignToGroundNormal Bool If the body should align to the ground as the ground changes angel.
MaxForwardSpeed Float Maximum forward speed of enemy, default 1.
Acceleration Float Acceleration speed.
Deacceleration Float Deceleration speed.
mfMaxTurnSpeed Float Turning speed.
mfAngleDistTurnMul Float Multiplier for turning ???.
mfMinBreakAngle Float Break angle ???
mfBreakAngleMul Float Multiplier for break angel ???
StoppedToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from halt to walk.
WalkToStoppedSpeed Float How long to go from walk to halt.
WalkToRunSpeed Float How long to go from walk to run.
RunToWalkSpeed Float How long to go from run to walk.
MoveAnimSpeedMul Float Speed multiplier for the animations, to sync the animation to the movement speed.
BodySize Vector3 The size of the body.
BodyMass Float The mass of the body.
ModelOffset_Rot Vector3 Rotating offset for the model.
ModelOffset_Pos Vector3 Position offset for the model.
HitPS String Particle effect to be played at point of impact on enemy.
MoveSound String A sound to play while moving.
IdleFOV Float Field of view for enemy when idle.
IdleFoundPlayerSound String Sound for enemy spotting the player.
IdleMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of enemy seeing player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of enemy hearing the player. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
IdleMinWaitLength Float Minimum time it stands still waiting.
IdleMaxWaitLength Float Maximum time it stands still waiting.
HuntFOV Float Field of view for enemy when in hunt mode.
HuntSpeed Float At what speed the enemy moves when in hunt mode.
HuntForLostPlayerTime Float For how long will enemy continue to hunt for the player when enemy lost track of player.
HuntMinSeeChance Float Minimum chance of seeing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
HuntMinHearVolume Float Minimum chance of hearing the player when in hunt. 0 never 1 always, 0.x the chance.
AttackInterval Float At what intervals the attacks will be.
AttackDamage Float The damage dealt from an attack.
AttackHitSound String The sound to play when attacking with a hit.
AttackHitSoundInterval Float The interval between hit sounds.
AttackMinMass Float Minimum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMaxMass Float Maximum mass that will be affected by an attack.
AttackMinImpulse Float Minimum impulse given from an attack.
AttackMaxImpulse Float Maximum impulse given from an attack.
AttackStrength Float The strength of an attack.
AttackDamageSize Vector3 How large the area will be affected by the attack. Enemy Roach (Flying dolphin)

All properties hardcoded. ???

6.3.9 Type Item

Name Type Default Description
ImageFile String " " The image file to be loaded.
CanBeDropped Bool True If it should be possible to drop the item.
NameCat String " " Translation Category for name.
NameEntry String " " Translation Entry for name.
DescCat String " " Translation Category for description.
DescEntry String " " Translation Entry for description.
ItemType String "Normal" Type of Item, different types of items see below for possible values.
HasCount Bool False If the item has a count, ie it only takes up one slot.
Count Int 1 If the items has a count this specifies how much the count increases.
PickUpSound String "player_pickup_generic" The sound that is played when the item is picked.
HudModelFile String " " The hud file to be used.
HudModelName String " " The name of the object in the hud file.
EnterFlashDist Float 3 The Distance at which an item can flash.
ExitFlashDist Float 6 The distance at which the flash will be reset and it might flash again (when in sight and near enough).
SkipRayCheck Bool False Skips the ray check when doing flashes. Different types of Items
ItemType Description
Normal Regular items, as it's default you do not need to add an ItemType to the GAME unless you are going to specify any of the below.
Note Note item that will be added to notebook, is a Type="Item", SubType="Normal".
Map Map item that will be added to map folder, this type was canceled but might still be functional.
Battery Battery item, is a Type="Item", SubType="Battery".
Throw A throwable object like the dynamite that can be wielded and charged to throw, is a Type="Item", SubType="Dynamite"/SubType="DogFood" .
Flashlight Flashlight item that will run on batteries, is a Type="Item", SubType="Normal".
GlowStick Light item that will last indefinitely, is a Type="Item", SubType="Normal".
Flare Light item that will burn out, is a Type="Item", SubType="Flare".
Food Eatable, do not think it has been used at all. But it should be there.. maybe.
Painkillers A health item that restores the players health, is a Type="Item", SubType="Health".
WeaponMelee An item that can be wielded and swung around, is a Type="Item", SubType="Normal".
