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m (Mudbill moved page HPL2/TDD/game.cfg to HPL2/game.cfg: Moved to engine level because it is the same for both HPL2 games)

Revision as of 21:17, 16 September 2020

This page lists entries within the game.cfg file found in /config and in full conversion mods. Warning: Some of the descriptions are missing and some are currently untested assumptions. WIP page.


Parameter Functionality
MaxSmoothMousePos Add info
PrevSmoothMousePosMul Add info


Parameter Functionality
InGameMusicvolume Global volume for music


Parameter Functionality
VoiceTextFontSize Subtitle font size
VoiceTextRowWidth Subtitle width limit before it breaks a new line


Parameter Functionality
QuestCompletionValue Add info
ItemCompletionValue Add info
NoteCompletionValue Add info
DiaryCompletionValue Add info
FlashbackCompletionValue Add info
ChestCompletionValue Add info


Parameter Functionality
MaxAutoSaves Amount of maximum auto saves to store in user files


Parameter Functionality
EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance Maximum distance from player that enemies glow in darkness


Parameter Functionality
EventsFile Name of file to use for insanity events. Default: misc/main_sanity_events.cfg
MinTimeBetweenEvents Minimum time until another insanity event can happen again
MaxEventSanity Maximum sanity the player can have to experience insanity events
MaxSanity_LongWait Add info
MaxSanity_MedWait Add info
MaxSanity_ShortWait Add info
TimeBetween_LongWait Add info
TimeBetween_MedWait Add info
TimeBetween_ShortWait Add info
MaxExamineSanity Maximum sanity the player can have to use ExamineAreas
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin Add info
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax Add info


SlimeType0_AttackSound Sound played when attacked by a slime area
SlimeType0_AttackPS Particles played when attacked by a slime area
SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage Minimum damage a slime area can inflict
SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage Maximum damage a slime area can inflict
SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount Amount of screen shake applied when hit by a slime area


FOV The "Field of View" visible from the player's perspective
FarClipPlane For optimization, the distance in which objects aren't rendered
NearClipPlane Add info
FocusTextFont The font used when displaying text in focus by the player (extension .fnt)
HeadSpinDamageSpeed The speed at which the player's head spins when damaged
HeadSpinDeacc The deacceleration to slow down head spin
MaxCameraSmoothAngles Add info
TerrorSound The sound played when chased by an enemy
TerrorIncSpeed Add info
TerrorDecSpeed Add info
MaxPrevSpeedsSaved Add info
AutoKillYPos The Y co-ordinate position in the level to automatically kill the player at if they pass
FlashbackRadialBlurSize The size of the radial blur effect applied during flashbacks
FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist The start distance at which the radial blur starts
FlashbackWorldSoundVolume The global sound level used during a flashback
FlashbackMoveSpeedMul The walk speed multiplier used for the player during flashbacks
FlashbackRunSpeedMul The run speed multiplier used for the player during flashbacks
Death_HeightAdd The height change of the camera during death
Death_HeightAddCrouch The height change of the camera during death (while crouching)
Death_FadeTime The fade out time during death
Death_MaxSanityGain The maximum amount of sanity the player respawns with
Death_MaxHealthGain The maximum amount of health the player respawns with
Death_MaxOilGain The maximum amount of oil the player respawns with
Death_MinSanityGain The minimum amount of sanity the player respawns with
Death_MinHealthGain The minimum amount of health the player respawns with
Death_MinOilGain The minimum amount of oil the player respawns with
Death_HeightAddSpeed The speed of which the height change of the camera changes
Death_RollSpeed The speed of camera roll
Death_StartSound The sound played when dying
Death_AwakenSound The sound played when respawning
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal The height change of the camera during a sanity collapse
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed The speed of which the camera change happens
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed The speed of which the camera changes back to normal
InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed The speed of which the camera rolls when collapsing
InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed The speed of which the camera rolls back to normal
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity The sanity the player is left with after awaking a sanity collapse
InsanityCollapse_SleepTime The time the player is collapsed
InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul The speed multiplier while collapsed
InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul The speed multiplier while waking up
InsanityCollapse_StartSound The sound played when collapsing
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound The sound played when awaking a collapse
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound The sound played while being collapsed
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume The sound volume while collapsed
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound Random sounds being played while collapsed
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime The minimum amount of time between a random sound
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime The maximum amount of time between a random sound
Hurt_EffectStartHealth At what health amount should damage effects start playing
Hurt_MinSpeedMul Minimum speed multiplier while hurt
Hurt_MaxPantCount Add info
Hurt_PantSpeed Add info
Hurt_PantSize Add info
HealthRegainSpeed Add info
HealthRegainLimit Add info
Hurt_NoiseAlpha The amount of opacity for the noise effect when on low health
Hurt_NoiseFreq The frequency of the noise effect
Hurt_NoiseColor The color of the noise effect (red, green, blue, alpha)
SanityGain_Color The color of the sanity boost effect (red, green, blue, alpha)
SanityGain_Sound The sound played when given a sanity boost
SanityGain_FadeInTime The time it takes to fade in a sanity boost
SanityGain_FadeOutTime The time it takes to fade out a sanity boost
HandsRotationSmoothNum Add info
HandsPosAddMul Add info
FallDamageBounceSizeMul Add info
FallDamageBounceSpeedMul Add info
FallDamageSpeed_Min The minimum amount of speed needed to receive minimum fall damage
FallDamage_Min The minimum amount of damage received from minor falls
FallDamageSound_Min The sound played when taking minimum fall damage
FallDamageSpeed_Med The minimum amount of speed needed to receive medium fall damage
FallDamage_Med The minimum amount of damage received from medium falls
FallDamageSound_Med The sound played when taking medium fall damage
FallDamageSpeed_Max The minimum amount of speed needed to receive maximum fall damage
FallDamage_Max The minimum amount of damage received from major falls
FallDamageSound_Max The sound played when taking maximum fall damage


GrabMaxForce Maximum force applied to a thrown object
GrabMaxTorque Add info
GrabMaxAngularSpeed Maximum angular speed for thrown object
GrabMinSlowPlayerMass Add info
GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass Add info
GrabMinSlowPlayerMul Add info
GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed Add info
GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed Add info
PushMaxSpeedWalk The maximum amount of force applied to a push object while walking
PushMaxSpeedRun The maximum amount of force applied to a push object while running
PushMaxSpeedCrouch The maximum amount of force applied to a push object while crouching
PushForceWalk The amount of force applied to a push object while walking
PushForceRun The amount of force applied to a push object while running
PushForceCrouch The amount of force applied to a push object while crouching
PushYawRange Add info
PushPitchMinRange Add info
PushPitchMaxRange Add info
PushMaxForce Maximum amount of force applied when pushing
MoveToMouseAddFactor Add info
MoveMaxForce Maximum amount of force applied when moving
SlideMaxForce Maximum amount of force applied to a slide object
Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can focus objects from
Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can grab objects from
Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can push objects from
Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can slide objects from
SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use a swing door from
Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use a lever from
Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use a wheel from
Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use an item from
LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use a level door from
MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist The default maximum distance at which the player can use a multi slider from
Commentary_MaxFocusDist The maximum distance at which the player can activate a commentary icon from
Ladder_MaxFocusDist The maximum distance at which the player can use a ladder from
Examine_MaxFocusDist The maximum distance at which the player can focus an examine area from
Sign_MaxFocusDist The maximum distance at which the player can focus a sign area from
ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist The maximum distance at which the player can focus a script area from
MinUseItemDistance The minimum distance an item can be used from


Mass The mass of the player's body
Size The size of the player's cylinder shape body
CrouchSize the size of the player while crouching
GravityForce The amount and direction of the gravitational pull (X, Y, Z)
CameraPosAdd The position of the camera on the player (X, Y, Z)
CameraSmoothPosNum Add info
AccurateClimbing Whether climbing on ladders should be accurate
MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle Maximum angle of environment before the player starts sliding down
MaxPushMass The maximum mass the player can push by the use of objects
PushForce The force used when pushing by object collision
CharacterMaxPushMass The maximum mass the player's body can push
CharacterPushForce The force used when pushing by player collision.
MaxStepSize The maximum size of the player's steps
MaxStepSizeInAir The maximum step size while in the air
StepClimbSpeed The speed at which the player's steps happen when climbing a ladder


MinLightLevel The minimum level of light before the night vision is activated
RadiusAdd The radius of the active night vision effect
AmbientLightMinLightLevel The minimum light level for the night vision effect
AmbientLightRadius Add info
AmbientLightIntensity The intensity of the night vision effect's light level
AmbientLightFadeInTime The time it takes to fade in the full night vision effect
AmbientLightFadeOutTime The time it takes to fade out from the full night vision effect
AmbientLightColor The color for the night vision effect
LoopSoundFile The sound file played and looped while in the darkness
LoopSoundVolume The volume for the darkness sound
LoopSoundStartupTime The time it takes for the darkness sound to start playing
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed The time it takes for the darkness sound to fade in
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed The time it takes for the darkness sound to fade out
SanityLossPerSecond The amount of sanity drained per second while in the darkness


HitZoomInSpeed The zoom in speed of the sanity drain effect when hit for sanity damage
HitZoomOutSpeed The zoom out speed of the sanity drain effect when hit for sanity damage
HitZoomInFOVMul The field of view multiplier when zooming in
HitZoomInAspectMul The aspect ratio multiplier when zooming in
SanityRegainSpeed The speed for regaining sanity when in light
SanityRegainLimit The maximum limit for automatically regaining sanity
SanityVeryLowLimit The limit to determine very low sanity
SanityEffectsStart The maximum amount of sanity before sanity effects can play
SanityWaveAlphaMul The alpha multiplier for the wave effect during sanity drain
SanityWaveSpeedMul The speed multiplier for the wave effect during sanity drain
CheckNearEnemyInterval The frequency of the interval to check for nearby enemies
NearEnemyDecrease The sanity decrease when near enemies
NearCritterDecrease The sanity decrease when near critters
StartSwayMaxSanity The maximum amount of sanity before the swaying sanity effect plays
SwayMaxSavedPositions Add info
SanityLowLimit The limit to determine low sanity
SanityLowLimitMaxTime Add info
SanityLowNewSanityAmount Add info
LightLampMinSanityIncrease The minimum sanity increase while in the light of the lantern
LightLampMaxSanityIncrease The maximum sanity increase while in the light of the lantern


Parameter Functionality
Color The color of the lantern light (red, green, blue, alpha)
Radius The radius of the lantern light
Gobo The gobo file for the lantern light
LocalOffset Add info
TurnOnSound The sound for enabling the lantern
TurnOffSound The sound for disabling the lantern
OutOfOilSound The sound for when the lantern is out of oil
DisabledSound The sound for when the lantern is disabled
CastShadows Whether the lantern light should cast shadows
LowerOilSpeed The speed at which the oil is drained from the lantern
FadeLightOilAmount The level of oil at which to fade the lantern ligth


Parameter Functionality
UpSpeed The speed the player climbs up the ladder
DownSpeed The speed the player climbs down the ladder
StepLength The length of each step in the ladder


ForwardAcc The forwards acceleration speed
SidewayAcc The sideways acceleration speed
ForwardDeacc The forwards deacceleration speed
SidewayDeacc The sideways deacceleration speed
ForwardOppositeDirAccMul The acceleration speed when changing to the opposite direction while moving forwards
SidewayOppositeDirAccMul The acceleration speed when changing to the opposite direction while moving sideways


Parameter Functionality
JumpSound The sound played when jumping
CrouchSound The sound played when crouching
StandSound The sound played when un-crouching
MaxForwardSpeed The maximum speed when walking forwards
MaxBackwardSpeed The maximum speed when walking backwards
MaxSidwaySpeed The maximum speed when walking sideways
RunForwardMul The forwards running multiplier
RunBackwardMul The backwards running mulitplier
RunSidewayMul The sideways running multiplier
CrouchForwardMul The multiplier for crouching forwards
CrouchBackwardMul The multiplier for crouching backwards
CrouchSidewayMul The multiplier for crouching sideways
InAirForwardMul The multiplier for moving forwards while in mid-air
InAirBackwardMul The multiplier for moving backwards while in mid-air
InAirSidewayMul The multiplier for moving sideways while in mid-air
MaxJumpCount Add info
JumpStartForce The force applied when jumping
JumpCrouchStartForce The force applied when crouch jumping
CrouchBobMax The maximum amount of camera bobbing while crouching
WalkBobMax The maximum amount of camera bobbing while walking
RunBobMax The maximum amount of camera bobbing while running
CrouchMinBobSpeed The minimum speed of bobbing while crouching
CrouchMaxBobSpeed The maximum speed of bobbing while crouching
WalkMinBobSpeed The minimum speed of bobbing while walking
WalkMaxBobSpeed The maximum speed of bobbing while walking
RunMinBobSpeed The minimum speed of bobbing while running
RunMaxBobSpeed The maximum speed of bobbing while running
GroundBounceSize Add info
GroundBounceSpeed Add info
MinHitGroundBounceSpeed Add info


Parameter Functionality
CheckUpdatesPerSecond The amount of updates per second while climbing
ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward Add info
ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop Add info
ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd Add info
CheckMaxPushDist Add info
HeadMoveSpeed The speed at which the player's head (the camera) moves
HeadMoveSlowdownDist The distance where the head starts slowing down
GivePlayerControlDist The distance at which the player regains control from the edge of the ladder
MovePitchFactor Add info
MaxMovePitchSpeed Add info