Difference between revisions of "HPL2/main init.cfg"

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(Added AllowHardMode entry to Variables table)
m (Mudbill moved page HPL2/TDD/main init.cfg to HPL2/main init.cfg: Moved to engine level because it is the same for both HPL2 games)

Revision as of 21:08, 16 September 2020


Parameter Functionality
Resources File with all resource directories
Materials The file with all physics materials
Game Path for game settings
Menu Path for menu settings
PreMenu Path for pre-menu settings
Demo Path for demo settings
DefaultMainSettings Main game settings
DefaultMainSettingsMedium "Medium" game settings
DefaultMainSettingsHigh "High" game settings
DefaultUserSettings Default user settings
DefaultUserKeys Default user keys settings
DefaultBaseLanguage The base language file. Should probably remains
DefaultGameLanguage The default language file to load. Note that directory below is used to find this


Parameter Functionality
MainSaveFolder This is very important to change. This is where the save games and user settings are stored
BaseLanguageFolder Folder where the base language folder placed.
GameLanguageFolder Folder where the game specific language files can be found
CustomStoryPath Path for custom stories


GameName Name of the game window
AllowHardMode Whether to allow the game to prompt to user to start in "Normal" mode or "Hard" mode when they start a new game. Setting this to false (default) skips the prompt and starts in "Normal" mode.


Parameter Functionality
File The map where the game starts
Folder The base folder for all maps
Pos The start position of the player