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int lIntValue = mvIntegerArray[100];</syntaxhighlight>
int lIntValue = mvIntegerArray[100];</syntaxhighlight>
[[Category:HPL3 Scripting]]
[[Category:HPL3 Classes]]
[[Category:HPL3 Classes]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 6 August 2020

The array class is unique in the HPL3 API in that it uses what is called a generic template. What this means is, when you create an array, you need to specify what variable type the array will be holding. This ensures that all objects within a given array are guaranteed to be of that type, eliminating the need for redundant conversions and type checks.


array <typename T> has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
int find const T &in aValue Returns the index of the first element in the array equal to the given value, or -1 if the value was not found.
int find uint alIndex,
const T &in aValue
Returns the index of the first element in the array equal to the given value, or -1 if the value was not found. Only checks elements starting at the given index.
void insertAt uint alIndex,
const T &in aValue
Inserts the value at the specified index, shifting existing values to the right.
void insertBack const T &in aValue %%Using this function results in an error.%%
void insertLast const T &in aValue Inserts the value into a new index at the end of the array.
uint length Returns the number of elements within the array.
void pop_back Removes the element at the end of the array.
void pop_front Removes the element at the beginning of the array.
void push_back const T &in aValue Inserts the given value at the end of the array.
void push_front const T &in aValue Inserts the given value at the beginning of the array.
void removeAt uint alIndex Removes the value at the specified index, shifting values after the index to the left.
void removeFirst Removes the value at the beginning of the array.
void removeLast Removes the value at the end of the array.
void resize uint alSize Resizes the array to the specified size, creating or removing elements as necessary.
void reverse Reverses the order of elements in the array.
uint size Returns the number of elements within the array.
void sortAsc Sorts all elements in the array into ascending order.
void sortAsc uint alIndex,
uint alLength
Sorts elements in the array into ascending order, affecting only the subsection at the given index to the given length.
void sortDesc Sorts all elements in the array into descending order.
void sortDesc uint alIndex,
uint alLength
Sorts elements in the array into descending order, affecting only the subsection at the given index to the given length.


To declare an array, you put the type the array will be holding between a less than operator ( < ) and a greater than operator ( > ).

// An array of integers
array<int> mvIntegerArray;

// An array of floats
array<float> mvFloatArray;

// An array of strings
array<tString> mvStringArray;

There are a number of ways to add values to your array. The simplest way is to use the push_back function. This automatically puts the given value at the end of the array.


// The contents of mvIntegerArray: { 5, 2, 11 }

Another common way is to assign a value to an existing index within the array, using the square bracket ( [ ] ) syntax. (Indeces start at 0.)

mvIntegerArray[0] = 29;
mvIntegerArray[2] = -12;

// The contents of mvIntegerArray: { 29, 2, -12 }

To retrieve an element from within the array, use the square bracket ([]) syntax with an integer index.

int lIntValue = mvIntegerArray[0];

// The value of lIntvalue: 29

Trying to assign a value to or retrieve a value from an index that does not exist in the array will result in an error.

// If the index at [100] doesn't exist, both of these lines
// of code will throw an error.
mvIntegerArray[100] = 5;
int lIntValue = mvIntegerArray[100];

// However, the following code will work just fine
mvIntegerArray[100] = 5;
int lIntValue = mvIntegerArray[100];


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