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Revision as of 19:54, 19 July 2020

7 Configuration files

7.1 default_settings.cfg

This file is located in the redist/config folder. This file contains all the default settings for the game, the first time the game is running these will be used. When the user exits the game the first time his settings will be saved to the settings.cfg file located in "My Documents/Penumbra Overture/EpisodeX/".

7.2 game.cfg

This file is located in the redist/config folder.

Various configuration options for change the players movement, item settings, camera height etc

7.3 startup.cfg

This file is located in the redist/config folder.

Decides how many and which logos/graphical screens to fade in and out during startup.

7.4 materials.cfg

This file is located in the redist folder.

This configuration files contains all your physical materials. Meaning how much friction, elasticity and sounds a certain surface creates and how they are created in combination with other surfaces.

See chapter 5.6 for details.

7.5 resources.cfg

This file is located in the redist folder.

This file contains the list of directories that the game/hpl engine will look in for content. These directories have been added using the HplHelper.exe, you can also edit the file by hand.

  <Directory Path="/directory/sub_directory/" />

This will add a directory located in the same catalog as the HplHelper.exe called "directory/sub_directory".